Bond Provider Focus
Bond Provider Focus
LMIM had garnered the support of nineteen (19) different bond providers. Amongst them the big names of Friends Provident International, Royal Skandia and Hansard International. The bond providers have a towering influence in the investment market that carries with it an undeniable moral responsibility for ethical and dutiful behavior.LMIVC hold that many advisors conducted little or no intelligent, independant due diligence, risk assessment or basic checks and balances other than making the assumption that if it's on Royal Skandia's platform it must be sound and if it's on Royal Skandia's AND Friends Provident International's platforms then it must be really sound.
During early March 2013 LMIM responded to Royal Skandia's questions regarding redemption delays with an assurance that the MPF fund remained sound and capable of making payments. LMIM recognised the significant and prominent indication that the MPF was destined for probable withdrawal from at least Royal Skandia's platform triggering a cascade of reviews, re-assessment and further platform withdrawals. New investments via those providers were about to cease. The platform providers were about to pull the plug on the most fraudulent and elaborate ponzi scheme ever concocted.
Why are the bond providers now so conspicuously silent?
Did the bond providers mislead investors by promoting (simply by having the MPF investment option on the platform) a fund that looks increasingly as though it was recklessly managed at best and a fraudulently promoted ponzi scheme at worst?
The LMIVC invite each of the nineteen to explain their due diligence process and how the process played the FMIF crash of 2009 (with interest and redemptions denied) into their platform qualifying MPF assessment. The LM Managed Performance Fund (MPF), a fund that deployed investors funds in exactly the same market as the failed FMIF and in some cases the same projects, but in general took a higher risk 2nd mortgage position.
All responses to for site publication to the site to be corroborated before publication.