Strawberry Queen

This tutorial is a personal creation.

Any resemblance with another one would be only pure coincidence.
It is strictly forbidden to modify my images, to change their name or take off the watermarks in order
to present them on your sites or blog, to share them in groups,
to make a bank of images, or to use them on lucrative purposes.

I have made this tutorial with PSPX on May 2, 2024.

Thank you to respect my work and the creators work.
Don’t hesitate to write to me here if you have any trouble with this tutorial
and I’ll try to fix the problem as quickly as I can.

Decompress the zipped Materials file below, open the files and save them in

their respective My PSP files folder.

For png and other images, duplicate them after taking away my watermark, if any.

Work with your duplicates to preserve originals.
Copy/Paste the gradient into your PSP files in the Gradients folder.

Copy/Paste the pattern into your PSP files in the Patterns folder.
Save your work often as pspimage with all your layers just in case your PSP crashes!!


1 pattern 'Plaid 30'

1 gradient 'Bicromia rosso'

3 images of my creation




User's Defined filters - Emboss 3

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact - Glass

VM Natural - Lakeside Reflection

Simple - Blintz and Pizza Slice Mirror



Open a new transparent image of 900 x 700 px



In your Materials, after selecting these colors

Foreground color 1 #eec3ca

Background color 2 #dc5454

click in your Foreground icon and select the Pattern Plaid 30 (in the Materials) 




Flood fill your image with this plaid pattern

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen



Selections - Select all - Modify - Contract of 50 px

Selections - Promote selection to layer

With your Background color in the Foreground selected color, flood fill the selection

Selections - Float

Selections - Defloat

Selections - Modify - Select Selection borders

and check 'Outside' and 'Antialias' and set at 8 px

Flood fill this border with the linear gradient 'Bicromia Rosso' (included in the Materials)

Angle 310 and 10 Repeats 

(Note: I obtained a series of gradients from the same site many years ago

but I forgot the URL. I want to thank this person for his collection of

wonderful gradients)

Selections - Select none



With your Magic wand, Tolerance 0 and Feather 0,

click in the center of the image to select this color rectangle

Copy/Paste in the selection the image 'lc-strawberry-forever'

Effects - Plugins - VM Natural - Lakeside Reflection with default settings

except for the Horizon at 222 

Selections - Select none



Copy/Paste as a new raster the image 'strawberry-queen'

With your Move tool, place it on the right lower corner of the image

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact Perspective Shadow

with these settings

At this point, save as a Pspimage, just in case



Image - Resize check 'Resize all layers' at 85%

Image - Add symmetric borders of 50 px with the Background color

With your Magic wand, click in this color

Copy/Paste into the selection your strawberry queen (it should still be in the memory)

Effects - Plugins - Simple - Blintz

Effects - Plugins - Simple - Pizza slice mirror

Do not deselect



With your 50 px border still selected:

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian blur at 20

Effects - Texture effects - Mosaic Antique with these settings 

Effects - User's Defined filters - Emboss 3 (should already be in your options) 

Do not deselect yet!



Selections - Modify - Select selection borders 5 px both sides

Flood fill with the gradient previously used

Effects - 3D effects - Outer bevel with these settings and color

Selections - Select none



With your Text tool, write your text - I used

Scriptomania Hostess font size 50 but you can use whatever font you like

or if you prefer, use my text image 'lc-text' in the Materials

Effects - 3D effects - Drop shadow 2/2/58/4 with color black 


Image - Add borders - 2 px black



Sign and save your image as a jpg or File - Export as an optimized jpg


You are done!


I hope that you enjoyed making this tutorial as much as I had fun making it!

Send me here your creation and I will gladly add it in my gallery!

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Copyrights © Louise Chèvrefils - All rights reserved

Unless specifically mentioned, no graphics or text may

be copied or removed from this site for any reason without written permission from

Louise Chèvrefils otherwise legal procedures may be undertaken