How to write on a wavy curve

This is my original tutorial and I am re-writing it from a previous page that was lost during some

transfer of files.  The original images date back to 2020.  I originally made the tutorial with PSPX but it can be made with any other version of PSP.

I rewrote the tutorial with PSP15.


Sometimes, we want to write a special message on a curve or wavy curve

to obtain a special effect that will add a little plus to the image. Here is how I proceed.




Open an image where you would like to have a curved writing.

Click on your Pen tool and apply these settings:

If your icons are different from those shown in my image, 

the Mode option has to be the Bezier curve and

the Join option is Round join when you click on the options.

You could save these settings as a preset for future use:

a) click on the arrow for Presets

b) click on the icon 'Save preset'

c) in the window that opens, write a name for this preset

d) click on OK! Your preset is saved for future writings on curves!



The next thing is to make the curve. Go into your image and click a first time where you want

to start your writing. In my image below, a small white square indicates where I made my 1st click:


Now, for the second click, we have to keep the key down until we find a right curve by moving our

mouse still holding the key down; we obtain something like this:


Now, to continue the curve the other way around, a third click will be on your 2nd spot and

drag your mouse outwards on your left, so that the curve is stretched to the outside right.  It sounds hard to

understand but there is nothing like trying.  You should obtain this:


You can now choose your font with inside and outside colors of your choice.

As soon as you will click on your Text tool, your drawings will be shown in a rectangle.  If you put

your cursor directly on the line where your curve starts, you will see a small sign 'A' on a curve.

If you see 'A' on a straight line, you are not on your curve.




You have written your text and now comes the time to get only your writing in the image.
Expand your raster and remove the visibility of the shapes like this: 


Your writing is now visible and beautiful!  As soon as you will add a Drop Shadow, the shape raster

 will disappear and your writing will become a raster on its own.

You can add a Drop Shadow if you want, or if your font allows it, you can add a Glass effect with

Eye Candy Impact ow whatever effect that you wish.


Merge visible and Merge all to flaten and save your work as a jpg or

optimize your jpg with File - Export as an optimized jpg

That's it! We are done!!

I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and if you have any difficulty, please let me know here.

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Copyrights © Louise Chèvrefils - All rights reserved

All images on this page and linked to it are the exclusive property of 

Louise Chèvrefils and cannot be reproduced or used without written 

authorization of the author, otherwise judiciary action could be undertaken.

Update on November 4, 2023