Rio and Resorts (world) June 2024 Part II

Monday, Part II

Cab ride from Rio to Resorts World was fast. And even though my Rio host got me a late check-out, I knew the odds of getting checked into RW before 2PM were slim to none. I have barked up that tree before. 

We are staying at the Conrad Hotel, as per the usual. It's a nice suite, with a good layout. I mentioned the offer in the first half of this report. It is the same one Rio matched. $1,000 in Free Play and $200 in dining credit. It is a good offer for sure. 

Check-in went as planned. No room ready. They do this weird thing here at the check-in desk, when they hand you something. They use 2 hands to give you your credit card back, and hold it by their finger tips. Then give you a slight bow. Much be a Gentling thing. I don't know. The desk agent did give us a key to the pool, if we needed to kill some time before the room was ready. That was the 2 handed bow thing as well. 

I mentioned in my Part One, that my favorite host in all of Las Vegas was here. And the very reason why I jumped ship to follow her over, when she left the Cosmopolitan. Well, she is no longer my host. I knew I was over kicking my coverage with her. And I can only assume by now, she finally has a stable of better players. And dropped me. I asked her about it, when my new RW host emailed me. And she was sweet enough to tell me she forgot to add my name to a list or something. And that's why she lost me. But I get it. She was great while it lasted. The new host seems fine. No limo offers, connecting rooms or anything now. But that's to be expected with my level of play. I was fighting above my weight class here with that stuff anyway. 

We dropped our bags at the bell desk, and wandered around for a bit. I know this place like the back of my hand by now. For the third Vegas trip in a row, I will be spending at least part of my vacation with them. I have fielded a few questions on RW's over the past year. And the one thing most people ask me is, "How is the gambling"? My answer is always the same, it's good! And better than most places on the Strip, in my experience.

There is a rumor going around the internet that their slots are not just tight. But very tight. It seems to stem from one source, that being Scott Roeben over at Vital Vegas. I like VV, and read his blog often. I don't know how much time he put into his theory on tightness. And he never posted any facts on his conclusion. Even though he stats their tightness as a "fact". 

Hell, just the other day he posted. And I quote. "We love Resorts World, but don’t visit often due to the fact its slot machines are tighter than yoga pants on an elephant seal after a visit to Cold Stone Creamery on a “Two-fer Tuesday.”". A clever line for sure! But after logging dozens of hours, over many days, I have had the opposite experience here. 

My offers are good, best I have in town in fact. Mostly because I can grind so much coin through their slots, as in my experience, they payback well. My trip here last May, I did $25K of coin in over 2 nights. And I lost $1,000. The trip before that, $26K coin in 2 days and a total loss of $1,500. Yes, both loses. But over $50,000 gambled through their slots, and a loss of $2,500 is NOTHING. They have given me that much in Free Play alone. Let alone free food, rooms and limo rides.

Maybe I was just lucky the last two trips. Maybe it is a fair casino, if you can push through any short term variance. Maybe we will never know. But let's see what happens this time!

Juniors to the right in the pic above is new since we were last here. I have already forgotten the name of the overpriced uninspiring joint it replaced since my last trip. We have them on our list of places to eat, as there honestly aren't many options here for our delicate taste buds and budget. But that has never stopped us from staying at a fancy resort before. 

By now, its around 3PM and we are running out of places to kill time at. Still no room text... But the kids are spending their vacation money on fancy bath products. 

And even being after 3PM on a Monday, Famous Foods only had 20% of their stalls open. Which is always annoying! Either you sell food, or you don't. These places have like 3-5 workers tops at each. If you cant staff that at all times, you are doing something wrong. The casino itself seems fairly busy for a weekday. 

Shop. Wait. Shop. Wait. Get ice cream. Wait. In the last picture below, that's the kids convincing Mom why they should be getting ice cream. I guess they made a good argument. 

While they are getting ice cream, at yet another new place that replaced an old place that didn't work out. This time it is an ice cream and cake shop. That was once a vegan ice cream shop. As far as we can tell, outside of some cakes on the menu. Not much has changed beyond the name on the sign. 

I did hop into the casino, just to get my fix. And it turns out they have a slot promo running, where you earn 1,000 points and get to join a tournament. News to me. There is no mention on their site. And zero signage anywhere in the casino. If I didn't dick around trying to see if my free play was already loaded (it was) I doubt I'd have known this was happening. Typical Resorts World. Good idea, bad execution. 

I touched a little golden trophy on my account, and this screen popped up below. I guess you play the tournament directly on most any game in the casino. Which is super convenient! 

My 109,195 above just missed out on placing. But who knows how high the better scores will be by 9PM at night, when the tournament ends. Shit, I don't even know what it is I am playing to win. Again, zero mention of this any place I have looked. 

It is now almost 4PM, and we have wandered aimlessly for a couple hours. Outside of cash for ice cream, we are holding off on actually eating until we get a room. We cant use the resort credit, until we have a room number to bill against. So, we head out to the pool area, where even though we cant swim without our suits. They still have stuff to do. 

I leave the ladies to play bags, corn hole or whatever different regions call the game. And they find a foosball table. I go back inside to "check on the room". Which really means to go convert my free play.

Status check for the trip. Between cabs, tips, gambling losses (-$1,500 Rio & - $300 Palms) I am down about $2K for the trip. Don't ask me why, but I decided to convert $500 of my $1,000 in free play, on Davinci Diamonds in the high limit room. It was the wrong choice, and I only turned it into $325.

$500 left, and I made up some ground. Flipped that into $490. Which is solid! So $1,000 FP into $815 real money. Now I am only down $1200 for the trip. I should cash out now and hang out in the room for the next 2 days.

But wait! No fucking way! They have that damn Casper game here too! I should have saved my money. Instead of losing $300 on it at Palms, I could have played and earned points on it here. Who knew?

This Casper could be played for quarters, fifty centsis's or dollars. I stick a hundo in, and hit for $112. I play on, and hit the Casper progressive for $437! Almost $500 more in a blink. And now I am only down $700 for the trip. Vegas! Vegas! Vegas! 

I cash Casper money out, and start with a new hundo. And wouldn't you know it. I am now almost even for the trip, after ripping off this $402 win below. God, I love it when that happens. It is so much more satisfying to lose and get it back. Then to win and go back down to even. The net results are the same. But the physiological differences are immense! 

And this is a welcome sight to see. They actually put in a real players club desk! The shared cashier/club booth always seemed like a cheap idea to save a buck. I hated when I wanted a copy of my card, and I have to sit through someone with a rack of chips. Or someone else, opening a line of credit. Sure, they had those card kiosks. But you cant load free play and such on them. At least not that I know of. Point being, a real desk is a long overdue addition. 

By now, it is almost 5PM and my room is actually ready. Took them long enough! Check in was at 4PM. But like I said, they have a history with me of not getting shit done on time. I send the wife up with the room keys, and give her a fiver to tip the bellman when he brings up the bags. I already gave him a fiver to watch em 3 hours ago.

Only 2 nights left in Vegas, I have all of my money and zero interest in anything but playing right now. I told her to just head down to eat, once the bags showed up. 

Some up and down action for the next 30MINs or so. A decent $214 Quick Hit progressive. And a shitty $152 bonus on Spartacus. Both on $10 bets. 

I wander back into the High Limit room, and take a stab at $10 denom Top Dollar. I have played this machine every stay here. I have done well on it. Nothing huge, but more hits than misses. My last trip I had a decent line hit on it. This time, I actually got the fucking bonus!

First offer, 350 dollars. On a $20 bet? Try again. Next offer $250. Ugh, I might have fucked myself. Try again. Third offer 900 dollars. Accept! Accept!

Cash that bitch out, and as I go to walk out of the HL room....

Vegas Matt and the gang! Unlike D Lucky (Did I mention he is a piece of shit?) at the Rio. Vegas Matt, by nearly all accounts, seems like a good dude. I watch his videos every day on YouTube. They were just dicking around and not filming, so I went over to pay my respects. He was gracious and thanked me for watching.

Text the wife that Matt is here, as she watches him as well. And she tells me the bags are in hand, and she will head down shortly. I know shortly with my two dingbat kids, means at least 30 minutes to perform what normal people can do in 10. So, I have time. And did I mention, I am now up for the trip?

Casper again! Only $90, but still. A win is a win. 

By now, I have all kinds of these free tournaments built up in my account. I did a few on my own, and it seemed to draw a crowd. You just slap at the screen as fast as you can. Which isn't out of place in an actual tournament, where everyone is doing the same in a roped off area. With this, you do it any place you want in the casino. And you look and at least I felt like an idiot. 

I became the Shell Answer Man (look it up for you youngsters) for other players. "What are you doing?" "What game is that?" "Did you have to sign up for this?" Seriously, I did more to spread the word on this slot promo. Than the entire Resorts World Marketing team combined. 

I did not want the attention again, so I asked the wife to do the last few. I guess they max you out at 10 per day, and I was at that limit. She is much more limber than I!

Dinner time, after 6PM, and only half of the food court stalls are open. Shit. We hit up one of them selling Mexican food, and ask the ubiquitous question about Gluten Free. And to our surprise, everything they sell was GF! No shared fryer for the chips. Only corn tortillas. The cashier answered all questions, and we got ourselves a meal. And she got herself a tip.

It was good too. And fairly reasonable. Again, for Vegas standards. They even had Mexican Coke, with real sugar. Which is the Coke of my childhood. "Real" US Coke just tastes like chemicals IMO. Outside of Coke Zero on the rare occasion, I am not a Coke drinker. 

While we are eating, I hear a roar of "Bull Blitz"! I'd know that chat anywhere. Vegas Matt and the Gang had to be playing nearby. Sure as shit, there they are. 

As I snapped that picture of them above, they were filming me walking by. So I bombed their video!

Not just me, but you can see one of my kids skipping by on the left. And me putting my phone away on the right. Insert more Grid here...

And after all that. Being on property for a good 5 hours. I finally make it up to the room. Just as nice as ever. The light switches, switch the lights both on AND off. The marble tiles are in one piece. No dangling light fixtures. And a toilet that actually flushes. Luxuries here people. Luxuries.

It really is a good layout for us. Our go to, if we cant get a connecting room. Is the pullout couch in its own area. You know, if my pullout game was any better....

I still have some playing to do. And after the $900 Top Dollar hit, I still have plenty of money to burn. I cashed out up almost $600 from their Little Shop. And rode that down until I snagged a $332 Quick Hit bonus. And took that down to a hundo, before a nearly $300 Wild Country bonus. 

I played up and down until I hit my self imposed $10K coin in quota. A few smaller wins below, but by now I was losing more than I was winning. 

I have no idea what this promo game was either. Again, no mention anywhere. It was some kind of lottery thing. All I know is, I won $30 on it. 

Resorts World, without having a higher tier card, is good for 10 points every $3 played in the slots. And it takes 10,000 points to equal $10 in slot play. Which is insulting. I had 32,000 points which would be $32 in point play or resort spend. The same play at Rio yesterday, would have been worth $83 in point play. 

I go to bed down $1,000 on the trip. Which means I was up $1,000 here at Resorts World. Again, slots seem fair IMO.

Day 4

7AM Chicago time. Which is 5AM Vegas time. And I am up and at em early. The room layout is perfect. As the bathroom is pinned off from the bedroom. And it has an escape hatch through the dressing room, to the front door. So I can take a dump, get dressed and sneak out without waking any of the ladies up. 

I soooo wanted the poutine from Suns Out Buns Out last night for dinner. But they have the strangest of hours. Only open from 10PM at night until like 11AM the following morning. Even this early, they had some shoppers already. 

The casino was fairly packed last night. Which for them, on a Monday, is a step in the right direction. Seems like they are finally getting their footing. This early on a Tuesday, and I have my pick of the litter. 

I put a hundo in Wizard of Oz, which was packed last night. And I lose it. I push my luck, and land a $97 Glinda bonus. Not bad, but not the win I was hoping for. I push my luck some more, and land a $400 pocket watch. With that $432.80 win, I get some redemption. I could have cashed out, but I still wanted the bonus. And I got that just a few spins later. 

I landed the flying monkeys, which took away the shit paying symbols as you spin. The Tin man, which pays out the pocket watches no matter what. And respun for the Cowardly Lion (Taller reel set) and Scarecrow (random wilds). This would be a Super bonus, since I got 4 of a possible 5 feature adders. I popped the progressive balloon for $127. And by the time my last spin was spun, $1,108 bonus! Just under another handy!

NOW Officially back up for the trip! I cashed out that $1500 TITO, so I didn't go on tilt. And played around for a bit. $121 won on a Wolf Run line hit. 

$231 on Quick Hits. 

$94 and $114 on whatever this dragon game is. But I started to lose steam. I dropped $500 of that $1500, and was happy enough to head up to the room with an extra grand. 

But not before I got me some poutine! 

They all get their swimsuits on. And want Starbucks for breakfast. I follow them back down, but bail on going to the pool with them. This would be my last full day in Vegas, I have a full bankroll. And I want to take some more swings. 

And swing I did! $9 bet wheel spin. Not only did I hit the top award. But I did so with the max multiplier! I thought for sure, I was going to land the $30 or $40 wedges. Which would still be $150 or $200. But a total letdown. But nope! Not this time! $5,000! Well, $5,006 with cherries on a few lines. 

I start texting pictures of that win to the wife and my brother. As I sat there waiting for the handpay. Handy # 2 of the trip mind you. To say I was now up, is an understatement. 

The slot attendant came fast, as did the money. It wasn't nearly as exciting of a payout, as they gave me a $5K band of hundos. So, it was just that, a $5 bill and a buck. Just those 3 things. No dramatic $100, $200, $300 ETC. Not that I am complaining. 

I have been hitting the same Quick Hit slot every time I make a lap past it. If the 5 QH's are over $85. I play until I won it. This time was no exception, and the third time I have cleared it this trip. 

Did I mention I am now rich? I head into the HL room, which is the only place I know here that I can play Lucky Larry here. $15 bet, I trigger the bonus. But fuck up and only pick for 2 lobster prizes. I could have had 3 or even 4. But luck was still on my side, as I picked the best and 3rd best of all possible awards. And land a nice $475 bonus. 

Which I did play down some on Casper, but at the dollar denom this time. Before hitting a progressive of $126. 

I'll be honest. The rest was a bit hazy, as I was slot drunk still after that hand pay. I think I lost the $500 I was up at the end, but still banked the $5K obviously. I wasn't going to break that band on it. So no matter what happened, I would go home a winner. 

Pool time over, and they want to do the Adventuredome at Circus Circus. Which is another selling point for our stays at RW. We can easily get to Circus Circus, without having to actually stay at Circus Circus. 

Insert family fun here. Feel free to skip ahead for more Vegas gambling shenanigans. When my youngest was even younger. It only cost me $30 for an all day pass for the big kid. And they grew, it was $30 for the little one and $60 for the big one. For a $90, it was worth it for a few hours. But now, they are bother bigger. And its $60 + $60 = $120. That is a bit much for this place. 

Even with being up thousands and thousands of dollars. I still had to do the Dad stuff. Like yell out $120? For this shit hole? Or, what do you mean you don't want to ride the roller coaster? I just paid $120 for this place!

We killed a few hours here. My youngest still loves it. While the older one, who thinks she is 22, feels too cool for school going on rides. I knew it would happen one day. But I guess that day is now. We had to bribe and or threaten her to go on stuff with her little sister. 

They want to check out the anime shop on our way out. And I figure I could sneak in some light gambling near by. This is the first Leonidas I have seen this trip. And I love that stupid game. I have a bunch of big wins on it at other places. Just a few spins in, and I land the bonus for $188!

That is a net win of $176. Less $120 for the Adventuredome passes. And I am still up $50 here. Vegas! Vegas! Vegas!

Fountainebleau opened up not long ago, and from what I saw online looks gorgeous. It is literally right across the street from Circus Circus. So we head on in to look around. It did NOT disappoint. Although I am hearing its been a complete shit show over there. The management team has been turned over. They are struggling to find players. And right now, are bleeding money out of their ass.

I did email them, a few times actually, asking if they will match my offer so I can stay and play with them. They ignored me. I used their generic host email address from their site to no avail. I used a buddies host directly, who ignored me as well. And I even tried emailing their marketing department, and explained this stupid blog and the exposure I could provide. But they too ignored me. 

So, Fuck them! And it is no shocker to see it empty in there, at 5PM during summer. But she sure is pretty!

They seem to have a good slot selection as well. I should play 4 games and leave. And then tell people publicly how tight or lose they are, based on that scientific sampling of play. A la Vital Vegas. 

But I did find this 2 credit $5 demon Pinball. And I just had to stick a $20 in it. 1st spin, nothing. 2nd spin $100! There it is! Everyone that plays here, should at least quintuple their buy in!

I took a picture of this store, as it looked like many others in here. Fancy, for sure. But they were also only selling like 10 things. And I don't mean 10 different things, but they had a bunch of each. I mean there was only like 10 things total in the store for sale. I just don't understand you rich people. 

I plan on tricking the family into a snack, so I can play a little here and see whats up. To their credit, they had a tier match promo going on. But I would rather wait and see if I can find a host to match an offer. So I can actually play play here. Their match comes with a dining credit, even though I have that back at base. And a spa credit, that would be absolutely useless to me right now if I am not staying here.

Their food court, sorry. Their dining hall is just as nice as you'd expect. And with the girls eating ice cream, I run down to the casino. I thought I'd save some time and take the elevator. But I was too stupid to figure it out. Instead of button, they had a psychical 9 button keypad. Just like the ones you'd find on an old public pay phone. I pushed 1, as I was on the 2nd floor. My only other option was 3 to go up one. Nope. The doors closed, but it didn't move. Luckily someone else pushed the button to open the doors, and they correctly hit the asterisk button for the casino. Sure, it shows *1 as a level. But zero chance most people would figure that out! Fancy for the sake of fancy is sometime stupid. 

My hot streak continued. And I banged off $105 on Gold Standard and $129 in a Zoltar bonus. But both of those were short lived. As I pissed that $300 TITO away. All I really did was give back the $100 I won from them. So I will have to change my review of the pace, to everyone that plays here will just break even. Hopefully for their sake, Vital Vegas will run with that narrative. 

The ice cream shop, which was really a burger place. And a pizza place seemed to be the only places with people in here. And even then, there weren't many. I wish them well. It is a nice place. And sure, the location is a challenge. But its only a 12 minute walk to Encore. A 5 minute walk to Resorts World and 1 min across the street from Circus. And if you wanted to, not that I would. But you can get to the Sahara in 5 minutes as well. They aren't on that much of an island as people make it out to be.

Back to home base. And sure as shit, back to winning! These are the days you dream of when you book a gambling vacation. From the moment I woke up, and banged out a grand from Wizard of Oz. To right now, in the early evening when I just won another $500. You feel like you are walking on air!

I have played the below every trip here, since I started staying here at least. Trying to get this fucking bonus. Now I know why it was so hard to get! All 4 of these pictures are from the same bonus game. By the time it settled down, I won another $450.

Full disclosure. On the above dragon game, I was down to $20 when I hit that $174.0. I put that $197 TITO into Prost!, and was down to $50 before I hit for $501. And I had that $551 into Burning Wheel here, with only $1.05 left before I got the bonus. What a ride!

$105 here.

$163 there.

Bing $112 on Casper. Bang $310 on Bull Blitz. Bong $126 on Prize Wheel.

I am going to be honest. I really don't know where my bankroll is as of now. For one, I didn't have to worry about money for the trip. And I couldn't fit all my money in my wallet anyway. Some is hiding in a dirty sock in my backpack for home. Some is in my wife's purse (next to my balls). I was just stuffing cash wherever I could. I think I am up $4,000ish by now? Maybe more?

Any way, they want to eat. So we hit up Juniors. I have never heard of the brand before, but I guess they are known for their cheesecake in New York. They were not overly busy. And in fact, were only using one side of their space. As you can see below. 

It was a total shit show. We made the waiter aware we have a Celiac, and explain the gluten allergy thing to him. And we ask what is safe on the menu for her. 

His answer? Nothing here is gluten free. 

What? Nothing in the entire restaurant? I ask. 

And he repeats, nothing is gluten free. I tell him (and he should know if he serves food) gluten is wheat. Are you telling me, you don't have a hamburger patty, banana, slice of cheese or piece of lettuce in this entire place? 

His response? Oh, yes. You are right. I was thinking of another place I used to work at. Like that makes any sense. Where did he work at? A bread only factory? Whatever. We order her some mashed no gravy. And put in for some drinks. And my wife asks him (now that we established gluten is wheat) if the hot chocolate is safe for her. 99% of the time, it would be. Outside of some root beers, beverages are mostly fine. But you never know, so we still have to ask. He says he will ask the kitchen, but if it's not. What does she want to drink? We say a Sprite is fine. And leave it at that.

10 minutes later, he comes back with the Sprite for her. And a hot chocolate for her sister. We question why, and he says the cook told him it had gluten. Whatever. We wait for 20 minutes or so. But he never comes back. Instead, he sends over his manager. I feel like we are in trouble now. He asks us what seems to be the matter. And I tell him nothing, and ask why he'd ask that? We were just waiting for our food. I guess the server labeled us trouble makers. Fuck him, that fat little prick. 

We explain my daughters disease to the manager. She isn't eating gluten free by choice. But rather because gets violently ill if she gets "gluten poised". We show him we travel with our own bread, but simple things like a burger, steak or vegetables are all just fine. If we see tenders or onion rings on a menu, we assume they share a fryer with their fries. Which would cross contaminate them, so we know to avoid it. He gets it, and says he will double check anything with the kitchen. 

Mashed? No good, he says it comes in a bag premade. And it seems to have wheat in it. That gluten hot chocolate, he double checked the label. And said the cook told him it wasn't safe, since it had corn starch. My wife says that is the difference between a chef and a cook. A chef knows corn isn't made from wheat. A cook just heats up what is in front of them. So, she could have had it. I don't want to dwell on this any longer. But the waiter never came back to our table, never refilled our drinks, never checked on us and after sitting there for an hour. The manager brought out our food. Most was cold, but by then we just wanted to leave. 

Juniors, you suck. Your food is overpriced, your wait staff needs training. And you have some huge balls charging what you are, and admittedly serving foods from cans and bags. Instead of actually cooking up shit. This is not McDonalds. If your staff doesn't understand that some people have food allergies, shame on you for not training them better. 

I digress. They head back up to pack, and I play on. It was a good choice! $327 line hit. $259 bonus. $102 hit and a $171 bonus. All just luck? I guess. Not everyone can win. But I will die on the hill, that Resorts World slots are more than fair.

$187 Coyote Moon and $217 more on Casper. 

On day one, I had zero points here. But I moved up to Elite status, not that its worth anything beyond free parking. On day 2, I now have 75,000 points. That got me to Prime level. At Rio, they gave me (and anyone) $50 for moving up. At Resorts World, I moved up twice in 2 days and I got nothing but a new card to play with. Yes, there are some perks for being higher. But no immediate rewards like Rio, where I got a $15 free drink every day. The $50 in free play and the immediate dining credit. It is worth mentioning, that Rio (warts and all right now) still has a great system in place for rewards. 

Any way, 75,000 points is $25,000 coin in. I play what I swear will be my last game of the night, and rip off a $600 progressive on Wolf Peak. When you're hot, you're hot! I'll have to stuff some of this, into another sock. 

Day 5

Check out day. After the Junior debacle last night, my wife wants to make it up to my daughter with a fancy breakfast. Not to dwell on it too much, and make this report a bummer. But the kid is only 8 years old, and this disease is hard on her. Mostly due to the fact that she got it a few years ago. So she knows how tasty a chicken McNugget is. She knows how fluffy a crescent can be. Or how delicious waffles are. She knows she will never have that stuff again. But she feels bad that we have to jump through hoops for her. And she apologized for "ruining dinner". Bless her little heart. She is a better person than I.

So, we find out there is a fancy cafe in Wynn called Urth. And they specialize in gluten free, and even make GF pancakes! Encore if just kitty-corner from us. Its check out day at RW, we are out of resort credit. And I am done gambling. Let's head over...

Urth is in the newer Wynn mall. None of us have ever been there before. But the place seems popular. The mall itself, zero people in it. And yet there was a line to order here. So it must be good. We wait 20MINs to place our order, and are told that they are out of GF batter for the day. At 9AM in the morning? Ugh. 

Out of the mall, and over to Caffè Al Teatro. We figure we could at least order a bacon and egg sandwich for her, hold the bread. Nope. Caffè Al Teatro gets all of their breakfast sandwich premade and frozen. And they just come in bags to be heated up. Cross contaminated, and not an option. Fuck! We have been here for an hour, got skunked by 2 places. And the fancy make up breakfast, is just making her even more sad. 

The cashier there, says if we have an allergy. We should go to Terrace Pointe Cafe. Which we did, and boy was it fancy! $200 for breakfast though. If I wasn't up enough money to buy a used car, I would have bitched about spending so much. Instead, I just bitched a little. Plenty of options, the chefs knew exactly what to do. The waitress answered all questions. Wynn himself might be a dirty pervert. But damn, his staff is trained well!

Look at that smile above!

I take 10 minutes to play here. Lucky Larry for a $105 hit. Top Dollar for $210. And just like that, breakfast was free thanks to my addiction. Gambling fixes everything!

We still have some time to kill back at Resorts. I play just one game, since I am not being rated today. While they go to order ice cream before we head out to the airport. It was on like my third spin. But I turned a $4 bet into a $290 bonus. That makes it 3 for 3 for winning days at Resorts World. Which is not easy to do anywhere.

I take over watching the ice cream twins, while my wife runs up to Starbucks. RW hack, everyone hits the Starbucks on the main level off the casino. But they have another one in the mall up front, on the second level. Hardly anyone ever goes there, since no one knows its up there!

The pocket dump of all pocket dumps. THAT is how you do Vegas!

I think Prime is where I will stay. I just don't come out here often enough to get higher. And if $25K coin gets me 75,000 tier credits. And I need to do 175,000 more for the next level. That's a big negative there. No multiplier bonuses or anything. And I just don't spend enough, or cant make as many visits to chip away at that. Its too big of a jump.  

So long Vegas. Thanks for the memories. And the thousands and thousands of dollars...