Adon Olam
Adon Olam is a hymn traditionally sung at theclose of the Shabbat morning service. Anglo-Jewish tradition has many lovely (and not so lovely) melodies for this, and there has certainly been cross-pollination between Sephardim and Ashkenazim. Most tunes are improved by the accompaniment of the (usually) straightforward Victorian four-part harmony, but the versions here are of the melodies only.
Adon Olam (Amsterdam) This was recorded at a wedding in the Esnoga in 1960
Adon Olam (American) [FC] Although not strictly S&P, this lively American Hassidic tune has been sung in London on Simhat Torah since the 1960s, and is great for table singing too. For the last verse in this recording we sing the slower melody of the de Sola Adon Olam, which is also what we do in my home.
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