Sbiis Saibian's


Total Entries: 1831

            Welcome to my Ultimate Large Numbers List (ULNL). If your here for the first time check out the introduction link which describes the purpose and formatting of this page.




E Notation

Numbers expressible with Scientific Notation and Power Towers.

Negative Real Numbers (-∞,0)

Entries: 58

Before the Beginning

Googologically Negative Numbers Epoch


Entries: 27


Minus Sam's Number 

On February of 2014 a user by the name of SammySpore added "Sam's Number" to the googology wiki without any citation. The page simply read:

"Sam's number is so gigantically huge it cannot be described. It boggles the mind. Actually, it would boggle a megafugafzgargoogolplex minds.

If you want a small glimpse of how big it is, here. Sam's Number is enormously larger than Rayo's Number. It can fill a greagol multiverses. Actually it can fill so much more than that, it is undescribable."

-- SammySpore

            Although the text is ambiguous, it has popularly been interpretted to mean that Sam's Number is so big that it is impossible for us to actually describe it in practice no matter what methods we employ, rather than the more modest interpretation that it was simply too large for Sammy to describe. For the former interpretation to make sense we need to assume that the number of possible descriptions in practice is strictly finite. Assuming this to be the case Sam's Number would have to be larger than any number yet described by googologists, or indeed larger than any number that could be described by anyone ever, by definition. If this is to be interpretted this way that Sam's Number is indeed a big "number". But the problem is that an infinite number of numbers would fit that description if that gwere so. No problem, you say, just let Sam's Number be the smallest such number. Here we have a contradiction however. If Sam's number is defined as the smallest indescribable number, then guess what, ... we have just described it. What's more we can now describe bigger numbers like Sam's Number+1 which should be in theory indescribable. For the purposes of googology this isn't considered good enough to count. However there is nothing wrong with speculating about such number that are literally too big to be described. In fact, we only need to make two presuppositions to make such numbers and inevitability. Firstly assume that whatever we can do in practice is strictly bounded by some finite number. Second assume the information in a number can only be reduced up to a certain point. Believe it or not, the more contentious point is actually the second, but if we agree that we can't condense information indefinitely, then there will strictly be a finite limit on what we can describe in practice.

            Since we can't define a unique number with this property of "indescribability", itself not properly defined as that would require a description that would in principle give us a way to describe the indescribable, we can simply assert that there must be such numbers and they lie beyond the boundary of the describable. For the purposes of this entry a negative Sam Number can be defined as any number so much less than 0 that there is no description which can bound it from below except negative infinity. Negative Sam Numbers act very much like negative infinity in that, no matter what negative number we think of, if we are thinking of it, it's not less enough! Weird.

            It's debatable whether this entry should even be included on this list, but it acts as a nice way to delineate a boundary that isn't strictly infinite. Whatever other numbers we come up with for the list, they will be describable and therefore exist within the boundaries of negative and positive sam numbers. This entry is more a range than an actual entry, and can just be thought of as the space in the interval (-inf,-describable number). Another neat way to think of it is that its simply the realm of numbers we've yet to describe. So every time we describe a new number we empty the sam boundaries, but since their infinite they never get completely exhausted. In that way we can meaningfully talk about Sam Numbers, as they can act as the current limit of googology.


minus Utter Oblivion

(See Utter Oblivion for a description)


minus Oblivion

(see Oblivion for a description)


minus BIG FOOT

The negative of what is the largest number currently recognized by the googology community.

This is the first entry that we can have some confidence is well defined enough to actually be a number. Unlike Sam's Number, it doesn't claim to be indescribable, and unlike Oblivion and Utter Oblivion we don't need to make presuppositions about the nature of information. Instead we define a definite language for describing numbers (and much else besides) and then simply diagonalize over it. 


minus Rayo's Number

The negative of what held the record for "largest number in googology" until October of 2014 when BIG FOOT officially took the title.


minus Loader's Number

The negative of what's considered to be the largest computable number in googology.


minus meameamealokkapoowa oompa

(See meameamealokkapoowa oompa)


minus meameamealokkapoowa

(See meameamealokkapoowa)


minus golapulus

(See golapulus)


minus blasphemorgulus

The negative of one of my largest and most popular googolism's.


minus humongulus

(See humongulus)


minus kungulus

            No one but a googologist would ever think up such a number! We can think of this as a VERY VERY VERY "Large" Negative number, though normally it would be called a "very very very small number". As I've argued before however, small should refer to numbers between 0 and 1. We can then break up the negative numbers into "large negative numbers" (numbers between -infinity and -1), and "small negative numbers" (numbers between -1 and 0).


minus triakulus

                Here is the negative version. Negative triakulus is inconceivably less than the next entry :)


minus goppatoth

( See goppatoth )


minus tethrathoth

                The tethrathoth is one of the larger numbers in my system. So here is negative tethrathoth. When googologist's invent large numbers they also make it possible to define a whole family of related numbers. For every large number a googologist defines, a reciprocal can be defined, a negative, and a negative reciprocal. So googologist's really get four terms for the price of one! Although I only consider real numbers as relevant to googology because they can be "ordered", one can also use large numbers to create large imaginary numbers, the sums large numbers and large imaginary numbers, or even add reciprocals and negatives into the mix. The number of possible derivative terms quickly multiplies as we include even more unorthodox things such as quaternion and octonion units. For our purposes however, none of this stuff has much baring on googology since i, the imaginary unit, can not be put anywhere along the real axis. In all cases we are just moving away from zero and the only thing that changes is the direction we are moving away from it. In that case the positive direction is just the simplest case and therefore the most efficient.


minus gongulus

                In an article called "Why Does God Exist?" written by Jonathan Bowers, famed googologist and inventor of array notation, he makes mention of "minus gongulus" in passing to make a point that every number has "trueness". Technically this makes a minus gongulus the least real number explicitly mentioned on Jonathan Bowers' entire site! That's got to count for something!


minus godgahlah

(See godgahlah)


minus goobol


minus iteral


minus Graham's Number

'Cuz if I don't someone else will (See Graham's Number).


minus gugold


minus boogol


minus grangol


minus giggol


minus dekalogue


minus googolplex

                Because if I don't mention it, someone else will. In googology if there is a googolism, there is probably a negative version of it somewhere. The more notorious the number, the more likely that's to be so.


minus googol


Ordinary Negative Number Epoch


Entries: 31


Current US National Debt

(As of 2016)

The current US National Debt is estimated at 19.5 trillion. Here is an example of a fairly large negative number with practical significance. Of course such numbers are no where near googological in size! Could you imagine having a googologically large debt? Yikes!!!



minus million

                Imagine having that as a debt; Tell me that isn't a "real number" then!


minus four hundred fifty-nine point six seven

This is absolute zero as read in the fahrenheit temperature scale. This is the theoretically lowest possible reading in fahrenheit. This represents no molecular activity whatsoever, which is actually impossible due to quantum effects. What is possible is to approach abritrarily close to this temperature from above. Why is this temperature not simply 0? Because the fahrenheit scale was defined with a different 0 in mind. The Rankine scale corrects this by simply adding +459.67 to fahrenheit, giving a proper 0 point. (See 459.67). This is again an example of a fairly large negative number that comes up in real life.


minus two hundred seventy-three point one five

 This is absolute zero as read in the celsius scale. This is the lowest possible temperature as read in celsius. The kelvin scale corrects for this by simply adding +273.15 to celsius. (See 273.15).


minus forty

This is a number in which celsius and fahrenheit are equal to each other. That is -40F = -40C. This is a unique point. Fahrenheit defines its freezing point at 32F and boiling point at 212F for a 180 degree difference. Celsius defines its freezing point at 0C and boiling point at 100C for a 100 degree difference. This means that every degree celsius is actually worth 1.8 degrees of fahrenheit. If we multiply by this and correct by adding 32 we can go from celsius to fahrenheit:

F = 1.8C+32

Now assume there is a place at which F=C. We can then solve the following equation:

F = 1.8F+32

-0.8F = 32

F = -32/0.8 = -40

It's interesting how this number arises incidentally and just happens to be negative.



double logarithm of one point zero zero zero zero zero one

            As the argument of the double logarithm approaches 1 from above, the output approaches negative infinity . Even when we use 1.000001 as the argument however, it doesn't result in a very large negative number. In fact the number of zeroes after the decimal point is roughly the negative number that will result. Thus this is an inefficient method for generating very large negative numbers. 

 Curiously, if the argument of the double logarithm is larger than about 1.25 then the result is a small negative number, and if it's less than 1.25 but greater than 1 then the result is a large negative number. (See -1)



double logarithm of one point one



logarithm of one twelfth



logarithm of one eleventh


negative one

                Negative one is kind of special among the negative numbers. If I was only going to mention a single negative number, this one would be it. It is the square of the imaginary unit: i^2= -1. It also pops up in this very strange equation:

e^(i*pi) = -1

                This equation can be used to develop a system of complex exponentiation! For googology, it's purpose is simply to define the predecessor of any integer. It is used explicitly in the definition of the predecessor function:

P(n) = n - 1

                Beyond that negative numbers don't really have much use in googology. After all, we aren't interested in making numbers smaller, but larger! However one of the catches to this is that you need to take a step back now and then when defining googological functions or else the function does not terminate. Every googological function must have a base case, and every googological function must make use of the predecessor function so that the evaluation of any expression is eventually forced back to the base case. Hence "minus one" is being used implicitly all the time in googology, even though we usually never think of it as a number in it's own right. Yet without those implicit "-1"s, googology wouldn't even function the way it does. So I'd say some credit is due to negative one.

                Just a small note of passing interest: -1 = loglog1.25892541179... = log0.1



logarithm of one ninth

            Since 1/10 < 1/9, it follows from the fact that the logarithm is a strictly increasing function that log(1/10) < log(1/9). Thus log(1/9) must be greater than log0.1 which is -1. The absolute value of this number is log9.

            Although ordering negative numbers seems confusing at first, just remember that in this case a "larger negative" is less than a "smaller negative". In other words the order is reversed. In the case of negative numbers, the number closer to zero is always greater. This is in contrast to positive numbers where the number further from zero is always greater.



logarithm of one eighth



logarithm of one seventh



logarithm of one sixth



double logarithm of one point five



logarithm of one fifth



logarithm of one quarter



double logarithm of two

                This number has some importance in googology believe it or not. When attempting to compute 2^^6, we find that 2^^6 = 2^2^65,536. Naturally we want to convert this into base 10 form. Roughly speaking we could change the 2's into 10's but that isn't very accurate, especially for a number this small (tetrationally speaking). So instead we use logarithms:

2^2^65,536 = (10^log2)^(10^log2)^65,536 = (10^log2)^10^(65,536log2) =


                log2 is approximately 0.301, so we can simplify 65,536log2 to about 19,728. Since in log2*10^19728 the log2 won't have much effect on 10^19278 it is sometimes ignored. However it has a small reducing factor, that can be accounted for by 10^(19,728+loglog2). Since loglog2 is negative, it means that it slightly reduces the top most exponent to about 19,727.7804056. Interestingly loglog2 is just enough to decrease the top most exponents integer part from 19,728 to 19,727, so it's effect is not completely negligible, especially considering it's a second exponent. In fact:

(10^10^19,727.7804)^3.32 ~ 10^10^19,728.3017

                In otherwords, the corrected reduced estimate has to be cubed to get the rough estimate. Considering how large 10^10^19,727.7804 is, you have to imagine that shrinking to an unimaginably small dot amongst exactly that many dots, then imagine that as an unimaginably small dot amongst that many dots to get close to the rough estimate. So you can imagine, there is a big difference from factoring it in, from an ordinary perspective. Although we routinely ignore huge differences like this in googology (numbers are often so far apart that such differences are insignificant), such accuracy for smaller numbers is sometimes necessary to settle a close call. So the number loglog2, although negative, does in fact serve a practical purpose in googology.



logarithm of one third



double logarithm of three



logarithm of a half

                This number is also the additive inverse of log2. It turns out that |logx| = |log(1/x)|. 



double logarithm of four



logarithm of two thirds

            Two thirds is the simplest non-unit fraction. It's logarithm is -0.176091259056...



double logarithm of five



double logarithm of six



double logarithm of seven



double logarithm of eight



double logarithm of nine



double logarithm of nine point nine



double logarithm of nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine 

                As the argument of the double logarithm approaches 10 from below the result gets arbitrarily close to zero from below. This would be an example of a very small negative number. If this was your bank account balance it would be a debt so small that it would be virtually indistinguishable from breaking even. If the debt were to compounded at 7% interest annually, it would take roughly 195 years for you to owe the bank a whole penny!


negative reciprocal of a tethrathoth

                This is the smallest negative number on this list. It is one of the four possible flavors of a "tethrathoth" using negatives and reciprocals. Since it is both negative and reciprocal it is probably the strangest out of the four possible combinations.



            "Zero" can be thought of as the smallest quantity possible. After all you can't have less than nothing, or can you? Sometimes "negatives" are thought of being "smaller" than zero, but this seems to defy logic since you can't have something smaller than something which is infinitely small to begin with! It is better to think of negatives as "less than zero" rather than "smaller than zero". 

            Negative numbers do not relate so much to the concept of quantity as to "position". An axis can have a "central point" at zero, with negatives to one side and positives to another. Quantity however can only travel in one direction from zero, namely, towards positive infinity.

            The exclusion of negatives from this list much easier to justify than the exclusion of zero (although I've decided to include them none the less). This is because the negatives really serve almost no purpose in the large numbers field. In order for algorithms to terminate it is necessary to have a minimum value for every argument. This means we have to choose a least number allowable as an argument. Common choices for the minimum value are 1 and 0. If however we allow any integer value, including negatives, we kind of drop the bottom out so to speak and the result is either a function which does not terminate for all values, some values, or requires at least 3 rules (a base case, a less-than-base case, and a more-than-base case). None of these options provides any advantages over simply deciding on a minimum integer value for the function. This is why zero has some importance in the large number field, because it serves as a beginning value. Some of the uses of zero in googology are as the minimum value of an argument in the Ackermann function, and the minimum order of a separator in array notation. It is also the minimum arity of an array. In cantor's system of ordinals, it is the smallest possible ordinal.

            Zero crops up when attempting to extend the hyper-operators to all integers. By definition a^^1=a. Since logaa^^n = a^^(n-1), for n>2, we can define this as a law for all integer values. Thus we obtain that a^^0 = logaa^^1 = logaa=1. Thus a^^0=1. Next let a^^(-1) = logaa^^0 = loga1 = 0. Thus we find that any positive integer>1, a, that a^^(-1)=0. 

            Zero is equal to the double logarithm of 10: loglog10=0. It is also equal to log1.

            Zero sometimes leads to undefines as in 1/0 and log0. For this reason I have occasionally been wary of zero. However we rarely have such problems in googology since the functions we work with are usually integral and not continuous.

            In some respects zero serves as a natural starting point for large numbers. We can think of it as the starting line, and any positive real becomes part of the race coarse. The end goal can be thought to be at infinity, although it is probably better to think of this as a race with no end goal! We can begin this race, but we can never finish it! Better get going then ...

Small Positive Numbers (0,1)

Entries: 37

Googologically Small Epoch


Entries: 8



This micronym is *slightly* smaller than the blasphemorgulminutia using my own special suffix -minutia. This uses Conway's -minex prefix where (n)-minex = 10-n. This number is 0.0000...00001 where there are a blasphemorgulus minus one zeroes between the decimal point and one. This number is incomprehensibly small in a way analogous to how the blasphemorgulus is incomprehensibly large.



This is an example of a micronym, a special name for an extremely small number. micronyms are rarer than macronyms in googology but there are a few examples. The most famous example is Conway's googolminex.






reciprocal of Graham's Number

            Let's begin our journey very slowly. We will have plenty of time to accelerate towards the infinite! Our first non-zero entry is a number so incredibly small that you'd have to multiply it by Graham's Number (seen later on this list) to get 1. By necessity this number must begin as 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000............ but we have no way of knowing exactly what the first non-zero digit is, or where exactly it would occur! It's that small! As far as the race towards infinity, it's as if we haven't even left the starting line yet, but in fact we have.


two divided by Graham's Number

            This number is just as far from our last entry as our last entry was from 0. If we want to get somewhere however we're going to have to pick up the pace because we'd have to have a Graham and one entries just to reach one!



            Conway and Guy have suggested the name "googolminex" for the reciprocol of a googolplex (seen later). It's an example of an extremely small number with an actual name! One of the many consequences of being able to define very large numbers, is that we can also define very small ones. We simply have to take the reciprocal of some large number, and we get it's inverse: a number that is just as small as the original number was large! You can imagine this number as 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000..................................000000001 where there a googol-1 zeroes after the decimal point. This number is tremendous when compared to the reciprocal of Graham's Number, and yet it is still mind-bogglingly "googol-scopic". If we were to continue with the multiples of a googolminex, such as two googolminex, three googolminex, etc. We would never even have a hope of reaching 1, let alone actually large numbers. So once again we must pick up the pace...



This is the smallest of my googolism's explicitly listed in the ExE Numbers list. It is googolism #32.




            Here is an extremely small number so large that I can actually write out it's decimal expansion in full. This is the reciprocal of a googol (seen later). It can be most compactly defined as 10^-100. This number is smaller than some of the very smallest numbers in physics. 10^-100 meters would be a distance so small that it couldn't even theoretically be measured, no matter how powerful our particle accelerators got. The reason for this is because quantum effects would distort space and time so much that no meaningful measurements could be made! This number, though vastly larger than the previous entries, is still uselessly small. Even if we were to continue with the multiples of this number we still wouldn't have any hope of reaching 1! Let's now explore some really small numbers in science...

Ordinary Small Numbers Epoch


Entries: 29


Planck Time (in seconds)

            This is the smallest time scale that can theoretically be measured. You can think of this as the length of time for a single "frame" of the universe. Another way of looking at it is that the universe has a "frame rate" of about 10^43. See 1.2x10^-17 for comparison.



Planck Length 

(in meters)

            This is the smallest distance that can theoretically be measured. This distance is so small that even the diameter of an electron would be about 10^17 Planck Lengths! In string theory this is said to be the size of a typical "string particle". It would also be roughly the size of the curled up dimensions. You can think about it this way. A string is as small relative to an electron as an electron is to us, making a string a "particles particle".



electron diameter 

(in meters)

            This is the theoretical diameter of an electron. In truth however the meaningfulness of this is doubtful. Physicists have long since ceased thinking of sub-atomic particles as little billiard balls, and prefer to think of them as mathematical points with an associated "field" surrounding them. The idea that an electron has a size however can be given some meaning based on the proximity another particle has to be in order to interact with it. This distance of interaction should be around this value. This distance is also known as an "attometer".




Smallest Measured Time 

(in seconds)

            According to a wikipedia article[1], this is the smallest amount of time scientists have ever actually measured. Interestingly this is equivalent to about 10^26 Planck Times. As you can see we are still a long way from being able to measure changes by the Planck Time!




one hundredth


            One hundredth of something is considered to be a pretty small precentage of anything. This number represents the same concept as 1%. However, this number is still huge compare some of the really small numbers in science. (check out the previous entries)





one twelfth





one eleventh





one tenth





one ninth





one eighth





one seventh




one sixth




one fifth




one quarter



logarithm of two

            Here is a small number with an important connection to googology. The common logarithm of two, or log2 is a number such that 10^log2 = 2. The upshot of this is that it allows us to change the base of a power tower of base 2 to base 10. For example, we can estimate 2^65,536 to a high degree of accuracy, obtaining the correct order of magnitude, simply by using this number. Observe:

2^65,536 = (10^log2)^65,536 = 10^(65,536log2) ~ 10^(65,536*0.3) ~ 10^19,661

            This is pretty accurate despite the very rough rounding. The number 2^65,536 actually has exactly 19,729 digits.

            The common logarithms of the primes are also useful because we can compute the logarithms of other positive integers by decomposing them into their prime factors and then using the laws of logarithms to figure out the value. As an example, we can compute the logarithm of 8 easily if we know the logarithm of 2:

log8 = log(2^3) = 3log2 ~ 3*0.301 = 0.903

            Logarithms are indispensable to the study of tetrational class numbers and allow us to make estimates and bounds on numbers like Skewe's Number, or Ballium's Number. A lot can be learned about numbers of this size, without an impractical amount of computation. Thus even small numbers play an important role in googology.



one third

            This is the "decimal expression" for the fractional value, 1/3. This value is of some importance in my early exploration of mathematics and large numbers. This number has the somewhat irksome property that it can not be expressed as a "finite decimal expression". That is, it is not expressible in the form A/B where B is a whole power of 10. The decimal expression for 1/3 can be thought of as an infinite number of 3s following the decimal point. The discovery that the long division of the fraction would not terminate was something of a revelation to me. I was suspicious of infinity to begin with, but up until that point I figured infinity was something "out there". Now I saw that infinity could also be invoked even with the very close regions between 0 and 1. 

            There is also a curious feature of the decimal expansion of 1/3. It follows from the definition of 1/3 that 3(1/3) = 1. What happens if we multiply the decimal expansion by 3:

3(0.333333...) = 0.999999...

            It turns out that 0.999999... is the same as 1. This may seem incredible. However consider what happens when we had 0.333333... to 0.999999...:

0.333333...+0.999999... = 1.333333...

            We get 1+1/3. This might seem like a contradiction since 0.3+0.9=1.2, 0.33+0.99=1.32, 0.333+0.999=1.332, etc. However since neither decimal expression is finite, the "2" never "shows up" and the result is an infinite sequence of 3s. This just illustrates the rather counter-intuitive properties of the infinite.



logarithm of three

            Normally written as log3, it is the unique real number such that 10^log3 = 3. With this number, and log2, we can approximate many common logarithms without a calculator. For example:

log6 = log(2*3) = log2+log3 ~ 0.301+0.477 = 0.778

log9 = log(3*3) = log3+log3 = 2log3 ~ 2(0.477) = 0.954

log27 = log(3^3) = 3log3 ~ 3(0.477) = 1.431

            We can compute any common logarithm in this manner as long as the integer decomposes into 2s and 3s. We would not be able to compute log5, log7, log10, log11, etc. with only log2 and log3.


one half

            0.5 is the decimal expression of the unit fraction, 1/2. This fraction is the simplest possible that can not be simplified as a whole number. It lies exactly half way between zero and one. It is important enough that it even gets the special name "one half".



Euler-Mascheroni Constant


This seemingly innocuous number between 0 and 1 is a mysterious constant that emerges as the error between the harmonic series, an a relatively "good" approximation of it, ln(n). (See later for some of the harmonic sums, also on this list). The harmonic series is 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+... It is divergent, but it is a very very slow divergence. In fact it can be bounded logarithmically. Since it's such a slow growing function, one thing that can be done to get large numbers from this series is to ask what the smallest partial sum that exceeds a certain number is. This can often be very large. For example, to exceed 10 takes at least 22,027 terms. We can get even crazier things with larger numbers. It takes approximately 10434,294 terms to reach a mere 1,000,000. To get these values we need some method of approximation. recall that ln(x) = int(1/t,t,1,x). Using riemann sums we can show that the harmonic series 1/1+1/2+...1/n > ln(n). We can use a similar trick to show it's less than ln(n)+1. Let H(n) be the nth partial sum of the harmonic series, a natural question is, if its true that ln(n) < H(n) < ln(n)+1 , then how does H(n) behave within this interval. It turns out that H(n) approaches ln(n)+gamma, as n goes to infinity. But another way lim(n->inf)(H(n)-ln(n)) = 0.5772156649... This number occurs in physics, often in unexpected places. For our purposes however it is mainly interesting as a way to get accurate bounds on H(n) for very large n. So we can estimate that H(22,027) ~ ln(22,027)+0.5772156649 ~ 10.5772399175. So we know this is at least enough terms to exceed 10. Like wise H(10434,294) ~ 434,294*ln(10)+0.5772156649 ~ 999,999.46 so this is a bit of an underestimate.



logarithm of four



two thirds


            This is the simplest non-unit fraction. It was important enough that there was a special symbol for it in eygptian mathematics.




logarithm of five



logarithm of six



logarithm of seven



logarithm of eight



logarithm of nine



logarithm of nine point nine



logarithm of nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine

            As the argument of the logarithm approaches 10 from below, the output approaches the value of 1.


w/googol-1 9s



A series can be created with the googol and plex suffix by repeatedly appending it creating the sequence:

googol, googolplex, googolduplex, googoltriplex, ...

This sequence is strictly increasing and grows tetrationally. What happens if we do the same thing with the minex? We get a series of googolism's : googol , googolminex , googolduminex, googoltriminex, etc. This is not the same as having the reciprocals of googolplex, googolduplex, googoltriplex, etc. That would be googolminex, googolpleximinex, googoldupleximinex, etc. (See googologically small numbers epoch). Rather we get a behavior that remains strictly bounded in the interval (0,1). To understand what googolduminex, remember that it is googolmineximinex. And that just as:

googolminex = 10-googol

we have:

googolduminex = 10-googolminex

googolminex is a number only slightly larger than zero, so minus googolminex is a number slightly less than 0. Recall that 10^0 = 1. So 10^(-0.000000.....0001) will be a number just a little smaller than 1. Since 10^x approaches 1+xln10 as x approaches 0, we can conclude that googolduminex is close to 1-(ln10)*googolminex = 1 - ln10/googolplex. ln10 = 2.30258509299... so this amounts to 0.99999....9999976974149... where there are a googol minus one 9s, far more than could be written out. The digits after this will match perfectly with 10-ln10 up to approximately a googol more digits, and then diverge. What's interesting is we got this number, just ever so less than 1 (yet not equal to 1 unlike 0.999999...) by simply applying a common googological suffix twice.

(See googoltriminex for more insanity).



This is a number SO AMAZINGLY LARGE ... THAT it's not small! In fact, it's the smallest ... (Read More)

Next up, The Large Numbers ...



Entries: 1744+

I. Superuniary Epoch


Entries: 80

Superuniary here refers to decimal numbers greater than 1 but less than 2. These numbers are used to compare two things that are close in ratio. Some classic constants can be found here like sqrt(2), e^(1/e), and the golden ratio.



We begin The Ultimate Large Number List with a number so close to 1 it requires a function that diagonalizes over the three-argument phi-function. This is an honest to goodness googolism formed by combining a "blasphemorgulus", a googolism created by me, and applying conway's minex suffix followed by the plex suffix. 

It's a googolism that is large...er than 1 ... barely :/

Perhaps it looks like this number should be huge! Well it IS larger than 1 at least, but of course you mean googologically large. To understand why its so small look at the function 10^10^x, and let x approach negative infinity. As x approaches negative infinity 10^x approaches 0, and therefore 10^10^x approaches 10^0 which equals 1. Stop it at any point however and we find the result has to be greater than 1, since 10^x is always greater than zero, it follows that 10^10^x is always greater than 10^0 or 1. This number begins 1.000000..... with a blasphemorgulus minus one zeroes and is then followed by 230258509299... matching up with ln10 perfectly, up to some point , and then following up with some mysterious digits we may never know.

This is only one example of the weird things that can happen from mixing up the -minex and -plex prefixes. For a full proof of the convergence of the digits as well as a further discussion of some of the interesting properties of these mixed typed googolisms (mixing macro and micro operators) click here.



Using the minexiplex again with a tethrathoth. This number is so close it requires a function on of order-type e0 to define. Somehow this is unimaginably close to 1 and yet this is a "huge" leap (in some googological sense) from a blasphemorgulminexiplex. Specifically you would have to raise the previous entry to a googologically large number in order to reach this entry. So this that sense ... we've already taken a large leap forward ...

1 + 1/(E100#^^#100)

one plus the reciprocal of a tethrathoth

                Let's continue our exploration of large numbers with a really really REALLY small example. We're in no rush and we have plenty of time to get to the real whoppers. Consider the number "one plus the reciprocal of tethrathoth". This number is inconceivably close to one, yet just ever so slightly larger. It starts out 1.000000... but it's an inconceivably long time until you get anything other than zero, though eventually it must reach ...000000001, on account of the fact that a tethrathoth is just a mind bogglingly large power of 10. You would have to raise this number to a tethrathoth to get a number just shy of e. Despite how small of a large number this is, keep in mind that there is an infinite number of smaller large numbers in the infinitesimal space between 1 and 1+1/(E100#^^#100).


Graham's root of the sum of one and a googolminex

            Let's continue the discussion with a real whopper of a "large number"! This is a number so mind bogglingly large that by raising it to the power of a mere Graham's Number you get the ginormous result of a googolminex and one! What's a googolminex and one? It's 1 plus the reciprocal of a googolplex! More impressed by how close this would be to one than by how "large" it is? That's understandable. It's a stretch to call this large, except to say that it's definitely larger than 1. None the less, 1 to any finite power is still 1, so in comparison this number is quite amendable to exponential growth! And just think of the infinite number of yet smaller large numbers whose Graham's power doesn't even come close to the massive googolminex and one. Even if we raised the previous entry to a godgahlah it would still be way closer to 1 than "Graham's root of googolminex and one"!!!

            This was the smallest example I gave on my "Very Small Very Large Numbers" blog entry as an extremely small Large Number. The number must begin with 1.000000000000000000000............ but we can not compute what the first non-zero digit is after the decimal point, just as we can't compute the leading digit of Graham's Number. We also can't compute the exact number of zeroes before the first non-zero digit, though it must be about Graham's Number. All that being said it might be a bit tricky to remember that this number is virtually equal to 1!

            Now I know your brain is still reeling from the sheer massiveness of this number, but wait until you see what comes next!



This entry combines my googolism grangol, the 100th member of the googol sequence, with the -minexiplex. The result is a number of the form 1.00000... with a (grangol-1) 0s before 2302585 etc. This is also the grangolplexth root of 10. That is grangolminexiplex^grangolplex = 10. This value is exact. See the next entry for more details.



As crazy as it sounds. This number takes a googolplex, creates an extremely small number called googolpleximinex which is the reciprocal of googolduplex, then, as if that wasn't enough, takes 10 and raises it to the miniscule power of a googolpleximinex. This results in a number almost but not quite equal to 1, being ever so slightly larger. How much slightly? Well it is approximately 1 + 2.302585*10^-10^10^100. What this means is that its 1.0000000000.... with a googolplex-1 0s and then followed by the digits 2302585 etc. This is also the googolduplexth root of 10. 

Proof. (10^10^-10^10^100)^10^10^10^100 = 10^(10^-10^10^100 * 10^10^10^100) = 10^10^(-10^10^100 + 10^10^100) = 10^10^0 = 10^1 = 10. QED.



This is one of many combination googolisms we can create by combining googol along with combinations of minex and plex. We can prove this number is exceptionally close to a trialogiaminexiplex. We note that googolminexiplex must be close to but greater than 1. It follows that googolminexiduplex is slightly larger than 10, googolminexitriplex is slightly larger than 10^10, and googolminexiquadriplex is slightly larger than 10^10^10. It follows that googolminexiquadripleximinexiplex is approximately 10^10^-10^10^10. Furthermore we know it is slightly closer to 1 than trialogiaminexiplex since googolminexiquadriplex is slightly larger than trialogue, meaning the negative exponent is slightly larger, causing this number to be slightly closer to 1. It can be shown that it is in fact close to trialogiaminexiplex than it is to 1. Specifically it will agree with trialogiaminexiplex for up to it's first approximately googol non-zero digits after 1. 

There is more ... (n)-minexiquadripleximinexiplex forms a function tailor made to continue to approach trialogiaminexiplex from below. The larger n is the closer it is. This leads to ...



As crazy as it sounds. This is likely one of the most insane googolisms I have ever bothered to explicitly coin. It came up in a discussion of mixing minexes and plexes I had with CookieFonster on Discord on September 2nd 2021. One notable thing about this particular number is that it can be said to arise naturally from messing with existing naming conventions in googology. As I pointed out to CF, when mixing minexes and plexes, if we can get arbitrarily close to 1 then we can get arbitrarily close to any member of the -logue series simply by continuing to add plexes. Since blasphemorgulminexiplex is googologically close to 1 it follows that:

blasphemorgulminexiduplex ~ 10

blasphemorgulminexitriplex ~ 10^10

blasphemorgulminexiquadriplex ~ 10^10^10


From there we can get arbitrarily close to certain numbers that are themselves extremely close to 1. For example the trialogiaminexiplex would be 10^10^-10^10^10. If we were to place a number extremely close to trialogue into -minexiplex we would necessarily get a number super close to trialogiaminexiplex. In other words:


= 10^10^-blasphemorgulminexiquadriplex

~ 10^10^-10^10^10

Furthermore, we know this number must be ever so sightly closer to 1 than trialogiaminexiplex (that is, it is slightly less), because we know that since blasphemorgulminexiplex > 1, it follows that blasphemorgulminexiduplex > 10, blasphemorgulminexitriplex > 10^10, and blasphemorgulminexiquadriplex > 10^10^10. Since it is slightly larger this means we are raising to a slightly less negative number, which means we have a number which is strictly closer to 1! 

Trying to imagine this number is kind of crazy. Imagine a number line. There is a number so close to 1 that it is barely indistinguishable from it. You need to zoom in a trialogue orders of magnitude ... before you notice 1 and trialogiaminexiplex differentiate themselves. At this point you see that trialogiaminexiplex is slightly to the right of 1 on the number line. But we aren't done ... next we need to zoom in approximately another blasphemorgulus orders of magnitude ... far far far far more zooming before ... and then finally we see the blasphemorgulminexiquadripleximinexiplex differentiate itself from trialogiaminexiplex. Blasphemorgulminexiquadripleximinexiplex turns out to be slightly to the left of trialogiaminexiplex. From the blasphemorgulminexiquadripleximinexiplexes point of view, the difference between 1 and trialogiaminexiplex is googologically vast ... even while from our point of view they are googologically indistinguisably close!!!

Another thing that might make this number seem as loopy as all-hell is how long it is. The blasphemorgulminexiquadripleximinexiplex contains exactly 40 letters! 



This curious number came up in a discussion I had with CookieFonster back in September of 2021. It's 1 point followed by a (trialogue-1) 0s and then 2302585. The significance of trialogue in this case is that power towers will converge to members of the -logue sequence, if all the bases are 10. To elaborate 10^x converges to 0 as x approaches negative infinity. 10^10^x approaches 1, 10^10^10^x approaches 10, 10^10^10^10^x approaches 10^10, and 10^x#5 approaches 10^10^10. Because of this, we can combine minex and plex in ways to actually arrive at numbers googologically close to trialogiaminexiplex even while trialogiaminexiplex is itself googologically close to 1. See previous two entries for examples of this phenomena!

1 + 10^-10^100

one and a googolminex

            This number is MASSIVE! It's is equal to 1 plus the reciprocal of a googolplex. It's a number so staggeringly gargantuan that if you raise it to the miniscule power of a googolplex you get a value just shy of the unfathomably large number e! Consider that up until now, raising the previous entries to a googolplex would not even come close to reaching 1.0000000000000000000000000000000000001 let alone a number larger than 2! Still not impressed?! Hmm, time to bring out the big guns ... 



1 + 2.30258509299 x 10^-10^100

It was Milton Sirotta, nephew of Edward Kasner, who coined the googol for "1 followed by 100 zeroes", which may be denoted as 10^100. Kasner then defined the googolplex as "1 followed by a googol zeroes", which may be denoted as 10^10^100. These two numbers largely form the basis of early "googology". The sequence was continued with numbers such as googolduplex for 10^10^10^100, googoltriplex for 10^10^10^10^100, and so on. This makes sense if one's goal is to make larger and larger numbers. The idea clearly suggests that when appending a "googolism", (n), to the stem -plex, the result is always (n)-plex = 10^n. Conway, in his Book of Numbers decided to take this in another direction, devising (n)-minex to mean 10^-n. This allows us to describe extremely small numbers, in much the same way that plex allows us to describe extremely large numbers. To this end Conway coined googolminex as 10^-googol = 10^-10^100. Due to the laws of exponents this is also equal to 1/googolplex. What happens when we attempt to mix these suffixes together? It depends on the order. If we evaluated googolpleximinex applying suffixes from left-to-right we get 10^-10^10^100, which is also 1/googolduplex. This number is what we get if we apply them in the reverse order. googolminex is 10^-10^100, so it follows that googolminexiplex is 10^10^-10^100. Note this is not the same as evaluating 10^10^(-10)^100. Instead we evaluate exponents as well as signs from right-to-left. In otherword, this is 10^10^-googol. Since 10^-googol is an extremely small number we get 10^0.00000...00001 w/(googol-1) 0s after the decimal point. Since 10^0 = 1, this results in a number extremely close to 1. In fact it turns out that 10^10^-x is approximately equal to 1 + 2/x for sufficiently large x. What this means is that a googolminexiplex is approximately the square of one and a googolminex. That is (1+10^-10^100)^2.302 ~ 10^10^-10^100. In a strange way that makes both of these "extremely close" to each other, though not simply in the ordinary sense. Any two numbers in the Googological Superuniary Epoch (GSE) are necessarily arithmetically close. They must be a distance less than 0.01 from each other. But one number in this range may be raised to a googologically large number to get another number in this range. It is in this sense that the previous entry and this one are virtually in the same "ballpark" in terms of closeness to 1. They have the same number of trailing 0s, just with a different string of digits. This can not be said for most of the numbers in this range. Googolminexiplex is notable for combining 3 elements that are perhaps the most quintessential to early googology. Using (n)-minexiplex we can create many numbers in this range, but these become increasingly obscure. See googolpleximinexiplex for an even closer example.


1.0000000000 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 000000000700102597078...

w/301,030 0s

1 + 7.00102597078 * 10^-301,031

Millionth Square Root of two

Begin with 2 and apply the square root. You get approximately 1.4142. Now apply the square root to that and we obtain 1.189207115. Call this the second square root of 2. Take the square root a third time and we obtain 1.09050773267, a fourth time and we obtain 1.04427378243. Continue in this way until you have applied the square root a million times. We can show this is equal to 2^2^-1,000,000. Firstly we note that taking the square root is the same as raising to the half power. So the square root of 2 may also be denoted 2^(1/2). This may also be written as 2^2^-1. Now applying the square root again we obtain, (2^(1/2))^(1/2) = 2^(1/4) = 2^4^-1 = 2^(2^2)^-1 = 2^2^-2. In general if we have the kth square root of 2, then applying the square root again gives us (2^2^-k)^(1/2) = 2^((2^-k)/2) = 2^2^-(k+1). Thus the millionth square root can be written more simply as 2^2^-1,000,000. To compute this number we first convert the 2's into 10s. This gives 10^10^(loglog2-1,000,000*log2). This gives 10^10^-301,030.517054. Next we use the fact that 10^x ~ 1 + x * ln10 for x very close to 0. Thus we have 10^10^-301,030.517054 ~ 1 + ln10 * 10^-301,030.517054. Next to obtain the digits we separate out the decimal part of the fraction and obtain ln10 * 10^(-0.517054) = 0.700102597078. The placement then can be figured out with some simple manipulation of exponents.

One way to look at this is, this number is so small, that you have to square it a million times just to get 2. This is equivalent to raising this number to the 2^1,000,000 power just to get 2, which makes it unimaginably close to 1. We can demonstrate this as follows: (2^2^-1,000,000)^2^1,000,000 = 2^(2^-1,000,000 * 2^1,000,000) = 2^2^(-1,000,000 + 1,000,000) = 2^2^0 = 2^1 = 2. 

Interestingly if we then square 2 a million times, the number appears to "explode" in comparison. We get 2^2^1,000,000 which is about 10^10^301,029. This number is "slightly" larger than thrargoogolgong-plexed. See 2^2^1,000,000.

What if we raise 2^2^-1,000,000 to the power of 2^2^1,000,000. Do we get an extremely large number? Yes. We already know raising it to 2^2,000,000 will give us a large number. computing we have (2^2^-1,000,000)^2^2^1,000,000 = 2^(2^-1,000,000 * 2^2^1,000,000 ) = 2^2^(2^1,000,000 -1,000,000). 2^1,000,000 is so large that subtracting 1,000,000 on it has barely any effect, and so we would effectively get 2^2^2^1,000,000. Virtually indistinguishable from if the base had been 2. Much earlier numbers in this range are so close to 1 however that even raising to 2^2^1,000,000 would have no effect, even though this number is larger than a googolplex.


one and one googolminutia


            Alright how about this. Take 1 and add the reciprocal of a googol. This number is so B-I-G that you only have to square it a mere 332 times to get a value exceeding 2! Still not big enough?! Don't worry, we've just gotten started ...


1 + 8.95510046885 x 10^-62

Increase In Earth Mass By Single Solar Neutrino Collision

It is said that about 3x10^15 solar neutrinos pass through the Earth for every square meter of the Earth's surface every second. Although Neutrinos were originally believed to be massless, the detection of neutrino flavor fluctuations forced scientists to conclude that Neutrinos must have some small non-zero mass. Because of this, when a single neutrino passes through the Earth, it means the earth's total mass is in fact increased by some miniscule amount. The mass of the Earth is approximately 5.972x10^24 kg. The neutrino on the other hand, is extremely light even amongst sub-atomic particles. For point of comparison, the proton has a mass of 1.627x10^-27 kg. The neutrino on the other hand has a mass of approximately 5.347x10^-37 kg, that is it is approximately 3,042,827,753 times lighter than a proton! To find the ratio of the mass of the earth after the neutrino collision versus before, we simply compute (5.972x10^24 + 5.347x10^-37)/(5.972x10^24), which works out to about 1 + 8.955x10^-62. This number is incredibly close to 1. To get 2 we would have to raise this number to the power of approximately 7.74x10^60. In terms of squares, we would only need to square this number 203 times to obtain a number exceeding 2. Note that, due to the nature of floating point storage, these numbers can not be computed directly on a calculator since it will round of 1+8.9x10^-62 to exactly 1. To learn how these values were obtained click here.


Time dilation factor of person who is walking versus standing still

            This is the time dilation factor in general relativity of a person who is walking verses a person who is standing still. I assume that a walking person travels at about 1.4 m/s which is about 1/214,137,470 the speed of light. One way to think about this is as follows:

            Imagine two nigh immortals who can live for billions and billions of years. One decides to go for a walk for the next billion years while the other decides to stand still for just as long. At the end of the billion years when the walker again stops to meet up with the one who stood the whole time the difference in the amount of time that elapsed for them due to time dilation would only differ by about 1/3 of a second! The ratio of the larger elapsed time to the smaller elapsed time will be the value of this entry.

            This number is so large you only need to square it 56 times to get a value exceeding 2.


Smallest Possible Large Number Using 64-bit Floating Point Format


This value is exact. It can be approximated as 1+2.222044604925x10^-16. This is the smallest number we can express greater than 1 using double-precision floating points. Anything closer to 1 (from above) than this, will simply be rounded to 1. For example if we add 1+1/2^53, it will be rounded to 1. We can see this difference by computing 1+1/2^52-1 versus 1+1/2^53-1. In the first case the sum of 1+1/2^52 can be stored and so we have 1+1/2^52-1 = 2^-52. On the other hand 1+1/2^53 will be rounded to 1, thus 1+1/2^53-1 would return 0 instead! There is also a largest small number that can be stored as a double equal to 1-1/2^52. So all real numbers in (1-2^-52,1+2^-52) will simply be rounded to 1. This makes these numbers, for the most part, inexpressible with most computers and calculators. In fact, while this number can be stored as a "double", it can not be stored on my TI-89. It will instead round this value to 1. 



Smallest Possible Large Number Expressible on the TI-89 in Approximate Mode

Smallest Possible Large Number Expressible on the TI- 89 in approximate mode. This can be detected as follows. Compute 1+10^-13-1. The difference shows up as 10^-13. If we instead have 1+10^-14-1 we get 0. If we have 1+5*10^-14-1 we get 10^-13. This reason for this is that 1+5*10^-14 is getting rounded up to 1+10^-13. Anything smaller than 5*10^-14 leads to a difference of 0.



This number has somewhat arbitrarily been chosen as the boundary between googologically superuniary numbers, and ordinary superuniar



At this point we can't compute enough digits of 10^10^-10 (monologiaminexiplex) to find out how many digits of convergence there are. None the less we still know this is a lower bound even if we don't know how the decimals differ.



monologiaminexiplex / dekaminexiplex

The monologiaminexiplex is part of special set, of recursively generated numbers constructed using the roots -logue, -minex, and -plex. It is given a special designation, [0,1]. This means it is part of a sequence [0,1], [0,2], [0,3],...etc. that converges towards [0] which is 1, from above. Each member of this sequence can itself be converged to by a sequence from above as well as below. Notice that this number begins to test the limits of what the TI-89 can store directly in approximate mode. It actually stores it as 1.0000000002303 internally. At this precision, the calculator is unable to distinguish between 10^10^-10 and 1+ln(10)/10^10, even though they are not equal. If one computes 1+ln(10)/10^10-(10^10^-10) the TI-89 returns 0. So at this point difficulties begin to emerge regarding calculating these numbers directly. It's here where simply approximating 10^10^-n as 1+ln(10)/10^n becomes useful.



millionth root of two

            Let's pick up the pace and talk about a real super giant! This is a number so large that if you raise it to the millionth power you get 2! You only need to square this number 20 times to get a value exceeding 2. That's still not large, you say? But just think of all the smaller numbers still greater than 1, whose millionth power doesn't even reach 2. In fact, the millionth power of every previous entry is not even as large as this entry!



An approximation for 10^10^-5.  Despite the usual pattern there is only 4 digits of convergence (2302).



fiveminexiplex / pentaminexiplex

This is 5 orders of hyper magnitude below 10. pentaminexiplex to the power of 100,000 equals exactly 10. This one is also notable for being the first case where 1+ln(10)/10^n does not have n digits of convergence. The reason for this has to do with the 5th place after the decimal 2.30258, being 8. This make it easier for it to overflow into the next place value. Hence we find our first exception to the general rule. Regardless we can still say the digits of convergence increase linearly with n. This becomes important when dealing with googologically close numbers to 1 of the form 10^10^-x.



An approximation for 10^10^-4. It has 4 digits of convergence (2302).



fourminexiplex / tetraminexiplex

4 hyper-orders of magnitude below 10. What that means is this is the result of taking the 10th root 4 times starting with 10. Or put another way this is the 10,000th root of 10. It follows that you need to raise this number to the 10,000th power to get 10.  You need to raise number to approximately 3010.3 to get 2, and  4342.9 to get e. Even though this number is pretty darn close to 1, enough so that it would really be imperceptible to us humans already, it still can be stored on a calculator quite easily. Soon we will be reaching values so small they can not be stored as anything other than 1.



This is 1.000000000001x2^0 using the binary format used for double-precision floating point numbers. The mantissa is stored as a 52-bit binary-part. This excludes the 1 before the binary-point because, it never changes value. 11 bits are devoted to the exponent, and 1 bit to the sign. Thus there are a total of 64 bits or 8 bytes in a double-precision floating point number. This number is just slightly above -4 hyper orders of magnitude. This format however allows for the expression of much smaller superuniary numbers.


This is the ratio of a one permille (1‰) increase. That is a 0.1% increase in something. Most people are familiar with percents. The word percent breaks down to "cent" which you should recognize from "century", meaning 100. That is a percent, is a part per hundred. A permille, comes from the same root used in "millenium", meaning 1000. Thus a permille is a part per thousand. This number has a hypermagnitude of approximately -3.362. What this means in practical terms is we would need to raise this number to the power of 10^3.362 = 2303.7 to get 10. In other words, if you had a bank account with an APY of 0.1% it would take 2,303 years for it to multiply 10 fold. Good luck living long enough to reap the benefit of that long term investment. We can also compute what power we need to reach 2. This works out to approximately 693.5. A good rule of thumb for approximating how long it takes a very small rate like this is to first perform the following calculation: 0.7/(r-1). This yields 0.7/(1.001-1) = 0.7/0.001 = 700. This works because for numbers extremely close to 1, it turns out that (1+x)^y ~ 1+xy. For example if we take 1.001^7 we get 1.00702103504 which is pretty close to 1.007. This approximation gets better the smaller the product of xy is, and assuming that x itself is already relatively small. It is also known that 1.07177^10 = 2. From these two facts we can estimate the doubling time simply by figuring out a y such that we get approximately 1.07. So we compute (0.07/(r-1))*10 = 0.7/(r-1). The 700 we get is pretty close to the actual answer of 693.5.

1.001 also shows up on Munafo's site, not as an entry in his number list, but in an example regarding power tower paradoxes. Munafo asks which is larger: 1.001^2^2^10 or 1,000,000^2^10? The answer, perhaps surprisingly, is 1.001^2^2^10, which he proves with some exponential and logarithmic math. This result may seem less surprising if we bare in mind that 1.001^13,822.4 ~ 1,000,000. When we get into the tetrational range this conversion factor or 13,822.4 becomes negligible, and thus it matters less than the height of the power tower.



The ratio of a perfect fifth to 7 equal temperament half-steps. This is an example of a small large number, or superuniary, that comes up in a normal application. This number is therefore in some sense "useful" and "ordinary". We have to go a bit closer to 1 before we go beyond any meaningful physical application. The hyper-exponent of this number would be -3.309 (this is found by taking the common logarithm twice). This is a measure we can use to describe how close we are to 1. If you are going up this list instead of down, you will eventually find that this hyper-exponent will reach googological size before long. If you are going down the list then -3.3 is how far we have left before we reach 10 and start with what we would more normally consider "large numbers". We are making progress.


Ratio of Neutron to Proton mass

            How's THAT for a large number! Although both Protons and Neutrons are have more or less the same mass, the Neutron is just slightly heavier than a Proton by a factor of 1.0013784192...etc. To put this in perspective you only need to square this number 9 times to exceed 2.



A lower bound on 10^10^-3. The difference in value between these two is only about 0.000002652985.



threeminexiplex / triaminexiplex

We are now a mere 3 hyper-orders of magnitude below 10. We can call this number threeminexiplex or triaminexiplex (not to be confused with the root -triminexiplex). As usual the number of convergent digits with ln(10) is equal to n.


Ratio of troposphere to diameter of the earth 

            This is the ratio of the radius of the "troposphere" (the lowest part of the earths atmosphere) to the radius of the earth. This means that the earth's radius is only increased by a mere 0.2% by the enveloping troposphere! Our "sky" is little more than a thin film on the earths surface! But that's still bigger than the ratio of the Neutron mass to the Proton mass, so that's got to count for something right?! Also you only need to raise this number to the 261st power to get a number exceeding 2.



Oblateness of the Earth

You may have heard is said that the earth is not a perfect sphere, but an oblate spheroid. What exactly does that mean? It means the earth is shaped kind of like a sphere that has been slightly flattened at the poles, emphasis on slightly. Due to the earth's rotation, the centrifugal force causes the earth to bulge slightly around the equator. The upshot of this is that the equatorial radius is slightly greater than the polar radius. The ratio of the equatorial radius to the polar radius can be used as a natural measure of the oblateness of the spheroid. The equatorial radius is 6,378.137 km (3963.191 mi), while the polar radius is 6,356.752 km (3949.903 mi). That's a difference of only 21.385 km (13.288 mi). This means that the equatorial radius is only about 0.33% greater than the polar radius. Taking the polar radius to be 1, you can graph the shape of the earth as x^2/1.0033^2+y^2=1. The bulge is so slight that it looks basically like a perfect circle. Thus the earth is pretty well approximated as a sphere, at least as far as human perception goes. An oblateness as little as 1.05 is in fact pretty easy to notice. Getting much smaller than this however becomes largely indistinguishable. This suggests that our ability to distinguish superuniary numbers from 1 probably stops somewhere around this range.


One point oh one

            This is the numeric value of a 1% increase. An increase of 1% is considered to be a very small improvement. However, let's consider how large it is. Let's say you had a bank account with a 1% annual interest rate. How many years would you have to wait for you investment to double? It would only take a mere 70 years! Not impressed? Well 70 years might make for a really long term investment, but in other contexts 70 years might be cause for concern. An inflation rate of 1% would mean the price of all commodities would double every 70 years, quadruple every 140 years, etc. If the price of gasoline were to increase exponentially at a 1% annual rate, in only 40 years you'd be spending 50% more on gas. This might seem like a slow rate, but it only takes a few extra percents annually to get a dramatic change in growth rate. See 1.07 as an example.



This number is notable for being the smallest real number greater than 1 on Robert Munafo's "Notable Properties of Specific Numbers". In other words, this is the smallest large number that is an entry on his number list. In other other words, the prior entry to this one on Munafo's list is 1. 1 probably feels like ages ago if you have been reading through every entry in order since then. It will also be a while until we reach Munafo's second smallest large number, which also appears on this list. The significance of this number, outside of being on Munafo's list, is that it's a ratio that comes from music. A just-tuned perfect 5th is exactly the ratio 3/2. In our western tonal system this is approximated by 7 equal temperament half-steps, where there are 12 half-steps to an octave. The idea is, if we cycle through 12 perfect fifths we should increase by exactly 7*12=84 half-steps which would be 84/12=7 octaves. An octave is the exact ratio 2/1. This works only if we assume 7 half-steps is 2^(7/12) = 1.49830707688...etc. In this case this works out perfectly. As you can see, equal temperament actually leads to 7half-steps being ever so slightly flat from a perfect-fifth. However for the average person, the difference is barely distinguishable. If however we use just intonation the exact result of a "circle of fifths" (12 fifths) is (3/2)^12 = 3^12/2^12. Because 3/2 is slightly sharper than 2^(7/12) however raising to the 12th power must give us a value slightly greater than 7 octaves. 2^7 = 128, while 3^12/2^12 = 129.746337891. This 1.013 is the ratio between the slight sharpness of 12 perfect fifths against 7 octaves. This would be exactly (3^12/2^12)/2^7 = 3^12/2^19, and can be worked out to the above value. See 2^(7/12).



A weak lower bound on 10^10^-2. In general 10^10^-n can be approximated as 1+2/10^n. In fact we know it will always be greater than 1+ln(10)/10^n. ln(10) = 2.302585...etc. thus 1+2/10^n will always be a little less than 10^10^-n.



A handy approximation for 10^10^-2. This acts as a lower bound. In fact we have 1+ln(10)/10^x < 10^10^-x, holds for all real x. As x grows however, this becomes an increasingly good approximation.



twominexiplex / diaminexiplex

twominexiplex (or diaminexiplex not to be confused with the combo suffix -duminexiplex) is a googolism that can be used to represent 2 hyper orders of magnitude below the "hyper-norm" of 10. It can be approximated fairly accurately with the slightly less value 1+ln(10)/100. To see why we brush up on a little elementary calculus. We use the linearization of 10^x at x=0 to create the approximation. The derivative of 10^x is 10^x*ln(10). Setting x=0, this gives a slope of ln(10) at 0. Next we have the point of tangency (0,1). Putting this together gives us the linearization L(x) = 1+ln(10)*x, for x close to 0. It should be clear, that since 10^x is a strictly increasing function, this linearization will always provide a lower bound on the actual value. Taking all this into account since x=10^-2 in this case we have L(10^-2) = 1+ln(10)*10^-2 = 1+ln(10)/100. Note that 1+ln(10)/100 = 1.02302585...etc. and here we have 2 digits of convergence (23), before the two numbers diverge. For 10^10^-n, we should see that the number of convergent digits is always equal to n. To prove this we might consider the slope at x=0.01. This would be 10^(0.01)*ln(10). We create a line with this slope that also passes through (0,1) in order to create an upper bound. This gives 1+10^(0.01)*ln(10)*0.01. Next we subtract 1 from both the upper and lower bound and take the ratio of the results:

(10^(0.01)*ln(10)*0.01)/(ln(10)*0.01) = 10^0.01

The ratio is always the hyper-order of magnitude. This means, the number of convergent digits will closely match the number of 0s after the decimal point before the first non-zero digit. 



This number comes from a generalized upper bound for 10^10^-n. It turns out this will be less than:


The argument for this can be developed from calculus. From here we can create successive upper bounds that allow us to provide an absolute upper bound on the amount of error that can be present in the lower bound 1+ln(10)/10^n. For example since we know 10^10^-2 < 1+(10^10^-2)*ln(10)/100 it follows that:

 1+(10^10^-2)*ln(10)/100 < 1+(1+(10^10^-2)*ln(10)/100ln)*ln(10)/100

This can continue to be iterated indefinitely leading to the series 1+ln(10)/100+ln(10)^2/100^2+ln(10)^3/100^3+...etc.



This series can be used as an upper bound on 10^10^-2. We note that the difference between this number and the lower bound 1+ln(10)/100 is ln(10)^2/100^2+ln(10)^3/100^3+ln(10)^4/100^4+...etc. Thus we know the difference between 1+ln(10)/100 and 10^10^-2 can be no greater than this series. This implies that the digits of convergence should roughly match the place value of the first non-zero digit after the decimal. Why? Because the first term is ln(10)^2/100^2 which is as small relative to ln(10)/100 as it is to 1. Thus the change in digits must happen at approximately twice the number of digits. Note however that the additional terms would add further effects. These become exponentially less significant. However we can use infinite series to convert the difference into a single term. Using the infinite geometric series formula a/(1-r). Here "a"=ln(10)^2/100^2 and "r"=ln(10)/100. This yields:

(ln(10)^2/100^2)/(1-ln(10)/100) = ln(10)^2/(100^2 - 100*ln(10))

Calculating this directly yields 0.000542685609...etc. What this means is the difference between 1+ln(10)/100 and 10^10^-2 can be no greater than about 0.00054. Since this change is in the 4th place and the non-zero digits begin in the 2nd place, this means we should get 1 or 2 digits of convergence. The actual difference is a bit smaller at 0.000267141351...etc. In any case this provides mathematical justification for the idea that the number of converging digits will usually be equal to n. We have seen this is actually the case for n=1,2.



one and one twentieth

1.05 is the value of 1 plus 1 twentieth. As an interest rate, this would represent 5% APY. It would take 14.2 years for an account at this rate to double. This is frankly a long time, and this interest rate is unusually high compare to those typically given by banks to ordinary savings accounts! So ... according to the banks ... this is indeed a "large number" ... :p



When we raise a superuniary number to itself, we necessarily get a larger superuniary number, because we are raising to a power greater than 1 ... but it can still be very very close. 1.05 = 1+1/20. Raising it to its own power is just shy of 1+1/19 coincidentally. 



one and one nineteenth

The next two numbers of the form 1+1/n begin 1.05. None the less we are slowly gaining steam at this point.



1.05 tetrated to the 3rd. This number is still only slightly greater than 1.05, but it's at least greater than 1+1/19. As we continue to stack 1.05s they will technically continue to grow ... but at an ever slower rate ... converging to 1.05270345509...etc. We quickly converge and get extremely close to this value ...



With a mere 1.05 tetrated to the 4th, we already have convergence up to 1.052703. 



This is 1.05^^7. It's the last number of the form 1.05^^n that my TI-89 can distinguish from an infinite power tower of 1.05s. 


1.05^1.05^1.05^1.05^1.05^... ... ... ... ...

This is the convergence value of an infinite power tower of 1.05s. Unlike exponentiation, where any number greater than 1, raised to a sufficiently large power, can grow to any number, we find very different behavior for tetration. Here 1.05^^n, no matter how large n is, will always be less than 1.05270345509...etc. This seems quite remarkable. It means for example you can have a power tower like: 1.05^1.05^1.05^1.05^1.05^1.05^1.05^1.05^1.05^1.05, and it still doesn't even get out of the superuniary range. Normally if we had a power tower of 10 terms it would be huge. What's even more confusing is we can have 1.05 in the base and still get a very large number, such as a mere 1.05^10^10. Example power towers like these can be seen in the later epochs.



one and one eighteenth

The repeated 5s imply this is also equal to 1+(5/9)(1/10). Simplifying we have:

 1+(5/9)(1/10) = 1+5/90 = 1+1/18



one and one seventeenth

We are moving quite slowly it seems, but things are picking up pace as well. We only need to raise this number to the power of approximately 12.126 to reach 2. This place us approximately within 1 hyper-magnitude of 2. To find the hyper-magnitude of a number take the logarithm twice. 2 = 10^10^-0.521390227654. 1+1/17 = 10^10^-1.60513552019. As you can see the hyper-exponent has a difference of approximately 1.



twelfth root of two

            The average pitch ratio between successive half-steps in western 12-tone music. This number can be computed as the 12th root of 2: 2^(1/12). This is a number large enough that pitches in this ratio can be easily distinguished. One way of looking at this numbers size is that you only have to raise it to the 12th power to get 2. You only need to square it 4 times to get a value exceeding 2.



one and one sixteenth

1+1/16. This number can be represented exactly in common floating point number formats, as is the case for numbers of the form 1+1/2^n up to a certain limit. Eventually you get a number "too close to one" to actually express. 



one and one fifteenth

You may notice the repeating 6s look like 2/3rds. This is not a coincidence. One point zero six recurring would be equal to 1+(2/3)(1/10). Simplifying we have 1+(2/3)(1/10) = 1+2/30 = 1+1/15.



Oblateness of Jupiter

This is the oblateness factor of Jupiter. As mentioned on the entry for 1.0033, an oblateness of around 1.05 is already visible. Thus although the bulge is still small, for jupiter it is noticable with an equatorial radius about 7% greater than it's polar radius. Jupiter's equatorial radius is 71,492 km, while it's polar radius is 66,854 km. As impressive as it is, Saturn has an even higher oblateness factor, that is unmistakable when seen.



one and a fourteenth

A 1/14th is pretty small, at least by ordinary standards, so 1 and 1/14th is a pretty tame "large number". Even if we raise this number to the 10th power it still returns a "superuniary number", that is to say, it's still less than 2. That is about to change with our next entry ...



tenth root of two

            This is the numeric value of a 7% increase. This sounds small as in "the population is increasing by 7% annually". However this value is notoriously deceptive. At a 7% rate it would only take 10 years for the initial value to double! After 20 years the value will be 4 times as large as originally, and after 30 years 8 times as large! All of this from a mere 7% annually.


14/13 = 1+1/13

1 and 1/13th. The first number of the form (n+1)/n with n a positive integer, greater than 2^(1/10). This means this simple ratio is large enough that if we raise it to the 10th power we will get a number greater than 2.


13/12 = 1+1/12

one and a twelfth

A simple ratio of 13 to 12, equal to 1 and 1/12th. 


12/11 = 1+1/11

one and one eleventh

A simple improper fraction, 12/11. This number is pretty close to 1 by ordinary standards, but from all our previous entries this now feels like we've come a long long way.


ratio of radius of exosphere to radius of earth 

            This is the ratio of the radius of the exosphere to the radius of the earth. The exosphere is the very last layer of our planet's atmosphere. Beyond this one enters into true outer space. The exosphere only increases the radius of the planet by a mere 9.4%. That's sizable enough that it would be visible if it were highlighted. However the end of the exosphere can't really be seen clearly since the exosphere is very very thin in comparison to the lower and denser layers of the atmosphere.


11/10 = 1+1/10

one point one

            This is the numeric value of a 10% increase. This is a change significant enough that it is noticeable almost regardless of what is considered. Getting 10% extra for the same price is touted as a bargain. Still too small? We're getting there. Before long we'll be blasting off to the stars. Enjoy the smallish numbers while they last!



Oblateness of Saturn

The oblateness of Saturn exceeds 10%. 


10/9 = 1+1/9

one and a ninth

A simple ratio of 10 to 9, also 1 and 1/9th.


convergence value of iterated exponentiation of one point one

            This value is the limit of the infinite power tower of base 1.1. To approximate it begin with 1.1, and let this be Stage 1. Next compute 1.1^1.1 and let this be Stage 2. Next compute 1.1^1.1^1.1 and let this be Stage 3. For each successive stage just take 1.1 and raise it to the power of the previous result. The limit of this infinite sequence is 1.11178201104...


9/8 = 1+1/8

one and an eighth

A simple ratio of 9 to 8. Also 1 and 1/8th. Because 8 = 2*2*2, it is compatible with base 10, and thus we get a terminating decimal in this case. Unlike the previous and next members of the sequence (n+1)/n.


8/7 = 1+1/7

one and a seventh

A ratio of 8 to 7. Also 1 and 1/7th. This number will repeat the sequence of digits 142857 indefinitely after the decimal point. A simple example of an ordinary superuniary number


7/6 = 1+1/6

one and a sixth

A simple ratio of 7 to 6. A simple example of an ordinary superuniary number.


6/5 = 1+1/5

one and a fifth

A simple ratio of 6 to 5. It is also one of the simple terminating decimal fractions. This may also be used as a very simple approximation of 10^10^-1, which is actually a little larger.


one point two one

            This is the result of 1.1^2. This is very easy to compute by hand as 1.1+.11 = 1.21. The digits match up with the second row of pascals triangle. They are also the coeffients of x^2+2x+1 which is the product of (x+1)(x+1).



This is an approximation for 10^10^-1. It turns out this value is actually smaller than the actual value of this expression. Both agree in the first non-zero digit after the decimal point. 


5/4 = 1+1/4

one and a quarter

A very ordinary number. One and a quarter is a simple ratio of 5 to 4. As such it is likely to occur in many situations. For example, dividing 5 cookies between 4 people. Each would get one and a quarter cookies in this case. In addition to this a "quarter" or 25 "cents" is a common coin in US currency. Thus 1.25 is likely to come up when one needs a "dollar and quarter" for something. Quarters are common in measurements, such as liquid and volume measures, because it is compatible with our base 10 system. Any number which contains only 2s and 5s in it's prime factorization, will form a unit fraction with a terminating decimal. As such 1/4 = 0.25 and 5/4 = 1.25 are commonly known fractions.

Incidentally this number is also very close to the tenth root of ten. See next entry.



oneminexiplex / monominexiplex

This number has some significance as a kind of hyper-order-of-magnitude. Orders of magnitude can be expressed as 10^x, where as hyper-orders of magnitude can be expressed as 10^10^x. If we begin with the real numbers, x, then we can say that x < 0 corresponds to the negative numbers, x > 0 corresponds to the positive numbers, and x = 0 corresponds to the midpoint of the number line. With 10^x, and orders of magnitude, x < 0 corresponds to "small numbers", x > 0 corresponds to "large numbers", and x = 0, corresponds to the number 1, the only number which is neither larger nor small. The only "average" sized number. The "norm" by which all other numbers may be measured. We now extrapolate this to 10^10^x. Here, allowing x to range over the interval (-,), gives us numbers in the interval (1,∞), the so called "interval of the large numbers".  x = 0, therefore becomes a new kind of divide, not between negative and positive, nor small and large, but a sub-division of the large numbers into two sub-classes. In my article "Very Small Very Large Numbers", I posit the view that the large numbers should considered any number that is strictly greater than 1. This naturally leads to the idea that not only is there no "largest large number" but also no "smallest large number". It also suggests the idea of "very small large numbers" when we get arbitrarily close to 1. At the end of the article I posit a further delineation of the reader for when a "very small large number" is no longer "very small" that is to say, no longer very close to 1. With hyper-orders of magnitude we can create a mathematically justified dividing point. At x = 0, or 10^10^0 = 10^1 = 10, we can say this is neither a "small large number" nor a "large large number". Thus hyper-orders of magnitude that are negative are "small large numbers" and hyper-orders of magnitude that are positive are "large large numbers". The hyper-magnitudes have a nice consistent property, just like with normal orders of magnitude. With normal orders of magnitude, multiplying by 10, increases the order of magnitude by 1, and dividing by 10 decreases the order of magnitude by 1. Here, raising to the 10th power increases the hyper-order by 1, and taking the 10th root decreases the hyper-order by 1. Thus this number represents exactly one order of hyper-magnitude below the midpoint of large numbers, 10. It's the point opposite 10^10^1 on the hyper-magnitude scale. This could be used as the definition for when a "very small large number", is no longer "very small". 

One other reason to pay mind to this number is it illustrates how the general negative hyper-orders work. 10^10^-n is always close to 1+2*10^-n. We can approximate 10^10^-x as 1+ln(10)x10^-x. Thus 10^10^-1 ~ 1 + ln(10)*(10^-1) = 1.2302585093...etc. Note that the actual value is actually larger than this. In any case, the rule of thumb here is if we want to know the size of (n)-minexiplex, it is roughly 1 point followed by (n-1) zeroes and then 2 followed by some other digits.  


one point three three one

            This is the result of 1.1^3. This is also very easy to compute. Since 1.1^2 = 1.21, 1.1^3 = 1.21+0.121=1.331. Again the digits match up with the third row of pascals triangle and the coefficients of x^3+3x^2+3x+1 which is the result of (x+1)^3.


4/3 = 1+1/3

one and a third

A simple ratio of 4 to 3. Among the simplest possible fractions, and a simple an ordinary example of a superuniary number (a number greater than 1 but less than 2). It is also an example of an infinitely repeating decimal. We can form a sequence of simple fractions of the form (n+1)/n to continue to get superuniary numbers. This is equivalent to adding the reciprocal of a positive integer, n, to 1, to get 1 + 1/n. See 3/2 for the simplest superuniary fraction.  



square root of two

            1.41421... better known as the square root of two. It's a number "so large" that its square is equal to 2, the first integer after 1. Still feeling underwhelmed?! Tough crowd! Well, we still got a loooooooong way to go. The square root of two is notable for being the first number proven to be irrational. That is, it can be shown that it is not a ratio of integers. It lies between 1 and 2, since 1^2=1 and 2^2=4. It represents the logarithmic half-point between 1 and 2. It is also a definite tipping point on this list as entries begin to accelerate rapidly after this...




            This is the number e^e^-1. On Tetration Forum they called this number eta. It has a number of interesting properties. It is a solution of x^e = e, which seems impossible. But notice: (e^e^-1)^e = (e^e^0) = e^1 = e. This is the largest real, greater than 1 for which an infinite power tower converges. Interestingly, an infinite power tower of this number has the value of e. Another important property, for the study of large numbers, is that b^x > x for all real x, provided b > e^e^-1. Thus 2^3 > 3, but 1.1^3 < 3 because 1.1^3 = 1.331. Another way of thinking about it is that b^^n will grow without bound provided b > e^e^-1. You can think of it as a number, "so large" that a power tower with a base of anything higher will grow without bound as the number of terms increase.


one point four six four one

            This is equal to 1.1^4. Since 1.1^3 = 1.331, it follows that 1.1^4 = 1.331+0.1331 = 1.4641. The numbers 1,4,6,4, and 1 are the numbers on the 4th row of pascals triangle, and these are also the coefficients of x^4+4x^3+6x^2+4x+1, the result of (x+1)^4.



This is the ratio of an equal temperament fifth, to the tonic. This number comes up in western music. Simple ratios such as 3:2 or 4:3 produce pleasant harmony between pairs of notes. It therefore makes sense to develop a musical system where by some interval is exactly 3/2. The problem is if one tries to tune a piano in this way, transposing will distort the ratios for other keys. The solution arrived at in western music was to tune all the half-step intervals equally. Thus each one has an exact ratio of 2^(1/12). It turns out that 7 of these half-steps is sufficiently close to 1.5 that the difference can largely be ignored. None the less, there is indeed a slight difference in value. The ratio of the larger to smaller produces the relatively small superuniary value of 1.00112989063...etc.


3/2 = 1+1/2 = 1/1 + 1/2

one and a half / second harmonic number 

            Better known as 3/2. This number is the sum of the first two terms of the harmonic series. This makes it the 2nd Harmonic number. That is, it is equal to 1/1+1/2. It's is also the number exactly half way between 1 and 2. This halfway point is larger than the square root of two, which is the logarithmic half point.

            1.5 might seem small but consider this: if you saw someone 50% taller than you, you'd think they were tall regardless of their actual size.



golden ratio 

            This number is known as the golden ratio. One way to explain it is as follows: cut a line segment such that the ratio of the larger part to the smaller is the same as the larger to the whole. It turns out that there is a solution to this problem, and that solution is the golden ratio. If the ratio between the larger and smaller part is the golden ratio, then so will be the ratio between the larger and the whole. The golden ratio can be expressed exactly as [1+sqrt(5)]/2. That is, half the sum of the square root of 5 and 1. The golden ratio has a rather unusual property. It's square is exactly one more than itself. The golden ratio is a number "so large" that the distance between itself and its square is 1!



third harmonic number

            This is 11/6 or 1+5/6. It is the sum of the first 3 terms of the harmonic series. ie. 1/1+1/2+1/3.

II. Palpable Epoch


Entries: 98

Numbers that can be counted on one's own fingers and are so small that one can perceive them all at once as a definite totality. One has a "palpable" sense of how "large" these numbers are. For the average person these are not "large numbers" but "normal numbers". Small enough to know how many without actually counting.



            I like to say that "two" is the very first large number, since it's at least larger than one. In truth 2 is a number that rests comfortably in the mind. It is actually one of only a handful of truly small whole numbers. By "truly small" I mean that these are the few whole numbers that psychologically seem small to us. These are numbers that we can grasp with our innate number sense...(READ MORE)

2 + ln(2)/2^10^10^100

This is a lower bound on F(-10^10^100) = (2^2^-10^10^100)+1. To understand this, we first conjecture that in binary 2^2^-n has convergent bits, in the same way that 10^10^-n has convergent digits. This isn't too hard to see, since we know that halving the exponent will result in a value half the distance to 1. Thus in binary the digits should appear to converge to some value. Much like we derive that we converge to ln(10) in decimal, we can show we converge to ln(2) in binary. Simply observe that:

ln(1+x) ~ x for small x --> e^x ~ 1+x for small x

2^x = e^(x*ln(2)) ~ 1 + ln(2)*x for small x

2^2^-x ~ 1 +ln(2)*2^(-x) = 1 + ln(2)/2^x for large x

The actual value is slightly larger than this, as can be seen by a few examples:

1+ln(2)/2 = 1.34657359028... < 1.41421356237... = sqrt(2) = 2^2^-1

1+ln(2)/4 = 1.17328679514... < 1.189207115... = 2^2^-2

1+ln(2)/8 = 1.08664339757... < 1.09050773267... = 2^2^-3

1+ln(2)/16 = 1.04332169879... < 1.04427378243... = 2^2^-4


This approximation gets better the larger n is. Thus we can say with high confidence that (2^2^-10^10^100)+1 is approximately 2 + ln(2)/2^10^10^100. 

F(-10^10^100) = (2^2^-10^10^100)+1

This is F(-10^10^100) where, F is the function for the Fermat Numbers. The second exponent here is so large that we can not know what the first non-zero digits are of this after the first 2. We know the number begins 2.00000... and then there is some first non-zero digit at a position approximately a googol digits in. To see this we do the following:

2^2^-10^10^100 = 10^10^( -10^10^100*log(2)+log(log(2)) )

~ 1 + ln(10)*10^(-10^10^100*log(2)+log(log(2)) )

To find the first non-zero digits we would need to find the decimal part of 10^10^100*log(2)-log(log(2)). We won't be able to do this however, because it would require about a googol digits of log(2). This is far more than we can compute. So the best we can do is estimate and say this value is approximately 2 + 10^-10^10^100. This means the first non-zero digit is about at the googolplex place value after the decimal point. Although we can get arbitrarily close to 2 by substituting a large googolism for googolplex, we wouldn't be able to know what the non-zero digits were, only about where they would occur. 

F(-10^100) = (2^2^-10^100)+1

~ 2 + 2.716x10^(-3.01x10^99)

It can be easily seen that this number must be extremely close to 2, since 2^-infinity = 0 and 2^0=1, it follows (2^2^-10^100)+1 must be very close to 1+1 = 2. How close? To calculate this we first convert to base 10:

2^2^-10^100 = 10^10^( -10^100*log(2)+log(log(2)) )

Next we use the identity 10^10^(-n) ~ 1 +ln(10)*10^(-n).

10^10^( -10^100*log(2)+log(log(2)) ) = 1 + ln(10)*10^( -10^100*log(2)+log(log(2)) )

We run immediately into a difficultly. To actually find the digits, it is necessary to know the values of log(2) to more than 100 decimal places. This is because we need to compute the decimal part of the exponent. This can be one with a large number calculator. Using one such calculator I obtain:


The bold part is the decimal part. Computing ln(10)/10^0.92823499956...etc. we can obtain the decimal part of: 0.271631848527. Next we take the exponent part to obtain the following approximation:

2 + 2.71631848527x10^(-3.0102999566x10^99)

Amazingly we can still know some of the non-zero digits after the 2 are. However this would easily become impossible with a sufficiently large googological number. 


~ 2+5.46796712248x10^-31

F(-100) = (2^2^-100)+1

This is a number extremely close to but slightly greater than 2, created by extrapolating the Fermat numbers to -100. Finding it's decimal digits presents something of a little mathematical challenge, but nothing a little work with logarithms can't solve. We know that 10^10^-n ~ 1 + ln(10)/10^n. Thus we can compute 2^2^-n by simply converting the 2s into 10s. We have:

2^2^-n = 10^(log(2) * 2^-n) = 10^( 10^log(log(2)) * 10^(-n*log(2)) ) = 10^10^( -n*log(2)+log(log(2)) )

From here we compute: -100*log(2)+log(log(2)) = 10^10^-30.6243897941 ~ 1 + ln(10)/10^30.6243897941

We can then find the decimal digits by simply dividing ln(10) by 10 to the power of the decimal part of the exponent. This gives us the result: 1 + 0.546796712248*10^-30 = 1+5.46796712248*10^-31. Adding 1 to this we obain 2+5.46796712248*10^-31. This is small enough to write out in full.

I believe this exact value came up while I was tutoring and thinking about Fermat Numbers. This number is too close to 2 for it to be able to be computed directly by repeatedly taking the sqrt 100 times. Thus I tried to find a way to compute the digits. I'm not sure if the above is the method I employed, but none the less this should be correct.

This idea can be extended much further. See entries above but still greater than 2. A decent approximation can be obtained by beginning with (2^2^-10)-1 = 0.000677130693. One then simply divides this by 2 90 more times to obtain a decent approximation of the difference from 2. Computing (2^2^(-10)-1)/2^90 ~ 5.46981817868x10^-31. The first 3 digits (546) appear to be correct.


F(-10) = (2^2^-10)+1

A value that can be generated that is close to 2. This is closer to 2 than Munafo's closest entry to 2 from above.


This is the smallest real number larger than 2 on Robert Munafo's Notable Properties of Specific Numbers. He describes it as the "gryomagnetic ratio of the electron". It's a physical constant believed to have special properties by some, just like the Fine-Structure Constant. Munafo also says it's notable for being known to such a high accuracy. It's amusing to note, this number is much closer to 2, than Munafo's closest number above 1 is to 1. See 1.013.


F(-4) = (2^2^-4)+1

An extrapolation of the Fermat Numbers to F(-4). See F(-1) = 2.414 for more details.


fourth harmonic number

            This the value of the 4th harmonic number, the sum of 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4. It's notable for being the smallest harmonic number to exceed 2. The harmonic series grows perpetually slower. Getting to 3 in this manner proves to be a bit more difficult.


F(-3) = (2^2^-3)+1

An extrapolation of the Fermat numbers to F(-3). See F(-1) = 2.414 for more details.


F(-2) = (2^2^-2)+1

A number obtained by expolating the Fermat Numbers to negative integer exponents. In otherwords, this can be thought of as F(-2). This can trivially be computed as the 4th root of 2 plus 1. See 2.41421356237 for more details. To see more information of the digits of (2^2^-n)+1 for large n, continue to numbers googologically close to 2 from above.



This is a lower bound on e created by plugging 2 into formula (1+1/n)^n. As n approaches infinity, (1+1/n)^n approaches e. One way to think about this number is, if one had 100% APY, but it was compounded twice a year at 50% each compounding, this is the return.


fifth harmonic number

            The sum of 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5.



ln(10) comes up when working with numbers of the form 10^10^-n. This comes up in googology when appending a googolism to -minexiplex. Such numbers, such as googolminexiplex are extremely close to 1, and have the general form 1.00000...00002302... , where the first non-zero digits are the 1 converge to the digits of ln(10) up to a certain point. The number of zeroes and the number of "convergent" digits is directly proportional to the googolism appended to -minexiplex. For example, in the case of googolminexiplex, there are exactly (googol-1) zeroes after the decimal point, following likely by a googol convergent digits of ln(10), with a possible offset of 1. The reason we can't know exactly how many convergent digits there are is because this pattern is not consistent and depends on the googolth digit. If it's too large it can overflow and cause the number of convergent digits to be one less than the googolism being appended. See 10^10^-5 for the smallest known example of this phenomena. We can not calculate a googol digits of ln(10) and as far as I know there is no known way to compute the googolth place value independently. Thus we can not say for sure. We can't know what the last convergent digit is, nor the first non-convergent digit. We can however say confidently that any number of digits we could compute for ln(10) will be included in googolminexiplex, as well as higher versions such as trialogiaminexiplex, googolpleximinexiplex, grangolminexiplex, etc.


(2^2^-1)+1 = sqrt(2)+1

This number, most simply expressed as sqrt(2)+1, came from the idea of extending the "Fermat Numbers". The Fermat Numbers are positive integers of the form (2^2^n)+1 where n is a non-negative integer. The smallest Fermat Number is (2^2^0)+1 = (2^1)+1 = 2+1 = 3. The next smallest would be (2^2^1)+1 = (2^2)+1 = 4+1 = 5. Next we have (2^2^2)+1 = (2^4)+1 = 17. It is very obvious that the first 3 are prime numbers. These are known as the Fermat Primes. The Fermat Numbers may be denoted by F(n) = (2^2^n)+1. Thus we say F(0)=3, F(1)=5, and F(2)=17 are Fermat Primes. Is F(3) a Fermat Prime? Well, F(3) = (2^2^3)+1 = (2^8)+1 = 256+1 = 257. This too turns out to be prime. What about F(4)? F(4) = (2^2^4)+1 = 2^16+1 = 65,536+1 = 65,537. This too turns out to be prime. What about F(5)? F(5) = (2^2^5)+1 = (2^32)+1 = 4,294,967,296+1 = 4,294,967,297. F(5) however turns out to not be prime. In fact, you can confirm it is factorable as: 641x6,700,417. Simply multiply them together to confirm. In these are it's only two prime factors. The sequence roughly squares the previous entry to reach the next entry, thus it exhibits hyper-exponential growth. This means it quickly goes beyond what we can confirm directly. F(6) is already equal to 18,446,744,073,709,551,617. This some effort my TI-89 obtains the factorization: 274,177x67,280,421,310,721. This will quickly exceed the abilities of brute force calculation. F(0), F(1), F(2), F(3), and F(4) are in fact the only known Fermat Primes. It is not known if there are any more further along the sequence. Fermat himself conjectured that all Fermat Numbers were Fermat Primes. Fermat's conjecture was refuted by Leonhard Euler in 1732 when he successfully factored F(5). As of 2014, F(n) is known to be composite for 5<=n<=32. Complete factorizations for F(n) are only known for 0<=n<=11, and there are no known prime factors for n=20 or n=24 (despite the fact they are still known to be composite). The largest Fermat Prime known to be composite is F(18,233,954), and it has a large known prime factor equal to 7x(2^18,233,956)+1. One can easily see why the sequence of Fermat Numbers might be of interest to googologists, as it involves hyper-exponentially large numbers that were actually of some theoretical interest to mathematicians. 

One day while I was tutoring however, I considered what would happen if we allowed the exponent to continue downwards towards the negative integers. In this case we approach (2^2^-infinity)+1 = (2^0)+1 = 1+1 = 2. So this sequence can be used to approach 2 from above, much in the same way that we used 10^10^(-n) to approach 1 from above. My particular theoretical interest however was to find what the string of digits would be after 2.000... for given large negative integers. Plugging in -1 into the formula is trivial to compute as 2^(-1) = 1/2 and 2^(1/2) is simply the sqrt(2). Thus we obtain sqrt(2)+1 in this case. The digits are as easy to compute as the sqrt(2) in this case. This number has another curious property. No matter how many times we square it, we will always have an irrational number. If we square sqrt(2) we get 2. After that we get 4,16, 256, 65536, etc. Once we obtain an integer it remains an integer indefinitely. But if we begin with sqrt(2)+1 we know from multiplying binomials that (sqrt(2)+1)^2 = (sqrt(2)+1)(sqrt(2)+1) = 2+2sqrt(2)+1 = 2sqrt(2)+3 = 5.82842712475. Squaring again we now have (2sqrt(2)+3)(2sqrt(2)+3) = 12sqrt(2)+17. Each time we apply binomial multiplication we are left with a number of the form Asqrt(2)+B. And each time we square it we have: 2ABsqrt(2)+2A^2+B^2. If at any point it were rational then we would have Asqrt(2)+B = a/b, and we could solve for the sqrt(2) and obtain: (a/b-B)/A and we would get a rational expression for sqrt(2). Since sqrt(2) is irrational this is impossible, and thus we can square it forever and always obtain an irrational number. This can theoretically be used then to generate a large irrational number. 

We can continue to get closer to 2 from above by simply choosing a larger negative number, but the decimal expansion becomes difficult to compute since it doesn't converge like 10^10^(-n). However this is mainly due to expressing it in decimal instead of binary. In binary the digits would converge just as 10^10^(-n) converges in decimal. It is possible to find the digits but this requires some trickery. I do believe I was able to figure out the digits that day, but in any case I promptly forgot the result. I have since rediscovered how to do the same thing to find the digits. See earlier 2^2^(-n)+1. 


6th Harmonic Number

            This number is notable for reducing to a relatively simple terminating decimal. It is equal to 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6. This sum equates to 147/60 or 2 + 9/20.


7th Harmonic Number

The 7th Harmonic Number. This is 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6+1/7. The harmonic series, is a series which, while diverging to infinity, grows slower as it goes. One way this is related to googology is one can get a very large number by choosing a bound, say 100, and then asking what the minimum number of terms to exceed it are. It will take quite a while for the Harmonic series to find it's way beyond the palpable epoch. This value is strangely close to 2.598 which is 3*sqrt(3)/2, a bad lower bound for pi using Archimedes method with an equilateral triangle. See 2.7178.



This is a very bad lower bound for pi based on creating an inscribed equilateral triangle, thus taking Archimedes Method to one of it's logical extremes. See 2.828.


4/1-4/3 = 8/3

This is the first two terms of the Leibniz Series, the first infinite series used to express pi. It comes from the arctan formula that says:

arctan(x) = x^1/1 - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 + ...

Substituting x=1, we obtain the series for arctan(1), which is the angle where the tangent returns 1. In other words the right triangle in which the legs are equal. This happens at 45 degrees or pi/4 radians. This trigonometric series, like all trigonometric series, is in radians, so arctan(1) = pi/4. so we get:

pi/4 = arctan(1) = 1/1-1/3+1/5-1/7+...

pi = 4*arctan(1) = 4/1-4/3+4/5-4/7+...

4*arctan(1) is a common value used by programmers to obtain pi. It can be used to obtain the nearest double floating point number less than pi. See 3.14159265358979311.


8th Harmonic Number

This is 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6+1/7+1/8. It is surprisingly close to the value e.



        This is the transcendental constant, e. The value can be obtained by taking the sum of the reciprocals of the factorials:

e = 1/0! + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + 1/5! + ...

Another important definition is:

e = lim n-->oo (1+1/n)^n

        It is the base of the natural logarithm. The derivative of the function e^x is e^x. This means that the slope at any point along the curve is equal to the y coordinate of that point. An interesting consequence of this is that the value of e^n, where n is a counting number, must be larger than the nth triangular number plus 1. ie. e^1 > 2, e^2 > 4, e^3 > 7 etc. "e" is really quite a small magnitude, lying between 2 and 3. "e" comes into play in the large number field in the definition of Skewes' Number, Ballium's Number, and in studying infinite power towers.



This is a bad lowerbound created by using an inscribed square. Note that, if we set the sides of the square to 1, then it's diagonal is the diameter of the circle and equal to sqrt(2). We then take the perimeter of the square and divide it by the diagonal to obtain: 4/sqrt(2) = 4*sqrt(2)/2 = 2*sqrt(2). This is one of a handful of lower bounds on pi that are actually less than 3. See 2.598... and 2.666... for some other examples.


9th Harmonic Number

The 9th harmonic number exactly equal to 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6+1/7+1/8+1/9. It is slightly greater than 2*sqrt(2).


4/1-4/3+4/5-4/7 = 304/105

The fourth partial sum of the Leibniz Series, and the second underestimate in the series. See 3.1805238095.


10th Harmonic Number

The 10th harmonic number exactly equal to 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6+1/7+1/8+1/9+1/10. It is slightly less than the lower bound 2.938 for pi using an inscribed regular pentagon.



This value is a lower bound for pi created from an inscribed regular pentagon. Take a n-sided regular polygon and chop it into n congruent triangles, then cut each of these into two right triangles. If we set the hypotenuse to 1, then the radius of the circle is 1, and the diameter is 2. Next we use the angle around the center of circle, which would be 2pi/(2n) = pi/n. The side opposite this angle if half the length of a side of the polygon. It would be equal to sin(pi/n). Thus we have 2n*sin(pi/n)/2 = n*sin(pi/n). Combined with the formula for the upperbound (see 3.632) we have:

n*sin(pi/n) < pi < n*tan(pi/n)

In this way we can easily get any of the lower bounds or upper bounds created by Archimedes method. This allows us to get polygons that would otherwise be tricky like pentagons, heptagons, etc.




        "3" is the 2nd triangular number. It is one of the few numbers that can be understood with our number sense alone. It is one of the larger examples of a "truly small number".

            3 is also the 2nd prime prime, and the smallest mersenne prime (primes of the form 2^p-1 where p is prime. The next mersenne prime is 7). 3 is the sum of 1+2, 2+1, the product 1*3, 3*1, and also is equal to the expressions 3^1, 3^^1, 3^^^1, 3^^^^1, etc.

3 can be thought of as a very primitive approximation of pi. In fact it is one of the 3 most commonly used approximations of antiquity, the other two being 25/8 and 22/7, entries also in the ULNL. The figure of 3 for pi seems to be implied by the bible, suggesting a rather crude mathematics, but it can also be obtained by an extremely simple means using Archimedes method. It is one of the simplest cases as well. Begin with a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle. Note that if we slice it into 6 equilateral triangles, which we can do because of the interior angles being 120 degrees each, that two sides of the equilateral triangle are also the diameter of the circle. The perimeter of the hexagon would be 6. Thus we can say since the perimeter of the hexagon must be smaller than the perimeter of the circle, since straight lines are necessarily shorter than the arcs connecting the end points. Thus we can say pi > 6/2 = 3. In a similar way a circumscribed hexagon can be used to find the upperbound sqrt(12). See 3.464. Thus this is one side of the first level of precision in archimedes polygon method for finding bounds for pi. That is 3 < pi < 3.464. The next set of bounds would use 12-sided polygons.


11th Harmonic Number

            This is the smallest harmonic number greater than 3.


12th Harmonic Number

This is 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6+1/7+1/8+1/9+1/10+1/11+1/12. It is the last Harmonic Number less than pi.


25/8 = 3 + 1/8


A babylonian approximation of pi. Unlike 22/7, 25/8 is a lower bound. Thus pi lies between 3 + 1/8th and 3 + 1/7th. This approximation is just slightly lower than our current modern rule of thumb approximation, 3.14.

Recall that the babylonians used a sexagesimal system. 1/8th is easily expressed in the sexagesimal system as 3.07:30. That is 3+7/60+30/3600. Upon simplifying we have 3+7/60+30/3600 = 3+7/60+1/120 = 3+14/120+1/120 = 3+15/120 = 3+1/8. Despite the historical significance of the approximation of 25/8, almost on par with 22/7, Munafo's number list does not contain it. It has perhaps fell out of favor since 22/7 has the distinct advantage of beginning with the same 3 digits as our most common approximation of pi, 3.14.

Another much closer sexagesimal value used by the greeks was 3.08:30, which yields the much better value 3.141666...etc. This approximation is even better than 22/7 in fact.

One last note, this babylonian approximation of pi is one of the few that can be expressed exactly in binary as 11.001. Thus  it can be represented precisely as a double-floating point precision number.



355/113 is a ratio that is much closer to pi than it's denominator would imply. Subtract or add 1 to the numerator and suddenly you have a ratio that is approximately 1/113 away from pi. This gives a better idea of the expected precision for a denominator of 113. One would expect about 2 decimal digits of accuracy. Actually we only get 1 decimal digit here. See 3.15044.


three point one four

These 3 digits are the ones most strongly associated with pi. The digits are commemorated on pi day with the date 3/14.

A very common approximation for pi used in school. Most people have pi memorized up to the first two decimal places. It's so commonly cited, school aged children are likely to confuse this approximation with pi itself. In actuality, it is slightly less. Since this is basically just pi chopped off at the second place value (and pi is irrational), it must necessarily be a lower bound. Just for fun, I'll note that the relative power between 3.14 and pi is 1.00044317062. This means that 3.14^1.00044317062... = pi. This is simply to say, the two values are relatively close together. Relative powers will become more relevant later in the list where numbers no longer tend to be this close, arithmetically, logarithmically, or even by relative powers

It's worth noting that Archimedes bounds of 3+10/71 = 3.1408... < pi < 3.1428... = 22/7, amounts to (in modern notation) confirming the first two decimal digits of pi (3.14...).


3+10/71 = 223/71

This is Archimedes rational approximation of the inscribed 96-sided regular polygon. Combined with Archimedes upperbound of 3+1/7 for pi, archimedes would have confirmed the first two decimal digits of pi.



This is the exact value obtained when using an inscribed 96-sided polygon to create a lower bound for pi. It's worth noting however that Archimedes didn't use trigonometry and would not have been able to calculate this exact value. This value would involve nested radicals. Since direct computation of the radicals was out of the question, Archimedes would have instead used rational approximations of them. Furthermore, to ensure the rational expression was less than pi, Archimedes would ensure that the rational approximation of this expression was less. And that is exactly what we find. Archimedes lowerbound for the exact perimeter of the inscribed 96-sided regular polygon with diameter of 1, is the rational value 3+10/71 = 223/71.



The value of pi correct to two sexagesimal digits. Sexagesimal base is notable for being the number system used in babylon, and is responsible for our division of an hour in 60 minutes and a minute into 60 seconds. We also have 360 degrees, with each degree equal to 60 minute arcs, and each minute arc equal to 60 second arcs, thanks to them. Thusly there are two approximations of pi based on in base 60. These are 3.07:30 = 3.125 = 3+1/8, and 3.08:30 = 3.14666... = 3+1/8+1/60. But the correct value up to the first two sexagesimals would simply be 03.08:29. If one has the digits of pi in decimal, and a calculator, these sexagesimal places can found quite easily by taking pi, subtracting 3, and multiplying by 60, then repeatedly removing the integer part and multiplying by 60. See 3.1415959259.


3+14/99 = 311/99

A fun little rational approximation of pi one can create by simply repeating the first two decimal digits over and over again forever. This works out pretty well since the next two digits of 15, only slightly less. This would make this a general pretty good rational approximation of pi, since it actually snags an extra correct digit, with a denominator of only 2 digits.



Like 3/1, 22/7, and 355/113, 333/106 is a "best rational approximation of pi" for the size of it's denominator. What this means technically, is that it will be better than any rational approximation with a smaller denominator.  Wait, isn't that always the case? No. Let's start with d=1. In this case 3/1 is the best we can do, in terms of arithmetic distance. What about d=2? Well 6/2 is better than 7/2, but 6/2=3/1. So halves are no better than wholes in this case. What about thirds? 10/3 - pi = 0.19 while pi - 9/3 = 0.14. Thus thirds still don't give us a better approximation. With d=4, we have 13/4 - pi = 0.108, so this gives us the first case of a better approximation for pi than any smaller denominator. So the new champion is 3.25 and the new difference to beat is about 0.108. With fifths we get 3.2 which is obviously closer, then 19/6 = 3.1666..., then 22/7 = 3.142857...etc. The difference here however is extremely good. 22/7 - pi = 0.00126. Eighths can't compete with this, nor ninths, nor tenths, etc. So 333/106 is one of these special cases of "good rational approximation" based on the size of it's denominator. In fact it's so good that it beats out Archimedes inscribed 96-sided regular polygon! With 1000 sides however ...



This is a lower bound for pi one can obtain using an inscribed chiliagon (1000-sided polygon). Essentially this is taking Archimedes method even further. Even so we only get 4 decimal digits of accuracy. If we use the inscribed and circumscribed chiliagon we have:

3.14158748588... < pi < 3.14160298906...

This would only confirm the first 3 decimal digits (3.141), despite having a 1000 sides. 



The first 3 sexagesimals after the sexagesimal point. This gives us a surprisingly good decimal approximation of pi, correct up to 6 decimal places.


First 11 decimals of Pi

The correct first 11 digits of pi. Because the next digit after 8 is 9, on a 12 digit display this would be rounded up to 3.14159265359. Because of rounding it's important not to assume that the last digit of a display is actually a digit of pi. This mostly applies to when a display is smaller than the actual storage of the number. Most floating points are in binary, so rounding happens with bits instead of digits. This leads to many many additional digits that do not add to the decimal precision of the number. In the case of the double format, for example, the most common value of pi actually gets the first 15 decimal digits correct. See 3.14159265358979311 below.


First 13 decimals of Pi

The first 13 decimal digits of pi. This would be the closest value less than pi, that the TI-89 could store in approximate mode. Unlike the actual value of pi stored on the TI-89, this one has the correct first 13 decimal places, even though, rounding up the last 7 to 8 is arithmetically closer to pi than this number is.


First 15 decimals of Pi

The first 15 decimal digits of pi. I have read that Newton computed the first 15 decimal digits of pi. Another significance to this particular approximation is that in Double Precision Floating point representation one can only get a maximum of 15 correct decimal places of pi stored. The digits beyond this are sort of "garbage data". An artifact of converting the binary storage into a decimal display. Digits are the first 15 can not actually be manipulated individually, because despite containing 51 decimal digits, only 15 can be manipulated individually. In reality the number is stored as 52 bits, and the first bit is dedicated to before the "binary point". 

This is also the digits of pi that I'm most familiar with. My reasoning was, it would be good to know pi up to the maximum precision allowable by double floating point, which theoretically, is enough digits of pi to perform any sensitive physical calculation one would want to perform. Even NASA engineers admit that they don't need a lot of digits of pi in their calculations. 15 decimals would probably be enough to perform any desired maneuver within say our solar system. Having more digits of pi is mostly an obsession of mathematicians and math enthusiasts, then something that preoccupies engineering types.


Closest Lower Bound of Pi using Double Precision

This value is exact! You may recognize the beginning digits as those of pi ... and they are ... up to a point. This is the largest number less than pi using double precision floating point representation. Double precision floating point representation uses 8 bytes or 64 bits, with 1 bit for the sign, 11 bits for the exponent, and 52 bits of precision. In essence this is the closest a standard computer representation can get to the actual value of pi! In binary this is exactly equal to:


Despite containing 51 decimal digits (including the last 3 zeroes), only the first 15 decimal digits match that of pi.  Everything after 3.141592653589793 is essentially garbage digits that result from the number being expressed in binary.



Pi via Perimeter of Inscribed Gogolgon

What if we were to take Archimedes polygon method, and take it to googological extremes? Well the first thing to note is that Archimedes is not actually the best method to estimate pi. It's convergence is relatively slow. You need about 10^n sides to get n digits. So let's say we have an inscribed regular gogolgon (10^50 sides). Surely then we get 50 decimal digits correct, right? Wrong! We would actually get the first 99 decimal digits of pi. Here is the inscribed gogolgon perimeter:

3. 1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170674 6537680850 8285303722 488593491

and here is pi:

3. 1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095

The bolded digits are where they finally diverge. Being the inscribed polygon it's a slight and I do mean slight, underestimate. But the change only happens beginning at the 100th decimal place.

This may seem strange. Why are we getting twice as many as you might expect? This however requires a deeper investigation to find out why. To understand how close Archimedes inscribed and circumscribed polygons of the same number of sides will bound pi, we can take their difference. This would be n*tan(pi/n) - n*sin(pi/n). Factoring out n and sin we obtain nsin(pi/n)(1/cos(pi/n)-1). We note that cos(x) ~ 1 - x^2/2. This is simply the first two terms of cosine's infinite series. It follows from this that cos(pi/n) = 1 - (pi/n)^2/2. Next, since pi/n is extremely small we can approximate the reciprocal of 1-(pi/n)^2/2 as 1+(pi/n)^2/2. Furthermore sin(pi/n) ~ pi/n, since again pi/n is very small. So we get the following:

n*sin(pi/n)(1+pi^2/(2n^2) - 1 )



In this case n is a power of 10, and so this tells us the difference between the two will be the square of the power of 10. We also have a digital convergence that will be approximately equal to pi^3/2 = 15.5031383402. So plugging in n=10^50 we expect that the range between the inscribed and circumscribed gogolgon will be 15.503/10^100 = 1.5503/10^99, which suggests a disagreement in the 99th place. We don't see this because this difference is not divided evenly amongst the lower bound and upper bound. It appears that about 1/3rd of that goes to the lower bound and 2/3rds to the upperbound. If this is correct then the error from pi should be -0.516/10^99 = -5.16/10^100, which shows a change of about 5 in the 100th decimal place. And lo and behold, we see that the 9 was changed to a 4! So we can accurately predict how much these inscribed and circumscribed googological polygons will differ from pi. So great! That means we can use this method to easily calculate googologically many place values of pi, right?! Well of course not. We can compute the error with high precision, but this doesn't actually tell us what the value we will get is. The main problem is computing sin(pi/10^50) accurately. It will be extremely close to 0 and extremely sensitive in value. This value was obtained using a high precision online calculator that offers the ability to go up to 130 digits of precision. However going much further will lead to something we could not actually calculate. None the less here we have definitely a value that would have been a great approximation of pi throughout most of history, and we can even say where it should start differing from pi without knowing the value of pi. Even so ... this is still nothing compare to the number of digits that have been calculated by computer. So let's go even further towards pi!

ENIAC Pi Computation

In 1949, the ENIAC computer was used to compute the first 2037 decimal digits of pi. This was the first time that a computer, had been used to calculate digits of pi. It took 70 hours of computation to perform. It easily surpassed the furthest human achievements, 707 digits of Shanks, only 527 of which were correct, and the most digits ever calculated by hand, which was 620 by a Mr. Ferguson. This more than tripled the former record!

IBM 704 Pi Computation

In 1958 10,000 digits of pi were computed for the first time by an IBM 704. Unlike the ENIAC this was achieved in a mere 1.7 hours of computation!


~ π - 5/10^200,000

Pi Estimated by perimeter of Inscribed Googolgongagon

Surprisingly this is NOT the first context under which I have considered the googolgongagon (googolgong-sided polygon where a googolgong = 10^100,000). When I first conceived of what would become Extensible-E Notation (to be seen later in Part I of this number list) I imagined it as a series of polygon notations, where each regular polygon was cut up into n isosceles triangles, and numbers were written inside each one. The way to make larger numbers was to have more sides. So naturally I conceived of polygons of googologically many sides, more as a notational side effect. My favorite number was a googolgong, so naturally I considered the case of a googolgong sided polygon (what I now call whimsically a googolgongagon) and imagined filling it with 10s and a single 303 for the third argument. The details of this are somewhat tangential to our current discussion, but it will be visited again later. In any case, what would happen if we consider this googolgongagon in the context of Archimedes estimation of pi? Well if we are using an inscribed googolgongagon this leads exactly to the value 10^100,000*sin(pi/10^100,000). A perfectly reasonable question is ... just how close would this be to pi. Keep in mind that a googolgongagon has an absolutely unimaginable number of sides. This puts a chiliagon, myriagon, gogolgon, or even a googolgon to shame. Despite this we can know with a pretty how certainty that it has at most 199,999 correct digits of pi. The reason I don't know quite for sure is that the known approximate difference of 5/10^200,000 could potentially roll back multiple digits if they were all 0s. It might not be likely, but without knowing the exact digits of pi at that point in the sequence there is no way to know for sure. We can only say it's likely to be good up at least 199,998 decimal digits, with about a 1% chance of doing worse than that, assuming pi is normal. This level of precision is quite remarkable still. And yet as impressive as it is to think of 200,000ish correct digits of pi, and the ridiculous polygon we used to get there ... we still wouldn't have even come close to the best computations of pi. But ... we are getting there ...

CDC 6600 Pi

In 1967, the CDC6600 had computed 500,000 decimal digits of pi for the first time. This figure is the last one cited in Petr Beckmann's A History of (PI), which was published in 1971. As he wryly observes, even though it was the furthest he was aware of, he acknowledged it could have easily gone further in his own time, and surely would be surpassed soon regardless. This value is so accurate that even using an inscribed googolgongagon would not be enough to calculate pi this accurately. We would need an inscribed polygon of approximately 10^250,000 sides to get an accuracy of this level. Such a method was not employed for this computation, instead being performed by much faster and more reliable modern formula with very rapid convergences. The computation of these digits only took 28 hours.

CDC 7600 Pi

Only 2 years after the publication of Petr Beckmann's book, in 1973 the CDC 7600 topped the previous record, and got 1,001,250 digits of pi. So it took as late as 1973 for the first million decimals of pi to be known! This was only about 10 years before I was born. To compute 1,000,000 digits of pi would take a polygon of approximately 10^500,000 sides.

IBM 3090 Pi

In June of 1989 The IBM 3090 became the first computer to compute the 1 billionth (with a B!) decimal place of pi. Specifically it computed 1,011,196,691 decimal places. This was only 16 years after the millionth digit had been found for the first time, quite a remarkable leap in capability.


In November of 2002, the HITACHI SR8000/MPP computed pi to cover 1 trillion (10^12) decimal places for the first time. In all 1,241,100,000,000 decimal places were computed. This was only 13 years since 1 billion decimal places were computed.

Emma Haruka Iwao Pi

On March 14th, 2019, it's a pi day, one of the most enigmatic computations of pi was performed. 31,415,926,535,897 digits of pi were computed, where the digits in the number of digits are themselves the first 14 digits of pi! How cool is THAT!

They were computed by Emma Haruka Iwao, a Japanese Computer Scientist and Cloud Developer for Google.

This suggests a recursive continuation. If we compute the number of decimal digits computed, we can then look at how many decimal digits it contains. In this case, the number contains 13 decimal digits. However the only reason Emma knew to compute 31,415,926,535,897 places is because the first 13 places were already known! Where might that lead ...

Team DAViS Pi

In August of 2021, post covid pandemic, the record of approximately 62.8 trillion digits of Pi was reached. As of March of 2022, this is the furthest record of computing pi. If we truncate pi at any finite point, there must be remaining non-zero digits, because the number is irrational and would otherwise be rational (though with an absurdly large denominator of around 62 trillion digits). The upshot of this is any truncation of pi must be a lower bound. That is assuming that only correct digits of pi are included and not a last rounded digit. I assume that these calculations are performed with a few extra digits to confirm which digits are definitely part of the sequence of pi. The official computation was 62,831,853,071,796 decimal digits of pi. These are actually the decimal sequence of 2pi = 6.28318530717...etc. This is one upmanship from Emma's Pi of 31.4 trilion digits of Pi. 

Where will pi calculation go from here? Apparently, despite taking up terabytes of data at this point and taking nearly up to a year of computation at this point, there are still those enthusiasts who keep pushing it ever further! It as already been 20 years (as of 2022) since 1 trillion digits was first computed, and yet we are still in the trillions. Here is a rough time table:

1949 one thousand decimals

1973 one million decimals

1989 one billion decimals

2002 one trillion decimals

These are leaps of 24, 16, and then 13 years. It is quite possible that one quadrillion decimal digits of pi, will not be reached until several years to come. The next big milestone would appear to be the 100 trillion decimal mark. It's a pretty safe bet this is likely to be carried out and achieved by someone within the next 2 years. Assuming a doubling time of about 2 years from there (using a simplified version of Moore's law) this suggests that we might reach the one quadrillion decimal digit some time by around 2032. That's still a potentially long way off.

It's crazy to think about, but the current record is googologically smaller than the actual value of pi. Just how close will be ever become? There are practical limitations. Obviously the next entry will be pi ... after all where else could we go ... but wait...


One Quadrillion Decimal Digits of Pi

This benchmark has not been reached yet (as of 2022). But we don't need to wait until it's actually reached to have it as a number on our number list because ... it already exists, mathematically. Take pi and multiply it by a power of 10. say pi*100 = 314.159...etc. Then floor it. Then divide by that power of 10. You get pi up to some number of decimal places. Pi is well defined, so this is well defined. In other words, even if we haven't actually gotten there yet, and we don't know what the quadrillionth decimal of pi actually is, we can still imagine it. With googology we can simply imagine these values as long as they are well defined. We can imagine pi to any integral number of decimal places ... as long ... as we can already imagine that integer. A quadrillion is an easily knowable integer, and so we can imagine a decimal string starting 3.14159 etc. and continuing for a quadrillion digits after the decimal. This imagined quantity would be far closer than any decimal approximation of pi we have actually computed. Will we ever reach a quadrillion decimal digits? I would say it is quite likely at this point. However ... there are some practical considerations that start kicking in at this level and beyond. The computation would require the storage of about a petabyte of data. We are already getting close to the limits of miniaturization. So at some point we bump up against a hard limit of how much we can shrink the data and the total physical size of that data. A petabyte might be getting a bit difficult to store. However ... this would just be getting started with the infinite digits of pi ...


One Googol Decimal Places of Pi

This would pi truncated to a googol decimal places. Here we have gone way beyond anything we could really expect to ever actually compute.  There is simply not enough data or computational power or time to compute this many digits of pi. We can only imagine such a thing. It's well defined, and it's googologically close yet less than pi. One thing we can say is that an inscribed googolplexagon would almost certainly (99.9999999...etc%) give us a better approximation of pi than to a googol decimal places, and should reasonably give 2 googol decimal places


Inscribed Googolplexagon

An inscribed googolplexagon, if it could somehow be computed exactly, would give us 2x10^100 digits of pi approximately (always about twice the common logarithm of the number of sides).


Inscribed Grangolgon

If we can imagine a googolgong sided polygon, there is absolutely nothing stopping us from imagining a grangol sided polygon, which I have dubbed a grangolgon. A grangol = 10^10^...^10^10^100 w/100 10s, evaluated from right-to-left. It's a named number we will encounter much later in the number list. This number is so huge, that the poor convergence of polygons barely matters. This would theoretically give us pi accurate to 2*E100#99 decimals. Basically it's unimaginable. We are talking about more than a googol digits (E100), more than a googolplex digits (E100#2), more than a googolduplex digits (E100#3), more than a googoltriplex digits (E100#4) etc. etc. The number of correct decimal places would not fit in this universe, nor even if you scaled up from atoms to the observable universe a googolplex times, it still would be basically nothing. Does anything fantastic happen this far into the decimal expansion? Here is a almost unimaginable question to ponder. What if there were a run of 0s in pi that was proportional to the number of digits up to that point. I don't just mean like, statistically at the googol digit mark there is likely to be a run of 100 zeroes somewhere. What I mean is, is there an N so large such that after the first N digits, the next N digits are all 0s? That sounds like it would be impossible ... but for infinity? How could we prove it would never happen in all of infinity of the decimal expansion of pi. Think about that ... and maybe you will get an inkling of what we are dealing with here at the grangolgon scale. We could imagine scaling up exponentially, very rapidly, and each time we don't see such a run of 0s we just double the number of digits. We could do this for an inconceivably long time on the order of E100#98. In all of those doublings would we never find such a case? It could well be, for reasons we can't explain right now, such a thing is gauranteed to never happen in all of the infinity of the digits of pi, but ... what if such farlands of pi exist? That would certainly be something. Perhaps every so often there are deserts of 0s like this far out. Even at that particular scale the gap of 0s would be noticable and would like something like 3.1415926535...0000000000...7...etc. that would be really something. Even if we could mathematically prove such deserts exist ... we would likely never reach the first one ... something to screw your mind with ... and finally ...

3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 ...


        A transcendental constant defined as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It is usually denoted "pi", and it lies somewhere between 3 and 4, making it a rather small quantity. It can be approximated as 22/7, but it can not be represented as the ratio of integers. It sometimes crops up mistakenly in large number discussions as an example of a large number. This is because the sequence of digits is never ending, and so it is assumed to have "more digits" than any other number. Usually someone will point out sarcastically that 3.2 is bigger, and an even more impressive number would be 4! A more clever use of pi for a large number might be to say "the largest number is pi with the decimal point removed". However such a number wouldn't be finite and therefore would not even count as a legitimate number (googologist's ban infinities from the discussion as it tends to be a game-breaker, and for other considerations of well-foundedness). Other than that pi doesn't come up too frequently in googology, though it is part of the definition of Ballium's Number.

3.14159265358979323846 ... 983367336244193 ... 0570985

Shanks Number

William Shanks was an amateur mathematician living in the 19th century (1812-1882). He is remembered best for his massive calculation of pi by hand. He lived right between the mathematical revival of pi following Newton's invention of calculus, but before the invention of the computer. Thus he had access to all the new formulas discovered for pi, but had to perform all the calculations through tedious tabulation. William Shanks was the last great pi hunter. No one would really try to push forward until mechanical calculation was made possible. As such this is where we reach an end of pencil&paper calculations of pi. In April 14th, of 1873, at the age of 61, Shanks published his 707 decimal digits of pi, the work of some twenty years of on and off calculation. The digits, as seen in print, are these:


14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944

59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 82148 08651 32823 06647

09384 46095 50582 23172 53594 08128 48111 74502 84102 70193 85211 05559

64462 29489 54930 38196 44288 10975 66593 34461 28475 64823 37867 83165

27120 19091 45648 56692 34603 48610 45432 66482 13393 60726 02491 41273

72458 70066 06315 58817 48815 20920 96282 92540 91715 36436 78925 90360

01133 05305 48820 46652 13841 46951 94151 16094 33057 27036 57595 91953

09218 61173 81932 61179 31051 18548 07446 23798 34749 56735 18857 52724

89122 79381 83011 94912 98336 73362 44193 66430 86021 39501 60924 48077

23094 36285 53096 62027 55693 97986 95022 24749 96206 07497 03041 23668

86199 51100 89202 38377 02131 41694 11902 98858 25446 81639 79990 46597

00081 70029 63123 77381 34208 41307 91451 18398 05709 85

To ensure that the digits up to the 707th place were correct, William actually computed 709 digits of the series he was using to compute pi. Thus, to William, these were the actual first 707 digits, no rounding or approximation involved. But there was a problem! The bold digits are all the digits that do not match up with pi. It is an often cited figure that William only got the first 527 decimals correct. However I actually found the original print of this number and compared it to pi, and this turns out to not be the case. William got pi correct up to the first 512 places, however there are 15 additional correct places after that, thus giving him a total of 527 correct places, just not consecutively. This subtle distinction has apparently been glossed over in discussions of this number! The digits Shanks got wrong I like to refer as gligits (glitch digits). These are digits that occur specifically from erroneous calculation, and they must be assumed to be correct at some point.

In any case this number, is technically a little larger than pi. Instead of the first bold digits being "193" they should be "065". If we take this decimal ending in 85 to be a terminating decimal we get a number mind-numblingly close to pi I shall call Shanks Number. It is technically distinct from pi, though barely so. But let's first offer some appreciation. Despite the error, Williams still managed to get the first 512 digits correct before the advent of computers. Compare this to the double format which only allows 15 decimal digits of precision! 

How did Williams obtain this phenomenal number? By using Machin's Formula which yields:

pi = 16arctan(1/5) - 4arctan(1/239)

Williams publication also lists his 709 digit computations for arctan(1/5) and arctan(1/239), as a check presumably. How does one compute the arctan? arctan has the following series:

arctan(x) = x^1/1 - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 + x^9/9 - x^11/11 + ...

These terms converge exponentially, due to the powers of x in the numerator. Thus this becomes a practical way to calculate pi, much more practical in fact than Archimedes polygons which instead require careful handling of square roots. Here with powers of 1/5th and 1/239th, everything becomes rational arithmetic! The cause of Williams error has been reported as missing a term, thus throwing the whole calculation off, afterwards. Thankfully, due to the nature of the formula, as long as the first something terms are computed correctly, further terms can only effect later digits, as the terms are too small to effect earlier digits. Brian Hayes in Pencil, Paper, and Pi reports that Shanks evaluated 506 terms of arctan(1/5) up to 709 decimal places for his calculation. It's worth noting that in order to obtain an accuracy of this order up to the 512th digit, would require a polygon with 10^256 sides. Even a googolgon would not be enough to get this level of precision. Shanks never learned of his error. The digits of pi were independently confirmed up to the 500th digit, but not beyond that. Shanks had entered uncharted territory beyond what anyone else was willing to contend with. It wouldn't be until 1944 that a D F Ferguson would discover a disagreement with Shanks result. Ferguson checked by some means of computer computation however.

Let's continue our slow journey away from pi now ...


Closest Upper Bound of Pi using Double Precision

The closest double precision number to pi from above. The exact binary expression of this number is:


Like it's counterpart (the closest lower bound to pi), it matches pi up to the first 15 decimal digits.


TI-89 Storage of Pi

This is the exact value stored to represent pi in the TI-89. Unlike other floating point formats, the one for the TI-89, based on it's operation, appears to be decimal based instead of binary based. Because of this, this is actually the exact value being stored. This value can not be detected in the normal way. Display can not be made to show more than 12 significant digits for any output. Instead one can only see this value in the input display. To see it, select the numeric output of pi and copy it into the input line. You will see the hidden additional two digits of precision. This is essentially as close as it can possibly get. There are 13 decimal digits and 14 significant digits. The actual digits of pi are 53589793, so it opts to round up to 7 to 8, thus 535898. Once again, in decimal storage formats the digits don't have to match that of pi due to rounding like this. See 3.1415926535897.


TI-89 Display for Pi

This is the exact sequence of digits on display for pi, based on the output of "pi" on the TI-89 in approximate mode. Unsurprisingly in exact mode it simply says "pi" back.  Because the next digits are 535 are 89793, it rounds it up to 5359. This is only the rounding due to the maximum display limit of 12 significant digits however. Internally it stores two additional digits. Because of this rounding that calculators do, you can not necessarily trust the last digit in a display of pi. It may not be an actual digit of pi. See 3.14159265358.



Taking Gogawale Pi to an extreme. Here we have a completely ridiculous expression which, none the less, is a pretty good approximation of pi. It actually has 8 correct digits! To find this I wrote a program to check for when pi+n*sqrt(3) reached a desired precision. This is what it came up with. I independently verified the correctness of this value using a high precision calculator (130 digits of precision). Think of how ridiculous this is. Begin with 212,673, which is ridiculously huge relative to pi. Then we cancel out almost all of that with 122,785*sqrt(3) = 212,669.858407...etc. giving us something extremely close to pi. Crazy. This should make it clear there is nothing magical about these types of expressions. We can generate any number of them up to a point (eventually we run into technical difficulties of brute search and accurate computation of the difference of two large numbers).



Zu's Ratio / milu

This is a rational approximation for pi well known and held in high regard for it's high accuracy relative to the size of it's diameter. For nearest fractions of the form p/q, the "quality" of the approximation may be defined as M where | pi - p/q | = 1/q^M. For 355/113 this can be computed as log(355/113 - pi)/log(1/113) = 3.20195873393...etc. Typical values do not stray far from 1. A "2" is considered good. 3 is very good. This approximation matches pi up to 6 decimal places. It is slightly greater than pi, but it is perhaps one of the best approximations of pi of antiquity. It's even tighter than Archimedes circumscribed 96-sided polygon. In fact it's even better than a chiliagon (1000-sides) using the same technique.

This constant comes up as a continued fraction of the form 3+1/(7+1/(15+1)) = 3+1/(7+1/16) = 3+1/(113/16) = 3+16/113 = (339+16)/113 = 355/113. 

355/113 is the best possible rational approximation of pi for all fractions with denominator less than 16,600.  This ratio for pi was discovered by Zu Chongzhi sometime in the 5th century AD. Thus the Chinese knew of this special ratio about a millenium before anyone in Europe. Even the greeks did not find this special ratio. Because of this it is sometimes referred to as Zu's Ratio. Zu Chongzhi himelf referred to this specific ratio as milu which means "close ratio".

I've opted to use this as the basis for zuplex or miluplex, which would be ever so slightly larger than piplex, since milu is slightly larger than pi. Milu is an interesting case of a non-integer value getting a special number name, a "googolism" if you will. See 1385.4565.



Parker Pi

This is perhaps the most accurate figure of crank pi in history. John A. Parker, yet another "circle-squarer" (read crank), apparently had a theorem according to which pi was exactly equal to 20,612/6561. Parker exclaims "And that proposition being proved, all the serial and algebraic formula in the world, or even geometrical demonstration, if it be subjected to any error whatever, cannot overthrow the ratio of circumference to diameter which I have established!".

Like basically all crank pi's (for some reason), it is a slight overestimate of pi. What's notable about this one however is ... it is really quite accurate for a change. Most circle-squarers only agree with the accepted value of pi up to the first two decimal places (3.14) and then offer some digit other than 1 to continue, using various algebraic or simple rational expressions. Parker on the other hand has a number with 5 digits in agreement with the accepted value of pi. The next digit after 14159 would be 2, where Parker instead has "4". This is just miles ahead in terms of accuracy compare to the other crank pi's we will encounter. See 3.143, 3.144, 3.1604, etc.



A common approximation of pi given. This is pi to the nearest 4 places. It is rounded up. This leads to some confusion of whether pi is 3.1415... or 3.1416...etc. It turns out the actual 4th decimal digit of pi is 5 not 6. This approximation also seems to have some historical significance.



Using a little trigonometry and Archimedes circumscribed polygon method, this is the result of using a circumscribed chiliagon (1000-sided polygon) to estimate pi. It is correct up to 3 decimal places. Even this however, doesn't get as close as Zu's Ratio (355/113), a remarkably good yet very simple rational approximation.


377/120 = 3+17/120


An approximation of pi used by Ptolemy in the 2nd century A.D. It's interesting to note this is exactly 1/60th away from 3+1/8 = 3.125. This number can be expressed exactly in sexagesimal notation, and is exactly equal to 3 + 8/60 + 30/3600. We can write this succinctly as 3.08:30. Since this is an overestimate this can not be the correct sexagimals of pi. To see pi correct to two sexagesimal places see 3.1413888.



The upperbound of pi obtained from an exact calculation of a circumscribed 96-sided regular polygon. Achimedes cleverly rounded this up to 22/7, and 96*sin(pi/96) down to 3+10/71. How he was able to obtain these neat rational approximations that preserved the inequality:

3+10/71 < 96*sin(pi/96) < pi < 96*tan(pi/96) < 22/7

Is not entirely known. The actual expressions for the polygons would involve nested radicals.



A common historical approximation for pi. It is slightly larger, but 3 and 1/7th is surprisingly close, matching pi up to the first two decimal places. Because this number is rational, it simply repeats the same pattern of digits, "142857", indefinitely.



Gogawale Pi

Well pi aficionados, better start rememorizing your tens of thousands of digits of pi, because according to a Mr. Laxman S. Gogawale, the exact value of pi has been found and it's 17-8sqrt(3), and begins 3.14359353945...etc. The earliest paper I found on this dates from 2016. To look up this value and Gogawale's "proof" simply search the term "gogawale pi". Having given it a unique search term and name, gogawale has unwittingly created a "googolism" of sorts for this specific value. It's also amusing that the name itself has a distinctly googological flavor, so I will refer to this specific constant as a gogawale (see gogawaleplex).

Anyway, let's be clear, gogawale does not claim this is an approximation. If it were ... it wouldn't be the worst ever. It's closer than 3, which was commonly used in the ancient world, and it's a little better than sqrt(10) which was also used. But no, he claims this value is EXACT. Apparently everyone has got everything past the first 2 decimal digits wrong! The reason? Gogawale blames Archimedes method of exhaustion, even though, that is not the only means by which we can compute pi. Instead he claims to be able to find the value of pi without an infinite dissection of a circle. 

Alright, so what's really going on here? Well the most easy objection to raise is to note that pi is a transcendental number. This means it can't be the root of a non-zero polynomial with rational coefficients. By multiplying 17-8sqrt(3) by the conjugate 17+8sqrt(3) we obtain 289-64*3 = 97. Thus if we use (x-17+8sqrt(3))(x-17-8sqrt(3)) = x^2 - 34 x +97, we obtain a non-zero polynomial with rational coefficients that has 17-8sqrt(3) as a root, making it an algebraic number. Lindemann proved pi was transcendental in 1882, thus this can not be pi, nor any other simple value composed of integers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square roots. Gogawale conveniently doesn't believe pi is transcendental either, although his only justification is his own proof.

So what exactly does his proof amount to? Essentially a lot of high school level algebra and geometry, all correct by the way, save for the sneaky slipping in of his conclusion without justification at a certain step.

He uses the areas of inscribed and circumscribed polygons to try and find pi through the area of a circle. Specifically he draws an inscribed hexagon, splits it into 6 equilateral triangles which are then split into 12 congruent 60-30 right triangles. Each of these triangles he defines as having area "a". An inscribed dodecagon is drawn around this, with 12 additional right triangles that when added to the previous 12 give the area of the dodecagon. These are labeled "b". Next the circle is drawn around the dodecagon creating 12 segments of a circle. Called "c". Lastly a square is circumscribed around the circle, with 4 regions created labeled "d". It follows that the area of the hexagon is 12a, the area of the dodecahedron is 12a+12b, the area of the circle is 12a+12b+12c, and the area of the square is 12a+12b+12c+4d. The values of a and b are obtained by using formulas for the area of a hexagon and dodecahedron in terms of the radius of the circle. He correctly uses the fact that the area of the hexagon is 3sqrt(3)/2 * r^2, and the area of the dodecahedron is 3r^2 and the area of the square is 4r^2. For simplicity we can assume r=1, thus the area of the circle becomes exactly pi, and the bounds are 3 < pi < 4 based on the areas. So far so good. Next Gogawale creates a new square of 16a+16b, which has the same area of the original square. One might suspect this is where the error has creeped in, but it is not so. It can easily be calculated that a = hexagon_area/12 = (3sqrt(3)/2)/12 = 3sqrt(3)/24 = sqrt(3)/8, and b = (dodecahedron_area-hexagon_area)/12 = (3-3sqrt(3)/2)/12 = 1/4 - sqrt(3)/8. The area of the square would be exactly 4. Computing 16a+16b we obtain 16(sqrt(3)/8)+16(1/4-sqrt(3)/8) = 2sqrt(3) + 4 - 2sqrt(3) = 4. Combining these two diagrams we obtain 12a+12b+12c+4d = 16a+16b --> - 4a - 4b+12c + 4d = 0 --> a + b - 3c - d =0. This again may seem incredible considering both c's and d's contain curved sides. But this is in fact true. The curved parts fit together to form a polygon with flat sides, and computing the areas, where c = (pi-3)/12 and d = (4-pi)/4 will show the result cancels out and gives 0. But now Gogawale has a problem. If he can solve for c he can theoretically find the "exact value of pi". The right side "a+b" can easily be computed with basic geometry, but we have two unknowns on the left side, "c" and "d". It's no use solving for c without knowing d. Both c and d however depend on the value of pi, so this gets us nowhere. So far all of this amounts to much finagling with algebra and geometry, just stating trivial results. It's at this point that we arrive at the "magic" bolt from the blue that gets us to this value. Gogawale simply drops, without any explanation as to why or how, that he finds that:

13b + d - 3a = 0

This is not justified in any way, and no explanation is offered whatsoever. This formula depends on the value of "d" which of course contains pi and is therefore the exact thing under dispute. Let's humor Gogawale and say this is true. What conclusion does he draw from this "fact". Well, it follows from basic algebra that:

(14b - 2a - 3c) - (13b+d-3a) = a + b - 3c -d = 0

Since it was previously asserted that 13b+d-3a, it follows that 14b-2a-3c must also be 0 since:

(14b-2a-3c) - (13b+d-3a) = 0

14b-2a-3c = 13b+d-3a = 0

Since 14b-2a-3c = 0, and 12a+12b+12c is the area of a circle it follows that:

(12a+12b+12c) + 4(14b-2a-3c) = pi (area of a circle)

12a + 12b + 12c + 56b - 8a - 12c = pi

4a + 68b = pi

Substituting the previous values for a and b we obtain:

4(sqrt(3)/8) + 68(1/4 - sqrt(3)/8) = pi

sqrt(3)/2 + 17 - 17sqrt(3)/2 = pi

17 - 8sqrt(3) = pi

Hopefully I have made it clear that this entire proof is nothing but mathematical slight of hand. The trick is simple. Load a paper with lots and lots of technically correct details, and then slip in one unjustified assertion. In the deluge of high school level algebra and geometry, all technically correct save for one detail, a casual glance, or even a careful read will not make the flaw immediately obvious. The only unjustified step is of course the one that is false unless one already assumed Gogawales value of pi is correct. Gogawale never actually justifies why the method of exhaustion shouldn't converge to the correct value, he merely asserts it, being an infinite process, it can never actually get us there, hence the values are always approximate. But if Gogawale's proof were valid than, while each approximation would never give the exact value it would none the less narrow to that value. Archimedes had already demonstrated 3+1/7 < pi < 3+10/71 using 96-sided polygons, and this already excludes Gogawale's value with no justification, other than it's wrong. If we plug in a decent approximation for pi, we find in fact that 13b + d - 3a does not equal 0 but rather we have 13(1/4 - sqrt(3)/8) + (4-pi)/4 - 3(sqrt(3)/8) = 13/4 - 13sqrt(3)/8 + 1 - pi/4 -3sqrt(3)/8 = 17/4 - 2sqrt(3) - pi/4 = 0.000500221465...etc. Since it is not actually equal to 0, adding 4 of these to the area of the circle does in fact, change that area. Multiplying this value by 4 we obtain 0.002000885859...etc. This value would be exactly 17 - 8sqrt(3) - pi. And look at that ... it would be the exact difference between the accepted value of pi and gogawale pi. The exact error is introduced in a single step with the words "I found that". How? What's the justification? At least in the paper I found, which seems to be the most detailed explanation, there isn't one. 

Despite this, this number still exists, and the flawed proof is still an amusing bit of mathematical slight of hand. It's a good illustration of how mathematics isn't simply "invented". If you attempt to invent a "mathematical truth", there will always have to be some logically faulty and unjustified step. Gogawale proof is perfectly sound and valid, as long as you take it as axiomatic that 13b + d - 3a = 0. Then naturally everything becomes self-consistent. Gogawale goes on to make a big deal about his value of pi working with all his formulas as additional "proof". The reasoning however is entirely circular and vacuous as the statement 13b+d-3a=0 already contains the assumption about the value of pi. Just assume it's valid and substitute everything back:

13(1/4 - sqrt(3)/8) + (4-pi)/4 - 3(sqrt(3)/8) = 0

13/4 - 13sqrt(3)/8 + 1 - pi/4 - 3sqrt(3)/8 = 0

17/4 - 2sqrt(3) - pi/4 = 0

17 - 8sqrt(3) = pi

In other words, the entire proof is entirely unnecessary if we simply assume this formula to hold. It's all just a lot of shuffling and waffling to disguise this fact. It's hard not to suspect that Gogawale is either deliberately trolling or is knowingly committing fraud. He however is certainly not alone in an apparent crank favorite pass time of suggesting "exact values" of pi, typically of an algebraic nature. See 3.14644.

Jπ = 3.14460551103...



If you can't tell this is a crank pi that is tied up with the golden ratio. Jain108 is some kind of "guru" of sorts who hosts a site you can find here:


Apparently Jain holds that everything is somehow related to the golden ratio (including the constant e, because of course). This value can be expressed most succinctly as 4/sqrt(phi) where phi is the golden ratio equal to (1+sqrt(5))/2. It should be immediately noted that despite the interesting properties of phi it is still an algebraic number, and so a simple value like this is also algebraic and can not possibly be equal to pi which is transcendental. To show this just begin with x = 4sqrt(2)/sqrt(1+sqrt(5) --> x^2 = 32/(1+sqrt(5)) = 8sqrt(5)-8 --> x^2+8 = 8sqrt(5) --> (x^2+8)^2 = 320 --> x^4 + 16x^2 - 256. Thus, once again, we can easily form a polynomial with rational (or in this case integer) coefficients with this value as a root. I don't have the patience to dig through this site to find what justification Jain uses for this value of pi. I suspect it's much the same as Gogawale or Reddy. Some formula that is approximately correct, assumed to be EXACT and essentially assuming the desired conclusion, no doubt buried within a dense and copious web of vacuously true statements of basic algebra and geometry. It really rings true here that the best lies are "mostly truth". One curious thing is that the value contains a repeat of the starting digits early on. This is confirmed easily enough. Here is 130 digits:


A neat little coincidence, but doesn't seem to have any further significance. 

Just for a little flavor of what pure insanity might await anyone who wants to try and tackle JainPi in all it's glory here is a little snippet of text:

"When the True Value of Pi is globally recognized, new advances in Time Travel will be developed as the mathematical harmonic for the Circle-Square relationship will have been rectified correctly to infinite decimal places (fig 4). At this moment, year 2014, traditional pi (aka Legacy Pi or Deficient Pi) is in error in the 3rd decimal place. " - Jain

I wonder what Jain would think of Gogawale pi, or Reddy pi, or either of them of the remaining two. Perhaps even more amusingly, what arguments would they use to discredit their competitors in this crazy game of crank pi's. Your guess is as good as mine.



Reddy Pi

Another crank pi value. This one is due to a R.D. Sarva Jagannadha Reddy. Much like Gogawale's paper, it is mostly trivially correct geometry, algebra and arithmetic. Until we get to a formula asserted without justification. In this case it is that the ratio of the area of a equilateral triangle to a inscribed circle is exactly 12sqrt(3)/(14-sqrt(2)). This yields a value of 1.65143511642. However we can compute this ourselves quite easily. Assume radius = 1. The area of the circle is simply pi. For the circle it is sufficient to note that we can find the base since a right triangle can be formed with a 60 degree angle at the circles center. If r = 1, then half the base side is sqrt(3). This means the base is 2sqrt(3). We also know the height will be 3 times the radius, so 3. So by bh/2 we have 2sqrt(3)*3/2 = 3*sqrt(3). So the actual ratio of the areas would be 3sqrt(3)/pi = 1.65398668627. Just like in Gogawale's proof, the thing one which the whole thing relies that essentially smuggles in and assumes the value in question, is something that is approximately correct. Again no justification for how this result is gotten is provided. Since the area of the circle is pi, and the area of the triangle is known to be 3*sqrt(3), and the value 12sqrt(3)/(14-sqrt(2)) is asserted to be their ratio, we can easily obtain the value ourselves with basic high school mathematics:

pi * 12sqrt(3)/(14-sqrt(2)) = 3sqrt(3)

pi * 4/(14-sqrt(2)) = 1

pi = (14-sqrt(2))/4

That's really all there is to it. Everything is correct except for the asserted ratio, that is provided with no justification and is tantamount to assuming the conclusion. :/

but hey, at least these crank pi's are better than 356/113 ... and that's saying something ... right? :p



This is Zu's Ratio (355/113) with the numerator increased by 1. Whereas 354/113 ~ 3.13, 356/113 ~ 3.15. Both of these would be terrible approximations, and yet 355/113 has 6 decimal digits of accuracy!



This may just seem like another bad approximation of pi, but this value is in fact important to the history of pi computation. It is part of Machin's formula for pi which states: pi = 16arctan(1/5)-4arctan(1/239). 4arctan(1/239) acts as a kind of correction factor, bringing the actual value down to pi. William Shanks used this formula to compute pi, by computing arctan(1/5) and arc(1/239) separately, then multiplying and finding the difference to compute pi up to 707 digits (only 527 of which were correct, and only correct up to the 512th decimal place of pi). This value may or may not have actually occurred in his tabulation, depending on the order in which the calculation was carried out. Machin's Formula is usually written pi/4 = 4arctan(1/5)-arctan(1/239). Shanks may have opted to multiply arctan(1/5) by 4 first, take the difference, then multiply by 4. However he could have also multiplied arctan(1/5) by 16, arctan(1/239) by 4, and taken the difference after. In any case this value is the accuracy of the first term, and it's a surprisingly big error, all things considered. This series however has a distinct advantage over Leibniz Series. Leibniz series converges harmonically, which is very very slow. The series arctan(1/5) however converges exponentially to 1/16th of this value:

0.19739555985... = (1/5)-(1/5)^3/3+(1/5)^5/5-(1/5)^7/7+...

Another nice upshot of this is that 1/5=0.2, so it is easy to compute the numerators in decimal. So for example we have (1/5)^3 = (0.2)^3 = 0.008 and (1/5)^5 = (0.2)^5 = 0.00032 etc. Tables of powers of 2 are found in William Shanks calculations. These would have been useful for this calculation since 1/5^n = 2^n/10^n. 


(4/3)^4 = (16/9)^2 = 256/81

Heisel Pi

(4/3)^4 is an amusing little foot note in the history of pi. Petr Beckmann in A History of (PI), states it as a figure used by the egyptians for pi. It has been used as an approximation for pi in scattered places throughout history. Likely this is due to expressing it as (4/3)^4, which looks elegantly simple. In actual fact though, it's a pretty poor approximation of pi. Even most of the alternative pi promulgators know that pi begins 3.14. But not the egyptians. Their pi begins 3.16. It therefore only has 1 decimal digit correct. The only comparably rough figure for pi would be the sqrt(10) which also begins 3.16. Those are in fact the only two numbers I have in he [3.16,3.17) range, which are also the only two Munafo has in this range.

Lastly, if it's not notable for being a pretty bad approximation of pi of which only a few such values were actually used, it also get's notoriety as a crank pi. Yes. Someone claimed this was the exact value of pi. No doubt they considered the egyptians geniuses and well ahead of their time. Chapter 17, titled "The Modern Circle-Squarers", of A History of (PI), provides much amusing information on crank pi's. I wonder what Beckmann would have thought of the crank pi's  now popularized on the internet. No doubt it is nothing he hasn't already seen. The only difference is the ease with which such material can be promoted to the unsuspecting laymen. Otherwise, much of the same applies now as it did then. An optional mixing of esoteric believes with mathematics, a basic understanding of high school level geometry and algebra that almost anyone can grasp. Lots of formulas that are technically correct, and then one bold assertion supported by an equation usually that is never justified in a non-circular way. We find all the same in this chapter as we do on the modern internet. In that sense we needn't worry of a new movement of crank pi. This appears to be a favorite crank topic in general, along with disproving relativity, disproving quantum mechanics, disproving Cantor's Paradise, squaring-the-circle, proving the Collatz Conjecture, proving the Goldbach Conjecture etc. Anything which can be simply stated but is actually very difficult to prove or disprove, is catnip to cranks. In any case, on page 179 we read of one Carl Theodore Heisel. In 1931 he published a book whose title page reads "BEHOLD! THE GRAND PROBLEM NO LONGER UNSOLVED. THE CIRCLE SQUARED BEYOND REFUTATION". Yes ... the whole thing is capitalized.  Heisel apparently considered decimal fractions "inexact", preferring the fractional notation. Hence he probably would have dismissed approximations such as 3.14 out of hand. I wonder what he would have thought of 311/99 = 3.14141414... with 14 repeating forever. In any case, Beckmann writes:

As for squaring the circle, his grand discovery amounts to setting pi = 256/81the very same value used by Ahmes the Scribe in Egypt some 4,000 years before Heisel. Substituting this value for calculations of areas and circumferences of circles with diameters 1,2,3,... up to 9, he obtains numbers showing the consistency of the circumference and area, "thereby furnishing incontrovertible proof of the exact truth" of his ratio, never noticing that he would have obtained the same consistency had he set pi equal to the birthdate of his grandmother

Peter Beckmann, A History of (PI), Chapter 17, pg 179

And it's here the Beckmann confirms to me something I have noticed about the modern circle-squarer's/crank pi'ers to this day. Their propensity to be amazed by the consistency of their chosen value of pi, by simply asserting into their mathematical algebra and geometry as essentially an additional axiom. OF COURSE it's consistent! It's circular reasoning! Start with an assumed value of pi and adjust everything else in accordance with that. The only possible way to detect such an issue would be to provide an example that would show a certain area of length would have to be negative in order to accommodate their value of pi. Would they then go on to accept the amazing discovery that negative areas and lengths exist? :p  

In any case, this crank pi is notable for being a much worse approximation than the average crank pi, in much the same way that Parker's Pi was a much much better approximation pi than the average crank pi ... so there's something to be said ... about it's inaccuracy? But actually ... we can get worse.




The square root of 10, can be thought of as exactly half an order of magnitude. That is, logarithmically halfway between 1 and 10.  It is also possible to coin a googolism for this number since, it can be expressed as 10^0.5. Since (n)plex = 10^n, we could name this a halfplex = (0.5)plex = 10^0.5 = sqrt(10) = 3.16227766017...etc.

This number is also pretty close to pi, and according to Robert Munafo has sometimes been used as an approximation. As an approximation it is a slight overestimate, although 22/7 is a better approximation.


6 - 2sqrt(2)

This is a value I've come up with to demonstrate how easy it is to come up with a simple value that is close to pi, much in the spirit of Gogawale Pi. To find a number of the form a - b*sqrt(p) close to pi, where a and b are integers, and p is a prime number, simply begin by choosing the desired prime. Instead of using sqrt(3), I use the simpler sqrt(2). Next compute the following table:

pi + 1 * sqrt(2) = 4.555806...

pi + 2 * sqrt(2) = 5.9700197...

Here we can stop. Since 5.97 ~ 6 we know that 6-2sqrt(2) is close to pi. Because irrational numbers have no commensurate ratio, they can be multiplied to obtain values arbitrarily close to integer values. One can in principle improve these values simply by continuing to increase b until a closer integer value is reached. A simple program can be written to perform such searches with a given number under the radical and a desired precision. To see an extreme example of this principle in action see 3.141592655.


13th Harmonic Number

This is 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6+1/7+1/8+1/9+1/10+1/11+1/12+1/13. It's notable for being the first partial sum of the infinite series to exceed pi. The harmonic series is interesting because while it's partial sums diverge to infinity, they do so progressively slower and slower. That is, it takes more and more terms to exceed any bound. In fact it takes roughly twice the number of terms to increase by ln(2), which is about 0.69.



This is the average of the third and fourth partial sums of the Leibniz series. Despite how slowly the Leibniz Series converges, taking these averages converges much faster to pi. Already we have our first decimal digit. This strongly suggests that the series does tend to converge towards the midpoint of consecutive terms. If we compute (pi-304/105)/(52/15-304/105) we get 0.431120477115.



Goodman Pi

This one is simply too "good" to pass up :p

There is a story of a bill to legislate the value of pi to exactly 3, for biblical reasons. This story appears to be nothing but an urban legend, but their may be a shred of fact in it. The was a certain bill state bill, House Bill No.246, that was begin considered for the state of Indiana in 1897. A physician by the name of Edwin J. Goodman, (and since he was a physician we should probably just assume he is an expert in all matters of "smart stuff" *sarcasm*) who was giving his discovery of how to circle-the-square free of charge to the state of Indiana, to use in it's educational material.  Why anyone, including Goodman himself, thought this was a good idea, seems beyond reckoning. Rather than throw the preposterous proposition out immediately, as one would think one would do, not only because it amounted to legislating mathematical truth, not only because it was laughably wrong and gave wrong values of pi, but because it's hard to understand how this would even be relevant in the court of all in the first place!

As silly as all this may seem, the legislators deliberated over it, didn't know what to make of it, would shuffle it around to another court, which would do the same, recommendations of approval would be made, and it managed to get a unanimous vote on it's first pass. This doesn't exactly instill the greatest confidence in our law makers or their intelligence and knowledge outside the narrow domain of law. It seems quite likely this silly piece of legislature would have actually been passed simply out of apathy and the court simply not knowing any better. However, as luck would have it, a Professor C.A. Waldo happened to be visiting the state capital during one of the many idiotic proceedings related to Goodman's work, and he was quick to explain to the senators why the bill was absurd and egregiously in error. It's also worth noting that eventually the whole case was being heckled in the newspapers which no doubt contributed to the senators eventual loss of confidence. They ultimately decided to postpone further consideration of the bill indefinitely. The matter has never been picked up since. One sad note however, is it probably had nothing to do with  mathematical soundness, or rather lack thereof, but rather a decision that this wasn't something that the law should be involved with in the first place! It is very likely this legislature was only on the table simply because Goodman was a friend with one of the judges and they were doing him a little favor, essentially. Take that was you will, and what it says about our law makers in general.

In any case, we certainly don't care about the legal aspects of this, which, are no doubt silly, in so far as long as it didn't pass. One bright note is that at least one Senator did remark that "we might as well legislate that water flows up", insinuating that legislating mathematics was tantamount to legislating the laws of nature, a sentiment I certainly appreciate, and breath of fresh air over this whole ridiculous affair. 

But what actually was Goodman on about? Well he wasn't primarily interested in finding pi, however the impossibility of squaring the circle is intimately connected with the transcendental nature of pi. So what happens when these cranks try to do the impossible and square the circle? Well they have to make pi algebraic in some way so the construction can be "performed". There are many statements made in Bill No.246, known derisively as the "pi bill" in these discussions, that would imply seemingly mutually contradictory values of pi. Beckmann himself offers 16/sqrt(3) = 9.23, as a possible interpretation based on assuming he meant an "equilateral triangle" where he says "equilateral rectangle". Beckmann described this value as "the biggest overestimate of pi in the history of mathematics". I think Beckmann however underestimates the pedantry and ideosyncrasies of cranks. Most likely "equilateral rectangle" is exactly what Goodman meant. However there is an interpretation that is much more explicit that arrives at a value of 3.2. Goodman tells us, with the typical confidence of the crank, that the ratio of an arc of 90 degrees to it's corresponding chord is 8:7, and the ratio of the diagonal of the square to it's side is 10:7. He then goes on to say this leads to the conclusion that the ratio of the circumference and diameter of a circle is always 4 : (5/4). It is not difficult to work this out to more standard notation:

4/(5/4) = 16/5 = 3.2

Trusting nothing, how can we be sure this is consistent with his other statements? Well one might conceive that if we create a 45-45 right triangle in the upper-left quadrant of the circle (say), then label one of the legs 7, the hypotenuse is 10. Since this is at a 8:7 ratio to the arc we obtain that the quarter arc is 10*8/7 = 80/7. Lastly we multiply this by 4 to obtain 320/7. Since the leg of the right triangle is also the radius, the diameter is twice this, or 14. From this we obtain that pi = (320/7)/14 = 320/98 = 3.26530612245. Hm. Was 3.2 an approximation? Goodman however was claiming this value was exact. The problem is the assumption that the ratio will come out the same no matter how we line up these ratios ... which is wrong ... BECAUSE THESE RATIOS ARE WRONG! They don't correspond to Euclidean geometry and so the order we go about setting them up changes the value of pi ... :p

This is the tell that shows us they don't work. If pi really was contained in these constructions order would not matter. So how does Goodman arrive at his preferred value of 4/(5/4) = 3.2? It's actually quite simple. Notice the occurrence of 7 in each ratio. We can get these 7's to match up, if instead we use a 45-45 right triangle whose hypotenuse is the diameter of the circle. Evidence supporting this construction is that this exact diagram is shown in Goodman's work. Here the leg is 7 and the hypotenuse/diameter is 10. It quickly follows if the chord of 90 degrees is 7, the arc of 90 degrees is 8, and hence the circumference is 32. Thus we get 32/10 = 16/5 = 3.2. How exactly did he arrive then at his ridiculous ratio of 4 : (5/4)? There doesn't appear to be any readily apparent reason for this. In any case, the lack of geometric consistency speaks for itself. This can't work in the real world unless we are willing to be very approximate about everything. One can easily work out the correct ratios. For the hypotenuse to leg of the 45-45 right triangle the ratio is of course sqrt(2) = 1.41421356237. The ratio 10/7 = 1.42857142857, is merely a close approximation (very typical of this sort of crankery). The ratio of the arc to the chord is also easily computed as (pi/2)/sqrt(2) = 1.11072073454, based on assuming a radius of 1. The ratio 8/7 = 1.1428571428, is again just a rough approximation. If we use the correct ratios, we find the values will agree. Here I will use some decimal approximations to show that we can get much closer matches. We will use 1.4142 and 1.1107. Assume the radius is 7 and is the leg of the right triangle in the upper left quadrant. In that case we get: C = 7 * 1.4142 * 1.1107 * 4 =43.98105432. The diameter in this case is 14, so we have 43.98105432/14 = 3.14150388. On the other hand if we let the diameter equal 10, then we have C = (10/1.4142)*1.1107*4 = 31.415641352. Dividing this by 10 we obtain 3.1415641352. We get numbers only differing in the fifth decimal place, whereas Goodman's vary at the second! It's this convergence to agreement that shows our accepted value of pi fits geometric reality. The point being ... that you can't legislate truth, nor can you try to assert the values of ratios, as Goodman does, if you wish for them to be consistent with geometric truth. See 3.26.



This is an alternative value for pi that can be obtained by thinking we can apply Goodman's ratios in any order, under the assumption that they are consistent like they would be in Euclidean Geometry. Instead, because they are only rational approximations, the order effects the value we would "obtain" for pi. In reality all we are really doing is obtaining different approximations of pi. This may actually be the worse overestimate of pi in the history of mathematics. To obtain this we use the ratios 8/7 of the arc to chord, and 10/7 of the hypotenuse to the leg of a 45-45 right triangle, and apply them thusly. Take the radius to be the leg of a right triangle, and set the radius to 7, making the diameter 14. Now we apply the ratios C = 10 * 8/7 * 4 = 320/7. This gives pi = (320/7)/14 = 320/98 = 3.26530612245. Upon first seeing this I was confused how Goodman was getting 3.2 out of this. The key is the way the ratios are applied. See 3.2.



The Leibniz Series (4/1-4/3+4/5-4/7+...) is an alternating series which overestimates, then underestimates pi in turn. Since the terms are strictly decreasing in absolute value, it behaves like all other alternating series with this property, the final result of the series must always necessarily fall between a consecutive overestimate and underestimate. Since it's bouncing back and forth and the terms themselves are converging to parity, it's not an unreasonable guess that the convergence is heading towards the halfway point between any pair of over and under estimates. So why not just find the midpoint and skip all the bouncing back and forth? We can easily calculate the midpoint by taking the average. So we compute the first two partial sums, 4 and 8/3 and take their average: (4+8/3)/2 = 20/6 = 10/3. Simple. But this could never be the value of pi, because every partial sum of the Leibniz series is a rational number, and the average of any two rational numbers is rational, so this must necessarily either underestimate or overestimate the actual value. In this case it very clearly overestimates, or more like pole vaults over the correct value, surpassing even some of the more absurd crank pi's. We can however ask what proportion pi occupies of the interval between 8/3 and 4. To do so we compute (pi-8/3)/(4-8/3). This yields 0.356194490192. See 3.4666.



The sqrt(12) is a very primitive upper bound for pi one can arrive at using a circumscribed hexagon. It is the simplest upper bound used in Archimedes construction of polygons of doubling sides. To construct it we note that the sides of a standard 30-60 right triangle are 2,1,sqrt(3), where 2 is the hypotenuse, 1 is the side adjacent the 60 and sqrt(3) is the side adjacent the 30. From here we note that for the circumscribed hexagon the diameter of the circle is equal to 2*sqrt(3) (double the side of length sqrt(3)). The perimeter of the hexagon is greater than the circumference of the circle and would be equal to 12 times the side of 1. Thus we can say pi < 12/(2*sqrt(3)). We can then simplify this expression as follows: 12/(2*sqrt(3)) = 6/sqrt(3) = (6*sqrt(3))/3 = 2*sqrt(3) = sqrt(4)*sqrt(3) = sqrt(12). This yields, 3.464, a very bad upper bound for pi. 

This particular upper bound for pi is also note worthy for being mistaken by CookieFonster as the true value of pi. He had forgotten where he got this notion from. He noted later that is was surprisingly close despite being wrong. I speculate that he heard it from someone or somewhere and forgot most of the details other than that sqrt(12) was related to pi in some way. Even though sqrt(10) is a much better approximation for pi, sqrt(12) has more direct bearing as it's derived from a geometric construction, one of the simplest possible. The only simpler possible constructions are that of pentagons, squares, or triangles. These produce extremely bad approximations. 4 sides is a fairly natural choice as it is extremely easy to compute. It's a construction I used to investigate pi myself. Archimedes probably thought it was a little too rough, and thus started with hexagons instead. See 2*sqrt(2) and 4, for some even worse bounds on pi.


4/1-4/3+4/5 = 52/15

The third partial sum of the Leibniz series, equal to exactly 52/15. See 2.666 for more details about the Leibniz series. The next partial sum is 2.89523809524.



This is a bad upperbound on pi one can demontrate by using a circumscribed regular pentagon. Unlike triangles, squares, and hexagons, this one is not as easy to compute, although it can be done. The easiest way to calculate it is to simply use trigonometry as I have done here. The actual value is related to the golden ratio ... Jain should look into this! This may be the one true actual value of pi! :)




        This number is probably the largest number that most people can perceive directly with their number sense. It crops up over and over again with the operators. For example: 2+2 = 4, 2x2 = 4, 2^2 = 4. This pattern continues to the hyper-operators with 2^^2=4, 2^^^2=4, 2^^^^2=4 etc. A set of 4 things often has a completeness to it. There are the 4 seasons, the 4 directions (north, west, south, east), the 4 corners of a square, and so on.

        Four is also the 2nd tetrahedral number. Just as a nth triangular number is the sum of the first n positive integers, the nth tetrahedral number is the sum of the first n triangular numbers. Since the first and second triangular numbers are 1 and 3, it follows that the 2nd tetrahedral number = 1+3 = 4.

        Four is the 2nd square number. It is also the 2nd Busy Beaver number, since BB(2) = 4. It's equal to the sums of 1+3, 2+2, and 3+1. It's also equal to the products 4*1, 2*2, and 1*4, and the exponential expressions 2^2, and 4^1. It is also equal to 4^^1, 4^^^1, 4^^^^1 etc.

4 can also be thought of as a really bad upper bound on pi. One of the absolute worst, using Archimedes approach of circumscribed polygons. In fact, it is probably the very simplest possible construction. Just imagine a square with a circle inscribed in it. The side length of the square is also the length of the diameter of the inscribed circle. Set that to 1. It is obvious that the perimeter of the square is greater and is exactly 4. Thus pi < 4. This also conveniently demonstrates that pi is NOT a very large number, and is not larger than graham's number, even though graham's number has a finite number of digits, and pi has an infinite number of digits. It's the place value of the most significant figure that matters here, making pi between 3 and 4 regardless. We can make one possible worse upper bound using a circumscribed equilateral triangle. See 3.6327.

Another way that 4 is related to pi, is that it is the first term of the Leibniz Series, 4/1-4/3+4/5-4/7+...etc. Thus we can think of it as the first partial sum of that series. Laughably bad, but then the second term is not much better. See 2.666.


The square root of 17.4 is approximately 4.17. See sqrt(17.4) for more details.



A Caller on the Atheist Experience named James who called on June 9th 2024, made the observation that if you take the square root of 17.4 you get (approximately) 4.17. That is, these are the first 3 digits of the result. So we just get a rearrangement of the 3 digits: 1,4,7. The caller believed this was significant because they maintain that 4/17 is the actual date of conception of Jesus. It's worth noting that 17.4 and 4.17 are 2 possible date formats for April 17th. These sorts of coincidences, which are base-dependent mind you, are bound to happen somewhere in the infinite. See e^pi (23.14) for another digital coincidence.



        This number is large enough that it is difficult to perceive at once. For example:


        It is difficult to tell there are 5 o's above without counting them. 5 is usually perceived as 2 and 3 or sometimes 4 and 1. 5 is also a number large enough that it takes about a second to count to. In certain contexts, 5 can be a lot. Having 5 children is a lot, eating 5 pancakes would make you pretty full, etc.

        5 is the third prime number, the count of fingers on a single human hand, the sums of 1+4 , 2+3, 3+2, and 4+1. It's equal to the products 1*5 and 5*1, and the exponential expression 5^1. It is also equal to 5^^1, 5^^^1, 5^^^^1 etc.



This number can technically be used as an upperbound for pi ... yes really. If we take archimedes idea of using circumscribed regular polygons to create upperbounds to it's logical extreme ... that is not an infinite number of sides, but rather as few as possible, then it leads to this value. The fewest sides we could have for a regular polygon would be a triangle. Specifically, we can use an equilateral triangle. Next we chop it up into 3 equal sub-triangles. Each side of the equilateral triangle is known to be of greater length than an arc of 120 degrees. Next we chop each of those 3 triangles into 6 right triangles. This gives us 6 30-60 triangles. Using the standard sides 2,1,sqrt(3), we would have the radius equivalent to the side of length 1, and one side of the equilateral triangle would be 2*sqrt(3). This gives us 3*2*sqrt(3)/2 = 3*sqrt(3) = 5.196... > pi. Another way we can compute this is to recognize that if the radius is set to 1 (which is one of the legs), the other leg can be computed as tan(60). This implies the calculation is equivalent to 6*tan(60)/2 = 3*tan(60). tan(60) is sqrt(3), so this is also equal to 3*sqrt(3). This allows for a simpler generalization. For an n sided circumscribed regular polygon the calculation becomes simply 2n*tan(360/(2n))/2 = n*tan(180/n). This makes continuing this series very simple. So for example, to compute a circumscribed square we have 4*tan(180/4) = 4*tan(45) = 4*1 = 4. For a hexagon we have 6*tan(180/6) = 6*tan(30) = 6/sqrt(3) = 6*sqrt(3)/3 = 2*sqrt(3) = sqrt(4)*sqrt(3) = sqrt(12) = 3.464. As you can see this allows for an easy generalization. See 3.6327.




            Six is the 3rd triangular number since 6 = 1+2+3. It is also the smallest perfect number since it is equal to the half the sum of it's factors, 6 = (1+2+3+6)/2. The next perfect number is 28.


            6 is equal to the sums 1+5, 2+4, 3+3, 4+2, 5+1, the products 1*6, 2*3, 3*2, 6*1, and the expressions 6^1, 6^^1, 6^^^1, 6^^^^1 etc. 


two pi / tau

2pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to it's radius. Some argue that 2pi is a more fundamental constant than pi, and ... they kind of have a point. While it may seem that the circle is unique in having the same diameter throughout, it is actually its uniform radius that makes it unique. You see there are shapes that arguably have an equal diameter throughout that are not circles. These are known as shapes of constant width. The simplest of these is known as the reuleaux triangle. Width here is defined as the distance between two points of contact from parallel lines. The reuleaux triangle can be rolled and maintain an equal level, without actually being round throughout. The reuleaux triangle however does not have an equal radius from it's center. Because of this, it's the radius that uniquely defines the circle. The ratio of it's circumference to its radius therefore would seem to be more fundamental. In the Tau Manifesto various arguments are made for 2pi being more fundamental than pi, and the alternative symbol tau is suggested. Although pi is far better known, amongst geek circles tau has some recognition. 

2pi/tau is the number of radians in a circle. It occurs anywhere where circles and periodicity come up. For example it's the period of the sine and cosine functions. We also have e^(a+bi) = e^(a+bi+2pi*n*i), for any integer n (a fact that complicates the natural logarithm of complex numbers leading to a countably infinite number of solutions).

It's trivial to find the digits of 2pi, given pi. As far as I know there isn't any major focus to memorize the digits of 2pi that there is of pi. However note that when dealing with finding the actual digits from 2pi, knowing the some digits of pi, we have to deal with the potential for rollover from unseen digits. For example. If we know the first 3 decimal places of pi (3.141) and nothing more, we might conclude that the first 3 decimal digits of 2pi are 6.282. The last 2 however would be incorrect. That's because the next digit is a 5. If the next digit is 5,6,7,8, or 9 then simply doubling the known digits of pi will be incorrect. We can instead bound 2pi with the known digits, by simply increasing the last digit by 1. So we know:

 2(3.141) < 2pi < 2(3.142)

6.282 < 2pi < 6.284

This simply demonstrates that 2pi = 6.28...etc. This means however, that given n digits of pi, we can only obtain n-1 digit of pi. This is true even in the case of a rollover on the last known digit of pi. For example, given pi = 3.14159, we are forced to consider:

2(3.14159) < 2pi < 2(3.14160)

6.28318 < 2pi < 6.28320

Since 2pi is strictly less than 6.28320 (and has to be if 3.14159 are true digits of pi), then the next digit has to be 1. Thus we have 4 decimal digits of 2pi (6.2831). With this is mind, it is not difficult to confirm digits of 2pi given sufficient confirmed digits of pi. The first 50 digits of 2pi / tau have been presented, far more than can be seen on a standard calculator.




            Seven is the fourth prime number. It is also the 2nd Mersenne Prime, and is equal to 2^3-1. (The next mersenne prime is 31).

            It's equal to the sums 1+6, 2+5, 3+4, 4+3, 5+2, 6+1, the products 1*7, 7*1, and the expressions 7^1, 7^^1, 7^^^1, 7^^^^1 etc.



In attempt towards creating a worst possible geometrically justifiable upper bound on pi I came up with this super ridiculous value. It exceeds even archimedes circumscribed equilateral triangle. The key idea here is not to use polygons at all. Instead we simply want to use any length which we can prove is necessarily longer than a corresponding arc length. In the normal circumscribed polygon case, each side can actually be broken into two segments, each themselves larger than half the corresponding arc to the side. Say we have a circle with radius 1. Draw a line from the center, O, to a point on the circle, C. Next draw another line from the center to a point D, such that the angle COD is less than pi/2 radians. A tangent line from C is drawn. Extend OD until it intersects with the tangent line. A right triangle is formed. Since OC acts as adjacent and is also the radius equal to 1, the opposite side is equal to tan(a). It turns out, and can be proven with a little bit of work that x < tan(x) : 0 < x < pi/2. That is, the opposite side is always greater than the length of the intercepted arc. Archimedes essentially uses this to get his upperbound, just with twice the number of cases, making sure to let x approach 0 to get better and better approximations. What if we were to go to the other extreme. We firstly note that the equilateral triangle case is actually formed from 6 cases of an angle of 60 degrees, which makes sense since it is actually partitioned into 6 equilateral triangles. The diameter for these is always equal to 2, so we obtain 6*tan(2pi/6)/2 = 3*tan(pi/3) = 5.196. But we can get an even worse value ... if we use 5 half-sides instead of 6. This yields 5*tan(2pi/5)/2 = 7.694. Why not keep going? Why not have 4 half-sides and have 4*tan(2pi/4)/2? Well this would be 2*tan(pi/2), and tan(pi/2) is undefined. The problem is that the opposite side is approaching infinity as each quarter of the circumference is approaching pi/2. If we go to the case of 4 it's simply undefined. So this is the last symmetrical case we can use that gives us a finite value. So this is as far as we can go? Well not quite ... we can actually generalize the formula to n*tan(2pi/n)/2 for n (4,5) with a perfectly valid geometric meaning. In the case of having "between 4 and 5 half-sides" we interpret the remainder as a proportional straight line segment to the other 4 complete line segments. This will still be greater than the remaining arc because they would scale in proportion. This leads to an even crazier value for n=4.5. See 12.7603840941.



            2^3. The 2nd Cubic number.



        Nine is the 3rd Square number.



If you thought we were done with supposed "values of pi", all the way out here in the 9s, well ... you'd be wrong. In 1897 a certain Edwin J. Goodman attempted to have his value of pi and method of squaring the circle written into Indiana Law. The bill was quite ridiculously, not immediately thrown out, but bounced around, no one quite knowing what to make of it or do with it. While it eventually got struck down, mostly on account of it seeming irrelevant to a matter of law, our main interest here is an absurd value that could be derived for pi within the work. In Petr Beckmann's A History of (PI), he relates the following passage from Bill No.246:

"Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana: It has been found that the circular area is to the quadrant of the circumference, as the area of an equilateral rectangle is to the square on one side."

If I understand this correctly it is relating a ratio of areas to lengths. An "equilateral rectangle" as Beckmann points out, could really only mean a square, which makes the statement into nonsense as the ratio of a squares area to it's side length depends on it's side length. Beckmann says, assuming this is a transcript error, and what is actually meant is equilateral triangle, then the statement is tantamount to saying pi = 16/sqrt(3) = 9.2376...etc. Beckmann amusingly remarks that this probably represents the biggest over-estimate of pi in the history of mathematics.

In any case, let's see if we can make sense of this. If we assume the square and triangle share the same base, and for convenience assume that base is 2sqrt(3), then the area of the triangle is 3*2sqrt(3)/2 = 3*sqrt(3), while the area of the square is (2sqrt(3))^2 = 12. This gives a ratio of 12/(3*sqrt(3)) = 4/sqrt(3). If we multiply this by 4, we get 16/sqrt(3), which might be due to the "quadrant of the circumference" passage. The exact derivation is a bit uncertain without knowing more about the context of the passage or Beckmann's way of arriving at this value. None the less its an amusing thing that has been said about pi in print, and is definitely the largest value I've seen in this discussion. See 7.694 for an amusing upper bound of my own making.

III. Terrestrial Epoch


Entries: 97

The kinds of large numbers one is likely to encounter in day to day life, such as those in the thousands, millions, or low billions (10^9). These are the kinds of numbers the average person is likely to think of when hearing the term "large number". They will be most relevant to businesses, engineers, and computer scientists. Some numbers in these fields may exceed the boundary slightly falling into the low astronomical range. 



            The count of all the fingers on both hands. This is a number which lies outside of our ability to perceive directly, and begins to look like a multitude. It is notable for being the base of our decimal system. It is also the number of digits: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9.

            10 is also the smallest number legally expressible in Hyper-E Notation as E1.



                Eleven is the 5th prime number. It's the smallest positive integer greater than 10. It's name means literally "one left"



                Twelve is a popular number in numerology. There are twelve astrological signs, there were twelve disciples of Jesus, twelve tribes of Israel, twelve hours on a clock, etc. Twelve is a highly factorable number, which probably accounts for it's special cult status. It's factors are 1,2,3,4,6, and 12. It's equal to the products 1*12, 2*6,3*4,4*3,6*2, and 12*1.

                    It is common to package things in groups of 12. When a pack contains twelve it is said to contain a "dozen" such items. For example a dozen eggs, is a pack of twelve eggs. The meaning of dozen is not exactly twelve. Twelve is a number, where as a dozen is a noun (it is always assumed by a dozen that you have a dozen of something. So it is less abstract than the concept of twelve). However informally we can use "dozen" as a synonym for "twelve".

                    The etymology of twelve is "two left". In other words, there is exactly 2 left over after 10.



Pretty late in the game to be talking about pi upper bounds. We have already passed the Palpable Epoch. But this one can in fact be geometrically justified. It's based on the fact that x < tan(x) : x = (0,pi/2). This has a natural interpretation as half-sides of a circumscribed polygon. This would be "four-and-a-half half-sides". That sounds crazy but can actually be drawn and interpreted. Since x < tan(x) it follows that ax < atan(x) for any positive value of a. Thus we can calculate the angle to have 4.5 half sides to be 2pi/4.5. When we inevitably run up short after 4 half-sides, the remaining half of a half-side can still be thought of as a straight line, half as long as tan(2pi/4.5). We know that 2pi/4.5 < tan(2pi/4.5). This can be verified by calculator: 1.396 < 5.671. It follows that 0.5(2pi/4.5) < 0.5tan(2pi/4.5). So the remaining arc would still be less than the remaining segment. In this way of proportionality we can actually get arbitrarily close to 4 and we can technically prove any positive real value as an upper bound to pi with this geometric construction! It would become increasingly absurd, with very long line segments sticking out from the circle, but indeed we can justify that the sum of these line segments would be greater than the sum of the corresponding arcs, so it would be a valid argument. So really there is no limit to the upper bound one could pose in this manner!  



                Thirteen has a connotation of bad luck in western culture. It's the 6th prime. 



                Fourteen is equal to 7*2 and 2*7. It's only factors are 1,2,7,14.



            Fifteen is equal to 5*3 and 3*5. It is both the 5th triangle number and the 3rd pentachoral number.




            Sixteen is the 4th square. It is also the 2nd tesseract (4-d cube), since 2^4=16. This number crops up in a few places. For example it's 4^2, 2^4, and 2^^3 = 2^2^2 = 16.



            Seventeen is the 7th prime number.



            Eighteen is 9*2, 2*9, 6*3, and 3*6. It's factors are 1,2,3,6,9,18, and it's prime factorization is 2*3*3.



            Nineteen is the 8th prime number



            Twenty is a large number that has occasionally been used as the base in numeration systems. For example, the Mayan's used a mixed base twenty system. The choice of twenty may be motivated by the fact that we have twenty fingers and toes combined. Twenty is 1*20,20*1,2*10,10*2,4*5, and 5*4. It's factors are 1,2,4,5,10,20, and it's prime factorization is 2*2*5.



            Twenty-one is the first number name which is a composite of existing names. 21= 7*3 = 3*7. The factors of 21 are 1,3,7,21 and it's prime factorization is 3*7.



23 is the 9th prime number. It is one of my favorite primes. I like that the digits ascend. Also, since I associate "2" with blue, and "3" with green, 23 is associated with "blue-green" or "teal". That's a really cool color to me, and this adds to the likability of 23. There is also a movie starring Jim Carrey called "The Number 23", about a man who becomes so obsessed with the number that it leads his life down a rabbit hole.



            5^2. The 5th square.




            3^3. The 3rd Cube. Also 3^^2 = 3^3 = 27. This number occurs a lot in early googology involving 3s. This is also Robert Munafo's favorite number. 3^3 can also be thought of as a lowerbound for pi^pi.




            28 is the 2nd Perfect number. (See 6 and 496)




            31 is the 3rd mersenne prime, expressible as 2^5-1. It is also the 11th prime number. The next mersenne prime is 127.



This number can be expressed as (10^2-1)/3. This is the smallest member of numbers of the form (10^(p-1)-1)/p, where p is a prime not equal to 2 or 5. (See 142,857).



            6^2. The 6th Square.



If we raise pi to the power of pi, we most certainly get a non-integer, after all we can easily compute the decimal part with any cheap calculator at this point. This number comes up in this youtube video:


The idea being that if we stack enough pi's in a power tower, we can't directly compute it's decimal expansion, and so we can't prove it's not an integer simply by computing it, and we don't yet have a proof that tells us whether such numbers are transcendental or not. So, even though it might seem silly, and is almost certainly false, pi^pi^pi^pi could be an integer! We can't disprove it. pi^pi would just be a step in the calculation, and we can easily get this number. This is quickly going to get out of control though.

It's worth noting that some of the precision may be lost when raising pi to the power of itself. On my TI-89 pi is stored to 14 decimal places, so this computation is performed only to that level of precision. With a high precision calculator I calculate the value to 130 digits as:


These only agree up to 13 place values, meaning, we lose a digit of precision in the process. 

See pi^pi^pi ~ 1.3401x10^18.



48 is the smallest number with more possible prime factorization trees then itself. Let arbor(n) be the number of trees possible with n as the seed. Arbor (48) = 70. However if n < 48 arbor (n) <= n. To make this precise we define a prime factorization tree as: (1) having positive integers greater than 1 at all nodes (2) the root node has n (3) every leaf node must have a prime number (4) every node except the leaf nodes must have exactly 2 children (5) the product of a parent node's children must equal the parent and (6) every node except the leaves has a left child and a right child. Two trees are identical if and only if there exists a one-to-one correspondence between their nodes such that each pair of corresponding nodes has the same number and each relationship between nodes is preserved. For example , 6 has two possible trees under these restraints, namely, (2,3) and (3,2) thus arbor(6) = 2. arbor(1) is undefined as condition (1) can not be satisfied. arbor(p)=1 for prime , p, as the root node will also be the only leaf node. Usu. The number of trees is much smaller than the number itself, but 48 can be factored in 70 different ways (see here). The next number with this property is 72.



            7^2. The 7th Square.



            8^2. The 8th Square. 4^3, the 4th Cube.



            There are 66 "books" in the christian bible. There are 39 old testament books, and 27 new testament books, for a grand total of 66. 66 can therefore be treated as having some numerological significance.



This is one of my favorite numbers. It has descending digits. It is the 12th triangular number: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12=78. It is also the product of 6*13. 13 is the 6th prime number. So 78 is part of a sequence of numbers of the form n*p(n). Since it's a product of a "perfect number" and an "evil number", I consider it to be an amalgamation of sorts. For this reason I associate this number with gryphons. 78 also occurs in the aliquot sequence beginning with 66, the number of books in the bible, further adding to it's religious and mythological significance. The sum of the divisors of 66, is 1+2+3+6+11+22+33= 78. At the end of the day though, I just like 78 because I like that particular combination of digits, much like my like of 23, which also has ascending digits. It's probably similar to Robert Munafo's random like of the number 27.



            9^2. The 9th Square. This is also the 3rd Tesseract (3^4).


One hundred

            10^2 or E2. The 10th Square. This number is notable for being one of the first numbers we learn about that is introduced as a "large number". The googology wiki defines a large number as any number equal to or greater than 100. 100 is a classic benchmark of large numbers, and is used in the construction of countless large numbers, such as the googol, googolplex, etc.


one hundred and thirteen

113 is the 30th prime number. It is also a permutable prime. This means we can rearrange it's digits and still get a prime. This means 113, 131, and 311 are all prime. 113 is also been made famous by Pixar featuring "A113" in all of their movies. 113 also happens to be a number of personal significance to me as it is another possible sum of the name "sbiis saibian". In this one, we simply take the letters position as it's value and take the sum of all the values. So "sbiis saibian" = 19+2+9+9+19+19+1+9+2+9+1+14 = 113. This is something I've known for a long time, perhaps almost as long as I've had the name. The other value associated with "sbiis" is 220 based on another schema.



one hundred twenty-one

            11^2. The 11th Square.



one hundred twenty-five

            5^3, the 5th Cube.



one hundred twenty-seven

            127 is the 4th mersenne prime, expressible as 2^7-1. The next mersenne prime is 8191.



one hundred forty-four / one gross

            12^2. The 12th Square. When a package contains a dozen dozen's (12 packs of 12-packs) it is called a gross. Thus gross can be used as a synonym for one-hundred-forty-four.



one hundred sixty-nine

            13^2. The 13th Square.



one hundred ninety-six

            14^2. The 14th Square.



two hundred sixteen

            6^3, the 6th Cube.


two hundred twenty

This is the smallest amicable number. Amicable numbers are pairs of numbers such that the sum of their proper divisors is the other member of the pair. The smallest pair is 220 and 284. The prime factorization of 220 is 2*2*5*11. From this we can obtain it's factors which are 1,2,4,5,10,20,11,22,44,55,110, and 220. This can be computed more quickly as (1+2+4)(1+5+11+55) = 7*72 = 504. Removing the factor "220" which is not a proper divisor we get 504-220 = 284. The prime factorization of 284 is 2*2*71. It's factors are therefore 1,2,4,71,142,284. This can be quickly summed as (1+2+4)(1+71) = 7*72 = 504. Removing the factor "284" which is not a proper divisor we get 504-284 = 220.

It should be noted that this is an example of how a moderate sized number can be the smallest member of a sequence. This means large numbers can sometimes be defined by simple properties.

Amicable numbers are exceedingly rare in the world of number theory, and no general formula for all amicable numbers has been found.

Also a little trivia of personal significance to 220, "sbiis" according to a certain gematria schema, is equal to 220. If we use the english alphabet as a numeration system where {a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i} = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},  {j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r}={10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90}, and {s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z} = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800}, then sbiis = 100+2+9+9+100 = 102+9+9+100 = 111+9+100 = 120+100 = 220. This system is the most common besides simply making each letter equal to the value of it's position, that is, a=1,b=2,c=3, ... z=26. See 113.


two hundred twenty-five

            15^2. The 15th Square.



two hundred fifty-six

            16^2. The 16th Square. This is also the 4th Tesseract (4^4). 4^^2 = 4^4 = 256. In computer science this number comes up most frequently as the total number of possible states of 1 byte. Since a byte is 8 bits, and each bit can be in either a state of "0" or "1", there are 2^8 = 256 possible states. Bytes are typically the smallest possible unit of data, and so the smallest data types typically have a maximum of 256 possible states. This can be seen in early gaming there the number 256 frequently pops up. For example, there are exactly 256 possible levels of Pac-Man, as well as 256 possible levels of tetris, before the level code wraps around to the beginning. Pokemon are capped at level 99, but there were actually 256 possible levels in Pokemon Red and Blue. There were 151 pokemon, but actually exactly 256 possible indexes. The additional indexes were used for such things as trainers to battle. Due to an unintended glitch in the game it is actually possible to access all 256 indexes, leading to all sorts of glitches, including the most infamous, Missing No.  As you can see, 256 and gaming have a venerable history together. 4^4 can also be used as an upperbound on pi^pi.


two hundred eighty-four

This is the partner of the smallest amicable number 220. (See 220). A consequence of the definition of amicable numbers, is that the smaller of the pair is necessarily abundant while the larger one is deficient.


two hundred eighty-nine

            17^2. The 17th Square.


three hundred twenty-four

            18^2. The 18th Square.


three hundred forty-three

            7^3, the 7th Cube.


three hundred sixty-one

            19^2. The 19th Square. 


four hundred

            20^2. The 20th Square.



four hundred ninety-six

            496 is the 3rd Perfect Number. (See 28 and 8128).


five hundred twelve

            8^3, the 8th Cube.



This special base, when raised to i, returns 1. That is (535.491655525...)^i = 1. The upshot of this is that a single revolution on the complex plane is a whole number, so we can say that (535.491...)^(ni) = 1, as long as n is an integer. So for example we can know that (535.491...)^(grangol*i) = 1. On the other hand we can't know the exact value of e^(grangol*i) because we would need to find the remainder when dividing a grangol by 2pi. Another significance of this number is it's the ratio between consecutive solutions of i^i. This has to do with the countably infinite solutions to the natural logarithm of a complex number. The different solutions are simply rotations of 2pi, and rotations are turned to scaling in the special case of i^i.


| 4 . 4 |

five hundred and sixty five / temqua

This is one of the few examples of a googolism of mine that is not connected to Extensible-E. Instead this googolism was created as part of a notation I was working on back in 2007 to understand Jonathan Bowers' array notation. In this notation, arrays of 2 elements were just as strong as Bowers' trientrical arrays. It did this by removing the ability to specify a base. Instead a base was selected based on something called the "super truncate". The super truncate of any array is simply the array with the first element removed. The two-argument version of this array notation acted as a variation of the 2-argument Ackermann function.

The case of | 4 . 4 | was significant for a few reasons. First off it was equivalent to the expression | 1 . 1 . 2 | in which the super truncate was equal to | 1 . 2 | = 4. Secondly it featured repeated arguments of 4. And lastly I liked the palindromic digits of 565. The name literally means "4 4" with both "tem" and "qua" standing for 4. This was not an isolated example. Other names could be formed using this system. Mostly the components were chosen at random, leading to these weird sort of names. Although temqua is not exactly a very large number, it still is technically a large number. 565 is a number I consider emblematic to this array notation.


six hundred twenty-five

            The 5th Tesseract (5^4).


six hundred fifty-six

            656 is the last 3 digits of Mega.


six hundred sixty-six

                The "number of the beast", according to revelation. 666 is also the 36th triangle number. It is also the sum of the first 6 roman numerals: DCLXVI = 666. This suggests that 666 may have been chosen to signify a "large number" in a way similar to how a string of 9s is sometimes used as an example of a maximally large number.


seven hundred twenty-nine

            9^3, the 9th Cube.


nine hundred forty-five

            This is the smallest odd-abundant number. An abundant number is a positive integer whose factors have a sum greater than 2 times the original number. The first few abundant numbers are 12,18,20,24,30,36,40,42 ...etc. Notice that the first few are all even numbers. A natural question is : are there any odd-abundant numbers, and if so which is the smallest one? This question is partially "googological" in nature because it could possibly lead to a large finite number as the answer. The answer to the first question is, yes, there are odd-abundant numbers, an infinite number of them in fact. Therefore there is a smallest odd-abundant, and that number is 945. What's interesting is that this simple property leads to a naturally occurring relatively large number (greater than 100).


one thousand

            10^3, the 10th Cube. Also can be written E3.


one thousand and twenty-four

            2^10, the number of bytes in a standard kilobyte.


one thousand two hundred ninety-six

            The 6th Tesseract (6^4).


one thousand three hundred thirty-one

            11^3, the 11th Cube.


one thousand three hundred eighty-five

The integer part of both piplex an zuplex. Both of those numbers are only about a half unit from 1385.




It is generally understood that (n)-plex is equal to 10^n. There is no reason we couldn't easily extend this to any real or even complex value. The only issue is if there is a simple name for the number in question. It therefore isn't too difficult to come up with the idea of piplex = 10^pi. Since pi is slightly greater than 3 this results in a value that is slightly larger than 1000 but definitely less than 10,000. We get 1,385.45573137...etc. This is reasonably large by ordinary standards, although far from astronomical. It's small by googology standards ... however googology is also about forming new arithmonyms (number names) from existing naming schemes. This therefore can just be seen as a simple extrapolation of the plex suffix to commonly named real constants. Along this line eplex and phiplex were also coined. Much later I also came up with the idea of imagiplex where "imagi" stands for the imaginary unit i. One can also create halfplex, and many other absurd plex numbers. piplex has the distinct advantage of pi being the most well known of these constants, so the names meaning will be plain to almost anyone.



zuplex / miluplex

An unusual googolism I've formed by using the name zu / milu for 355/113, and extremely good yet simple rational approximation for pi, with plex. Since 355/113 is very close but slightly larger than pi, it follows that zuplex / miluplex is slightly greater than piplex. In fact it's so close that the integer part is identical. They only begin to differ starting with the third decimal digit. The zuplex - piplex = 0.0008510127. Meanwhile we have zuplex/piplex = 1.00000061425.




Gogawale pi, or simply a gogawale, is a constant equal to 17-8sqrt(3) which a certain Mr. Laxman Gogawale claims is the exact value of pi. See 3.14359 for more details on that. In this case, since we have a name for this constant we can plex it, and since it is in fact at least close to pi, plexing it will give us a number close to pi. Since it's a little larger we get a number slightly larger. What's worth noting is the ratio's involved. gogawale/pi ~ 1.00063690175. Meanwhile gogawaleplex/piplex ~ 1.00461783946. Both values are close, leading to ratios in the calculable superuniary range, but the ratio is clearly worse in the latter case. relative powers also follow this trend. ln(gogawale)/ln(pi) ~ 1.00055620022 while ln(gogawaleplex)/ln(piplex) = gogawale/pi = 1.00063690175. Arithmetic distance has also increased quite a bit. gogawale-pi = 0.002000885859, while gogawaleplex-piplex = 6.3978121489. Funnily enough this latter difference is close to 2pi = 6.28318530718. :p


one thousand seven hundred twenty-eight

            12^3, the 12th Cube. When a package contains a dozen gross (12 packs of 12-packs of 12-packs) it is called a great gross. Thus a great gross is a synonym of one-thousand-seven-hundred-twenty-eight.


two thousand and forty-seven

            This is the first mersenne number that is a counter-example to a prime exponent leading to a prime number. Mersenne numbers are of the form 2^n-1. When n is composite the mersenne number is composite. When n is prime, the mersenne may or may not be prime. The first 4 primes result in the first 4 mersenne primes, namely: 2^2-1 = 3 , 2^3-1 = 7 , 2^5-1 = 31 , and 2^7-1 = 127. But the next prime, 11, gives us a composite number: 2^11-1 = 2047 = 23*89.


two thousand one hundred ninety-seven

            13^3, the 13th Cube.


two thousand four hundred one

            The 7th Tesseract (7^4).


two thousand six hundred fifty-six

            The last 4 digits of Mega are 2656.


two thousand seven hundred forty-four

            14^3, the 14th Cube.



three thousand one hundred twenty-five

            This is equal to 5^^2 = 5^5 = 3125. It's an example of a very small tetrational number.


three thousand three hundred seventy-five

            15^3, the 15th Cube.


four thousand ninety-six

            16^3, the 16th Cube. Also the 8th Tesseract (8^4).


four thousand nine hundred thirteen

            17^3, the 17th Cube.


five thousand eight hundred thirty-two

            18^3, the 18th Cube.


81^2 = 9^4 = 3^8

six thousand five hundred sixty-one

            The 9th Tesseract (9^4).


six thousand eight hundred fifty-nine

            19^3, the 19th Cube.


eight thousand

            20^3, the 20th Cube.



eight thousand one hundred twenty-eight

            8128 is the 4th Perfect number. This was the largest perfect number known in antiquity, of which only 4 were known (the other three were 6,28, and 496). See 33,550,336.



eight thousand one hundred ninety-one

            8191 is the 5th mersenne prime, expressible as 2^13-1. The next mersenne prime is 131,071.


nine thousand

                    This number is part of the famous "It's over 9000!" meme. A little more relevant to googology, this is the very first valid entry in the "My Number is Bigger" xkcd thread, a very famous thread in googology circles which is perhaps the best large number contest ever hosted on the internet!


ten thousand / myriad

            10^4 or E4. It was known as the myriad in ancient greece and used as the basis of their large numbers, just as a thousand is used as the basis for ours. This is also the 10th Tesseract.


fourteen thousand six hundred sixty-one

            The 11th Tesseract (11^4).    


twenty thousand seven hundred thirty-six

            The 12th Tesseract (12^4).

            Andre Joyce refers to this number as a great great gross, based on a continuation of the sequence, dozen, gross, great gross.


twenty-eight thousand five hundred sixty-one

            The 13th Tesseract (13^4).


thirty-eight thousand four hundred sixteen

            The 14th Tesseract (14^4).



forty-six thousand six hundred fifty-six

            6^^2 = 6^6 = 46,656.


fifty thousand six hundred twenty-five

            The 15th Tesseract (15^4).



sixty-five thousand five hundred thirty-six

            The 16th Tesseract (16^4). Also: 2^^4 = 2^2^2^2 = 2^2^4 = 2^16 = 65,536. So this is also an extremely small tetrational number. See 3^3^3^3 ( a long way from here!).


eighty-three thousand five hundred twenty-one

            The 17th Tesseract (17^4).


one hundred thousand / lakh

            10^5 or E5. A number notable for the fact that it rests at a borderline between just too large to fathom, and just large enough to still understand. This is also the number of zeroes in a googolgong. This is also a number with the special denomination name "lakh" in the indian naming system.


one hundred four thousand nine hundred seventy-six

            The 18th Tesseract (18^4).


one hundred thirty thousand three hundred twenty-one

            The 19th Tesseract (19^4).



one hundred thirty-one thousand seventy-one

            131,071 is the 6th mersenne prime, expressible as 2^17-1. The next is 524,287.




                    The smallest of Joyce's googolism's. This number is modeled on Fermat's Little Theorem. If we take any prime number, other then 2 or 5, call it p, then the number (10^(p-1)-1)/p is a positive integer. The smallest value of this form is actually (10^2-1)/3 or 33. This is the 2nd smallest number of this form.


one hundred sixty thousand

            The 20th Tesseract (20^4).


great great great gross / two-hundred-forty-eight-thousand-eight-hundred-thirty-two

                    12^5. Called great great great gross by Andre Joyce.



five hundred twenty-four thousand two hundred eighty-seven

            524,287 is the 7th mersenne prime. This is conventionally denoted as M19 = 219-1. The next mersenne prime is 2,147,483,647. 



eight hundred twenty-three thousand five hundred forty-three

            7^^2 = 7^7 = 823,543.

IV. Astronomical Epoch


Entries: 103

Numbers larger than those encountered in daily life, but commonly encountered in areas of economics, and sciences such as geology, astronomy, and cosmology. This also includes a good sampling of the common -illions. This is the Epoch most people mean when they say "Large Nu


one million / ten lakh

            10^6 or E6. A classic benchmark of large numbers. In some sense, a million may be treated as one of the smallest large numbers. It's name means "great thousand", and it is equal to a thousand thousand. Counting to a million is a task that can take about a year, realistically, allowing time for sleeping, eating, and all the ordinary activities of life, using only spare time for counting.

In the indian naming system million isn't a unique denomination and is instead thought of as ten lakh, where a lakh is 100,000.


one million forty-eight thousand five hundred and seventy-six

2^20. Also the number of Bytes in a standard MB.


great great great great gross / 


                    12^6. Called a great great great great gross by Andre Joyce.


ten million / one crore

10^7. In english we simply call this ten million, and it lacks a unique googolism. However the Indian numbering system sometimes refers to this as crore. This forms a continued system of repeatedly squaring the previous number in the sequence. This was a very quick way to generate extremely large number in antiquity with a method that is very easy to understand. After 122 successive squares this arrives at 10^(7x2^122), a number even larger than the largest number mentioned in Archimedes' Sandreckoner.



sixteen million seven hundred seventy-seven thousand two hundred sixteen

                    8^^2 = 8^8 = 16,777,216.



Fifth Perfect Number

            33,550,336 is the 5th Perfect number. It was first correctly identified around 1461. There is a noticeable jump from the first 4 perfect numbers (6,28,496,8128). The fast growing nature of the sequence derives from the fact that the even perfect numbers are given by the formula 2^(p-1)(2^p-1), where p is a prime and 2^p-1 is also prime. Consequently the first 4 perfect numbers are created by the first 4 prime numbers:

2(2^2-1) = 2*3 = 6

2^2*(2^3-1) = 4*7 = 28

2^4*(2^5-1) = 16*31 = 496

2^6*(2^7-1) = 64*127 = 8128

            The formula then fails for p=11. It works for p=13. The result is 2^12*(2^13-1) = 4096*8191 = 33,550,336. Note that this formula is roughly exponential in nature. It grows a little faster since primes become increasingly sparse, and also since not every prime will produce a perfect number. The next perfect number is 8,589,869,056.


five-ex-great gross /


                    12^7. Called five-ex-great gross by Andre Joyce.


one hundred million / octad

            10^8 or E8. This number was called the myriad myriad by the greeks, and Archimedes called his number the "octad". Generally speaking a myriad myriad is usually what passed for very large in antiquity. In the bible it is said that there are a myriad myriad angels in heaven, which if not meant literally, clearly was meant only to impress people with the vastness of Gods kingdom. In fact a myriad myriad is the largest definite number appearing in the bible. Other religious traditions got a lot further.



three hundred eighty-seven million four hundred twenty thousand four hundred eighty-nine

            9^^2 = 9^9 = 387,420,489. Also the number of counting numbers less than one billion with exactly 9 non-zero digits (See 1,114,063,345).


six-ex-great gross /


                    12^8. Called six-ex-great gross by Andre Joyce.



This is the third smallest number of the form (10^(p-1)-1)/p.


billion / milliard

            10^9 or E9. A very large number equal to a thousand millions. Counting to this number is nigh impossible (See 1,114,063,345).


Highest Number a Human could Count to in a Lifetime

            This is the absolute highest number a human could "feasibly" count to in a lifetime, and I'm using feasibly VERY loosely here. In fact this is more like an upper bound on the highest number a person could ever count to. To compute it I assumed that the person lived as long as the longest recorded living human, who lived to the age of 122 years and 164 days! Allowing for 8 hours of sleep per day, and assuming all other time is spent counting, you'd have 2,576,131,200 seconds of available time to devote to counting. Figuring out exactly how far you could count is complicated somewhat by the fact that different numbers take different amounts of time to say. A very good approximation can be made however, by assuming that the length of time for saying any given number is determined by the number of non-zero digits it contains. There are 387,420,489 numbers less than a billion with 9 non-zero digits. I estimated that 9 digit numbers take about 2.42 seconds to say. There is also just that many numbers less than a billion with 8 non-zero digits. I estimate it would take about 2.34 seconds to say an 8 digit number. Numbers with 6 or more non-zero digits account for about 99% of all numbers less than a billion, so we can ignore simpler numbers and still get a good approximation. According to my calculations you would theoretically be able to reach a billion in your 109th year of your life (assuming you started from birth!). On your death bed at 122 you would reach somewhere around 1 billion 114 million

            This should prove unequivocally that no one can count to a trillion, no matter how hard they try! To make it within a reasonable life time you'd have to count at a thousand times faster than humanly possible! Even counting to a billion is really quite a stretch. It probably can't be done for a number of practical reasons. Firstly, how can someone count from birth? Obviously we'd have to give a few years (5 at least) so that the person could learn how to count. Then someone would have to be willing to count for the remainder of their very long life. Lastly, the human voice would probably wear out after a short time, perhaps after the first few months or years. In short, this is an impossible task. Nobody living today can count to 1,114,063,345. Therefore this is an extreme upper bound on what a human being can actually count to. Of coarse if you want to prove me wrong by example, better get started ... unless you were just born today.

            In any case I'll define this as the largest feasibly countable number.



8th Mersenne Prime

            Also known as M31 , this is the 8th mersenne prime. It can be expressed compactly as 231-1. The next one is 2^61-1.


Age in seconds of oldest person who ever lived

            The oldest known person who ever lived was Jeanne Calment who reached the extremely advanced age of 122 years and 164 days when she died. Assuming a year to be roughly 365.25 days, converting her final age into seconds, we can say that she lived for 3,864,196,800 seconds. Amazingly, this number is really quite astronomical. The average human life span is about 75 years, but even this amounts to 2,365,200,000 seconds. So we can honestly say that humans live anywhere from about 2 to 4 billion seconds. Hopefully a lifetime seems a lot longer now!



Sixth Perfect Number

            8,589,869,056 is the 6th Perfect Number. It was discovered in 1588 by the italian mathematician Pietro Cataldi. This number is the product of 2^16 and the 6th mersenne prime. It can be expressed as 2^16*(2^17-1). The next prefect number is 137,438,691,328.



Ten billion / Ten milliard / dialogue

            10^^2 = 10^10 = 10,000,000,000. Can be written as E1#2 or E10.



This is the 4th smallest integer of the form (10^(p-1)-1)/p.


hundred billion / hundred milliard / ten dialogue

10^11. There are said to be approximately hundred billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. This number is already beyond our ability to really grapple with meaningfully.



Seventh Perfect Number

            137,438,691,328 is the 7th Perfect Number. 2^18*(2^19-1). The next one is 2,305,843,008,139,952,128.



            11^^2 = 11^11 = 285,311,670,611. This is the largest member of the sequence S(n) = n^^2 which is less than 3^3^3.


trillion / billiad

            10^12 or E12. The largest -illion the average person is aware of. It's called a trillion in the short scale, but if referred to as a "billion" in the long scale. To distinguish between the long and short scale, I use the following suffixes:

n-illion = 10^(3n+3)

n-illiad = 10^(6n)

n-illiard = 10^(6n+3)



            3^^3 = 3^3^3 = 3^27 = 7,625,597,484,987. This is the result of computing 3 tetrated to the 3rd. This number can actually be computed by hand relatively easily, though it does take some time. Here is one way to go about computing it:

3^^3 = 3^3^3 = 3^(3*3*3) = 3^(3*9) = 3^27 =

((3*3*3)(3*3*3)(3*3*3))((3*3*3)(3*3*3)(3*3*3))((3*3*3)(3*3*3)(3*3*3)) =

((3*9)(3*9)(3*9))((3*9)(3*9)(3*9))((3*9)(3*9)(3*9)) =

(27*27*27)(27*27*27)(27*27*27) =

(27*729)(27*729)(27*729) =

19,683*19,683*19,683 =

19,683*387,420,489 =


            In truth this isn't generally the best way to go when computing it by hand as multiplying numbers with more than 3 digits can get confusing. A better approach is simply to create a table of powers of 3 up to the 27th power. If you know one power of 3 the next can simply be found by multiplying each digit by 3 and carrying over as necessary. This is probably one of the very few large numbers you can actually compute without the aid of a calculator.



            12^^2 = 12^12. This is the smallest member of the sequence S(n) = n^^2, larger than 3^3^3.



13^^2 = 13^13. It's still a long way until we reach 4^4^4.




This is the 2nd smallest of Joyce's googolism's of the form (10^(p-1)-1)/p. This is however the 5th smallest integer of the form (10^(p-1)-1)/p where p is a prime not equal to 2 or 5.


quadrillion / billiard

            10^15, or E15. The -illion after a trillion.




Joyce's 3rd smallest googolism of the form (10^(p-1)-1)/p. Also the 6th smallest integer of the from (10^(p-1)-1)/p. The number contains 17 digits and is approximately 52 quadrillion.


quintillion / trilliad

            A quintillion is 1 followed by 18 zeroes. In the long scale it's called a trilliad. It can be written compactly as 10^18 or E18.



If we raise pi^pi^pi, as expected we get a "decimal", and thus it is clearly not an integer. This can be easily verified with a high precision calculator. I can't prove it on my TI-89. I can use that to approximate it as 1.34016418301x10^18, but this doesn't demonstrate whether or not it's an integer. With a high precision calculator however it is not hard to obtain plenty of decimal digits:


which begins 297449129...etc. So definitely not an integer. But if we try to do the same with pi^pi^pi^pi, it will have something on the order of a billion billion digits, and this is currently just out of reach of our current computational abilities.



Eighth Perfect Number

This is the 8th perfect number. It is equal to 2^61-2^30. Incidentally this number is only slightly smaller than the 9th mersenne prime. They share the same 9 leading digits. The next perfect number is 2^121-2^60.


Pervushin's Number / 9th Mersenne Prime


            This is the 9th mersenne prime. It is traditionally denoted M61. It can be expressed compactly as 2^61-1. It was first discovered by Ivan Mikheevich Pervushin in Novemeber of 1883. For this reason it is sometimes called Pervushin's Number. At the time of it's discovery it was the 2nd largest known prime. It remain as such until 1911. This number is roughly 2.3 quintillion in the short scale, or 2.3 trilliad in the long scale. The next mersenne prime is M89 which contains 27 digits.




A Joycian googolism formed using Fermat's Little Theorem.


sextillion / trilliard

            A sextillion is 1 followed by 21 zeroes. In the long scale it's called a trilliard. It can be written concisely as 10^21 or E21.


Avogadro's Number

            Avogadro's Number is a large constant used in chemistry. Formally it can be defined as the number of carbon-12 atoms it would take to add up to 12 grams of matter. Approximately it's the number of protons it would take to add up to 1 gram of mass. It is therefore very close to the reciprocal of the protons mass as measured in grams. This is a ridiculously large number in comparison even with the millions, billions, and trillions we are used to in the modern world. It's quite tiny however compare to even modest numbers that crop up in pure mathematics such as the mersenne primes.


septillion / quadrilliad

            A septillion is 1 followed by 24 zeroes. In the long scale it's a quadrilliad. It can be written concisely as 10^24 or E24.




Joycian Googolism. It's larger than Avogadro's Number but smaller than M89.


10th Mersenne Prime


            M89 is the 10th mersenne prime. It can be expressed compactly as 2^89-1. This number was first proven prime by Ralph Ernest Powers in 1911. When first discovered it stole M61's (Pervushin's Number) place for 2nd largest known prime, bumping Pervushin's Number down to 3rd. (See M107 and M127). The next mersenne prime is M107 with 33 digits.


octillion / quadrilliard

            A octillion is 1 followed by 27 zeroes. In the long scale it's a quadrilliard. It can be written concisely as 10^27 or E27.


nonillion / quintilliad

            A nonillion is 1 followed by 30 zeroes. In the long scale it's a quintilliad. It can be written concisely as 10^30 or E30.


11th Mersenne Prime


            M107 is the 11th mersenne prime. It can be expressed compactly as 2^107-1. This number was first proven prime by Ralph Ernest Powers in June of 1914. At the time it held 2nd place for largest known prime, following by M89 in 3rd place, and M61 (Pervushin's Number) in 4th place. The next mersenne prime is M127.



decillion / quintilliard

            A decillion is 1 followed by 33 zeroes. In the long scale it's a quintilliard. It can be written concisely as 10^33 or E33. It is a personal favorite of mine, along with the centillion.


undecillion / sextilliad

            A undecillion is 1 followed by 36 zeroes. In the long scale it's a sextilliad. It can be written concisely as 10^36 or E36.




Ninth Perfect Number

This is the 9th perfect number. It's approximately 2.6 undecillion, and contains 37 digits, none of them "0" incidentally. It is also fairly close to the 12th mersenne prime. mersenne primes and even perfect numbers are closely related because the nth even perfect number always has the nth mersenne prime as a factor. Every perfect number may be expressed as 2^(p-1)*(2^p-1) where p is prime and 2^p-1 is a mersenne prime. Consequently the corresponding perfect number for each mersenne number is about it's square. The next perfect number is 2^177-2^88.


12th Mersenne Prime


            M127 is the 12th mersenne prime. It was first proven prime by Edouard Lucas on January 10th of 1876. It held the record for largest known prime from it's discovery until about 1951. (See 180(M127)2+1). The next mersenne prime is a huge leap forward at M521 with 157 digits.


duodecillion / sextilliard

            A duodecillion is 1 followed by 39 zeroes. In the long scale it's a sextilliard. It can be written concisely as 10^39 or E39.


tredecillion / septilliad

            A tredecillion or septilliad is 1 followed by 42 zeroes. It can be written concisely as 10^42 or E42.




Joycian googolism. This number contains exactly 45 digits.


quattuordecillion / septilliard

            A quattuordecillion or septilliard is 1 followed by 45 zeroes. It can be written concisely as 10^45 or E45.


quindecillion / octilliad

            A quindecillion or octilliad is 1 followed by 48 zeroes. It can be written concisely as 10^48 or E48.


sexdecillion / octilliard

            A sexdecillion or octilliard is 1 followed by 51 zeroes. It can be written concisely as 10^51 or E51.



Tenth Perfect Number

This is the 10th perfect number. It equal to exactly 2^177-2^88 and has 54 digits. It lies between a sexdecillion and a septendecillion in the short scale. The next perfect number is 2^213-2^106.



septendecillion / nonilliad

            A septendecillion or nonilliad is 1 followed by 54 zeroes. It can be written concisely as 10^54 or E54.



octodecillion / nonilliard

            A octodecillion or nonilliard is 1 followed by 57 zeroes. It can be written concisely as 10^57 or E57




novemdecillion / decilliad

            A novemdecillion or decilliad is 1 followed by 60 zeroes. It can be written concisely as 10^60 or E60.



vigintillion / decilliard

            A vigintillion or decilliard is 1 followed by 63 zeroes. It can be written concisely as 10^63 or E63. A vigintillion is the largest official -illion besides a centillion. There is no cannonical -illions between a vigintillion and a centillion.




11th Perfect Number

This is the 11th perfect number. It contains 65 digits. The next perfect number is 2^253-2^126.



unvigintillion / viginti-untillion

            According to Conway's system a unvigintillion is 1 followed by 66 zeroes. I use the term viginti-untillion since the order of terms should reverse after the 20th illion. 



duovigintillion / viginti-deutillion

            According to Conway a duovigintillion is 1 followed by 69 zeroes. I call it a viginti-deutillion.



trevigintillion / viginti-tretillion

            10^72 or E72. A trevigintillion or viginti-tretillion is 1 followed by 72 zeroes



quattuorvigintillion / viginti-quattillion

10^75 or E75




12th Perfect Number

This is the 12th perfect number. It has 77 digits. The next perfect number is 2^1041-2^520, which has 314 digits!



quinvigintillion / viginti-quintillion

10^78 or E78



            From 1951 to January of 1952 the number 180(2^127-1)^2+1 (approx. 5.2106xE78) briefly held the title for largest known prime. It was discovered by Miller and Wheeler in July of 1951. It's notable for being the first record set with the aid of an electronic computer. Interestingly this is not a mersenne prime. Currently the top ten largest known primes are all mersenne primes. Incidently this short lived record holder was quickly eclipsed by the discovery of the 13th and 14th mersenne primes.




Eddington Number

            In 1938 astrophysist Arthur Eddington was the first to propose an exact integer value to the number of protons in the observable universe. For aesthetic and numerological reasons he came up with the exact value 136*2^256 (approx. 1.5747xE79). Robert Munafo notes that this is the largest specific integer thought to have a unique and tangible relationship to the physical world. This number is just below the current popular estimate of 10^80 for the number of particles in the observable universe. 




Number of Particles in the Observable Universe

            This is a commonly given figure for the number of particles in the observable universe. It is an unimaginably vast number, and yet still a tiny fraction compared to a googol. However this is only the estimated number of particles in the "observable universe", that is, the portion of the universe that we can see because light has had enough time to travel to our little blue planet. Scientists aren't exactly sure how big the universe is in it's entirety, so there is a possibility that there are actually a googol or even more particles in the entire universe.


sexvigintillion / viginti-sextillion

10^81 or E81


septenvigintillion / viginti-septillion

10^84 or E84


octovigintillion / viginti-octillion

10^87 or E87


novemvigintillion / viginti-nonillion

10^90 or E90



            A trigintillion is 1 followed by 93 zeroes. It is the 30th illion, equal to 10^93 or E93.


untrigintillion / triginti-untillion


duotrigintillion / triginti-deutillion






ten duotrigintillion / ten triginti-deutillion

            This is 1 followed by 100 zeroes, best known as a "googol". It can also be given the more "technical" name of "ten duotrigintillion". This is the number that really started it all and began the large number trend and it's bizarre naming conventions. Many large numbers are built around the pattern established by this number. In some sense this IS the smallest googolism. Both Jonathan Bowers and myself have created extended systems based on this number. This is incidentally the smallest googolism mentioned on Jonathan Bowers' infinity scraper page. The infamous googolplex is much larger, and you won't see it until a little later in the list.


                    This is the smallest of the 4 possible interpretations of Andre Joyce's great googol. Joyce states that if (n) = b^a then great-(n) = b^(a+1). By this reasoning since a googol = 10^100, it should follow that great googol = 10^101. The problem is that such a definition is actually ambiguous because "n" is not always a uniquely defined power. For example googol = 100^50, therefore great googol = 100^51 = 10^102. Furthermore we also have googol = 100,000^20, which gives great googol = 100,000^21 = 10^105, or googol = 10,000,000,000^10 which gives great googol = 10,000,000,000^11 = 10^110, or googol = (10^20)^5 which gives great googol = (10^20)^6 = 10^120, etc. (See also 10^150, 10^300 , and 10^1000).


tretrigintillion / triginti-tretillion

The first short scale -illion larger than a googol.



The 40th -illion in the short scale.


Joycian Great Googol

                    This is one of the 4 possible interpretations of the Joycian great googol. Joyce defines it as (10^100)^(3/2) in one place, believing this to be equivalent to 10^100^(3/2) = 10^1000. Instead we get that (10^100)^(3/2) = 10^(100*3/2) = 10^150. (Also see 10^101 , 10^300, and 10^1000).



The 50th -illion in the short scale. Moving right along ...





            4 Tetrated to the 3rd. This value is notable for being larger than a googol. This number contains exactly 155 digits and is approximately equal to 1.34x10^154. It can also be approximated as thirteen quinquagintillion. This is a pretty big number by ordinary standards, but small by tetrational standards. It doesn't even really clear the high astronomical range.





13th Mersenne Prime


            This is the 13th mersenne prime (approx. 6.8647xE156). It was first discovered by Raphael Robinson on January 30th of 1952. It was the first prime discovered with at least 100 digits. There is a noticeably drastic gap between the 12th and 13th mersenne prime. It's around here that the mersenne primes begin to grow in size quite rapidly. On the same day Raphael Robinson also discovered the 14th mersenne prime, M607.






14th Mersenne Prime


            This is the 14th mersenne prime (approx. 5.3113xE182). It was first discovered by Raphael Robinson on January 30th of 1952, the same day the 13th mersenne prime was found. For just a few months this number held the record for largest known prime. It would subsequently be trumped three more times as Robinson cranked out the 15th,16th, and 17th mersenne prime all in the same year! The next mersenne prime is M1279.




Volume of Observable Universe in Planck Volumes

                Who said that there isn't a googol of anything. Okay perhaps there isn't a googol objects, but there is more than a googol spaces. Recall that the Planck Length is only 10^-35 meters. Now imagine a cube with side length of 1 Planck Length. That's a Planck Volume. 10^105 of these fit in a cubic meter! The observable universe has a radius of 46.5 billion light years. Figure out the volume of the sphere with this radius, divide it by the Planck Volume, and you get the massive figure of 10^185. This proves that a googol actually still has some physically tangible meaning!



This number is derived from Kieran's gar- prefix. It was first used to define a gargoogolplex as a googolplex googolplexes, namely gargoogolplex is googolplex^2. From this we extrapolate that gar-(n) = n^2, with the caveat that "gar", a prefix, should be applied after all other suffixes the number possesses so that gargoogolplex is understood as gar(plex(googol)) not plex(gar(googol)) (see gargoogolplex and gargoogol-plexed for disambiguation). In any case, there is no ambiguity in regards to a gargoogol, which would be googol^2. It turns out to be a nifty name for 1 followed by 200 zeroes, in case, you know, we might have some use for that :p









                    This is another value that can be derived for Andre Joyce's great googol. Joyce says that n-ex-great googol = (10^100)^(n+2). By this reasoning great googol = (10^100)^(1+2) = (10^100)^3 = 10^300. (See also 10^101 , 10^150, and 10^1000 )

                        I offer a better name for this number: thrargoogol, a corruption of gargoogol. thrar- is a prefix formed from combining "three" with "gar". Let thrar-(n) = n^3.



            The 100th member of the -illion series in the short scale system. This was the largest officially recognized large number name that I knew about as a kid (Ironically I didn't learn about the googol and googolplex until much later). It was my favorite number for a time, along with the googolgong (seen a little later).









13th Perfect Number

This is the 13th perfect number. It has 314 digits. This makes it larger that a centillion in the short scale.

The next perfect number is 2^1213-2^606.










14th Perfect Number

This is the 14th perfect number. It has 366 digits. The next perfect number is 2^2557-2^1278.









15th Mersenne Prime


            The 15th mersenne prime (approx. 1.0407xE385). It was first discovered by Raphael Robinson on June 25th of 1952, only 5 months are he had discovered the last record prime, the 14th mersenne prime. The next mersenne prime is M2203.



This is a relatively small googolism I created as an extension of the googolgong. -ding is a modifier that takes the base number and raises it to the 5th power, or when operating on much larger numbers, if N is expressed as f(n) for some function, f, then (N)-ding will mean f(5n). The next larger one is googolchime, for 101000.












Twasbrillig's Digit Wall

            This was the 2nd valid entry in the "My Number is Bigger" thread, right after 9000. This number is a pretty big leap forward, being much larger than the number of particles in the observable universe (1080) or even the number of plank volumes (10175), but it's classified here as part of the Astronomical Epoch since it is quite conceivable that the universe as a whole might be astronomically larger than the observable universe.

            This number has exactly 549 digits. It was posted by Twasbrillig.











Crazyjimbo's Response

                    Crazyjimbo's response is the 3rd valid entry in the "My Number is Bigger" thread. It is simply Twasbrillig's Digit Wall but with the digits reversed. Thus it also has exactly 549 digits. Interestingly the ratio between the 1st and 2nd entry is huge, but the ratio between the 2nd and 3rd is less than 2.











Twasbrillig's Rebuttal

                    Twasbrillig responded to Crazyjimbo's Number by simply appending a 1 to it. This number thus has exactly 550 digits. Despite the fact that this seems to be only a miniscule improvement this number is roughly 10 times larger than the previous entry. This is the 4th valid entry in the "My Number is Bigger" thread.



            This is the centillion in the long scale system. To distinguish it from 10^303 I call it the centilliad. The centilliad is the 100th power of a million. This number is ridiculously large and is already much larger than number you even encounter in astronomy! So it a real sense this number is almost post-astronomical. The boundary for astronomical numbers is a little vague since we actually don't know how large the entire universe is, or even if it's finite.



            This would be the largest cannonical -illion in the long scale.




            This is the largest number that can be stored on the TI-89 exact mode. Exact mode allows you to manipulate integers directly, among other things. Unlike approximate mode there is no rounding off of numbers and therefore no rounding error. If you type in 2^2040-1 into the TI-89 in exact mode it will not return this number but will return "infinity" as the answer. The reason for this is it must first compute 2^2040 before subtracting 1. Since 2^2040 is just over it's limit it will return "infinity" for the rest of the calculation. In order to get the TI-89 to display this number in full you must obtain this number in a calculation that does not involve overflow at any step. One way to do this is to ask the TI-89 to compute 2(2^2039-1)+1. This is equivalent to 2^2040-1. When you add 1 to this value you'll immediately get an overflow, proving that 2^2040-1 is the largest possible integer in can work with in exact mode. (See 10^1000-10^986).












16th Mersenne Prime


            This is the 16th mersenne prime (approx. 1.4759xE663). It was first discovered by Raphael Robinson on October 7th of 1952, setting yet another record for largest prime, just about 4 months after setting the previous record (the 15th mersenne prime). Two days later Robinson would find yet a slightly larger prime, the next mersenne prime, M2281.

























17th Mersenne Prime


            This is the 17th mersenne prime (approx. 4.4608xE686). It was first discovered by Raphael Robinson on October 9th of 1952. This remained the largest known prime until 1957 when the 18th mersenne prime, M3217, was discovered.




























15th Perfect Number

This is the 15th perfect number. It has 770 digits. The next perfect number is 2^4405-2^2202.



































18th Mersenne Prime


            This is the 18th mersenne prime (approx. 2.5911xE968). It was first discovered by Han Riesel on September 9th of 1957 and was the largest known prime until 1961. The next mersenne prime is M4253 with 1281 digits.


trecenti-triginti-deutillion / centi-sexaginti-sextilliard

            This is the largest -illion or integer power of a thousand less than E1000. I've written both the short and long scale in my -illion scheme.


Largest Number possible on TI-89

            This is the largest number that can be stored on the TI-89 approximate mode. It is displayed as 9.9999999999999xE999. This number can only be seen in the "equation display". In the answer display it rounds it to 12 decimal places of precision. However in the background the TI-89 actually holds 14 digits of precision. This can be detected by certain anomalies in calculations. For example you can add 1xE985 to this number an infinite number of times without ever changing it's value because it rounds off the addend to 0. Add 5xE985 just once however and you'll instantly get the result "infinity", implying there is an overflow.

            Although this marks the limit of TI-89s hardwired number crunching abilities, it is possible to use it to perform computations for much much larger numbers by means of estimation with logarithms.

V. Super Astronomical Epoch


Entries: 94

The smallest of numbers that go beyond anything typically used in astronomy. These go well beyond the mind-bogglingness of considering the number of stars in the observable universe, or the number of particles in a star. Here we find most of the largest known prime numbers, and most of the known perfect numbers. These numbers can still be understood using relative powers, that is, figuring out what one has to raise one number to, to get another. This becomes less practical in the next two epochs, and useless thereafter.



                    Andre Joyce, the same guy who coined the term "googology", coined the googolism "great googol" to stand for the number 10^1000, based on the idea that since a gross is 12^2 and a great gross is 12^3, it should follow that if a googol is 10^10^2, then a great googol should be 10^10^3. Unfortunately he provides no less than 4 conflicting definitions for this number in his own writing. This is the value most commonly cited (See also 10^101 , 10^150 , 10^300). 

                    I call this number a googolchime. I use the name "great googol" for a much larger value (See E100##1#2 ). The name is formed by following the theme established by a googolgong of using things which can producing ringing sounds. (See also googolbell, googoltoll, googolgong, googolbong, googolthrong, etc.).

                    This number works nicely as a bench mark for passing beyond the merely astronomical and entering into the hyper-astronomical. Eventually we reach numbers so large that to call them "astronomical" is insulting since astronomy doesn't even use such big numbers. At that point we reach what I like to call the hyper-exponential numbers, which are numbers so huge that their number of digits is itself of astronomical proportions!













































19th Mersenne Prime


            This is the 19th mersenne prime (approx. 1.9079xE1280). It was first discovered by Alexander Hurwitz on November 3rd of 1961. On the same day Hurwitz also discovered the 20th mersenne prime, M4423.















































16th Perfect Number

This is the 16th perfect number. It has 1327 digits. The next perfect number is 2^4561-2^2280.















































20th Mersenne Prime


            The 20th mersenne prime (approx. 2.8554xE1331). It was first discovered by Alexander Hurwitz on November 3rd of 1961. This  number held the record for largest known prime until 1963. The next mersenne prime is M9689.
















































17th Perfect Number

This is the 17th perfect number. It has 1373 digits. The next perfect number is 2^6433-2^3216.

















































Une See's Wall'O'Nines

                    This is the 5th valid entry in the "My Number is Bigger" competition. The number was entered by user "Une See". The number contains 1440 nines. This makes it larger than the 20th Mersenne Prime, but less than 5^^3.


Odd Perfect Threshold

It has been proven, if there are any odd perfect numbers, they must be largest than 101500 (see paper here). Combining this with the Euclid-Euler Theorem, which states that all even perfect numbers are of the form 2^(p-1)(2^p-1), where p is prime and 2^p-1 is a mersenne prime, as well as the exhaustive search of the mersenne primes below 101500 gives us the definite result that the first 17 known perfect numbers, are in fact the 17 smallest perfect numbers. That is, there are no other perfect numbers less than 101500.

This number is an example of a fairly large number occurring in a mathematical paper, though it's far from the largest in a mathematical paper (see Graham's Number and TREE(3) for much much larger examples).

101500 also occurs in theoretical cosmology. It is estimated that in 101500 years we will enter the age of the iron stars; an age of incredible darkness in which almost all the matter in the universe will be reduced to black holes or stars that emit no light called "iron stars", that are just cold spheres of iron. Humanity, and probably any form of life, or even machine intelligence, will probably have long since past away by this time. Imagine that kind of darkness and silence ... THAT is the eternity that awaits us ... grim stuff, eh?


Twasbrillig's Return

                    This is the 6th valid entry in the "My Number is Bigger" competition. Twasbrillig responds to Une See's new entry by interpreting the wall of 9's as hexadecimal and appending an "A". This can be described quite succinctly as 9*(16^1441-16)/15+10. Despite the clever change in base this number is not a big jump from before. It has roughly 1735 digits, vs. 1440. That's only a jump of 295 orders of magnitude. There were more orders of magnitude jumped from the 1st to the 2nd valid entry, though Une See's Wall'O'Nines was the most drastic jump in order-of-magnitude so far. We are still only skirting the lower end of the Super-Astronomical Epoch, and the contestants are still only relying on decimal notation which is fairly weak googologically speaking.



Blatm's First Entry

                    This is the 7th valid entry in the "My Number is Bigger" competition. Blatm, who was has been standing by the sidelines up until this point makes his first entry. He turns Twasbrillig's entry upside-down, turning the 9's into 6's, the A unaffected, but now in the beginning instead of the end of the number. This number is still in hexadecimal and still only has about 1735 digits in decimal.


Twasbrillig's Rebuttal II

                    This is the 8th valid entry in the "My Number is Bigger" competition. Twasbrillig jumps back in the race by changing Blatm's Number by swapping the "A" with "B". This number is still not much bigger and we are still stuck around 1735 digits. This is the last time writing out digits does any good at all, because the next entry completely mops the floor with this sort of thing. (See 10^10^10)



































































18th Known Perfect Number

This is the 18th known perfect number. It has 1937 digits. I say "known" rather than 18th perfect number because there is still the possibility of "odd perfect numbers". If an odd perfect number exists, it is greater than 101500, below this threshold we can be sure they don't exist. Combining this with the Euclid-Euler Theorem that states that every even perfect number is of the form 2^(p-1)(2^p-1) where both p and 2^p-1 is prime, we can be sure that the first 17 perfect numbers, obtained from the first 17 mersenne primes are indeed the only perfect numbers from 1 to 101500. Beyond this point however there is the chance, admittedly small, that there may be odd perfects between the known even cases. For this reason perfect numbers beyond this point will be numbered by sorting the known ones in size order. So this is the 18th *known* perfect number. The next perfect number is 2^8505-2^4252.











































































            This value, 5^^3, can be approximated as 1.911x10^2184. It's lies between 10^2184 and 10^2185, and thus it is between a centillion and a millillion. This number is still small enough that it can actually be computed.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

19th Known Perfect Number

The 19th known perfect number. It has 2561 digits. The next perfect number is 2^8845-2^4422.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

20th Known Perfect Number

This is the 20th known perfect number. It has 2663 digits. The next known perfect number is 2^19,377-2^9688.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

21st Mersenne Prime

            This is the 21st mersenne prime. It has 2917 digits. It was first discovered by Donald B. Gillies on May 11th of 1963. It held the title for largest known prime for a mere 5 days! The next mersenne prime is M9941.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

22nd Mersenne Prime

            This is the 22nd mersenne prime. It contains 2993 digits. It was first discovered by Donald B. Gillies on May 16th of 1963. It held the title for largest known prime for about 2 weeks. The next mersenne prime is M11213.



            The 1000th member of the short scale -illion series. Although not "official" a variant of it is endorsed in Conway & Guys "Book of Numbers", and has become nigh canon in the googology community.

            Bowers' mentions this number on his -illions page, and says that "he found out he was not the only one to give this number this name", implying that Bowers' independently coined this -illion. It should be noted that the actual name for this number in Conway & Guys system is actually millinillion, not the arguably more sensible millillion. The name millillion can therefore be thought of as a very small Bowerism. It's one of the smallest to which we can attribute to him, although there are a few smaller.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

23rd Mersenne Prime

            This is the 23rd mersenne prime. It has 3376 digits. It was first discovered by Donald B. Gillies on June 2nd of 1963. It held the title for largest known prime for about 8 years from 1963 to 1971. The next mersenne prime is M19937.



Part of a series of modification on a googol, including googolding, and googolchime. The next largest one is googoltoll.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

21st Known Perfect Number

This is the 21st known perfect number. It has exactly 5834 digits. 

The next known perfect number is 2^19,881-2^9940.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

22nd Known Perfect Number

This is the 22nd known perfect number. It has 5985 digits. 

The next known perfect number is 2^22,425-2^11,212.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

24th Mersenne Prime

            This is the 24th mersenne prime. It has 6002 digits. It was first discovered by Bryant Tuckerman on March 4th of 1971. It held the title for largest known prime for 7 years from 1971 to 1978. The next mersenne prime is M21701.



(See Full Decimal Expansion)

25th Mersenne Prime

            This is the 25th mersenne prime. It contains 6533 digits. It was first discovered by Landon Curt Noll and Laura Nickel on October 30th of 1978. It held the title for largest known prime for about 4 months. The next mersenne prime is M23209.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

23rd Known Perfect Number

This is the 23rd known perfect number. It has 6751 digits. 

The next known perfect number is 2^39,873-2^19,936.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

26th Mersenne Prime

            This is the 26th mersenne prime. It has 6987 digits. It is the largest mersenne prime less than a googoltoll. It was first discovered by Landon Curt Noll on February 9th of 1979. It held the title for largest known prime for only a mere 2 months. The next mersenne prime is M44497.


Largest Known Non-Apocalyptic Power of Two

Approximately equal to 7.540338x10^8965, this is the largest known power of two, which does not contain the sequence '666' in it's decimal expansion. It begins 7540338732... and ends ...816. No where in the sequence is '666' found. That said, many other 2 and 3 digit sequences can be found with ease. It falls somewhere between a googolbell and a googoltoll. It has not been proven to be the Largest Non-Apocalyptic Power of Two.



                    A googoltoll is 1 followed by 10,000 zeroes. I coined this name by extension with the googolgong. It's name is based on the idea that bells "toll" or "ring" in a way similar to a gong. It serves as a very round bench mark number. It can also be written as 10^10^4. It lies between the 26th and 27th mersenne primes

                This number is already far too large to comprehend ... but we can try. A googoltoll is the 100th power of a googol. So if we have any concept of what the googol is like, we can imagine dwarfing it by a factor of itself an additional 99 times to get a feel for a googoltoll. It is also the 10th power of a googolchime, already a very large number. Suffice it to say we have yet to encounter anything like a googoltoll in the universe. But you ain't seen nothing yet ... (see googolgong)


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

24th Known Perfect Number

This is the 24th known perfect number. It has 12,003 digits. 

The next known perfect number is 2^43,401-2^21,700.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

25th Known Perfect Number

This is the 25th known perfect number. It has 13,066 digits.

The next known perfect number is 2^46,417-2^23,208.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

27th Mersenne Prime

            This is the 27th mersenne prime. It has 13,395 digits. It's the first mersenne prime greater than a googoltoll. It was first discovered by Harry Lewis Nelson and David Slowinski on April 8th of 1979. It held the title for largest known prime for about 3 years from 1979 to 1982. The next mersenne prime is M86243.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

26th Known Perfect Number

This is the 26th known perfect number. It has 13,973 digits. 

The next known perfect number is 2^88,993-2^44,496.



            This is 2 tetrated to the 5th. 2^^5 = 2^2^2^2^2 = 2^2^2^4 = 2^2^16 = 2^65,536 ~ 10^19,728. It's one of several simple Knuth arrow expressions that can be created to express certain specific large numb


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

28th Mersenne Prime

            This is the 28th mersenne prime. It contains exactly 25,962 digits! It was first discovered by David Slowinski on September 25th of 1982. It held the title for largest known prime until 1983 when Slowinski found an even larger one! The next mersenne prime is M110503.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

27th Known Perfect Number

This is the 27th known perfect number. It has 26,790 digits.

The next known perfect number is 2^172,485-2^86,242.


myrillion / decimillillion

A myrillion is one of the 433 number names coined by Bowers' and it's one of his smallest googolism's (His smallest is cenuntillion for 10306 ). It comes from myriad for 10,000. It thus translates literally as ten thousandth illion. The myriad however is greek, where as the other prefixes used for illions are usually latin, so it is actually an inconsistent usage. However it is a fairly simple and easy to understand googolism. A more appropriate name for this number is probably decimillillion, which uses the latin prefixes deci- and milli- for ten and thousand respectively.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

29th Mersenne Prime

This is the 29th mersenne prime. It contains 33,265 digits. It was first discovered by Walter Colquitt and Luke Welsh on January 28th of 1988. At the time of it's discovery it was not the largest known prime. Rather it was discovered as a missing mersenne prime between M86243 and M132049. The next mersenne prime is M132,049.

(See Full Decimal Expansion)


            6^^3 = 6^6^6 = 6^46,656 ~ 10^36,305. This number goes beyond ordinary astronomical numbers, and is actually post-astronomical. Yet this is still pretty small as far as tetrational numbers go, and it isn't even large enough for me to really call it hyper-exponential. This number is still small enough that I can actually compute it online using a big number calculator (see decimal expansion via link above), though this is beginning to push the limits of what I can work with directly.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

30th Mersenne Prime

            This is the 30th mersenne prime. It has 39,751 digits, making it just a little larger than 6^6^6. It was discovered by David Slowinski on September 19th of 1983. The next mersenne prime is M216091.



Another variant of googolgong I've coined. Part of the sequence, googolding, googolchime, googolbell, googoltoll, googolclang, and finally googolgong. A googolclang is the square root of a googolgong. Clang can be generalized as raising the base value by the power of 500.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

28th Known Perfect Number

This is the 28th known perfect number. It has a whopping 51,924 digits. The javascript I wrote to compute the digits of it took about 48 seconds to load. The next known perfect number is 2^221,005-2^110,502.



(See Full Decimal Expansion)

31st Mersenne Prime

This is the 31st mersenne prime. It has 65,050 digits. It's the largest mersenne prime less than a googolgong. It was discovered by David Slowinski on September 1st of 1985. It's one of only 4 mersenne primes that were discovered in the 1980s. The next mersenne prime is M756839, that wasn't discovered until 1992.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

29th Known Perfect Number

This is the 29th known perfect number. It has 66,530 digits. The javascript I wrote took about 1 minute and 20 seconds to compute all the digits of this number. The next known perfect number is 2^264,097-2^132,048.


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

30th Known Perfect Number

This is the 30th known perfect number. It has 79,502 digits. The javascript I wrote took about 1 minute and 48 seconds to compute all the digits of this number. The next known perfect number is 2^432,181-2^216,090.

(See Full Decimal Expansion)


Hitchhiker's Number

            This number comes from the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", the first of a science-fiction book series by Douglas Adams. In the 8th chapter of the first book it is stated that you can survive in the total vacuum of space for about 30 seconds, and that the probability of being picked up by a passing spaceship within that time frame is "two to the power of two hundred seventy-six thousand, seven hundred and nine to one against". This number has sometimes been cited as the largest number appearing in a work of fiction.

            The number has exactly 83,298 digits and it begins 511,764,533,051,720,592,987,157,233,954, ... ... and ends with ... ... 483,635,033,435,620,175,872,379,584,512. It can be approximated as E83,297.70907. This makes it larger than 6^6^6 but smaller than a googolgong. This number is way too large to be described as merely astronomical, as numbers this large don't even occur in astronomy! In fact the claimed improbability seems to be way to large. Even if there was only one person and one intergalactic spacecraft in the entire observable universe, the probability that both would be within a 1 meter proximity would still only be about 1078 to one against; vanishingly smaller than the Hitchhiker's Number. Even if the universe we're made much much bigger to account for the high-improbability it still couldn't account for the extremely low density of intergalactic spacecraft. Apparently in the Hitchhiker's series the universe must be an extremely lonely place.



            This was the largest number that I "knew" about as a kid. The father of my best friend had told me about it when I was explaining the centillion to him. He told me that there was some number called a "googolgong" which was 1 followed by 100,000 zeroes that was a number scientists had come up with. I didn't know it at the time, but he was incorrectly explaining the googolplex to me. Because he changed both the name and the definition, I have since appropriated it as my own number, and used it as a base for a whole series of larger numbers.(See also googolbong , googolthrong, googolplexigong).


(See Full Decimal Expansion)

31st Known Perfect Number

This is the 31st known perfect number. It has a whopping 130,100 digits! This makes it larger than a googolgong. In fact its the first known perfect number greater than a googolgong. The javascript I wrote to compute it's digits took over 4 minutes to load! The next known perfect number is a huge leap forward with 455,663 digits, and is equal to 2^1,513,677-2^756,838.


( 227,832 digits )

32nd Mersenne Prime

This is the 32nd mersenne prime. It has 227,832 digits. It begins 174... and ends with ...7. It was discovered by David Slowinski and Paul Gage on February 19th 1992. The next mersenne prime is M859433.


( 258,716 digits )

33rd Mersenne Prime

This is the 33rd mersenne prime. It was discovered by David Slowinski and Paul Gage on January 4th of 1994. The next mersenne prime is M1,257,787.


( 378,632 digits )

This is the 34th mersenne prime. It was discovered by David Slowinski and Paul Gage on September 3rd of 1996. This is the last mersenne prime that was found that was not part of the GIMPS (Great Internet Mersenne Primes Search) project. The next mersenne prime, M1398269 was the first found by GIMPS.


( 388,342 digits )

*Largest Known Twin Prime Pair*

( As of 2016)

This is the smaller of the pair of largest known twin primes! Like the mersenne primes, large twin primes are found by distributed computing projects, namely The Twin Prime Search and PrimeGrid. This number is huge and contains 388,342 digits. It's worth noting however that it's quite small compare to the largest known prime number.


( 388,342 digits )

*Largest Known Twin Prime Pair*

( As of 2016 )

This is the larger of the pair of largest known twin primes. This is one of the very rare instances on this list in which consecutive entries are a unit or less apart. Most of the time they are incomprehensibly far from each other!


( 420,921 digits )

35th Mersenne Prime

This is the 35th mersenne prime, and the first found by GIMPS. Credit is given to Joel Armengaud who found it on  November 13th of 1996. The next mersenne prime is M2,976,221.


( 455,663 digits )

32nd Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^1,718,865-2^859,432.


( 517,430 digits )

33rd Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^2,515,573-2^1,257,786.



            7^^3 = 7^7^7 = 7^823,543 ~ 10^695,974. This number has nearly a million digits!


( 757,263 digits )

34th Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^2,796,537-2^1,398,268.


( 841,842 digits )

35th Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^5,952,441-2^2,976,220.


( 895,932 digits )

36th Mersenne Prime

This is the 36th mersenne prime. Credit is given to Gordon Spence who found it on August 24th of 1997. The next mersenne prime is M3,021,377.


( 909,526 digits )

37th Mersenne Prime

This is the 37th mersenne prime. This is the largest mersenne prime with less than a million digits. Credit is given to Roland Clarkson who found it on January 27th of 1998. The next mersenne prime is M6,972,593.



            This number is a borderline case of an extremely large number. I've used it as a bench mark for entering into number region I call the "Hyper-Exponential Numbers". These are loosely defined as numbers which have an exponential number of digits. There is a sort of grey area between exponential/astronomical numbers and hyper-exponential Numbers. Is a million an exponential number? I've usually started my exponential range closer to a billion rather than a million, on account of the fact that you can actually count to a million. So if this is a hyper-exponential number, it's a borderline case. It's certainly is too large to be called "Astronomical".

            Robert Munafo has used this as the upper-limit of his Class 2 numbers. Munafo's Class 2 numbers roughly correspond to my idea of exponential numbers. Beyond this point we enter Class 3 numbers and the hyper-exponentials.


( 1,791,864 digits )

36th Known Perfect Number

This is the first known perfect number to exceed a million digits. Consequently it's the smallest known hyper-exponential perfect number. The next known perfect number is 2^6,042,753-2^3,021,376.


( 1,819,050 digits )

37th Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^13,945,185-2^6,972,592.


( 2,098,960 digits )

38th Mersenne Prime

This is the 38th mersenne prime, and one of only a handful in the hyper-exponential range. It has a whopping 2,098,960 digits. Credit is given to Nayan Hajratwala who found it on June 1st of 1999. The next mersenne prime is M13,466,917.


micrillion / milli-millillion

            Milli-millillion was the largest -illion in Prof. Henkle's 1904 proposal. As far as I know prof. Henkle was the first to extend the latin based -illion all the way up to the millionth member. Although the fine points of his system have fallen into disuse in the googological community, John Conway's popular extension follows very closely Henkle's proposal and is in fact a nice improvement. In Conway's system however this number is officially called millinillinillion. This is far more ad hoc and less natural than milli-millillion which is literally means "thousand thousand"-illion. Jonathan Bowers' calls this number micrillion. It was the smallest unique googolism on his original Aol Hometown website. The choice of micrillion is based on the pattern: "deci"(10th) + "illion" = "decillion", "centi"(100th) + "illion" = "centillion", "milli"(1000th) + "illion" = "millillion". So it stands to reason we can continue with the SI prefixes with "micro"(1,000,000th) + "illion" = "micrillion", or at least Bowers' thinks so. With this he creates a continuation of "milestone -illions" which begins with micrillion and continues past the point that he runs out of SI prefixes to use. See "nanillion" for the next member of this sequence. Micrillion is also notable for being one of the smallest googolisms ever coined by Jonathan Bowers. His smallest to date is a "myrillion" for 10^30,003 ... so "tiny" :)


( 4,053,946 digits )

39th Mersenne Prime

This is the 39th mersenne prime. It has over 4 million digits! Credit given to Michael Cameron who found it on November 14th of 2001. The next mersenne prime is M20,996,011.


( 4,197,919 digits )

38th Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^26,933,833-2^13,466,916.

1,000,0001,000,000 = 106,000,000


A fzmillion is a million to the millionth power. It is "slightly" larger than a milliplexion or 1 followed by one million zeroes. fzmillion is the 6th power of milliplexion and is equal to 10^6,000,000.


( 6,320,430 digits )

40th Mersenne Prime

This is the 40th mersenne prime. It has over 6.3 million digits! Credit given to Michael Shafer who found it on November 17th of 2003. The next mersenne prime is M24,036,583.


( 7,235,733 digits )

41st Mersenne Prime

This is the 41st mersenne prime. It has over 7.2 million digits! Credit is given to Josh Findley who found it on May 15th of 2004. The next mersenne prime is M25,964,951.


( 7,816,230 digits )

42nd Mersenne Prime

This is the 42nd mersenne prime. It has over 7.8 million digits! Credit is given to Martin Nowak who found it on February 18th of 2005. The next mersenne prime is M30,402,457.


( 8,107,892 digits )

39th Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^41,992,021-2^20,996,010.


( 9,152,052 digits )

43rd Mersenne Prime

This is the 43rd mersenne prime. It has over 9 million digits! Credit is given to Curtis Cooper and Steven Boone who found it on december 15th of 2005. The next mersenne prime is M32,582,657.


( 9,808,358 digits )

44th Mersenne Prime

This is the 44th mersenne prime. It has over 9.8 million digits! Credit again goes to Curtis Cooper and Steven Boone who found it on September 4th of 2006. The next mersenne prime is M37,156,667.


( 11,185,272 digits )

45th Mersenne Prime

This is the 45th mersenne prime. It has 11,185,272 digits. Credit is given to Hans-Michael Elvenich who found it on September 6th of 2008. The next largest known mersenne prime is M42,643,801.



( 12,640,858 digits )

40th Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^48,073,165-2^24,036,582.


( 12,837,064 digits )

46th Known Mersenne Prime

This is the next largest known mersenne prime after the 45th mersenne prime. It is not strictly known if no mersenne primes lie between M42,643,801 and M37,156,667. Credit for its discovery goes to Odd M. Strindmo who found it on June 4th of 2009. The next largest known mersenne prime is M43,112,609.


( 12,978,189 digits )

47th Known Mersenne Prime

This is the next largest known mersenne prime after M42,643,801. Credit for its discovery goes to Edson Smith, Woltman, and Kuroski who found it on August 23rd of 2008. This number remained the largest known prime for almost 5 years before it was taken over by the next largest known mersenne prime. The next largest known mersenne prime is M57,885,161.


( 14,471,465 digits )

41st Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^51,929,901-2^25,964,950.



            8^^3 = 8^8^8 = 8^16,777,216 ~ 10^15,151,335.


( 15,632,458 digits )

42nd Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^60,804,913-2^30,402,456.


( 17,425,170 digits )

48th Known Mersenne Prime

                On January 25th of 2013 this number became the largest known prime number, as well as the largest known mersenne prime. It was discovered by Dr. Curtis Cooper as part of the GIMPS project. The next largest known mersenne prime is M74,207,281.


( 18,304,103 digits )

43rd Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^65,165,313-2^32,582,656.


( 19,616,714 digits )

44th Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^74,313,333-2^37,156,666.


( 22,338,618 digits )

49th Known Mersenne Prime/

Largest Known Prime Number

(As of 2016)

                    As of January 2016, this is currently the largest known prime number, as well as the largest known mersenne prime, an extremely rare type of number known since antiquity. There are currently only 49 known mersenne primes, and it is not known whether there are an infinite number of them or not. Regardless of that mersenne primes are exceedingly rare. They appear to grow at a roughly hyper-exponential rate. The exact sequence number for this mersenne prime is not known, but it is at least the 49th mersenne prime in the sequence.

                This number has exactly 22,338,618 digits. It isn't difficult to confirm that this number falls between 8^8^8 and 9^9^9. Since 8^8^8 = 2^(3*8^8) = 2^50,331,648 we can see that it's much smaller. On the other hand since 9^9^9 > 8^9^9 = 2^(3*9^9) = 2^1,162,261,467 we can see that this is much much larger. So this number is actually much more close to 8^8^8 than it is to 9^9^9.


( 22,370,543 digits )

45th Known Perfect Number

This is the 45th known perfect number. It has a whopping 22,370,543 digits, making it just slightly larger than the current largest known prime with 22,338,618 digits. I use the term slightly larger loosely here. In actuality this number is 1031,925 times larger!!! They are not close in the ordinary day-to-day sense in which their ratio is something benign. They are close in what we might call the googological sense. That is to say they are in roughly the same vicinity of large numbers. We can informally say two numbers are googologically close if there exists no googologically significant number between them. In other words, numbers that are consecutive to each other on this list are usu. googologically close in some sense. The gaps between googologically significant number however just keep getting more and more insane ...

The next known perfect number is 2^85,287,601-2^42,643,800.


( 25,674,127 digits )

46th Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^86,225,217-2^43,112,608.


( 25,956,377 digits )

47th Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^115,770,321-2^57,885,160.


( 34,850,340 digits )

48th Known Perfect Number

The next known perfect number is 2^148,414,561-2^74,207,280


( 44,677,235 digits )

Largest Known Perfect Number

(As of 2016)

This is the largest known perfect number as of 2016. It has a mind-numbing 44,677,235 digits! Confirmed perfect numbers are extremely rare. There are only 49 confirmed perfect numbers. There may be an infinite number of them, but there is no mathematical proof of this yet. All the known perfect numbers are even, and can be expressed as the difference between two powers of 2. It is not known whether or not odd perfect numbers exist. New mersenne primes, and perfects are being found every few years by the Great Internet Mersenne Primes search. This probably won't be the last perfect number to appear on this list, so stay tuned for updates!



                    An even larger variation of the googolgong. The "bong" is a sound that gongs make. A googolbong is 1 followed by a hundred million zeroes. This makes it the 1000th power of a googolgong in the same way that a googolgong is the 1000th power of a googol. It is also the 1,000,000th power of a googol. Despite it's vast size, this is still a relatively small hyper-exponential number. ( See googolthrong )



            9^^3 = 9^9^9 = 9^387,420,489 ~ 10^369,693,099. This number has a bit of history in large number discussions. It's often said to be the largest value you can write using 3 digits and standard operations. It's also cited for being a number just beyond reach. Since it contains more than 300 million digits you would need something like the encyclopedia britannica just to store all the digits! You could easily store it on a flash drive, but it would take up 147 MiB of space!



This is a googolism I coined in a series that combines the popular short scale -illions with the plex suffix. Normally this number is referred to as billionplex. However I find this sounds clumsy. So I reverse the roots plex and -ion. The meaning however is the same. In this way we can create a whole series of googolisms for 10 raised to the power of an -illion number. The next one would be trilliplexion.



Jonathan Bowers' observed that the SI prefix "milli" is used for "thousandth", and also means "one thousand". If a millillion means "thousandth -illion" he reasoned, "micro" the SI prefix for millionth implies that a "micrillion" would be the "millionth -illion". Continuing with this pattern since "nano-" is the SI prefix for billionth, a "nanillion" is the "billionth -illion". It should be noted that Bowers' strictly uses the short scale, which is why there is an offset of "+3" at the end of Bowers' -illions, a consequence of the fact that a thousand comes before all the illions. The next member of this sequence is a picillion, which we will see in this next epoch, along with many more of the Bowers' -illions.

VI. Hyper-Exponential Epoch

[ 10^10^10 , 10^10^10^10 )

Entries: 119

These numbers begin to become difficult to understand. They are most easily understood as the result of "hyper-exponential" growth, commonly called double-exponential growth. This is when the number of digits itself grows exponentially, or grows proportionally to the function e^e^x. Numbers of the form 10^10^x can be used as a kind of hyper-order-of-magnitude and when x is real it ranges over (1,∞), the interval of large numbers. This Epoch includes many popular large numbers such as trialogue, Ballium's Number, googolplex, gargoogolplex, googolbang, promaxima, ecetonplex, googolplexigong, fzmilliplexion, milliduplexion, and more.



                    This number is 10^^3. It is also the 9th valid entry in the "My Number is Bigger" competition. This number was entered by Gmalivak, the guy who began the competition with 9000 and his first competitive response. This also marks an important transition at which entries based on solely on decimal notation will no longer be competitive since the person would have to write out at least 10 billion digits. The upper limit of post length is probably much much smaller than this.



A trialogue trialogues. It is 1 followed by 20,000,000,000 zeroes. It can also be expressed as 1020,000,000,000 and it's smaller than a googolthrong. This number was incorrectly given as an expression for a googolplex by Andre Joyce. The implication is that (a^b^c)^d = a^b^(c^d). This is false, and the failure to recognize this shows a lack of mathematical prowess on the part of Joyce. (10^10^10)^2 << 10^10^100. In fact, (10^10^10)^2 < 10^10^11. Cookiefonster gave this number the name gartrialogue by combining by googolism trialogue with the gar- prefix using it's original definition. Although it's smaller than a googolplex it's still a cool number and name in it's own right.



A trialogue cubed because "googology". Here I introduce a nifty new prefix "thrar-" from "three"+"gar" that allows us to cube the root instead of square it:

thrar(n) = n^3

This number is still only 1030,000,000,000 and therefore still smaller than a googolthrong.




                    A googolthrong is 1 followed by a 100,000,000,000 zeroes. It's the 1000th power of a googolbong and the 10th power of a trialogue.


Ballium's Number

            This is a spoof number jokingly called "the largest number" as in "the largest number possible". The joke video in which this number is defined can be found on youtube[2]. In the video mathematician "Samuel Ballium" claims that numbers do not go on forever and that the highest number is "794 quintillion 843 quadrillion 294 trillion 78 billion 147 million 843 thousand 293.7 3 recurring multiplied by e to the power of pi to the power of e to the power of pi".

            Disappointingly this supposed "largest number" turns out not to be so big after all. Roughly speaking it would have about a trillion digits. More precisely it has exactly 138,732,019,350 digits. This places it between 10^10^11 and 10^10^12. This places it somewhere between a trialogue and a googolplex. The first few digits of it can be computed . Ballium's Number begins 2040427...

            Unfortunately Ballium's Number is still not small enough to compute practically since it would require trillions of operations and the result would take up about a terabyte of information. This however does serve as an example of a typical persons idea of a very large number. It is reminiscent of Skewes' number which uses e in its definition.

            If this was the "largest number" I'd be woefully disappointed as a googologist, because it's way way too small. Even a number like Graham's Number is relatively small compared to the numbers googologists have studied.



            11^^3 = 11^11^11 = 11^285,311,670,611 ~ 10^297,121,486,765. This is 11 tetrated to the 3rd. It is just above Ballium's Number, as it contains about twice as many digits. It is still less than 3^^4 however.


Size of Hypothetical Inflationary Universe



            Now days it's seems even physicists are into some really big numbers. This is the estimated size of the entire universe, assuming an inflationary model in which the universe expanded very rapidly in it's early evolution to account for the relative smoothness in the background radiation. It was Alan Guth's special Inflationary model that lead to this enormous figure. If he's correct, then there should also be about this many particles in the universe. This therefore could be the physical limit of an actualized number of objects!

            This number falls just between the cracks of 11^^3 and 3^^4, two moderate sized tetrational numbers. It has roughly three times as many digits as 11^^3, but only a third as many digits as 3^^4, putting it almost dead center hyper-logarithmically.



Bowers' continues the sequence millillion, micrillion, nanillion, with picillion. Picillion comes from "pico" + "-illion". Picillion is the (10^12)th -illion in the short scale. Regardless of what you call it, this number will occur in systems that extend the short scale using another system that groups digits into groups of 3.



            3^^4 = 3^3^3^3 = 3^3^27 = 3^7,625,597,484,987 ~ 10^10^12. This is 3 tetrated to the 4th. This number just above 11^^3 since:

 11^11^11 < 10^10^12 < 3^3^3^3

            As you can see, the base matters significantly less than the "tetrate".



            12^^3 = 12^12^12 ~ 10^10^13. This is 12 tetrated to the 3rd. It is just slightly bigger than 3^^4. Actually it's roughly the cube of 3^^4 since it contains about three times as many digits! At this range of numbers however, that's considered pretty close.


googolgandingan / googolquadrigong

                    A googolgandingan is 1 followed by 100,000,000,000,000 zeroes. It can be written as 10^10^14. It's the 1,000,000,000,000th power of a googol and the 1000th power of a googolthrong. The name is derived from "gandingan", a special instrument composed of four gongs in series. Further modifiers can be used. See googolquintigong.



10^10^15. This is another name for "quadrillionplex", which is simply followed by a quadrillion zeroes (short scale). It works nicely as a hyper-order of magnitude below the googolplex. Numbers this large are already beyond most uses in science and mathematics, although there are some large exceptions.



Part of Bowers' sequence of SI inspired -illions: decillion, centillion, millillion, micrillion, nanillion, picillion, etc. A femtillion is the (10^15)th -illion in the short scale.



This is the first in a series, googolgong, googolbong, googolthrong, googolgandingan, with a formulaic name. We can combine the latin prefixes with -gong to indicate the number of times this is applied. Applying it 5 times to a googol gives us (10^100)^1000^5 = 10^10^17. Next is googolsextigong.


~ 10^10^17.824

pi to the pi to the pi to the pi

This value came up in this video:


It's somewhat reminiscent of Ballium's Number. It is however "slightly" larger. The point of this number is as an example of a number too large to manually check whether or not it's an integer, and for which we have no theorem to prove it one way or the other. It can easily be estimated as about 10^10^17.824, meaning it has about 100 quadrillion digits, placing it above googolquintigong (10^10^17) and below quintilliplexion (10^10^18). Amusingly, when computing the number of digits more precisely it turns out to have 666 quadrillion digits :p



Another name for quintillionplex = 10^10^18.



The next of Bowers' SI inspired -illions. An attillion is the (10^18)th -illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and published to the internet back in 2002, kicking off the beginning of the googology community. The next one in sequence is the zeptillion.




guppiplex / googolsextigong

This number may be called guppiplex or googolsextigong.



Another name for sextillionplex = 10^10^21.



A Bowers' -illion. Zeptillion is the (10^21)th -illion in the short scale. The name is based on "zepto" + "illion".



Googol with 7 "gong" operators applied. Each gong-operator raises the previous number to the thousandth power so we have (10^100)^1000^7 = (10^10^2)^(10^3)^7 = (10^10^2)^(10^21) = 10^10^23.



Another name for septillionplex = 10^(10^24).



A Bowers' -illion. Yoctillion is the (10^24)th -illion, based on "yocto" for 10^-24. Back in 2002, when Bowers' coined micrillion, nanillion, picillion, femtillion, attillion, zeptillion, and yoctillion, yocto was the smallest SI prefix. Zetta, zepto, yotta, and yocto, were all officially adopted in 1991, and so existed in 2002. However the SI prefixes, ronna, ronto, quetta, quecto, were not adopted until 2022. For this reason, in order for Bowers' to have continued at the time he had to abandon the established SI prefixes. For this reason the next milestone, 10^(3x10^27+3), had a name that was changed multiple times.



In addition to being a googolism constructable with my naming scheme for ExE, this is also a lower bound on little foot.



little foot

An AMAZING INCREDIBLE TRULY COLOSSOL NUMBER ... which is nowhere fucking near BIG FOOT. Heck it's not even a contender against a googolplex, go fig.

It can be written more concisely as (1032)^(1025), or as 103.2*10^26 and bounded by 1010^27.


Upper Bound on "little foot"



This is a simple upperbound on little foot that demonstrates its much much less than a googolplex. This is also equal to octillionplex = 10^(10^27).



In order to continue past yocto in 2002, Bowers begins to create, essentially, his own SI prefix extension, in order to continue his -illions. Following the pattern "Z+7", "Y+8" that inspired zetta/zepto,yotta/yocto, respectively, prior to 2022, a common continuation was to try and adapt "X+9" into a SI prefix. Based on this a possible continuation past yocto, might be "xono", which could be shortened to "xonillion", for the (10^27)th -illion. Bowers later changed this to rontillion, to match the 2022 SI prefix ronto.

It's worth noting that rontillion is approximately the cube of a octilliplexion. 



A googol raised to the thousandth power nine times!



1 followed by a nonillion (10^30) zeros!



Originally called "vecillion" in 2002, sometime after 2022 Bowers' changed the name to quectillion, from "quecto" + "illion", because quecto was adopted into the SI prefixes for 10^-30 in 2022. As of now (2024) this is the smallest SI prefix, so Bowers' has to continue the names using non-standard "SI" prefixes. Thus this is kind of the end of the natural extension of SI prefixes into -illions. Bowers' past this point use invented "SI prefixes".



A googol raised to the thousandth power ten times.



1 followed by a decillion (10^33) zeroes.



Despite the update in 2022, this name wasn't changed from it's 2002 original. This would be the theoretically 11th SI prefix (meco?) to form a mecillion. This will continue for a while until we reach 20, at which point some greek number roots are used. 11-19 however seem to use some kind of unusual naming convention of Bowers' own devising, although the roots at the beginning suggest greek again. Next up is duecillion. In terms of size we are gradually climbing up towards a googolplex, though it will take a little while to get there at this rate.



Googol raised to the thousandth power 11 times. By using the latin number roots we can easily use this "Gong Sequence" to fill out the gap between a googol and a googolplex, which is a nice upshot.



1 followed by an undecillion (10^36) zeroes.



The undecillionth (10^36) -illion in the short scale. Duecillion was coined by Jonathan Bowers in 2002.



Googol raised to the thousandth power 12 times.



1 followed by a duodecillion (10^39) zeroes.



The duodecillionth (10^39) -illion in the short scale. Trecillion was coined by Jonathan Bowers in 2002.



Googol raised to the thousandth power 13 times.



1 followed by a tredecillion (10^42) zeroes.



The tredecillionth (10^42) -illion in the short scale. Tetrecillion was coined by Jonathan Bowers in 2002.



Googol raised to the thousandth power 14 times.



1 followed by a quattuordecillion (10^45) zeroes.



The quattuordecillionth (10^45) -illion in the short scale. Pentecillion was coined by Jonathan Bowers. It is part of the original set of Bowerisms found on Bowers' original aol hometown website. On CookieFonster's "Pointless Gigantic List of Numbers", there is a gap between pentecillion and icosillion.



Googol raised to the thousandth power 15 times.



1 followed by a quindecillion (10^48) zeroes. We are almost halfway to a googolplex now ...


Upper Bound for Ballium's Number

            This is an upper bound that can be used to prove that Ballium's Number is much less than a googolplex. Instances of "e" has been replaced with 3 and instances of "pi" has been replaced with 4. The first component of Ballium's Number has been replaced with 10^21. This value is actually a gross overestimate, yet it's still vastly smaller than a googolplex. This upper bound is approximately 10^10^48. More precisely it's equal to approximately 10^(2.78925x10^48). (See Ballium's Number for more details).



The quindecillionth (10^48) -illion in the short scale. Hexecillion was coined by Jonathan Bowers.


gogolplex / googol-sexdecigong

A gogol is a diminutive corruption of googol I invented. It's 1 followed by 50 zeroes. So a gogolplex is one followed by 50 zeroes. This number also gets the name googol-sexdecigong from another naming system of mine. We are now "halfway" to a googolplex, at least in terms of hyper-order of magnitude.



1 followed by a sexdecillion (10^51) zeroes.



The sexdecillionth (10^51) -illion in the short scale. Heptecillion was coined by Jonathan Bowers.



A googol raised to the thousandth power 17 times.



1 followed by a septendecillion (10^54) zeroes.



Octecillion is the septendecillionth (10^54) -illion in the short scale. Based on "octo" + "vecillion". The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers.



A googol raised to the thousandth power 18 times.



1 followed by an octodecillion (10^57) zeroes. Numbers are already ridiculously, inconceivably big ... and yet ... we really are only getting started ...



Ennecillion is the octodecillionth (10^57) -illion in the short scale. Based on "enna" (9) + "vecillion". The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers. 



A googol raised to the thousandth power 19 times.



1 followed by a novemdecillion (10^60) zeroes.



The novemdecillionth (10^60) -illion in the short scale. Based on "icos" which is greek for 20. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers. From here on in, Bowers now switches to completely greek roots. For a greek root equal to N, N-illion = 10^(3x10^(3xN)+3). Starting at icosillion, Bowers starts jumping by 10. The next Bowers -illion is a triacontillion.



A googol raised to the thousandth power 20 times.



1 followed by a vigintillion (10^63) zeroes.



This is the (10^90)th -illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers. You might notice we made a large jump from the previous entry. This is because of issues with naming conventions for combining the unit roots with the tens roots. There is no generally accepted name for 10^66,10^69,10^72,10^75,10^78,10^81,10^84,10^87, and 10^90. Yet for 10^93 "trigintillion" is almost universally used even though, it is not official. Bowers also avoids establishing rules for how to combine units and tens here, so we begin jumping by 10s. The next Bowerism is tetracontillion. 



Here is a googolism that is "just shy" of a googolplex ... well, if raising a number to the 100,000,000th power to get the larger of the two can be considered close :p



This number is 1 followed by a trigintillion (10^93) zeroes. The term "trigintilliplexion" is coined by me, Sbiis Saibian. Alternatively this can simply be called "trigintillionplex" using established naming conventions. This is "close" to a googolplex.


~ 10^10^98.14

This is the largest member of n^^3 less than a googolplex. It's approximately equal to 10^10^98.1411176539.



            A googolplex is defined as 1 followed by a googol zeroes. A lot of attention has been given to this number do to it's vast size and simple explanation. It is also one of the very few googolism's coined by a professional mathematician, giving it some credentials. As far as Large numbers go however it's not actually that large!

            In Hyper-E Notation this number can be written as E100#2 or E2#3.



            A gargoogolplex was defined by Kieran (son of Alistair Cockburn) as a googolplex googolplexes. In other words a gargoogolplex is a googolplex squared. In terms of hyper-exponential numbers this isn't too much of an improvement. It turns out to be less than even 10^10^101. A gargoogolplex simply has twice as many zeroes as a googolplex, hence a gargoogolplex is 1 followed by 2 googol zeroes, or E(2E100). It follows E(2E100) < E(10E100) = EE101 = E101#2.


~ 10^10^100.329360333

This is the smallest member of n^^3 bigger than a googolplex. It is approximately 10^10^100.329360333. Interestingly it falls between a gargoogolplex and a thrargoogolplex, meaning it lies somewhere between the square and cube of a googolplex. It can be also be approximated as (10^10^100)^2.13481542964, making it closer to gargoogolplex then thrargoogolplex.



A googolplex cubed. It can be expressed as 10^(3*10^100), and is equal to 1 followed by three googol zeroes. This number is still much smaller than 10^10^101.


            This number might appear to be slightly larger than a googolplex. However the second exponent is very deceptive. In truth 10^10^101 = googolplex^10. In other words this number is a ...

googolplex googolplex googolplex googolplex googolplex googolplex googolplex googolplex googolplex googolplexes

            The googolplex itself vanishes to an infinitesimal dot compare to this number! Yet these kind of thing is quite common with this range of numbers!!

            Besides being instructive to the nature of hyper-exponential numbers, this number also serves as a lower-bound for the googol-bang.




            This is an unusual number I have recently encountered on the internet. I first discovered it on Cantor's Attic, a website about the transfinite numbers that Michael B. brought to my attention. I haven't been able to figure out where this number has come from, but it is clearly pretty new. It only get's 30 hits on google, and it isn't even listed on the googology wiki. None the less it is a well defined number and I've decided to include it on my list.

            Just as n-plex is defined as 10^n, n-bang is defined as n!. Thus a googol-bang is the factorial of a googol. One interesting thing about this number is that it turns out to be just "a little larger" than a googolplex. In fact we can get decent bounds on this number without any sophisticated mathematics or trillions of computations!

            It turns out that a googol-bang lies between 10^10^101 and 10^10^102. To see the full proof along with a good approximation click here.


            This number is equal to googolplex^100. In other words its a ...

googolplex googolplex googolplex googolplex ... ... ... ... googolplex googolplex googolplex googolplexes

            where you say googolplex a hundred times. This number serves as an upper-bound on the googol-bang.



The (10^120)th -illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers. Next Bowerism is pentacontillion.



A googol raised to the thousandth power 40 times.



The (10^150)th -illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers. The next Bowerism is hexacontillion.



A googol rasied to the thousandth power 50 times. Part of the Googolgong Sequence.



            4^^^2 = 4^^4 = 4^4^4^4 = 4^4^256 ~ 10^10^153. This is 4 tetrated to the 4th, and also 4 pentated to the 2nd. It's a very small pentational number, but a moderately sized tetrational number. It's even larger than a googolplex and googol-bang, but it's still less than a promaxima, so in some sense it's still in the practical number range.



The (10^180)th -illion in the short scale. Hexacontillion was the name given to this number by Jonathan Bowers. The next Bowerism is a heptacontillion.



A googol raised to the thousandth power 60 times. Part of the googolgong sequence.



By adding -ed to the plex operator, it is implied that the -plex suffix should be applied after the gar- prefix, in exception applying gar after all other suffixes. The result is a larger number than gargoogolplex, perhaps counter-intuitively. In any case this serves as a nifty name for 10^10^200.

100^100^100 = (10^10^200)^2


            100^^3 = 100^100^100. This is 100 tetrated to the 3rd. This number is much larger than a googolplex but still much much smaller than a googolduplex. It can be computed exactly as:

100^100^100 = 100^10^200 = 10^(2*10^200)

It can also be directly compared to a googolplex:

10^(2*10^200) = (10^10^100)^(2*10^100)

alternatively we can described it as the square of a gargoogol-plexed

In other words, 100^^3 is a googolplex raised to the power of two googol. To put that in perspective, if the googolplex were a sphere with volume googolplex, then you'd have to dwarf this sphere by a factor of a googolplex 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times to reach a sphere of volume 100^^3. Googolplex sounds pretty microscopic now doesn't it ... hold on because were just getting warmed up!



The (10^210)th -illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers. The next Bowerism is an octacontillion.



A googol raised to the thousandth power 70 times.



The (10^240)th -illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers. The next Bowerism is an ennacontillion.



A googol raised to the thousandth power 80 times.



            Back in 2004, I had made my first large numbers post on the internet, on the "Big Numbers Page". I was trying to come up with an upper bound on the number of possible parallel universes that would theoretically exist, if every possible history were counted as it's own universe. This computation can be made finite by assuming that measurements below the Planck scale are not meaningful. I came up with the figure 10^10^245.



The (10^270)th -illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers. The next Bowerism is a hectillion.



A googol raised to the thousandth power 90 times!



1 followed by thrargoogol zeroes, as the name implies.



Because why not? This number is almost exactly equal to Bowers' hectillion. This number can also be written as 10^(3x10^300). Multiply this number by a mere 1000 and we get ...



The (10^300)th -illion in the short scale. Hectillion was coined by Jonathan Bowers. The next classic Bowerism is a killillion. It will take a little while to get there as this is approximately multiplying the hyper-order of magnitude by 10.



A googol raised to the power of a thousand ... a hundred times. Incomprehensible ...



            This is a number I called centillionillion as a kid. This was probably the very first large number I ever devised. It was in response to hearing about the googolgong, 1 followed by 100,000 zeroes, that I was inspired to devise an even larger larger number, 1 followed by a centillion zeroes.


promaxima Mark II

After my initial upper-bound on the number of possible parallel universes, I went back and came with an even larger upperbound. The flaw with the original promaxima is it assumed the universe was of static size. In this version an expanding universe was taken into account. This inflated the value to 10^10^343, which all things considered, is still in about the same googological ballpark. This version of promaxima (referred to as simply a promaxima) is listed on the PGLN, but not the original version.



10 to the power of a googolding (10^500).

10^10^1000 = 10^10^10^3


10 to the power of a googolchime (10^1000).

5^5^5^5 ~ 10^10^2184

five tetrated to the fourth

            5^^4 = 5^5^5^5 = 5^5^3125 ~ 10^10^2184. This is 5 tetrated to the 4th. This number is larger than an ecetonplex but still less than a googolplexigong.



The (10^3000)th -illion in the short scale. Jonathan Bowers coined the term and introduced it to the web in 2002. This is the largest Bowers -illion that appears on CookieFonster's "Pointless Gigantic List of Numbers". The next Classic Bowerism is a megillion. We'll get there shortly ...



A googol raised to the thousandth power a thousand times! Madness!

10^10^10,000 = 10^10^10^4


1 followed by a googoltoll (10^10,000) zeroes!



six tetrated to the fourth

            6^^4 = 6^6^6^6 = 6^6^46,656 ~ 10^10^36,305.

10^10^100,000 = 10^10^10^5


            This number is a result of combing googolplex with my -gong suffix. This number is greater than a googolplex but less than Skewes' Number.



A googolplexigong squared. At this scale it barely matters. None the less this is a googolism we can create ...



A googolplexigong cubed. Yawn...



The order that suffixes and prefixes are evaluated matters. When a base number has only suffixes or only prefixes, then it unambiguously means that we can find its value by taking the base and applying the operators from the inside out. However when a googolism involves both prefixes and suffixes, ambiguity is introduced. In less formal discussions this detail is usually glossed over or not even noticed, but here is my proposed solution. What numbers like gargoogolplex, fzgoogolplex, fugagoogolplex, and megafugagoogolplex suggest is that suffixes are always evaluated first before prefixes. Otherwise these numbers have completely different values. If we want the suffix to be evaluated second (which can sometimes actually lead to a bigger number), we can add -ed to the end of the suffix, implying it is "acting" upon all other operators. So under this ruling we have gargoogolgong-plexed means plex(gar(gong(googol))), unlike gargoogolplexigong which means gar(plex(gong(googol))). The result is a significantly larger number! Applying gar- to googolgong first gives us (10^100,000)^2 = 10^200,000. Then by "plexing" this result we get 10^10^200,000.

Unlike gargoogolplexigong and thrargoogolplexigong are only googolplexigong^2 and googolplexigong^3 respectively, gargoogolgong-plexed is actually googolplexigong^googolgong.



1 followed by googolgong^3 zeroes.



Upperbound on P1,000,000

This is a really bad upperbound that one can obtain for the one millionth prime number using some very basic number theory. It might seem that since the primes are "random" that there would be no way to predict how large a given prime number could be. Turns out this is false. We can bound primes both from below and above. For googological reasons, the elementary upperbounds are more interesting. For a full explanation for how to obtain this massive bound click the link here.


~ 10^10^301,029.474274

Millionth Square of 2

This number is the result of starting with 2 and squaring a million times. Start with 2. Square that and you get 4. Square a second time you get 16. Call this the 2nd Square of 2. Square again and get 256. Call this the third square of 2. Continue this way until the millionth square of 2. One way to look at this is this is a number so large you need to take the square root a million times to reduce it to 2. This is kind of the companion number to the millionth square root of 2 (see 2^2^-1,000,000). This number is extremely close to 7^2^999,997, the previous entry used to give a very bad upperbound on the millionth prime number. So close that you have to raise 7^2^999,997 to about the 2.85th power to get 2^2^1,000,000. In otherwords, the larger of the 2 is about the cube of the smaller of the two. o_0; They are only extremely close in the googological sense. 7^2^999,997 is actually vanishingly small compare to 2^2^1,000,000. This is fairly normal for numbers of this size. This number is also quite far away from a thrargoogolgong-plexed. You need to raise a thrargoogolgong-plexed to the power of about a googolchime (10^1000) to get to 2^2^1,000,000.



            7^^4 = 7^7^7^7 = 7^7^823,543 ~ 10^10^695,974. This number is larger than a googolplexigong. The difference in size however is deceptive. It's not 6.9 times larger. That's only how much larger it's leading exponent is. It's not even 10^595,000 times larger! No, you have to take a googolplexigong and multiply it by itself 10^595,000 times! That's a big difference! It means that a googolplexigong is dwarfed by a factor of itself, countless times before we reach 7^7^7^7. And we still are just getting started!

10^10^1,000,000 = 10^10^10^6


This is one followed by "one followed by a million zeroes" zeroes.




                    This number was created in a naive attempt to prove how "easy" it is to beat the numbers in googology by simply adding a lot of "zeroes". It can be simplified as 10^10^1,000,006 and it's approximately equal to 10^10^10^6. It's smaller than Skewes' Number but larger than a googolplex. It can't hold a candle to a mega or Graham's Number, let alone TREE(3). Decimal notation and elementary arithmetic are not enough to express numbers of this size. Googology turns out to be much harder than might be surmised at the outset. Incidently, I coined the name fzmilliplexion for this number using already existing googology. So even the construction isn't all that original :/



This number is the (10^3,000,000)th -illion in the short scale o_0; ... starting to sound kind of ridiculous. Jonathan Bowers coined the name "megillion" for this number. Since Bowers called 10^(3x10^3000+3) a "killillion" using the greek root for 1000, and "kilo" is the SI prefix for 10^3, Bowers again falls back on the SI prefixes to continue, this time the large SI prefixes instead of the small. Megillion is based on "mega" (10^6) + "illion". The next logical number is a gigillion.



A googol ... raised to the thousandth power ... a million times ... nuff said ...

10^10^10,000,000 = 10^10^10^7


This number currently doesn't have a good name in my usual naming systems. However we can borrow a "crore" (10^7) and coin this to mark this milestone ...



            8^^4 = 8^8^8^8 ~ 10^10^15,000,000.

10^10^100,000,000 = 10^10^10^8


This number appears on CookieFonster's PGLN.



            9^^4 = 9^9^9^9 ~ 10^10^369,000,000.

10^10^1,000,000,000 = 10^10^10^9


A straightforward application of my naming conventions to establish a name for 10^10^10^9. At this point we are reaching the limits of what can be argued to be "hyper-exponential" as at this point the second exponent is itself becoming exponential. We are now at the cusp of the generalized tetronomical range ...



This is currently the last entry in this epoch. It's really close to a tetralogue. A gigillion is ... wait for it ... the (10^3,000,000,000)th -illion in the short scale. It was coined by Jonathan Bowers based on "giga" (10^9) + "illion". The next logical continuation is a terillion. However we won't see that until we enter the next epoch ...

VII. Power Tower Epoch


Entries: 105

This Epoch is for small Power Towers that can be written out by hand. This Epoch features Power towers of 4 to 10 terms high.



                    This is 10^^4. It is also the 10th valid Entry in the "My Number is Bigger" competition. This number was entered by Rodan in response to Gmalivak, but only after a failed attempt to add "infinity" to the competition (only finite numbers are allowed). This number was far bigger than anything previous at this point, but still nameable using elementary arithmetic. It's also only in the tetronomical Epoch. It's still smaller than Skewes' Number.


Changing the base of a power tower has the least effect on the size of the result. So what happens when we replace the bottom most term in a tetralogue with an 11? If we try to express this as a change in the top exponent we will discover it barely changes. We can calculate as follows: 11^10^10^10 = 10^(log(11)*10^10^10) = 10^10^(log(log(11))+10^10). The double logarithm of 11 is 0.017614522824. So we have 10^10^10,000,000,000.017614522824. Next we take the logarithm of log(log(11))+10^10: 10^10^10^log(10^10+log(log(11))). We factor out 10^10: 10^10^10^[ log(10^10) + log(1 + log(log(11))/10^10) ]. This can be approximated by converting log to ln and observing that ln(1+x) ~ x. The result would be 10^10^10^10.000000000000764. This change is small enough that it won't show up on the TI-89. So how much larger is this than 10^10^10^10? This turns out to be easy to find: 11^10^10^10 = 10^(log(11)*10^10^10) = (10^10^10^10)^log(11) = (10^10^10^10)^1.04139. This is extremely close for numbers of this size. In fact it's so close that the relative power is not that helpful. Instead we can try and calculate what the ratio of 11^10^10^10/10^10^10^10 is equal to. This must be (10^10^10^10)^0.04139 = 10^(0.04139*10^10^10) = 10^10^9,999,999,998.62 = 10^10^10^9.99999999994. This makes it appear like 11^10^10^10 is about the square of tetralogue but this would actually be quite a bit less.


The relationship for changing the base turns out to be very simple. b^10^10^10 = (10^10^10^10)^log(b). This is arbitrarily given as an example to illustrate the relationship. since log(50) = 1.69897... it means this is approximately (10^10^10^10)^1.69897. This places it somewhere in the interval between tetralogue and gartetralogue.  It follows from this that we need to go all the way up to 100^10^10^10 to reach a gartetralogue. We can also see that this number would be approximately, like multiplying tetralogue by it's square root. This exactly point would actually be (10^1.5)^10^10^10 = 31.62277...^10^10^10, and this would be a little larger than that. With this in mind we move on to powers of tetralogue ...

100^10^10^10 = (10^10^10^10)^2


For a number the size of tetralogue, a number even larger than a googolplex, the gar- prefix does not have much of an effect. None the less this manages to be larger than 11^10^10^10, which falls somewhere between tetralogue and gartetralogue. It's also worth noting that this number is exactly equal to 100^10^10^10, which also proves it is much larger than 11^10^10^10.

1000^10^10^10 = (10^10^10^10)^3


The cube of tetralogue using my thrar- prefix. This is also equal to 1000^10^10^10. This is still vastly smaller than 10^11^10^10.

10,000^10^10^10 = (10^10^10^10)^4

frartetralogue / quattartetralogue

frar-(n) = n^4. It's a new suffix I coined in continuation of gar-(n) = n^2, and thrar-(n) = n^3. Since thrar is thr(ee) + (g)ar, I've decided that the next in the sequence should be f(ou)r + (g)ar --> frar. An alternative is to use latin and call this quattartetralogue, directly from quatt(uor) + (g)ar.

10,000,000,000^10^10^10 = (10^10^10^10)^10


Decar-(n) = n^10. So this is the tenth power of a tetralogue. With power towers of 3 terms, the dektar function results in an increase in the top exponent of 1. For example we know that decartrialogue = (10^10^10)^10 = 10^10^11 = googolthrong. Going further we have decargoogolthrong = (10^10^11)^10 = 10^10^12 = trilliplexion, and decartrilliplexion = (10^10^12)^10 = 10^10^13. This continues indefinitely. It is also true that in each other these cases this is equivalent to changing the base to 10,000,000,000. So we know that googolthrong = 10^10^11 = 10,000,000,000^10^10, and trilliplexion = 10^10^12 = 10,000,000,000^10^11.

While this works as a good way to go from one scale to another with triterminal towers (3 term power towers), this does not make much of a difference for tetraterminal towers (4 term power towers). It follows from the above identity that (10^10^10^10)^10 would only be 10^10^(10^10+1) = 10^10^10,000,000,001. This would only create a very tiny effect on the topmost term. My TI-89 doesn't even record the difference, but using my usual techniques we can find this is equal to 10^10^10^10.0000000000434. The calculator actually stores "43" but it's hidden in the maximum 12 digit precision display. This can be revealed if you use ans(1) to make reference to the previous value. What this should make clear is that the difference between 10^10^10^10 and 10^10^10^11 is vast. Far vaster than even the difference between 10^10^10 and 10^10^11 where the latter is the 10th power of the former. That makes 10^10^11 already vastly larger. But here even the relative power between 10^10^10^10 and 10^10^10^11 would be huge. It follows from these properties that we would have to raise to the 10th power (10^11 - 10^10 = 9x10^10 = 90,000,000,000) times. Therefore we would have to raise 10^10^10^10 to the power of 10^90,000,000,000 to reach 10^10^10^11. o_0;

(10^10^10^10)^10,000,000,000 = (10^10^10)^(10^10^10) 


Combining Alistair Cockburn's "fz" prefix wih my googolism tetralogue. fz-(n) = n^n = n^^2. Note that fz must be applied after all suffixes unless otherwise indicated. So this is strictly fz(logue(tria)).


googolplex to the trialogue

Although this is hard to believe, even if we replace the base of tetralogue with a googolplex ... STILL ... this ends up being far less than 10^11^10^10. If you remain unconvinced that is understandable. We can however prove this as follows. (10^10^100)^10^10^10 = 10^(10^100 * 10^10^10). So we have to show that 10^100 * 10^10^10 is still less than 11^10^10. This we can do as follows. 10^100 * 10^10^10 = 10^(100+10^10) versus 11^10^10 = 10^(log(11)*10^10). log(11) = 1.0414, so we have: 10^100 * 10^10^10 = 10^10,000,000,100 while 11^10^10 ~ 10^10,414,000,000. Thus, regardless of how counter-intuitive it seems changing the 1st exponent to 11 has more of an effect than changing the base to a googolplex! This is also equal to (10^10^10^10)^10^100, making this vastly larger than thrartetralogue.


googolplexigong to the trialogue

Following the previous argument this implies that this is equal to 10^10^10,000,100,000 which is still vastly smaller than 10^11^10^10.


googolplexibong to the trialogue

This would be equal to 10^10^10,100,000,000, which is just slightly smaller than 10^10^10,400,000,000 ~ 10^11^10^10. At this point we've pushed the base about as far as it's going to go.


To prove that this is larger than gartetralogue:10^11^10^10 = 10^(1.1^10^10 * 10^10^10) = (10^10^10^10)^1.1^10^10. So far so good. Now we just demonstrate that 1.1^10^10 >> 2. It can be noted that 1.1^10 ~ 2.59 which is already larger than 2. In fact we can get more precise. 1.1^10^10 = 10^(log(1.1)x10^10) = 10^(0.04139...x10^10) > 10^(0.01x10^10) = 10^10^8. To put this into perspective, this means that merely replacing the 2nd term up of tetralogue with 11, already creates a number where you would have to raise a tetralogue to the power of 10^10^8 to get 10^11^10^10. This is a massive leap just from the change of changing the bottom most term.


Let's say we increase the first two terms of a power tower of 4 10s. How does that "stack up"? Well we can compute this as 10^(log(11)*11^10^10) = 10^10^(10^10*log(11)+log(log(11))). To show this is less than 10^10^11^10 we just need to show that 10^10*log(11)+log(log(11)) < 11^10. 10^10*log(11)+log(log(11)) = 10,413,926,851.6 while 11^10 = 25,937424,601. So it's not even a terribly close comparison. This being the second exponent it means we would have to raise 11^11^10^10 to the power of 10 about 15,523,497,749 times to reach 10^10^11^10. That is (11^11^10^10)^10^15,523,497,749. Considering that (10^10^10^10)^10^413,926,851 ~ 11^11^10^10, this suggests that the gap between 10^10^11^10 and 11^11^10^10 is vaster than the gap between 11^11^10^10 and 10^10^10^10. 


Note that 11^10 = 25,937,424,601 and 10^11 = 100,000,000,000. This demonstrates that 11^10 < 10^11, although they are relatively close. We know 10^10^11^10 < 10^10^10^11 because 10^10^25,937424,601 < 10^10^100,000,000,000. To prove this is larger than gartetralogue we try to extract a power. 10^10^11^10 ~ 10^10^(2.594x10^10) = 10^(10^10^10)^2.594 = 10^(10^10^10*(10^10^10)^1.594) = (10^10^10^10)^(10^10^10)^1.594. This would be vastly larger than gartetralogue.


If we have 11^11^11^10, is it still less than 10^10^10^11? To show this we have to show that 11^10*log(11)+log(log(11)) < 10^11. This yields 27,011,044,252 < 100,000,000,000 which is true. We can actually go a little further with this idea ...


Using the same method as the previous entry we can show 12^12^12^10 < 10^10^10^11 since 12^10*log(12)+log(log(12)) < 10^11. 




Changing the top exponent has a cascading effect that leads to a vastly larger number than changing any of the lower terms. We can demonstrate this as follows: 10^10^10^11 = 10^10^(10^10*10) = 10^((10^10^10)^10) = 10^((10^10^10)*(10^10^10)^9) = (10^10^10^10)^(10^10^10)^9. This demonstrates it is much much much larger than gartetralogue, itself larger than 11^10^10^10. This number is also equal to the googolism googolplexithrong


This entry is greater than 10^10^10^11, and yet smaller than 11^11^11^11. Such comparisons can be easily made by calculating the value of the double logarithm of all of these expressions and directly comparing them.


This is 11^^4. It must necessarily be larger than tetralogue, since it's a power tower of the same height but with all the 10s replaced with 11s. It would also be the next in the sequence n^^4. It can be approximated as 10^10^10^11.4729340596. It may seem to be only slightly larger than 10^10^10^10 but we would actually have to raise 10^10^10^10 to the power of  10^10^11.458 to get 11^11^11^11.



This is an alternative name for trillionduplex that I coined. This is 1 followed by a trilliplexion zeroes, where a trilliplexion is 1 followed by a trillion zeroes. It's larger than 11^11^11^11 despite the extra 11's.



The 10^(3x10^12)-illion in the short scale. It is derived from "Tera"(10^12) + "illion". The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers.



This is 3 tetrated to the 5th. Thus it's one of the simple Knuth arrow expressions one can create. It is approximately equal to 10^10^10^12.56 or 10^10^(3.63x10^12). This makes it larger than 10^10^10^12.



This is 12 tetrated to the 4th. It just slightly edges out 3^^5. It can be approximated as 10^10^10^12.98, thus showing it is larger than 3^^5 which is approximately 10^10^10^12.56. 3^^5 is a semi-degenerate case for a 5th tetrate, falling instead around the 4th tetrate range. 4^4^4^4^4 would be much much larger.



A new root "quong" can be used to continue with the series googolplex, googolplexigong, googolplexibong, googolplexithrong, etc. This number is just slightly smaller than Bowers' petillion.



The 10^(3x10^15)-illion in the short scale. Based on "Peta"(10^15) + "illion". The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers.



The 10^(3x10^18)-illion in the short scale. Based on "Exa"(10^18) + "illion". The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers.



This is one of my googolism's that can be formed. It is a nice round number that falls comfortably above tetralogue (10^10^10^10) and comfortably below Skewes' Number (e^e^e^79 ~ 10^10^10^33.947).



The 10^(3x10^21)-illion in the short scale. Based on "zetta"(10^21) + "illion". The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers.



The 10^(3x10^24)-illion in the short scale. Based on "yotta"(10^24) + "illion". The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers. Back in 2002, yotta was the largest SI prefix, so past this point Bowers needed to invent pseudo-SI prefixes to continue. This changed in 2022 when two new SI prefixes were added to the official list.


This number is approximately equal to 10^10^10^26.0206. Thus, this number is larger than both zettillion and yottillion, and yet this must be smaller than 20^20^20^20.


This is 20^^4. It is just shy of Skewes' Number. To prove this we compute the triple logarithm: 26.13488. This is much smaller than the triple logarithm of Skewes' number which is approximately 33.9470483817.



This number is the 10^(3x10^27)-illion in the short scale. It is based on "ronna"(10^27) + "illion". The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers sometime after 2022 when ronna was added as an official SI prefix. The original name for this number was "xennillion".



This number is the 10^(3x10^30)-illion in the short scale. It is based on "quetta"(10^30) + "illion". The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers sometimes after 2022 when quetta was added as an official SI prefix. The original name for this number was "vekillion". As of 2024 no new SI prefixes have been added so Bowers' has to continue past this point using his own made up names again. Next up is "mekillion".


This is the largest number of the form n^^4 (where n is an positive integer) that is still less than Skewes' number. Approximately equal to 10^10^10^33.265 = 10^10^(1.8408x10^33).



This number is the 10^(3x10^33)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and introduced on the internet in 2002. It is just shy of Skewes' Number at a value of approximately 10^10^10^33.477.


This is a common approximation I have used for Skewes' Number. The most common approximation for Skewes' Number is 10^10^10^34, which seems "close enough". However I have pointed out several times that you would need to raise Skewes' Number to approximately 10^10^33.06 to get 10^10^10^34, the implication being that 10^10^10^33.947 was a far better approximation. It turns out however, that from a certain point of view, this approximation is not really that much of an improvement. 10^10^10^33.947 turns out to be a lower bound on Skewes' Number, the actual value being slightly larger. This means there is some power you need to raise 10^10^10^33.947 to get e^e^e^79. It turns out this power is still 10^10^29.994. That is:

(10^10^10^33.947)^10^10^29.994 ~ e^e^e^79

In actuality 10^10^29.994 is much smaller than 10^10^33.06, which means this is in fact a vastly better approximation ... and yet ... all these numbers are so vastly far apart that it almost doesn't seem to matter. Strictly speaking a lower bound will have a much smaller difference than an upperbound. Remember that the difference between e^e^e^79 and 10^10^10^33.947 can be no greater than Skewes' Number, meanwhile the difference between 10^10^10^34 and e^e^e^79 is nearly 10^10^10^34 and thus vastly larger than Skewes' Number. So in that arithmetic sense 10^10^10^33.947 is in fact "much closer". Thinking of it in terms of ratios or logarithmically demonstrates the same thing. But either way, all three of these numbers are vastly different from each other in actual size. 10^10^10^33.947 is an inconceivably small dot compare to e^e^e^79 which is an inconceivable small dot compare to 10^10^10^34. And this is only a mere total difference of 0.053 in the 3rd exponent!


Skewes' Number

            Skewes' Number is equal to e^e^e^79. It can be approximated as 10^10^10^34, or more accurately as 10^10^10^33.947. Thus it lies between a tetralogue and a googolduplex.

            It was first defined by Stanley Skewes in 1933 in a proof involving the distribution of primes. For a time it held the title of "largest number to appear in a serious mathematical proof". It was later trumped by 2nd Skewes' Number in 1955.


Skewes' Approxima

            This is an approximation usually given for Skewes' Number, since Skewes' Number is about 10^10^10^33.947. This might seem like a good approximation, but this value is actually A LOT LARGER THAN Skewes' Number. How much larger? You'd have to raise Skewes' Number to the power of about 10^10^33 to get 10^10^10^34!

            Here's a way to get an idea of what that means. Imagine that you had a sphere containing roughly a Skewes' Number particles. That sphere would be massive, even assuming the particles were tightly packed. Now imagine that sphere being just one amongst a Skewes' Number of such spheres! Imagine all these spheres are contained in A 2nd order "Skewes' sphere". Now imagine that is only one amongst a Skewes' Number of 2nd order Skewes' spheres all contained in a 3rd order Skewes' sphere!! Now keep scaling up to the 4th order, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, ... 100th, 1000th, millionth, billionth, trillionth, ... centillionth, ... ... ... ... and keep on going until you reach the 10^10^33 order sphere. That sphere will contain roughly 10^10^10^34 particles! Mind boggling! And this is only the difference between 10^10^10^33.947 and 10^10^10^34, and we're still only talking about moderately sized tetrational numbers!!!


This is the first number of the form n^^4 (with n a positive integer) that is greater than Skewes' number. This number is approximately equal to 10^10^10^35.



The 10^(3x10^36)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002.



The 10^(3x10^39)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002.



The 10^(3x10^42)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002.



The 10^(3x10^45)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002.



The 10^(3x10^48)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002.



A googolism of mine formed from gogol for 10^50, that is larger than Skewes' Number.



The 10^(3x10^51)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002.



The 10^(3x10^54)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002.



The 10^(3x10^57)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002.



The 10^(3x10^60)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002. This is the first of Bowers' illions to introduce an english-root. This number is derived from "twenty" + "illion". The continuation from here is clear.



The 10^(3x10^69)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002. Here Bowers' mixed the english root "twenty" with a greek root of "tria", which is unusual. In Bowers original set this was the only number Bowers explicitly listed between a twentillion and a thirtillion.



Another one of my googolisms that can be formed in this epoch. This number also comes up in an example trying to describe the size of Skewes' Number. In order to describe the size of Skewes' number we begin with a game in which all sub-atomic particles in the observable universe (about 10^80) are the pieces and are held to be in fixed positions relative to each other. A move is the taking any pair of particles and swapping their positions. The number of possible moves from any "board position" is always exactly (10^80)(10^80-1)/2 = (10^160-10^80)/2 < 10^160. A game is played until the same configuration of all particles occurs 3 times. We now compute the number of possible board positions. There are 10^80 positions, and 10^80 particles to place in those positions (we assume we can distinguish them somehow). This gives (10^80)! possible board positions. The input is so large that we can say (10^80)! ~ 10^10^80. The longest possible game is therefore a number of moves equal to 2 times the total number of positions: 2*10^10^80. The reason for this is if we have 2 times the number of moves than board positions that we have gone through a total of 2 times the number of board positions plus 1 (including the initial state). This guarantees that some position must occur 3 times at this point. The total number of possible games is then less than the number of choices per move raised to the power of the longest possible game. This gives (10^160)^(2*10^10^80) = 10^(320*10^10^80) = 10^10^(10^80+320) ~ 10^10^10^80. This number is actually bigger than Skewes' Number, but it's in roughly the same ballpark. So this analogy of the total number of possible games that can be played in this way is a good way to make sense of it. This game can actually be played quite simply with any set of distinct objects in an equal number of positions. The smallest possible game would involve two particles, since we can't follow the swap rule with 1 or 0. Let swap(n) be the total number of games possible with n particles. We can provide an upper bound for swap(n). If there are two particles there are 2*1/2 = 1 possible move at every turn. Since there are 2! = 2 positions the maximum game length will be 2*2! = 4 moves. This gives an upper bound of 1^4 = 1 game. In fact there is exactly one such game.  We could perform exactly 4 swaps until the initial position repeats for a third time. Thus there is exactly 1 possible game with two particles. It is also possible to compute an upper bound for the total number of games for a small number of particles greater than 2. For example for three particles, we know there are 3*2/2 = 3 possible moves at each turn. We also know there are exactly 3! = 6 board states. This means the longest possible game is 12 moves. This means the total number of games must be less than or equal to 3^12 = 531,441. This number is small enough that the actual number of games can be found by exhaustive computer search. I wrote a program (swap3.exe) and it was able to tally a total of 22,857 games. If we assume that the total number of games of swap(n) ~ 10^10^n this would suggest swap(3) ~ 10^10^3 = 10^1000. When we get to swap(10^80) however this difference is likely insignificant enough that we can mostly ignore it. Thus swap(10^80) is likely very close to 10^10^10^80.



The 10^(3x10^90)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002. The name is derived from "thirty"(30) + "illion".



            Can be written E100#3 in Hyper-E. This number is mentioned on Jonathan Bowers' Infinity Scrapers page. It is not known who is credited with coining this googolism however. This number also has two other fairly common names: googolplexplex and googolplexian.

            *** Bowers' is the earliest known person to use the term "googolduplex", and it is possible that he may have initiated the trend of inserting greek infixes into googolplex to continue the sequence. Googolduplex therefore might be a bowerism, though this is difficult to confirm as the coinage of googolduplex occurred before the googology community existed and accurate records of coiners was kept track.



The 10^(3x10^120)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002. The name is derived from "forty"(40) + "illion".



The 10^(3x10^150)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002. The name is derived from "fifty"(50) + "illion".



four tetrated to the fifth

~ 10^10^10^153.907

Another Power-tower/Knuth-Arrow number. This is the value of 4^^5, a sizable low level tetrational number larger than a googolduplex (10^10^10^100) but smaller than a googolduplexichime (10^10^10^1000).



The 10^(3x10^180)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002. The name is derived from "sixty"(60) + "illion".



The 10^(3x10^210)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002. The name is derived from "seventy"(70) + "illion".



The 10^(3x10^240)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002. The name is derived from "eighty"(80) + "illion".



The 10^(3x10^270)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002. The name is derived from "ninety"(90) + "illion".



The 10^(3x10^300)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002. The name is derived from "hundred"(100) + "illion".



            E303#3 in Hyper-E. Yet another of my many many googolism's that can be formed. Eceton i s an alternative googolism for centillion. Thusly this is just an alternative name for centillionduplex. Using my childhood nomenclature this would likely be erroneously called centillionillionillion. It falls between googolduplex and 2nd Skewes' Number.


2nd Skewes' Demitto

            This is the value usually cited as 2nd Skewes' Number. In truth 2nd Skewes' Number was defined as e^e^e^e^7.705 in the original paper. It turns out that this number is actually "slightly smaller". The real value is closer to 10^10^10^963.5185 


2nd Skewes' Number

            This is the exact value of 2nd Skewes' Number. It can be approximated in base-10 power tower form as 10^10^10^963.5185, which we can write in Hyper-E as E963.5185#3. The exact value of 2nd Skewes' Number is rarely stated in secondary sources and usually the approximations 10^10^10^963 or more crudely 10^10^10^1000 are used.


2nd Skewes' Supremum / googolduplexichime

            This is a very rough estimate typically cited as 2nd Skewes' Number. This is actually an upper-bound on the actual value (see 2nd Skewes' Number). This number is also googolduplexichime.



5^^5 ~ 10^10^10^2184

This number is approximately 10^10^10^2184, placing it between 2nd Skewes' Number and Bowers' "thousillion". This number can called called megafuga-five, and even with just 5 this function already returns a whopper. I used to like to think of this number specifically in terms of a long string of the form 5*5*5*5*5* ... *5*5*5*5*5. 5^^4 can be visualized in this way by imagining starting with 5 5s, then 5 groups of those then 5 groups of those, and so on. You keep going out until you have gone out 3125 orders in this way. That is you have 5^5^3125 = 5^5^5^5. This is not a megafuga-five but it already is very difficult to wrap you head around. Now you have that many 5s being multiplied together and that gives 5^^5. At this rate it won't take long to reach 6^^5.



The 10^(3x10^3000)-illion in the short scale. The term was coined by Jonathan Bowers and was introduced in 2002. The name is derived from "thousand"(1000) + "illion". This was the last and largest of Bowers' original -illions list. However later in 2007, Bowers revised his -illions list and created some ad hoc -illions past this point.


six tetrated to the fifth

6^^5 ~ 10^10^10^36,305

Already this is a huge leap from the last entry. This number also leaves 5^^5 in the dust. It's difficult to think of meaningful comparisons at this point, but it might help to remember that just as 10^36,305 would be vastly larger than 10^2184, this gets vastly worse with 10^10^36,305 versus 10^10^2184, and 10^10^10^36,305 and 10^10^10^2184. To get to 6^^5 we would have to raise 5^^5 to a power comparable to 10^10^36,305. This will be typical as we change the base, and that's considered a small jump. It's much worse if we increase the tetraponent.



Another one of my googolisms. This one would be larger than even 2nd Skewes' Number.


seven tetrated to the fifth

7^^5 ~ 10^10^10^695,974

These power-tower numbers are coming along fast now. In short order we will reach 10^^5 which can be called a pentalogue.



Another googolism of mine, an alternative name for milliontriplex. This is also equal to 10^10^10^10^6. This is also the upper limit of Robert Munafo's Class-4 Numbers, and the beginning of Class-5. Although Munafo's classes can be extended indefinitely, he makes no mention of them past Class-7. We will exhaust these well before completing the Tetronomical Epoch.


eight tetrated to the fifth

8^^5 ~ 10^10^10^15,151,335

This Tetrational number falls between a millitriplexion and a googolduplexibong. It's closer to 10^10^10^10^7 which doesn't have a standard name in my naming system.



The duplex version of googolbong. This number is also 10^10^10^10^8, making it "just shy of" pentalogue.


nine tetrated to the fifth

9^^5 ~ 10^10^10^369,693,099

This number is just "slightly" smaller than 10^10^10^10^9 (billitriplexion) which is just "slightly" smaller than 10^10^10^10^10. But what about 9^9^9^9^10? That must also be bigger than 9^9^9^9^9 obviously, but how does it compare to 10^10^10^10^9? Which would you suspect is larger?



Billitriplexion is a number just short of pentalogue.


~ 10^10^10^3,327,237,896

This number would be just a little larger than a billitriplexion. Despite all those 9's only the topmost 9 even has any meaningful dent in the size, and 9^10 is already larger than 10^9 by about a factor of 3. As such the 9s do little to make this number much smaller. To illustrate consider ...


= 10^10^10^3,486,784,401

As you can see the dent made by all those 9s is minimal, though that 9 near the top makes a big difference, making the top exponent about a third of 10,000,000,000. Which brings us to ...



The 5th member of the logue series. 



10^10^10^10^11 = 10^10^10^100,000,000,000. At this stage the various extensions, gong, bong, throng, etc. don't seem to make nearly as much of a difference, even though in actual fact the effect is only becoming more pronounced.



10^10^10^10^14 = 10^10^10^100,000,000,000,000.



Now we are climbing towards a googoltriplex.



At this point these are routine.



And this wraps up some easy numbers we can coin below ...



This number is mentioned on Jonathan Bowers' infinity scraper page along with googol, googolplex, and googolduplex. Although not explicitly defined on his Infinity Scrapers page, it's definition can none the less be easily inferred. It can be written more succinctly in Hyper-E Notation as E100#4.



One of my googolism's meaning centillion + 3 plexes. 



Another possible triplex number. Also equal to 10^10^10^10^10^5. This can be written more compactly in Hyper-E as 10^5#5 or E5#5.



Equal to E100,000,000#4 = E8#5 < E10#5 = E1#6 = hexalogue.



hexalogue = E1#6 = E10#5




One more level up. These power towers are already starting to become unwieldy. Here is a good time to start transitioning into Hyper-E Notation. Ea#b is short hand for a power tower of "b" 10s topped off with an exponent of "a". Thus a googoltriplexithrong can be written succinctly as E11#5. I'll still be writing out the full power towers for a while longer since it is the more familiar notation, but soon Power Tower notation will be completely impractical and we will have to start switch to more esoteric notations ... the notations of low level googology. In the mean time ... 




More routine. Let's skip ahead onto ...




This number is listed on Jonathan Bowers' Infinity Scrapers page as googolquadraplex. The spelling googolquadriplex is also sometimes used and has been popularized by myself as it's easier to continue by adapting the same latin prefixes used in the -illions. googolquadruplex is also sometimes used. This number is the first in the sequence googol,googolplex,googolduplex,googoltriplex,...etc. with no standard spelling. Bowers' may be solely responsible for the googolquadraplex spelling, and this spelling can therefore be considered a Bowerism.



ecetonquadriplex = E303#5. I created eceton and the eceton numbers because of my fondness of centillion as a kid. It was the largest official named number I knew about. I also had heard of the googolgong (10^100,000) but I would later learn it was erroneous.



E100,000#5 = E5#6 < E10#6 = E1#7 = heptalogue.



E10#6 = E1#7. hepta (7) + logue. logue(n) = 10^^n. So this would be logue(7) = 10^^7.




This number is called "googolquinplex" by Bowers, making googolquinplex a small bowerism. Oddly it doesn't show up in the "Googol Group" on his Infinity Scrapers page, but it can be found on his -illions page for "size comparison" with Bowers large -illions.

I coined the term googolquintiplex for this number to allow for easier extensibility: googolsextiplex, googolseptiplex, googoloctiplex, etc. It can be written concisely in Hyper-E Notation as E100#6.


Crazyjimbo's Factorial-Power Tower

                    This was the 13th valid entry in the "My Number is Bigger" competition. However it was already beaten by the previous two entries, thus it is not considered an "official" competitive entry. At this point it's beaten by a long shot by Twasbrillig's 10^^512.

                    Each factorial adds roughly another 10 to the stack so that you get about 10^^8 instead of 10^^4, although it is smaller since 10! < 10^10. Note that Factorials have higher priority than exponents, in which case there is no ambiguity here. This number is approximately E6#7, more precisely it's less than E3,628,809#6.


Rodan's Factorial-Power Tower

                This is the 14th valid number entered in the "My Number is Bigger" competition. It still ranks well below the 11th and 12th entry, making it non-competitive. It's approximately E7#7.



octalogue = E1#8 = E10#7. This shows that it is larger than Rodan's Factorial-Power Tower.




                This is six applications of plex to googol, and is also the 7th member of the googol series.


10^^9 = E1#9


Ennalogue = E1#9 = E10#8 = E10,000,000,000#7 > E100#7 = googolsextiplex.


E2#9 = E100#8


The 8th member of the "googol sequence". Once we reach the 100th member we reach the grangol.


E3#9 = E1000#8


This is an honest to goodness googolism we can form ... and it's incredibly "close" to a dekalogue. But we can do better ...


E4#9 = E10,000#8


A googolism extremely close but slightly less than a dekalogue ...


E100,000#8 = E5#9


A googolism extremely close but slightly less than a dekalogue ...


E100,000,000#8 = E8#9


A googolism extremely close but slightly less than a dekalogue. At this point we are out of options but we can still get closer with Hyper-E Notation ...


E9#9 = E1,000,000,000#8


This is the closest legal Hyper-E Expression in the Hyper-E Number Format that is smaller than a dekalogue. So now we are definitely as close as we could possib-



Okay we are crazy close now to a dekalogue. If we relax to domain of Hyper-E we can actually express this in terms of Ex#9 where x is a real number equal to approximately 9.99999999996. It's worth noting that in E#-Format we can get arbitrarily close to E10#9 before reaching E1#1#2 which begins the 3-argument numbers in E#-Format. And with that we finally reach ...

Continue on to Part II for some even more tremendous numbers that are inexpressible even using 100 generation primitive recursive functions...

Ultimate Large Numbers List  Part II