Sephardi Melodies

The congregation's publication of traditional melodies used on various occasions is names "Sephardi Melodies" (טללי זמרה). It was published in 1931 and consists of two parts that can be downloaded from the links below.

PART 1: The Ancient Melodies (Aguilar and de Sola, originally published 1857)

This is a collection of sheet music of the London S&P tradition, preceded by a scholarly 20-page historical essay from the pen of the Rev. D. A. de Sola (aka "the learned hazzan of Bevis Marks" and a composer in his own right). The book has been digitized and made available online by Google. De Sola's own well-loved melody for Adon Olam can be found on the very last page. The contents of the book (minus the essay) have also been incorporated into the first half of a larger volume of S&P music, published by the London S&P and still available from them.

View the book online at Google here

PDF download: The Ancient Melodies

PDF download: De Sola's essay only 


PART 2: Additional Melodies (Jessurun, 1931)

The London S&P reissued the "Ancient Melodies" - without De Sola's introduction - as Part 1 of a two part publication named Sephardi Melodies. Part 2 consisted of melodies that had been omitted from the De Sola publication. As Part 1 is identical to The Ancient Melodies, we have not scanned it anew.

PDF download: Sephardi Melodies Part 2