In the late 1950s the London S&P produced three LP records of our liturgical music. The set became affectionately known as "Whitesleeves" for the simple reason that no effort had been made to embellish the record sleeves and boxes, and they were just plain white.
I had them converted to MP3 and the files are linked to below.
Around 1955 Folkways records in the United States released a single LP that I believe is identical to the first Whitesleeves LP. Though I am not sure which of the two came first, I would guess the American version was the later one.
The Whitesleeves choir, comprising choristers from Bevis Marks (BM) and Lauderdale Road (LR). Courtesy of Alex Lopez-Dias
Front center: Eliezer Abinun
Front row: Louis Dias (BM), Joe Ereira (LR), Norman Ereira (BM), Alf Dias (LR), Sam Dias (LR)
Back row: Maurice Martin (BM), Sam Dias, Frank Martin, Michael Dias
Record sleeve of LP1
Whitesleeves LP1
The recordings on the first LP are from the regular Shabbat services, except the last four tracks which are from the Rosh Hashanah liturgy.
♫ Mizmor LeDavid (Ps. 29)
This psalm is sung at the opening of the Eve of Sabbath service. This tune is used on regular Sabbaths.
♫ Lecha Dodi
This tune is used for all Sabbaths except Shabbat Bereshit.
♫ Mizmor Shir Leyom Hashabbat (Ps. 92)
♫ Adonai Malach (Ps. 93)
♫ Yigdal
The hymn chanted at the end of the Sabbath Eve service. This tune is one of several that are used alternately at the choirmaster's discretion.
♫ The Great Hallel (Ps. 136)
The last Psalm before Barukh Sheamar. Note it is read aloud by the reader and quietly by the congregation until the last verse, which is sung responsively like the other psalms. The individual verses are NOT read responsively as in some other Sephardi congregations.
♫ Nishmat
♫ Mizmor LeDavid (Ps. 29)
This tune is one of several used on regular Sabbaths at the choirmaster's discretion.
♫ En Kelohenu
This tune is one of several used on regular Sabbaths at the choirmaster's discretion.
♫ Adon Olam
This tune is one of several used on regular Sabbaths at the choirmaster's discretion.
This psalm is sung before Arbit at the close of the Sabbath.
♫ RHPsalm
♫ New Year Kaddish
This beautiful and unusually elaborate Kaddish is sung only on Rosh Hashanah and Kippur.
♫ Shaarey Ratson
This hymn is sung on Rosh Hashanah immediately preceding the sounding of the shofar.
Whitesleeves LP2
♫ Shofar
Note that the Teruah is staccato, wheareas in other S&P communities it's a more wavy - siren-like - sound. I have been told by my friend Hazzan Daniel Halfon that Mr Manuel Cansino accepted the honorary position of blowing the shofar on condition that he be allowed to blow the Teruah in the more staccato style of the Moroccan tradition. So it would seem that Mr Cansino made an abrupt change in the London custom. At any rate this is the sound that I and generations of London S&P youth grew up hearing, and it continues to this day.♫ Leshoni Bonanta
Part of the Prayer for Dew sung on Passover.
♫ Lech Leshalom Geshem
Part of the Prayer for Dew sung on Passover.
♫ Beruchim Atem
This pizmon is sung at the beginning of the Berit Mila ceremony.
♫ Shochante Basadeh
This pizmon is sometimes sung at the wedding ceremony.
♫ Shemang Koli
The opening hymn at the Kippur evening service.
♫ Kal Nidrey
The opening of the Eve of Kippur service. Note the first word is pronounced "kal" not "kol".
♫ Hatanu
"We have sinned" is a beautiful selection chanted many times throughout Kippur and again on Hoshannah Rabbah.
♫ Elohim Eli Ata
This hym introduces Nishmat on Kippur. The recording includes the opening of Nishmat itself, that is sung differently on Kippur.
Whitesleeves LP3
Kippur Morning hymns:
♫ Shinanim
♫ Atanu
Kippur Afternoon hymns:
Note: These may be the two best loved hymns in our entire musical tradition!
♫ Yah Shemang
♫ El Nora
♫ Bereshit as read on Shabbat Bereshit
♫ Haftara example with blessings
From Joshua 2:1-24
Lamentations (kinot) for the Fast of Ab:
♫ Echa Tzon HaHarega
♫ Ebke Vengal Shod
♫ Bore Ngad Ana
♫ Alechem Ngeda Kedosha
♫ Ech Navi Shudad
♫ Alelai Li
Read more about the S&P lamentations here.