
Europaloo - 3. Charing Cross

3 – Charing Cross

>>This is Paddington. Mind the doors.<<

Listen mom.

Dinlersen, işitebilirsin.

Yes, darling.

>>Next stop Charing Cross. This is a Babel line service. Charing Cross our next stop.<<

Wenn kein Sinn darin ist…

I need a personal translator.

…so erspart uns das eine Menge Arbeit…

Why do you need a personal translator?

Because Alice has got it!

…denn dann brauchen wir auch keinen zu suchen.

Mom, Alice has got it!

But Alice hasn’t been to Babel-school yet.

No hi ha res que m'agrade més...

I have!

...que agafar dos o tres números recents de revistes culturals...

I have! I have!

...retirar-me al meu estudi...

Mom! I’ve been to Babel-school!

Yes, you have. And that’s why you don’t need a personal translator.

...i començar a llegir.

You can have a personal robot, if you like. A personal Küchikastli. Even a double-decker. I can get a wind quintet for you, darling. But you don’t need a personal translator.

Nimi Eurooppa on mahdollisesti vieläpä peräisin kreikkalaisen mytologian prinsessa Europasta_

But I want it!

Конечно, в том, что за деньги не купишь счастье, нет ничего нового.

Mom, I want a personal translator.

E piantla ‘n po’ li’.

Mooooom! I want it!

_joka joutui härän hahmon todenteolla ottaneen Zeuksen sieppaamaksi.

Ssh darling. Good girl. Monsu’, el masnà al’è n’camin ca vu dà fastidi?

D`Froog, wo Europa aafoot beziihic’swisi uffhoert…

Oh, pas du tout. I beg your pardon.

…wird heftic diskutïert.

>>This is Charing Cross.<<

My lady, a life dominated by a single language…

¿Como evitar repetir de novo os erros do pasado

Premature polyglot skills make for adults in whom empathy with their fellow beings, with intercultural processes and with the world’s diversity

Parole grosse.

>>Alight here for National Rail Services<<

ist einfach selbstverständlich.

e criar condicións para unha coexistência duradeira entre línguas tan diferentes?

…is I’m afraid a narrow life…

>>and for the District, Circle, Northern, Southern and Bakerloo lines<<

… and at the start of the day incompatible…

>>Don’t forget your personal languages...<<

…with every kind of real change of mental scenery.

>>…and belongings. Thanks for traveling with Babel line today.<

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