This tutorial is a personal creation from Valérie Savary, better known as

You can find the original here.
Any resemblance with another one would be only pure coincidence.
It is strictly forbidden to modify tubes, to change their name or take off the watermarks,
to present them on your sites or blog, to share them in groups,

to make a bank of images or to use them on lucrative purposes.

Thank you to respect Valérie’s work and other artwork creators'work.
Don’t hesitate to warn me if you have any trouble with this translation
and I’ll try to fix the problem as quickly as I can.  You can reach me at here.

This tutorial was made in 2015 with an earlier PSP version. 
I have used PSPX5 to make my translation;
you can follow this tutorial with any other versions of PSP, but the result might be slightly different.


Download the zip file containing the materials, decompress and copy the originals;

work with the copies.  For presets, double-click on them and they will install themselves.

For gradients, masks, selections, textures, simply place in your appropriate PSP folders.

Let's go!


Filters used in this tutorial

Mura's Meister - Copies - Jeans
Toadies - What are you?
In Filters Unlimited 2:
&<Bkg Kaleidoscope> Tiler
Paper Textures - Canvas - Fine




Foreground color 1 #dec3a0

Background color 2 #5b5419

Color 3 #55433f

Color 4 #e56232


With the first 2 colors, prepare a foreground-background radial gradient with these settings:


From the Materials, open the file 'Alpha-AutomN-VSP.pspimage', Window - duplicate

and fill your duplicate with the gradient just created.  Close the original alpha pspimage.

Back to your image, Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited 2 - &<Bkg Kaleidoscope> - Tiler at default settings 

Note: as a precaution, save your duplicate alpha pspimage file in case something

happens and remember to save often while making the tutorial.



Layer - Duplicate
Image - Rotation free - Right - 90° 

Edit - Cut

Selection - Select all

Paste into the selection

Selection - Deselect

Layers - Properties - Opacity at 50

Layers - Merge - Merge down



Layers - Duplicate
Effects - Geometric effects - Skew - 45 - Transparent 

Layer - Properties - Opacity at 50

Effects - Textures - Blinds with color 3 #55433f with these settings: 

Effects - Edge effects - Enhance

Highlight Raster 1

Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited 2 - Paper textures - Canvas Fine with intensity at 132


Highlight the top layer (Copy of raster 1)

Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha channel - Sélection #1 

Flood Fill the selection with color 3 #55433f

(zoom into your image for a better view)

Selections - Select none

Effects - Plugins - Mura's Filter Meister - Copies with these settings:

Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave with these settings:

Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Effects - Plugins - Toadies - What are you?.. with these settings:

Effects - Plugins - - Jeans with default settings:


Layers - New Raster Layer

Flood Fill with color 3 #55433f

Layers - Load/Save Mask - Load Mask From Alpha Channel

and select Masque #1

Layers - Merge - Merge Group

Repeat Effects - Plugins - - Jeans as before

Effects - Image Effects - Seamless tiling

Layers - Properties - Opacity at 80



Highlight the 2nd layer (Copy of raster 1)

Layers - Merge - Merge down

Selections - Load/Save Selections - Load Selection From Alpha channel - Sélection #2

Selections - Promote Selection to Raster

Selections - Select None


Effects - Distortion Effects - Spiky Halo with these settings:

Layers - Duplicate

Image - Mirror - Horizontal Mirror (the old Mirror)

Selections - Load/Save Selections - Load Selection From Alpha channel - Sélection #3 

Edit - Cut (or your Delete key)

Selection - Select None




Highlight the top raster (Group - Raster 3)

From the materials, open the tube 'leeloo_echi_wallpaper_cry.pspimage'

Copy/Paste the tube in your image as a new layer

Image - Horizontal Mirror (the old version of Mirror)

Objects - Align - Left

Objects - Align - Bottom

Effects - 3D effects - Drop Shadow with these settings:


From the materials, open the tube 'leeloo_echi_wallpaper_cry_b.pspimage'

Copy/Paste the tube in your image as a new layer

Objects - Align - Right

Objects - Align - Bottom




From the materials, open the tube 'leeloo_echi_wallpaper_cry_a.pspimage'

Copy/Paste the tube in your image as a new layer

Image - Horizontal Mirror (the old mirror)

Effects - Image Effects - Offset with these settings:

Layers - Merge - Merge down

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow with the same settings as before




From the materials, open the tube 'leeloo_Fall_Forest_b.pspimage'

Copy/Paste the tube in your image as a new layer

Image - Resize at 60% uncheck 'Resize All Layers'

Objects - Align - Bottom

Effects - 3D effects - Drop Shadow with the same settings as before




From the materials, open the tube 'deco1_VSP.pspimage'

Copy/Paste tje tube in your image as a new layer

Image - Image Effects - Offset


From the materials, open the tube 'Texte-VSP.pspimage'

Copy/Paste in your image as a new layer

Image - Resize at 60% uncheck 'Resize All Layers'

Image - Negative Image

Layers - Properties - Opacity at 70



Image - Add borders - 1 px with color 4 #e56232

Image - Add orders - 2 px with color 3 #55433f

Image - Add borders - 1 px with color 4 #e56232

Selections - Select All

Add Borders - color 2 #5b5419 - uncheck 'Symmetric' with these settings:

Selections - Invert

Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited 2 - Paper textures - Canvas Fine with these settings:

Effects - Plugins - Toadies - What are you...


Layer - Promote Background Layer

Selections - Invest

Edit - Cut

Edit - Paste as a New Layer

Selections - Select None

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow with same settings as before:


From the materials, open the tube 'deco2_VSP.pspimage'

Copy/Paste in your image as a new layer

Layer - Arrange - Move down

Image - Add borders of 1 px with color 3 #55433f




Sign and save as a jpg or File - Export as an optimized jpeg file



Valérie has a gallery of all the results that she receives

from all over the world and she loves to see your creations. Click here to send yours!!

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Copyrights © Louise Chèvrefils - All rights reserved

All images on this page and linked to it are the exclusive property of 

Louise Chèvrefils and cannot be reproduced or used without written 

authorization of the author, otherwise judiciary action could be undertaken.

Update on November 28, 2023