4.3.11 - xec_numbers5

Extended Cascading-E Numbers

Part V

(14071 - 15610)

PREV>> 4.3.10 - Extended Cascading-E Numbers Part IV (11871 - 14070)


Super Regiment

Category 84

Members: 468

(14071 - 14538)


... and so on ...

(14071) ogdacthulhum = E100#^^^^^^#100 = E100#{6}#100

(14072) grand ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#100#2 = E100#{6}#ogdacthulhum


(14073) grangol-carta-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#100#100

(14074) godgahlah-carta-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#100#^#100

(14075) tethrathoth-carta-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#100#^^#100

(14076) pentacthulhum-carta-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#100#^^^#100

(14077) hexacthulhum-carta-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#100#^^^^#100

(14078) heptacthulhum-carta-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#100#{5}#100

(14079) ogdacthulhum-carta-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#100#{6}#100


(14080) ogdacthulhum-by-deuteron = E100#{6}#100#{6}#100

(14081) ogdacthulhum-by-triton = E100#{6}#100#{6}#100#{6}#100

(14082) ogdacthulhum-by-teterton = E100#{6}#100#{6}#100#{6}#100#{6}#100

= E100#{6}#*#5

(14083) ogdacthulhum-by-pepton = E100#{6}#*#6

(14084) ogdacthulhum-by-exton = E100#{6}#*#7

(14085) ogdacthulhum-by-epton = E100#{6}#*#8

(14086) ogdacthulhum-by-ogdon = E100#{6}#*#9

(14087) ogdacthulhum-by-enton = E100#{6}#*#10

(14088) ogdacthulhum-by-dekaton = E100#{6}#*#11


(14089) ogdacthulhum-by-hyperion = E100#{6}#*#100

(14090) ogdacthulhum-by-godgahlah = E100#{6}#*#^#100

(14091) ogdacthulhum-by-tethrathoth = E100#{6}#*#^^#100

(14092) ogdacthulhum-by-pentacthulhum = E100#{6}#*#^^^#100

(14093) ogdacthulhum-by-hexacthulhum = E100#{6}#*#^^^^#100

(14094) ogdacthulhum-by-heptacthulhum = E100#{6}#*#{5}#100

(14095) ogdacthulhum-by-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#*#{6}#100


(14096) deutero-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#*#{6}#100

(14097) trito-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#*#{6}#*#{6}#100

(14098) teterto-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#*#{6}#*#{6}#*#{6}#100

= E100(#{6}#)^#4

(14099) pepto-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^#5

(14100) exto-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^#6

(14101) epto-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^#7

(14102) ogdo-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^#8

(14103) ento-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^#9

(14104) dekato-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^#10


(14105) ogdacthulhufact = E100(#{6}#)^#100

(14106) quadrata-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^##100

(14107) kubiku-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^###100

(14108) quarticu-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^####100

(14109) quinticu-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^(#^5)100

(14110) sexticu-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^(#^6)100

(14111) septicu-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^(#^7)100

(14112) octicu-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^(#^8)100

(14113) nonicu-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^(#^9)100

(14114) decicu-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^(#^10)100


(14115) ogdacthulhum-ipso-godgahlah = E100(#{6}#)^#^#100

(14116) ogdacthulhum-ipso-tethrathoth = E100(#{6}#)^#^^#100

(14117) ogdacthulhum-ipso-pentacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^#^^^#100

(14118) ogdacthulhum-ipso-hexacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^#^^^^#100

(14119) ogdacthulhum-ipso-heptacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^(#{5}#)100

(14120) ogdacthulhum-ipso-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^(#{6}#)100


(14121) dutetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^(#{6}#)100

(14122) tritetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^(#{6}#)^(#{6}#)100

(14123) quadratetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^(#{6}#)^(#{6}#)^(#{6}#)100

= E100(#{6}#)^^#4

(14124) quinquatetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^#5

(14125) sexatetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^#6

(14126) septatetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^#7

(14127) octatetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^#8

(14128) nonatetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^#9

(14129) decatetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^#10


(14130) terrible ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^#100

(14131) terrisquared ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^##100

(14132) terricubed ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^###100

(14133) territesserated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^####100

(14134) terripenterated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^(#^5)100

(14135) terrihexerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^(#^6)100

(14136) terrihepterated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^(#^7)100

(14137) terriocterated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^(#^8)100

(14138) terriennerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^(#^9)100

(14139) terridekerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^(#^10)100


(14140) godgahlah-tetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^#^#100

(14141) tethrathoth-tetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^#^^#100

(14142) pentacthulhum-tetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^#^^^#100

(14143) hexacthulhum-tetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^#^^^^#100

(14144) heptacthulhum-tetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^(#{5}#)100

(14145) ogdacthulhum-tetrated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^(#{6}#)100


(14146) dupentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^(#{6}#)100

(14147) tripentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^(#{6}#)^^(#{6}#)100

(14148) quadrapentated ogdacthulhum

= E100(#{6}#)^^(#{6}#)^^(#{6}#)^^(#{6}#)100

= E100(#{6}#)^^^#4

(14149) quinquapentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^#5

(14150) sexapentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^#6

(14151) septapentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^#7

(14152) octapentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^#8

(14153) nonapentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^#9

(14154) decapentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^#10


(14155) horrible ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^#100

(14156) horrisquared ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^##100

(14157) horricubed ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^###100

(14158) horritesserated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^####100

(14159) horripenterated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^(#^5)100

(14160) horrihexerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^(#^6)100

(14161) horrihepterated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^(#^7)100

(14162) horriocterated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^(#^8)100

(14163) horriennerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^(#^9)100

(14164) horridekerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^(#^10)100


(14165) godgahlah-pentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^#^#100

(14166) tethrathoth-pentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^#^^#100

(14167) pentacthulhum-pentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^#^^^#100

(14168) hexacthulhum-pentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^#^^^^#100

(14169) heptacthulhum-pentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^(#{5}#)100

(14170) ogdacthulhum-pentated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^(#{6}#)100


(14171) duhexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^(#{6}#)100

(14172) trihexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^(#{6}#)^^^(#{6}#)100

(14173) quadrahexated ogdacthulhum

= E100(#{6}#)^^^(#{6}#)^^^(#{6}#)^^^(#{6}#)100

= E100(#{6}#)^^^^#4

(14174) quinquahexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^#5

(14175) sexahexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^#6

(14176) septahexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^#7

(14177) octahexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^#8

(14178) nonahexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^#9

(14179) decahexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^#10


(14180) horrendous ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^#100

(14181) horrendosquared ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^##100

(14182) horrendocubed ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^###100

(14183) horrendotesserated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^####100

(14184) horrendopenterated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^(#^5)100

(14185) horrendohexerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^(#^6)100

(14186) horrendohepterated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^(#^7)100

(14187) horrendo-octerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^(#^8)100

(14188) horrendo-ennerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^(#^9)100

(14189) horrendodekerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^(#^10)100


(14190) godgahlah-hexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^#^#100

(14191) tethrathoth-hexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^#^^#100

(14192) pentacthulhum-hexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^#^^^#100

(14193) hexacthulhum-hexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^#^^^^#100

(14194) heptacthulhum-hexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^(#{5}#)100

(14195) ogdacthulhum-hexated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^(#{6}#)100


(14196) duheptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^(#{6}#)100

(14197) triheptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#)^^^^(#{6}#)^^^^(#{6}#)100

(14198) quadraheptated ogdacthulhum

= E100(#{6}#)^^^^(#{6}#)^^^^(#{6}#)^^^^(#{6}#)100

= E100(#{6}#){5}#4

(14199) quinquaheptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}#5

(14200) sexaheptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}#6

(14201) septaheptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}#7

(14202) octaheptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}#8

(14203) nonaheptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}#9

(14204) decaheptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}#10


(14205) heptorrendous ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}#100

(14206) heptorrendosquared ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}##100

(14207) heptorrendocubed ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}###100

(14208) heptorrendotesserated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}####100

(14209) heptorrendopenterated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}(#^5)100

(14210) heptorrendohexerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}(#^6)100

(14211) heptorrendohepterated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}(#^7)100

(14212) heptorrendo-octerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}(#^8)100

(14213) heptorrendo-ennerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}(#^9)100

(14214) heptorrendodekerated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}(#^10)100


(14215) godgahlah-heptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}#^#100

(14216) tethrathoth-heptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}#^^#100

(14217) pentacthulhum-heptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}#^^^#100

(14218) hexacthulhum-heptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}#^^^^#100

(14219) heptacthulhum-heptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}(#{5}#)100

(14220) ogdacthulhum-heptated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}(#{6}#)100


(14221) du-octated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}(#{6}#)100

(14222) tri-octated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){5}(#{6}#){5}(#{6}#)100

(14223) quadra-octated ogdacthulhum

= E100(#{6}#){5}(#{6}#){5}(#{6}#){5}(#{6}#)100

= E100(#{6}#){6}#4

(14224) quinqua-octated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){6}#5

(14225) sexa-octated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){6}#6

(14226) septa-octated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){6}#7

(14227) octa-octated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){6}#8

(14228) nona-octated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){6}#9

(14229) deca-octated ogdacthulhum = E100(#{6}#){6}#10


(14230) ogdadeucthulhum = E100(#{6}#){6}#100

(14231) ogdatritocthulhum = E100((#{6}#){6}#){6}#100

(14232) ogdatetertocthulhum = E100(((#{6}#){6}#){6}#){6}#100

= E100#{6}#>#4

(14233) ogdapeptocthulhum = E100#{6}#>#5

(14234) ogda-extocthulhum = E100#{6}#>#6

(14235) ogda-eptocthulhum = E100#{6}#>#7

(14236) ogda-ogdocthulhum = E100#{6}#>#8

(14237) ogda-entocthulhum = E100#{6}#>#9

(14238) ogda-dekatocthulhum = E100#{6}#>#10


(14239) ogdacthuliterator = E100#{6}#>#100

also (14240) ogdacthulhum ba'al

(14241) grand ogdacthuliterator = E100#{6}#>#100#2

also (14242) great and ogdorrendous ogdacthulhum


(14243) godgahlah-turreted-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#>#^#100

(14244) tethrathoth-turreted-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#>#^^#100

(14245) pentacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#>#^^^#100

(14246) hexacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#>#^^^^#100

(14247) heptacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#>#{5}#100

(14248) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#>#{6}#100


(14249) dustaculated ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#>#{6}#100

(14250) tristaculated ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#>#{6}#>#{6}#100

(14251) tetrastaculated ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#>#{6}#>#{6}#>#{6}#100

= E100#{6}##4

(14252) pentastaculated ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}##5

(14253) hexastaculated ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}##6

(14254) heptastaculated ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}##7

(14255) ogdastaculated ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}##8

(14256) ennastaculated ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}##9

(14257) dekastaculated ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}##10


(14258) ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}##100

(14259) ogdacthulitercross = E100#{6}##>#100

(14260) godgahlah-turreted-ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}##>#^#100

(14261) tethrathoth-turreted-ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}##>#^^#100

(14262) pentacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}##>#^^^#100

(14263) hexacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}##>#^^^^#100

(14264) heptacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}##>#{5}#100

(14265) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}##>#{6}#100

(14266) ogdacthulcross-turreted-ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}##>#{6}##100


(14267) dustaculated ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}##>#{6}##100

(14268) tristaculated ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}##>#{6}##>#{6}##100

(14269) tetrastaculated ogdacthulcross

= E100#{6}##>#{6}##>#{6}##>#{6}##100

= E100#{6}###4

(14270) pentastaculated ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}###5

(14271) hexastaculated ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}###6

(14272) heptastaculated ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}###7

(14273) ogdastaculated ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}###8

(14274) ennastaculated ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}###9

(14275) dekastaculated ogdacthulcross = E100#{6}###10


(14276) ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}###100

(14277) ogdacthulitercubor = E100#{6}###>#100

(14278) godgahlah-turreted-ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}###>#^#100

(14279) tethrathoth-turreted-ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}###>#^^#100

(14280) pentacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}###>#^^^#100

(14281) hexacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}###>#^^^^#100

(14282) heptacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}###>#{5}#100

(14283) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}###>#{6}#100

(14284) ogdacthulcross-turreted-ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}###>#{6}##100

(14285) ogdacthulcubor-turreted-ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}###>#{6}###100


(14286) dustaculated ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}###>#{6}###100

(14287) tristaculated ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}###>#{6}###>#{6}###100

(14288) tetrastaculated ogdacthulcubor

= E100#{6}###>#{6}###>#{6}###>#{6}###100

= E100#{6}####4

(14289) pentastaculated ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}####5

(14290) hexastaculated ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}####6

(14291) heptastaculated ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}####7

(14292) ogdastaculated ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}####8

(14293) ennastaculated ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}####9

(14294) dekastaculated ogdacthulcubor = E100#{6}####10


(14295) ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}####100

(14296) ogdacthuliterteron = E100#{6}####>#100

(14297) godgahlah-turreted-ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}####>#^#100

(14298) tethrathoth-turreted-ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}####>#^^#100

(14299) pentacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}####>#^^^#100

(14300) hexacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}####>#^^^^#100

(14301) heptacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}####>#{5}#100

(14302) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}####>#{6}#100

(14303) ogdacthulcross-turreted-ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}####>#{6}##100

(14304) ogdacthulcubor-turreted-ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}####>#{6}###100

(14305) ogdacthulteron-turreted-ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}####>#{6}####100


(14306) dustaculated ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}####>#{6}####100

(14307) tristaculated ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}####>#{6}####>#{6}####100

(14308) tetrastaculated ogdacthulteron

= E100#{6}####>#{6}####>#{6}####>#{6}####100

= E100#{6}(#^5)4

(14309) pentastaculated ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}(#^5)5

(14310) hexastaculated ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}(#^5)6

(14311) heptastaculated ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}(#^5)7

(14312) ogdastaculated ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}(#^5)8

(14313) ennastaculated ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}(#^5)9

(14314) dekastaculated ogdacthulteron = E100#{6}(#^5)10


(14315) ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)100

(14316) ogdacthuliterpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)>#100

(14317) godgahlah-turreted-ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)>#^#100

(14318) tethrathoth-turreted-ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)>#^^#100

(14319) pentacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)>#^^^#100

(14320) hexacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)>#^^^^#100

(14321) heptacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)>#{5}#100

(14322) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)>#{6}#100

(14323) ogdacthulcross-turreted-ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)>#{6}##100

(14324) ogdacthulcubor-turreted-ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)>#{6}###100

(14325) ogdacthulteron-turreted-ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)>#{6}####100

(14326) ogdacthulpeton-turreted-ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)>#{6}(#^5)100


(14327) dustaculated ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)>#{6}(#^5)100

(14328) tristaculated ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^5)>#{6}(#^5)>#{6}(#^5)100

(14329) tetrastaculated ogdacthulpeton

= E100#{6}(#^5)>#{6}(#^5)>#{6}(#^5)>#{6}(#^5)100

= E100#{6}(#^6)4

(14330) pentastaculated ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^6)5

(14331) hexastaculated ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^6)6

(14332) heptastaculated ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^6)7

(14333) ogdastaculated ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^6)8

(14334) ennastaculated ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^6)9

(14335) dekastaculated ogdacthulpeton = E100#{6}(#^6)10


(14336) ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)100

(14337) ogdacthuliterhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#100

(14338) godgahlah-turreted-ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#^#100

(14339) tethrathoth-turreted-ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#^^#100

(14340) pentacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#^^^#100

(14341) hexacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#^^^^#100

(14342) heptacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#{5}#100

(14343) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#{6}#100

(14344) ogdacthulcross-turreted-ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#{6}##100

(14345) ogdacthulcubor-turreted-ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#{6}###100

(14346) ogdacthulteron-turreted-ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#{6}####100

(14347) ogdacthulpeton-turreted-ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#{6}(#^5)100

(14348) ogdacthulhexon-turreted-ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#{6}(#^6)100


(14349) dustaculated ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#{6}(#^6)100

(14350) tristaculated ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^6)>#{6}(#^6)>#{6}(#^6)100

(14351) tetrastaculated ogdacthulhexon

= E100#{6}(#^6)>#{6}(#^6)>#{6}(#^6)>#{6}(#^6)100

= E100#{6}(#^7)4

(14352) pentastaculated ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^7)5

(14353) hexastaculated ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^7)6

(14354) heptastaculated ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^7)7

(14355) ogdastaculated ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^7)8

(14356) ennastaculated ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^7)9

(14357) dekastaculated ogdacthulhexon = E100#{6}(#^7)10


(14358) ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)100

(14359) ogdacthuliterhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#100

(14360) godgahlah-turreted-ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#^#100

(14361) tethrathoth-turreted-ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#^^#100

(14362) pentacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#^^^#100

(14363) hexacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#^^^^#100

(14364) heptacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#{5}#100

(14365) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#{6}#100

(14366) ogdacthulcross-turreted-ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#{6}##100

(14367) ogdacthulcubor-turreted-ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#{6}###100

(14368) ogdacthulteron-turreted-ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#{6}####100

(14369) ogdacthulpeton-turreted-ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#{6}(#^5)100

(14370) ogdacthulhexon-turreted-ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#{6}(#^6)100

(14371) ogdacthulhepton-turreted-ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#{6}(#^7)100


(14372) dustaculated ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#{6}(#^7)100

(14373) tristaculated ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^7)>#{6}(#^7)>#{6}(#^7)100

(14374) tetrastaculated ogdacthulhepton

= E100#{6}(#^7)>#{6}(#^7)>#{6}(#^7)>#{6}(#^7)100

= E100#{6}(#^8)4

(14375) pentastaculated ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^8)5

(14376) hexastaculated ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^8)6

(14377) heptastaculated ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^8)7

(14378) ogdastaculated ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^8)8

(14379) ennastaculated ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^8)9

(14380) dekastaculated ogdacthulhepton = E100#{6}(#^8)10


(14381) ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)100

(14382) ogdacthuliter-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#100

(14383) godgahlah-turreted-ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#^#100

(14384) tethrathoth-turreted-ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#^^#100

(14385) pentacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#^^^#100

(14386) hexacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#^^^^#100

(14387) heptacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#{5}#100

(14388) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#{6}#100

(14389) ogdacthulcross-turreted-ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#{6}##100

(14390) ogdacthulcubor-turreted-ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#{6}###100

(14391) ogdacthulteron-turreted-ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#{6}####100

(14392) ogdacthulpeton-turreted-ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#{6}(#^5)100

(14393) ogdacthulhexon-turreted-ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#{6}(#^6)100

(14394) ogdacthulhepton-turreted-ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#{6}(#^7)100

(14395) ogdacthul-ogdon-turreted-ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#{6}(#^8)100


(14396) dustaculated ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#{6}(#^8)100

(14397) tristaculated ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^8)>#{6}(#^8)>#{6}(#^8)100

(14398) tetrastaculated ogdacthul-ogdon

= E100#{6}(#^8)>#{6}(#^8)>#{6}(#^8)>#{6}(#^8)100

= E100#{6}(#^9)4

(14399) pentastaculated ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^9)5

(14400) hexastaculated ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^9)6

(14401) heptastaculated ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^9)7

(14402) ogdastaculated ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^9)8

(14403) ennastaculated ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^9)9

(14404) dekastaculated ogdacthul-ogdon = E100#{6}(#^9)10


(14405) ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)100

(14406) ogdacthuliter-ennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#100

(14407) godgahlah-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#^#100

(14408) tethrathoth-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#^^#100

(14409) pentacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#^^^#100

(14410) hexacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#^^^^#100

(14411) heptacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#{5}#100

(14412) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#{6}#100

(14413) ogdacthulcross-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#{6}##100

(14414) ogdacthulcubor-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#{6}###100

(14415) ogdacthulteron-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#{6}####100

(14416) ogdacthulpeton-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#{6}(#^5)100

(14417) ogdacthulhexon-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#{6}(#^6)100

(14418) ogdacthulhepton-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#{6}(#^7)100

(14419) ogdacthul-ogdon-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#{6}(#^8)100

(14420) ogdacthulennon-turreted-ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#{6}(#^9)100


(14421) dustaculated ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#{6}(#^9)100

(14422) tristaculated ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^9)>#{6}(#^9)>#{6}(#^9)100

(14423) tetrastaculated ogdacthulennon

= E100#{6}(#^9)>#{6}(#^9)>#{6}(#^9)>#{6}(#^9)100

= E100#{6}(#^10)4

(14424) pentastaculated ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^10)5

(14425) hexastaculated ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^10)6

(14426) heptastaculated ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^10)7

(14427) ogdastaculated ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^10)8

(14428) ennastaculated ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^10)9

(14429) dekastaculated ogdacthulennon = E100#{6}(#^10)10


(14430) ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)100

(14431) ogdacthuliterdekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#100

(14432) godgahlah-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#^#100

(14433) tethrathoth-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#^^#100

(14434) pentacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#^^^#100

(14435) hexacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#^^^^#100

(14436) heptacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#{5}#100

(14437) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#{6}#100

(14438) ogdacthulcross-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#{6}##100

(14439) ogdacthulcubor-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#{6}###100

(14440) ogdacthulteron-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#{6}####100

(14441) ogdacthulpeton-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#{6}(#^5)100

(14442) ogdacthulhexon-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#{6}(#^6)100

(14443) ogdacthulhepton-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#{6}(#^7)100

(14444) ogdacthul-ogdon-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#{6}(#^8)100

(14445) ogdacthulennon-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#{6}(#^9)100

(14446) ogdacthuldekon-turreted-ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#{6}(#^10)100


(14447) dustaculated ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#{6}(#^10)100

(14448) tristaculated ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^10)>#{6}(#^10)>#{6}(#^10)100

(14449) tetrastaculated ogdacthuldekon

= E100#{6}(#^10)>#{6}(#^10)>#{6}(#^10)>#{6}(#^10)100

= E100#{6}(#^11)4

(14450) pentastaculated ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^11)5

(14451) hexastaculated ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^11)6

(14452) heptastaculated ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^11)7

(14453) ogdastaculated ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^11)8

(14454) ennastaculated ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^11)9

(14455) dekastaculated ogdacthuldekon = E100#{6}(#^11)10


(14456) ogdacthulhendekon = E100(#{6}#^11)100

(14457) ogdacthuldodekon = E100(#{6}#^12)100

(14458) ogdacthultredekon = E100(#{6}#^13)100

(14459) ogdacthulterdekon = E100(#{6}#^14)100

(14460) ogdacthulpedekon = E100(#{6}#^15)100

(14461) ogdacthul-exdekon = E100(#{6}#^16)100

(14462) ogdacthul-epdekon = E100(#{6}#^17)100

(14463) ogdacthul-ogdekon = E100(#{6}#^18)100

(14464) ogdacthul-enndekon = E100(#{6}#^19)100

(14465) ogdacthul-icoson = E100(#{6}#^20)100


(14466) ogdacthul-trianton = E100(#{6}#^30)100

(14467) ogdacthul-saranton = E100(#{6}#^40)100

(14468) ogdacthul-peninton = E100(#{6}#^50)100

(14469) ogdacthul-exinton = E100(#{6}#^60)100

(14470) ogdacthul-ebdominton = E100(#{6}#^70)100

(14471) ogdacthul-ogdonton = E100(#{6}#^80)100

(14472) ogdacthul-eneninton = E100(#{6}#^90)100

(14473) ogdacthul-enneneninton = E100(#{6}#^99)100


(14474) ogdacthulhecton = E100(#{6}#^100)100

(14475) grand ogdacthulhecton = E100(#{6}#^100)100#2

= E100(#{6}#^100)ogdacthulhecton


(14476) ogdacthultope = E100#{6}#^#100

= E100(#{6}#^100)100

(14477) grand ogdacthultope = E100#{6}#^#100#2

= E100(#{6}#^ogdacthultope)100


(14478) ogdacthul-lattitope = E100#{6}#^##100

(14479) ogdacthul-cubitope = E100#{6}#^###100

(14480) ogdacthul-quarticutope = E100#{6}#^####100

(14481) ogdacthul-quinticutope = E100#{6}(#^#^5)100

(14482) ogdacthul-sexticutope = E100#{6}(#^#^6)100

(14483) ogdacthul-septicutope = E100#{6}(#^#^7)100

(14484) ogdacthul-octicutope = E100#{6}(#^#^8)100

(14485) ogdacthul-nonicutope = E100#{6}(#^#^9)100

(14486) ogdacthul-decicutope = E100#{6}(#^#^10)100


(14487) ogdacthulto-godgathor = E100#{6}(#^#^#)100

(14488) ogdacthulto-godtothol = E100#{6}(#^#^#^#)100


(14489) ogdacthulto-tethrathoth = E100#{6}#^^#100

(14490) ogdacthulto-pentacthulhum = E100#{6}#^^^#100

(14491) ogdacthulto-hexacthulhum = E100#{6}#^^^^#100

(14492) ogdacthulto-heptacthulhum = E100#{6}#{5}#100

(14493) ogdacthulto-heptacthulto-hexacthulto-pentacthulto-tethrato-godgahlah

= E100#{6}#{5}#{4}#{3}#{2}#{1}#100

(14494) ogdacthulto-ogdacthulhum = E100#{6}#{6}#100


(14495) ogdacthularxitri = E100#{6}#{6}#100

(14496) ogdacthularxitet = E100#{6}#{6}#{6}#100

= E100#{7}#4

(14497) ogdacthularxipent = E100#{7}#5

(14498) ogdacthularxihex = E100#{7}#6

(14499) ogdacthularxihept = E100#{7}#7

(14500) ogdacthularxi-ogd = E100#{7}#8

(14501) ogdacthularxi-enn = E100#{7}#9

(14502) ogdacthularxideck = E100#{7}#10


(14503) ogdacthularxicose = E100#{7}#20

(14504) ogdacthularxitriane = E100#{7}#30

(14505) ogdacthularxisarane = E100#{7}#40

(14506) ogdacthularxipenine = E100#{7}#50

(14507) ogdacthularxi-exine = E100#{7}#60

(14508) ogdacthularxi-ebdomine = E100#{7}#70

(14509) ogdacthularxi-ogdone = E100#{7}#80

(14510) ogdacthularxi-enenine = E100#{7}#90



(14511) ogdacthularxigole = E100#{7}#50



(14512) ogdacthularxihect = E100#{7}#100

(14513) ogdacthularxigigas = E100#{7}#500

(14514) ogdacthularxichill = E100#{7}#1000

(14515) ogdacthularximyr = E100#{7}#10,000

(14516) ogdacthularxigong = E100#{7}#100,000

(14517) ogdacthularxi-octad = E100#{7}#100,000,000

(14518) ogdacthularxi-sedeniad = E100#{7}#10,000,000,000,000,000


further still...

(14519) ogdacthularxi-googol = E100#{7}#(E100)

(14520) ogdacthularxi-grangol = E100#{7}#(E100#100)

(14521) ogdacthularxi-godgahlah = E100#{7}#(E100#^#100)

(14522) ogdacthularxi-tethrathoth = E100#{7}#(E100#^^#100)

(14523) ogdacthularxi-pentacthulhum = E100#{7}#(E100#^^^#100)

(14524) ogdacthularxi-hexacthulhum = E100#{7}#(E100#^^^^#100)

(14525) ogdacthularxi-heptacthulhum = E100#{7}#(E100#{5}#100)

(14526) ogdacthularxi-ogdacthulhum = E100#{7}#(E100#{6}#100)

(14527) ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxitri = E100#{7}#(E100#{6}#{6}#100)

(14528) ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxitet = E100#{7}#(E100#{6}#{6}#{6}#100)

= E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#4)

(14529) ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxipent = E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#5)

(14530) ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxihex = E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#6)

(14531) ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxihept = E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#7)

(14532) ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxi-ogd = E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#8)

(14533) ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxi-enn = E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#9)

(14534) ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxideck = E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#10)


(14535) ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxihect = E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#100)

(14536) ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxihect

= E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#100))

(14537) ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxihect

= E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#100)))

(14538) ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxi-ogdacthularxihect

= E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#(E100#{7}#100))))



Super Regiment

Category 85

Members: 512

(14539 - 15050)


... and on ...

(14539) ennacthulhum = E100#^^^^^^^#100 = E100#{7}#100

(14540) grand ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#100#2 = E100#{7}#ennacthulhum


(14541) grangol-carta-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#100#100

(14542) godgahlah-carta-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#100#^#100

(14543) tethrathoth-carta-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#100#^^#100

(14544) pentacthulhum-carta-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#100#^^^#100

(14545) hexacthulhum-carta-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#100#^^^^#100

(14546) heptacthulhum-carta-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#100#{5}#100

(14547) ogdacthulhum-carta-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#100#{6}#100

(14548) ennacthulhum-carta-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#100#{7}#100


(14549) ennacthulhum-by-deuteron = E100#{7}#100#{7}#100

(14550) ennacthulhum-by-triton = E100#{7}#100#{7}#100#{7}#100

(14551) ennacthulhum-by-teterton = E100#{7}#100#{7}#100#{7}#100#{7}#100

= E100#{7}#*#5

(14552) ennacthulhum-by-pepton = E100#{7}#*#6

(14553) ennacthulhum-by-exton = E100#{7}#*#7

(14554) ennacthulhum-by-epton = E100#{7}#*#8

(14555) ennacthulhum-by-ogdon = E100#{7}#*#9

(14556) ennacthulhum-by-enton = E100#{7}#*#10

(14557) ennacthulhum-by-dekaton = E100#{7}#*#11


(14558) ennacthulhum-by-hyperion = E100#{7}#*#100

(14559) ennacthulhum-by-godgahlah = E100#{7}#*#^#100

(14560) enacthulhum-by-tethrathoth = E100#{7}#*#^^#100

(14561) ennacthulhum-by-pentacthulhum = E100#{7}#*#^^^#100

(14562) ennacthulhum-by-hexacthulhum = E100#{7}#*#^^^^#100

(14563) ennacthulhum-by-heptacthulhum = E100#{7}#*#{5}#100

(14564) ennacthulhum-by-ogdacthulhum = E100#{7}#*#{6}#100

(14565) ennacthulhum-by-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#*#{7}#100


(14566) deutero-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#*#{7}#100

(14567) trito-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#*#{7}#*#{7}#100

(14568) teterto-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#*#{7}#*#{7}#*#{7}#100

= E100(#{7}#)^#4

(14569) pepto-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^#5

(14570) exto-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^#6

(14571) epto-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^#7

(14572) ogdo-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^#8

(14573) ento-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^#9

(14574) dekato-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^#10


(14575) ennacthulhufact = E100(#{7}#)^#100

(14576) quadrata-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^##100

(14577) kubiku-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^###100

(14578) quarticu-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^####100

(14579) quinticu-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^(#^5)100

(14580) sexticu-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^(#^6)100

(14581) septicu-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^(#^7)100

(14582) octicu-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^(#^8)100

(14583) nonicu-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^(#^9)100

(14584) decicu-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^(#^10)100


(14585) ennacthulhum-ipso-godgahlah = E100(#{7}#)^#^#100

(14586) ennacthulhum-ipso-tethrathoth = E100(#{7}#)^#^^#100

(14587) ennacthulhum-ipso-pentacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^#^^^#100

(14588) ennacthulhum-ipso-hexacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^#^^^^#100

(14589) ennacthulhum-ipso-heptacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^(#{5}#)100

(14590) ennacthulhum-ipso-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^(#{6}#)100

(14591) ennacthulhum-ipso-ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^(#{7}#)100


(14592) dutetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^(#{7}#)100

(14593) tritetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^(#{7}#)^(#{7}#)100

(14594) quadratetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^(#{7}#)^(#{7}#)^(#{7}#)100

= E100(#{7}#)^^#4

(14595) quinquatetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^#5

(14596) sexatetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^#6

(14597) septatetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^#7

(14598) octatetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^#8

(14599) nonatetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^#9

(14600) decatetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^#10


(14601) terrible ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^#100

(14602) terrisquared ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^##100

(14603) terricubed ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^###100

(14604) territesserated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^####100

(14605) terripenterated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^(#^5)100

(14606) terrihexerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^(#^6)100

(14607) terrihepterated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^(#^7)100

(14608) terriocterated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^(#^8)100

(14609) terriennerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^(#^9)100

(14610) terridekerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^(#^10)100


(14611) godgahlah-tetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^#^#100

(14612) tethrathoth-tetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^#^^#100

(14613) pentacthulhum-tetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^#^^^#100

(14614) hexacthulhum-tetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^#^^^^#100

(14615) heptacthulhum-tetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^(#{5}#)100

(14616) ogdacthulhum-tetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^(#{6}#)100

(14617) ennacthulhum-tetrated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^(#{7}#)100


(14618) dupentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^(#{7}#)100

(14619) tripentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^(#{7}#)^^(#{7}#)100

(14620) quadrapentated ennacthulhum

= E100(#{7}#)^^(#{7}#)^^(#{7}#)^^(#{7}#)100

= E100(#{7}#)^^^#4

(14621) quinquapentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^#5

(14622) sexapentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^#6

(14623) septapentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^#7

(14624) octapentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^#8

(14625) nonapentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^#9

(14626) decapentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^#10


(14627) horrible ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^#100

(14628) horrisquared ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^##100

(14629) horricubed ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^###100

(14630) horritesserated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^####100

(14631) horripenterated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^(#^5)100

(14632) horrihexerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^(#^6)100

(14633) horrihepterated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^(#^7)100

(14634) horriocterated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^(#^8)100

(14635) horriennerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^(#^9)100

(14636) horridekerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^(#^10)100


(14637) godgahlah-pentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^#^#100

(14638) tethrathoth-pentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^#^^#100

(14639) pentacthulhum-pentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^#^^^#100

(14640) hexacthulhum-pentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^#^^^^#100

(14641) heptacthulhum-pentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^(#{5}#)100

(14642) ogdacthulhum-pentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^(#{6}#)100

(14643) ennacthulhum-pentated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^(#{7}#)100


(14644) duhexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^(#{7}#)100

(14645) trihexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^(#{7}#)^^^(#{7}#)100

(14646) quadrahexated ennacthulhum

= E100(#{7}#)^^^(#{7}#)^^^(#{7}#)^^^(#{7}#)100

= E100(#{7}#)^^^^#4

(14647) quinquahexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^#5

(14648) sexahexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^#6

(14649) septahexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^#7

(14650) octahexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^#8

(14651) nonahexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^#9

(14652) decahexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^#10


(14653) horrendous ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^#100

(14654) horrendosquared ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^##100

(14655) horrendocubed ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^###100

(14656) horrendotesserated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^####100

(14657) horrendopenterated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^(#^5)100

(14658) horrendohexerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^(#^6)100

(14659) horrendohepterated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^(#^7)100

(14660) horrendo-octerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^(#^8)100

(14661) horrendo-ennerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^(#^9)100

(14662) horrendodekerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^(#^10)100


(14663) godgahlah-hexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^#^#100

(14664) tethrathoth-hexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^#^^#100

(14665) pentacthulhum-hexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^#^^^#100

(14666) hexacthulhum-hexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^#^^^^#100

(14667) heptacthulhum-hexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^(#{5}#)100

(14668) ogdacthulhum-hexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^(#{6}#)100

(14669) ennacthulhum-hexated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^(#{7}#)100


(14670) duheptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^(#{7}#)100

(14671) triheptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#)^^^^(#{7}#)^^^^(#{7}#)100

(14672) quadraheptated ennacthulhum

= E100(#{7}#)^^^^(#{7}#)^^^^(#{7}#)^^^^(#{7}#)100

= E100(#{7}#){5}#4

(14673) quinquaheptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}#5

(14674) sexaheptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}#6

(14675) septaheptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}#7

(14676) octaheptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}#8

(14677) nonaheptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}#9

(14678) decaheptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}#10


(14679) heptorrendous ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}#100

(14680) heptorrendosquared ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}##100

(14681) heptorrendocubed ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}###100

(14682) heptorrendotesserated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}####100

(14683) heptorrendopenterated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}(#^5)100

(14684) heptorrendohexerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}(#^6)100

(14685) heptorrendohepterated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}(#^7)100

(14686) heptorrendo-octerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}(#^8)100

(14687) heptorrendo-ennerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}(#^9)100

(14688) heptorrendodekerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}(#^10)100


(14689) godgahlah-heptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}#^#100

(14690) tethrathoth-heptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}#^^#100

(14691) pentacthulhum-heptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}#^^^#100

(14692) hexacthulhum-heptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}#^^^^#100

(14693) heptacthulhum-heptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}(#{5}#)100

(14694) ogdacthulhum-heptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}(#{6}#)100

(14695) ennacthulhum-heptated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}(#{7}#)100


(14696) du-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}(#{7}#)100

(14697) tri-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){5}(#{7}#){5}(#{7}#)100

(14698) quadra-octated ennacthulhum

= E100(#{7}#){5}(#{7}#){5}(#{7}#){5}(#{7}#)100

= E100(#{7}#){6}#4

(14699) quinqua-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}#5

(14700) sexa-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}#6

(14701) septa-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}#7

(14702) octa-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}#8

(14703) nona-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}#9

(14704) deca-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}#10


(14705) ogdorrendous ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}#100

(14706) ogdorrendosquared ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}##100

(14707) ogdorrendocubed ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}###100

(14708) ogdorrendotesserated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}####100

(14709) ogdorrendopenterated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}(#^5)100

(14710) ogdorrendohexerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}(#^6)100

(14711) ogdorrendohepterated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}(#^7)100

(14712) ogdorrendo-octerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}(#^8)100

(14713) ogdorrendo-ennerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}(#^9)100

(14714) ogdorrendodekerated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}(#^10)100


(14715) godgahlah-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}#^#100

(14716) tethrathoth-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}#^^#100

(14717) pentacthulhum-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}#^^^#100

(14718) hexacthulhum-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}#^^^^#100

(14719) heptacthulhum-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}(#{5}#)100

(14720) ogdacthulhum-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}(#{6}#)100

(14721) ennacthulhum-octated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}(#{7}#)100


(14722) du-ennated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}(#{7}#)100

(14723) tri-ennated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){6}(#{7}#){6}(#{7}#)100

(14724) quadra-ennated ennacthulhum

= E100(#{7}#){6}(#{7}#){6}(#{7}#){6}(#{7}#)100

= E100(#{7}#){7}#4

(14725) quinqua-ennated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){7}#5

(14726) sexa-ennated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){7}#6

(14727) septa-ennated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){7}#7

(14728) octa-ennated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){7}#8

(14729) nona-ennated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){7}#9

(14730) deca-ennated ennacthulhum = E100(#{7}#){7}#10


(14731) ennadeucthulhum = E100(#{7}#){7}#100

(14732) ennatritocthulhum = E100((#{7}#){7}#){7}#100

(14733) ennatetertocthulhum = E100(((#{7}#){7}#){7}#){7}#100

= E100#{7}#>#4

(14734) ennapeptocthulhum = E100#{7}#>#5

(14735) enna-extocthulhum = E100#{7}#>#6

(14736) enna-eptocthulhum = E100#{7}#>#7

(14737) enna-ogdocthulhum = E100#{7}#>#8

(14738) enna-entocthulhum = E100#{7}#>#9

(14739) enna-dekatocthulhum = E100#{7}#>#10


(14740) ennacthuliterator = E100#{7}#>#100

also (14741) ennacthulhum ba'al

(14742) grand ennacthuliterator = E100#{7}#>#100#2

also (14743) great and ennorrendous ennacthulhum


(14744) godgahlah-turreted-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#>#^#100

(14745) tethrathoth-turreted-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#>#^^#100

(14746) pentacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#>#^^^#100

(14747) hexacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#>#^^^^#100

(14748) heptacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#>#{5}#100

(14749) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#>#{6}#100

(14750) ennacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#>#{7}#100


(14751) dustaculated ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#>#{7}#100

(14752) tristaculated ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#>#{7}#>#{7}#100

(14753) tetrastaculated ennacthulhum

= E100#{7}#>#{7}#>#{7}#>#{7}#100

= E100#{7}##4

(14754) pentastaculated ennacthulhum = E100#{7}##5

(14755) hexastaculated ennacthulhum = E100#{7}##6

(14756) heptastaculated ennacthulhum = E100#{7}##7

(14757) ogdastaculated ennacthulhum = E100#{7}##8

(14758) ennastaculated ennacthulhum = E100#{7}##9

(14759) dekastaculated ennacthulhum = E100#{7}##10


(14760) ennacthulcross = E100#{7}##100

(14761) ennacthulitercross E100#{7}##>#100

(14762) godgahlah-turreted-ennathulcross = E100#{7}##>#^#100

(14763) tethrathoth-turreted-ennacthulcross = E100#{7}##>#^^#100

(14764) pentacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulcross = E100#{7}##>#^^^#100

(14765) hexacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulcross = E100#{7}##>#^^^^#100

(14766) heptacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulcross = E100#{7}##>#{5}#100

(14767) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulcross = E100#{7}##>#{6}#100

(14768) ennacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulcross = E100#{7}##>#{7}#100

(14769) ennacthulcross-turreted-ennacthulcross = E100#{7}##>#{7}##100


(14770) dustaculated ennacthulcross = E100#{7}##>#{7}##100

(14771) tristaculated ennacthulcross = E100#{7}##>#{7}##>#{7}##100

(14772) tetrastaculated ennacthulcross = E100#{7}##>#{7}##>#{7}##>#{7}##100

= E100#{7}###4

(14773) pentastaculated ennacthulcross = E100#{7}###5

(14774) hexastaculated ennacthulcross = E100#{7}###6

(14775) heptastaculated ennacthulcross = E100#{7}###7

(14776) ogdastaculated ennacthulcross = E100#{7}###8

(14777) ennastaculated ennacthulcross = E100#{7}###9

(14778) dekastaculated ennacthulcross = E100#{7}###10


(14779) ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}###100

(14780) ennacthulitercubor E100#{7}###>#100

(14781) godgahlah-turreted-ennathulcubor = E100#{7}###>#^#100

(14782) tethrathoth-turreted-ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}###>#^^#100

(14783) pentacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}###>#^^^#100

(14784) hexacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}###>#^^^^#100

(14785) heptacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}###>#{5}#100

(14786) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}###>#{6}#100

(14787) ennacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}###>#{7}#100

(14788) ennacthulcross-turreted-ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}###>#{7}##100

(14789) ennacthulcubor-turreted-ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}###>#{7}###100


(14790) dustaculated ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}###>#{7}###100

(14791) tristaculated ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}###>#{7}###>#{7}###100

(14792) tetrastaculated ennacthulcubor

= E100#{7}###>#{7}###>#{7}###>#{7}###100

= E100#{7}####4

(14793) pentastaculated ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}####5

(14794) hexastaculated ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}####6

(14795) heptastaculated ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}####7

(14796) ogdastaculated ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}####8

(14797) ennastaculated ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}####9

(14798) dekastaculated ennacthulcubor = E100#{7}####10


(14799) ennacthulteron = E100#{7}####100

(14800) ennacthuliterteron E100#{7}####>#100

(14801) godgahlah-turreted-ennathulteron = E100#{7}####>#^#100

(14802) tethrathoth-turreted-ennacthulteron = E100#{7}####>#^^#100

(14803) pentacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulteron = E100#{7}####>#^^^#100

(14804) hexacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulteron = E100#{7}####>#^^^^#100

(14805) heptacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulteron = E100#{7}####>#{5}#100

(14806) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulteron = E100#{7}####>#{6}#100

(14807) ennacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulteron = E100#{7}####>#{7}#100

(14808) ennacthulcross-turreted-ennacthulteron = E100#{7}####>#{7}##100

(14809) ennacthulcubor-turreted-ennacthulteron = E100#{7}####>#{7}###100

(14810) ennacthulteron-turreted-ennacthulteron = E100#{7}####>#{7}####100


(14811) dustaculated ennacthulteron = E100#{7}####>#{7}####100

(14812) tristaculated ennacthulteron = E100#{7}####>#{7}####>#{7}####100

(14813) tetrastaculated ennacthulteron

= E100#{7}####>#{7}####>#{7}####>#{7}####100

= E100#{7}(#^5)4

(14814) pentastaculated ennacthulteron = E100#{7}(#^5)5

(14815) hexastaculated ennacthulteron = E100#{7}(#^5)6

(14816) heptastaculated ennacthulteron = E100#{7}(#^5)7

(14817) ogdastaculated ennacthulteron = E100#{7}(#^5)8

(14818) ennastaculated ennacthulteron = E100#{7}(#^5)9

(14819) dekastaculated ennacthulteron = E100#{7}(#^5)10


(14820) ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)100

(14821) ennacthuliterpeton E100#{7}(#^5)>#100

(14822) godgahlah-turreted-ennathulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)>#^#100

(14823) tethrathoth-turreted-ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)>#^^#100

(14824) pentacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)>#^^^#100

(14825) hexacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)>#^^^^#100

(14826) heptacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)>#{5}#100

(14827) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)>#{6}#100

(14828) ennacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)>#{7}#100

(14829) ennacthulcross-turreted-ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)>#{7}##100

(14830) ennacthulcubor-turreted-ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)>#{7}###100

(14831) ennacthulteron-turreted-ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)>#{7}####100

(14832) ennacthulpeton-turreted-ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)>#{7}(#^5)100


(14833) dustaculated ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)>#{7}(#^5)100

(14834) tristaculated ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^5)>#{7}(#^5)>#{7}(#^5)100

(14835) tetrastaculated ennacthulpeton

= E100#{7}(#^5)>#{7}(#^5)>#{7}(#^5)>#{7}(#^5)100

= E100#{7}(#^6)4

(14836) pentastaculated ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^6)5

(14837) hexastaculated ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^6)6

(14838) heptastaculated ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^6)7

(14839) ogdastaculated ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^6)8

(14840) ennastaculated ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^6)9

(14841) dekastaculated ennacthulpeton = E100#{7}(#^6)10


(14842) ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)100

(14843) ennacthuliterhexon E100#{7}(#^6)>#100

(14844) godgahlah-turreted-ennathulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#^#100

(14845) tethrathoth-turreted-ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#^^#100

(14846) pentacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#^^^#100

(14847) hexacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#^^^^#100

(14848) heptacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#{5}#100

(14849) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#{6}#100

(14850) ennacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#{7}#100

(14851) ennacthulcross-turreted-ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#{7}##100

(14852) ennacthulcubor-turreted-ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#{7}###100

(14853) ennacthulteron-turreted-ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#{7}####100

(14854) ennacthulpeton-turreted-ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#{7}(#^5)100

(14855) ennacthulhexon-turreted-ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#{7}(#^6)100


(14856) dustaculated ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#{7}(#^6)100

(14857) tristaculated ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^6)>#{7}(#^6)>#{7}(#^6)100

(14858) tetrastaculated ennacthulhexon

= E100#{7}(#^6)>#{7}(#^6)>#{7}(#^6)>#{7}(#^6)100

= E100#{7}(#^7)4

(14859) pentastaculated ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^7)5

(14860) hexastaculated ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^7)6

(14861) heptastaculated ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^7)7

(14862) ogdastaculated ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^7)8

(14863) ennastaculated ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^7)9

(14864) dekastaculated ennacthulhexon = E100#{7}(#^7)10


(14865) ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)100

(14866) ennacthuliterhepton E100#{7}(#^7)>#100

(14867) godgahlah-turreted-ennathulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#^#100

(14868) tethrathoth-turreted-ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#^^#100

(14869) pentacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#^^^#100

(14870) hexacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#^^^^#100

(14871) heptacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#{5}#100

(14872) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#{6}#100

(14873) ennacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#{7}#100

(14874) ennacthulcross-turreted-ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#{7}##100

(14875) ennacthulcubor-turreted-ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#{7}###100

(14876) ennacthulteron-turreted-ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#{7}####100

(14877) ennacthulpeton-turreted-ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#{7}(#^5)100

(14878) ennacthulhexon-turreted-ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#{7}(#^6)100

(14879) ennacthulhepton-turreted-ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#{7}(#^7)100


(14880) dustaculated ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#{7}(#^7)100

(14881) tristaculated ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^7)>#{7}(#^7)>#{7}(#^7)100

(14882) tetrastaculated ennacthulhepton

= E100#{7}(#^7)>#{7}(#^7)>#{7}(#^7)>#{7}(#^7)100

= E100#{7}(#^8)4

(14883) pentastaculated ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^8)5

(14884) hexastaculated ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^8)6

(14885) heptastaculated ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^8)7

(14886) ogdastaculated ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^8)8

(14887) ennastaculated ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^8)9

(14888) dekastaculated ennacthulhepton = E100#{7}(#^8)10


(14889) ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)100

(14890) ennacthuliter-ogdon E100#{7}(#^8)>#100

(14891) godgahlah-turreted-ennathul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#^#100

(14892) tethrathoth-turreted-ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#^^#100

(14893) pentacthulhum-turreted-ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#^^^#100

(14894) hexacthulhum-turreted-ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#^^^^#100

(14895) heptacthulhum-turreted-ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#{5}#100

(14896) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#{6}#100

(14897) ennacthulhum-turreted-ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#{7}#100

(14898) ennacthulcross-turreted-ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#{7}##100

(14899) ennacthulcubor-turreted-ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#{7}###100

(14900) ennacthulteron-turreted-ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#{7}####100

(14901) ennacthulpeton-turreted-ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#{7}(#^5)100

(14902) ennacthulhexon-turreted-ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#{7}(#^6)100

(14903) ennacthulhepton-turreted-ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#{7}(#^7)100

(14904) ennacthul-ogdon-turreted-ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#{7}(#^8)100


(14905) dustaculated ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#{7}(#^8)100

(14906) tristaculated ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^8)>#{7}(#^8)>#{7}(#^8)100

(14907) tetrastaculated ennacthul-ogdon

= E100#{7}(#^8)>#{7}(#^8)>#{7}(#^8)>#{7}(#^8)100

= E100#{7}(#^9)4

(14908) pentastaculated ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^9)5

(14909) hexastaculated ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^9)6

(14910) heptastaculated ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^9)7

(14911) ogdastaculated ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^9)8

(14912) ennastaculated ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^9)9

(14913) dekastaculated ennacthul-ogdon = E100#{7}(#^9)10


(14914) ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)100

(14915) ennacthuliter-ennon E100#{7}(#^9)>#100

(14916) godgahlah-turreted-ennathulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#^#100

(14917) tethrathoth-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#^^#100

(14918) pentacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#^^^#100

(14919) hexacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#^^^^#100

(14920) heptacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#{5}#100

(14921) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#{6}#100

(14922) ennacthulhum-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#{7}#100

(14923) ennacthulcross-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#{7}##100

(14924) ennacthulcubor-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#{7}###100

(14925) ennacthulteron-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#{7}####100

(14926) ennacthulpeton-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#{7}(#^5)100

(14927) ennacthulhexon-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#{7}(#^6)100

(14928) ennacthulhepton-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#{7}(#^7)100

(14929) ennacthul-ogdon-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#{7}(#^8)100

(14930) ennacthulennon-turreted-ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#{7}(#^9)100


(14931) dustaculated ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#{7}(#^9)100

(14932) tristaculated ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^9)>#{7}(#^9)>#{7}(#^9)100

(14933) tetrastaculated ennacthulennon

= E100#{7}(#^9)>#{7}(#^9)>#{7}(#^9)>#{7}(#^9)100

= E100#{7}(#^10)4

(14934) pentastaculated ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^10)5

(14935) hexastaculated ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^10)6

(14936) heptastaculated ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^10)7

(14937) ogdastaculated ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^10)8

(14938) ennastaculated ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^10)9

(14939) dekastaculated ennacthulennon = E100#{7}(#^10)10


(14940) ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)100

(14941) ennacthuliterdekon E100#{7}(#^10)>#100

(14942) godgahlah-turreted-ennathuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#^#100

(14943) tethrathoth-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#^^#100

(14944) pentacthulhum-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#^^^#100

(14945) hexacthulhum-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#^^^^#100

(14946) heptacthulhum-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{5}#100

(14947) ogdacthulhum-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{6}#100

(14948) ennacthulhum-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{7}#100

(14949) ennacthulcross-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{7}##100

(14950) ennacthulcubor-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{7}###100

(14951) ennacthulteron-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{7}####100

(14952) ennacthulpeton-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{7}(#^5)100

(14953) ennacthulhexon-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{7}(#^6)100

(14954) ennacthulhepton-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{7}(#^7)100

(14955) ennacthul-ogdon-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{7}(#^8)100

(14956) ennacthulennon-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{7}(#^9)100

(14957) ennacthuldekon-turreted-ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{7}(#^10)100


(14958) dustaculated ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{7}(#^10)100

(14959) tristaculated ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^10)>#{7}(#^10)>#{7}(#^10)100

(14960) tetrastaculated ennacthuldekon

= E100#{7}(#^10)>#{7}(#^10)>#{7}(#^10)>#{7}(#^10)100

= E100#{7}(#^11)4

(14961) pentastaculated ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^11)5

(14962) hexastaculated ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^11)6

(14963) heptastaculated ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^11)7

(14964) ogdastaculated ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^11)8

(14965) ennastaculated ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^11)9

(14966) dekastaculated ennacthuldekon = E100#{7}(#^11)10


(14967) ennacthulhendekon = E100(#{7}#^11)100

(14968) ennacthuldodekon = E100(#{7}#^12)100

(14969) ennacthultredekon = E100(#{7}#^13)100

(14970) ennacthulterdekon = E100(#{7}#^14)100

(14971) ennacthulpedekon = E100(#{7}#^15)100

(14972) ennacthul-exdekon = E100(#{7}#^16)100

(14973) ennacthul-epdekon = E100(#{7}#^17)100

(14974) ennacthul-ogdekon = E100(#{7}#^18)100

(14975) ennacthul-enndekon = E100(#{7}#^19)100

(14976) ennacthul-icoson = E100(#{7}#^20)100


(14977) ennacthul-trianton = E100(#{7}#^30)100

(14978) ennacthul-saranton = E100(#{7}#^40)100

(14979) ennacthul-peninton = E100(#{7}#^50)100

(14980) ennacthul-exinton = E100(#{7}#^60)100

(14981) ennacthul-ebdominton = E100(#{7}#^70)100

(14982) ennacthul-ogdonton = E100(#{7}#^80)100

(14983) ennacthul-eneninton = E100(#{7}#^90)100

(14984) ennacthul-enneneninton = E100(#{7}#^99)100


(14985) ennacthulhecton = E100(#{7}#^100)100

(14986) grand ennacthulhecton = E100(#{7}#^100)100#2

= E100(#{7}#^100)ennacthulhecton


(14987) ennacthultope = E100#{7}#^#100

= E100(#{7}#^100)100

(14988) grand ennacthultope = E100#{7}#^#100#2

= E100(#{7}#^ennacthultope)100


(14989) ennacthul-lattitope = E100#{7}#^##100

(14990) ennacthul-cubitope = E100#{7}#^###100

(14991) ennacthul-quarticutope = E100#{7}#^####100

(14992) ennacthul-quinticutope = E100#{7}(#^#^5)100

(14993) ennacthul-sexticutope = E100#{7}(#^#^6)100

(14994) ennacthul-septicutope = E100#{7}(#^#^7)100

(14995) ennacthul-octicutope = E100#{7}(#^#^8)100

(14996) ennacthul-nonicutope = E100#{7}(#^#^9)100

(14997) ennacthul-decicutope = E100#{7}(#^#^10)100


(14998) ennacthulto-godgathor = E100#{7}#^#^#100

(14999) ennacthulto-godtothol = E100#{7}#^#^#^#100


(15000) ennacthulto-tethrathoth = E100#{7}#^^#100

(15001) ennacthulto-pentacthulhum = E100#{7}#^^^#100

(15002) ennacthulto-hexacthulhum = E100#{7}#^^^^#100

(15003) ennacthulto-heptacthulhum = E100#{7}#{5}#100

(15004) ennacthulto-ogdacthulhum = E100#{7}#{6}#100

(15005) ennacthulto-ennacthulhum = E100#{7}#{7}#100


(15006) ennacthularxitri = E100#{7}#{7}#100

(15007) ennacthularxitet = E100#{7}#{7}#{7}#100

= E100#{8}#4

(15008) ennacthularxipent = E100#{8}#5

(15009) ennacthularxihex = E100#{8}#6

(15010) ennacthularxihept = E100#{8}#7

(15011) ennacthularxi-ogd = E100#{8}#8

(15012) ennacthularxi-enn = E100#{8}#9

(15013) ennacthularxideck = E100#{8}#10


(15014) ennacthularxicose = E100#{8}#20

(15015) ennacthularxitriane = E100#{8}#30

(15016) ennacthularxisarane = E100#{8}#40

(15017) ennacthularxipenine = E100#{8}#50

(15018) ennacthularxi-exine = E100#{8}#60

(15019) ennacthularxi-ebdomine = E100#{8}#70

(15020) ennacthularxi-ogdone = E100#{8}#80

(15021) ennacthularxi-enenine = E100#{8}#90



(15022) ennacthularxigole = E100#{8}#50



(15023) ennacthularxihect = E100#{8}#100

(15024) ennacthularxigigas = E100#{8}#500

(15025) ennacthularxichill = E100#{8}#1000

(15026) ennacthularximyr = E100#{8}#10,000

(15027) ennacthularxigong = E100#{8}#100,000

(15028) ennacthularxi-octad = E100#{8}#100,000,000

(15029) ennacthularxi-sedeniad = E100#{8}#10,000,000,000,000,000


further still...

(15030) ennacthularxi-googol = E100#{8}#(E100)

(15031) ennacthularxi-grangol = E100#{8}#(E100#100)

(15032) ennacthularxi-godgahlah = E100#{8}#(E100#^#100)

(15033) ennacthularxi-tethrathoth = E100#{8}#(E100#^^#100)

(15034) ennacthularxi-pentacthulhum = E100#{8}#(E100#^^^#100)

(15035) ennacthularxi-hexacthulhum = E100#{8}#(E100#^^^^#100)

(15036) ennacthularxi-heptacthulhum = E100#{8}#(E100#{5}#100)

(15037) ennacthularxi-ogdacthulhum = E100#{8}#(E100#{6}#100)

(15038) ennacthularxi-ennacthulhum = E100#{8}#(E100#{7}#100)

(15039) ennacthularxi-ennacthularxitri = E100#{8}#(E100#{7}#{7}#100)

(15040) ennacthularxi-ennacthularxitet = E100#{8}#(E100#{7}#{7}#{7}#100)

= E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#4)

(15041) ennacthularxi-ennacthularxipent = E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#5)

(15042) ennacthularxi-ennacthularxihex = E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#6)

(15043) ennacthularxi-ennacthularxihept = E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#7)

(15044) ennacthularxi-ennacthularxi-ogd = E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#8)

(15045) ennacthularxi-ennacthularxi-enn = E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#9)

(15046) ennacthularxi-ennacthularxideck = E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#10)


(15047) ennacthularxi-ennacthularxihect = E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#100)

(15048) ennacthularxi-ennacthularxi-ennacthularxihect

= E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#100))

(15049) ennacthularxi-ennacthularxi-ennacthularxi-ennacthularxihect

= E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#100)))

(15050) ennacthularxi-ennacthularxi-ennacthularxi-ennacthularxi-ennacthularxihect

= E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#(E100#{8}#100))))



Super Regiment

Category 86

Members: 560

(15051 - 15610)


... at last we reach ...

(15051) dekacthulhum = E100#^^^^^^^^#100 = E100#{8}#100

(15052) grand dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#100#2 = E100#{8}#dekacthulhum


(15053) grangol-carta-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#100#100

(15054) godgahlah-carta-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#100#^#100

(15055) tethrathoth-carta-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#100#^^#100

(15056) pentacthulhum-carta-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#100#^^^#100

(15057) hexacthulhum-carta-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#100#^^^^#100

(15058) heptacthulhum-carta-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#100#{5}#100

(15059) ogdacthulhum-carta-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#100#{6}#100

(15060) ennacthulhum-carta-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#100#{7}#100

(15061) dekacthulhum-carta-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#100#{8}#100


(15062) dekacthulhum-by-deuteron = E100#{8}#100#{8}#100

(15063) dekacthulhum-by-triton = E100#{8}#100#{8}#100#{8}#100

(15064) dekacthulhum-by-teterton = E100#{8}#100#{8}#100#{8}#100#{8}#100

= E100#{8}#*#5

(15065) dekacthulhum-by-pepton = E100#{8}#*#6

(15066) dekacthulhum-by-exton = E100#{8}#*#7

(15067) dekacthulhum-by-epton = E100#{8}#*#8

(15068) dekacthulhum-by-ogdon = E100#{8}#*#9

(15069) dekacthulhum-by-enton = E100#{8}#*#10

(15070) dekacthulhum-by-dekaton = E100#{8}#*#11


(15071) dekacthulhum-by-hyperion = E100#{8}#*#100

(15072) dekacthulhum-by-godgahlah = E100#{8}#*#^#100

(15073) dekacthulhum-by-tethrathoth = E100#{8}#*#^^#100

(15074) dekacthulhum-by-pentacthulhum = E100#{8}#*#^^^#100

(15075) dekacthulhum-by-hexacthulhum = E100#{8}#*#^^^^#100

(15076) dekacthulhum-by-heptacthulhum = E100#{8}#*#{5}#100

(15077) dekacthulhum-by-ogdacthulhum = E100#{8}#*#{6}#100

(15078) dekacthulhum-by-ennacthulhum = E100#{8}#*#{7}#100

(15079) dekacthulhum-by-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#*#{8}#100


(15080) deutero-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#*#{8}#100

(15081) trito-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#*#{8}#*#{8}#100

(15082) teterto-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#*#{8}#*#{8}#*#{8}#100

= E100(#{8}#)^#4

(15083) pepto-dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^#5

(15084) exto-dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^#6

(15085) epto-dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^#7

(15086) ogdo-dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^#8

(15087) ento-dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^#9

(15088) dekato-dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^#10


(15089) dekacthulhufact = E100(#{8}#)^#100

(15090) quadratadekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^##100

(15091) kubikudekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^###100

(15092) quarticudekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^####100

(15093) quinticudekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^(#^5)100

(15094) sexticudekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^(#^6)100

(15095) septicudekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^(#^7)100

(15096) octicudekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^(#^8)100

(15097) nonicudekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^(#^9)100

(15098) decicudekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^(#^10)100


(15099) dekacthulhum-ipso-godgahlah = E100(#{8}#)^#^#100

(15100) dekacthulhum-ipso-tethrathoth = E100(#{8}#)^#^^#100

(15101) dekacthulhum-ipso-pentacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^#^^^#100

(15102) dekacthulhum-ipso-hexacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^#^^^^#100

(15103) dekacthulhum-ipso-heptacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^(#{5}#)100

(15104) dekacthulhum-ipso-ogdacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^(#{6}#)100

(15105) dekacthulhum-ipso-ennacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^(#{7}#)100

(15106) dekacthulhum-ipso-dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^(#{8}#)100


(15107) dutetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^(#{8}#)100

(15108) tritetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^(#{8}#)^(#{8}#)100

(15109) quadratetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^(#{8}#)^(#{8}#)^(#{8}#)100

= E100(#{8}#)^^#4

(15110) quinquatetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^#5

(15111) sexatetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^#6

(15112) septatetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^#7

(15113) octatetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^#8

(15114) nonatetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^#9

(15115) decatetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^#10


(15116) terrible dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^#100

(15117) terrisquared dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^##100

(15118) terricubed dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^###100

(15119) territesserated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^####100

(15120) terripenterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^(#^5)100

(15121) terrihexerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^(#^6)100

(15122) terrihepterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^(#^7)100

(15123) terriocterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^(#^8)100

(15124) terriennerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^(#^9)100

(15125) terridekerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^(#^10)100


(15126) godgahlah-tetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^#^#100

(15127) tethrathoth-tetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^#^^#100

(15128) pentacthulhum-tetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^#^^^#100

(15129) hexacthulhum-tetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^#^^^^#100

(15130) heptacthulhum-tetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^(#{5}#)100

(15131) ogdacthulhum-tetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^(#{6}#)100

(15132) ennacthulhum-tetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^(#{7}#)100

(15133) dekacthulhum-tetrated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^(#{8}#)100


(15134) dupentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^(#{8}#)100

(15135) tripentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^(#{8}#)^^(#{8}#)100

(15136) quadrapentated dekacthulhum

= E100(#{8}#)^^(#{8}#)^^(#{8}#)^^(#{8}#)100

= E100(#{8}#)^^^#4

(15137) quinquapentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^#5

(15138) sexapentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^#6

(15139) septapentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^#7

(15140) octapentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^#8

(15141) nonapentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^#9

(15142) decapentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^#10


(15143) horrible dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^#100

(15144) horrisquared dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^##100

(15145) horricubed dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^###100

(15146) horritesserated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^####100

(15147) horripenterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^(#^5)100

(15148) horrihexerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^(#^6)100

(15149) horrihepterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^(#^7)100

(15150) horriocterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^(#^8)100

(15151) horriennerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^(#^9)100

(15152) horridekerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^(#^10)100


(15153) godgahlah-pentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^#^#100

(15154) tethrathoth-pentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^#^^#100

(15155) pentacthulhum-pentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^#^^^#100

(15156) hexacthulhum-pentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^#^^^^#100

(15157) heptacthulhum-pentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^(#{5}#)100

(15158) ogdacthulhum-pentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^(#{6}#)100

(15159) ennacthulhum-pentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^(#{7}#)100

(15160) dekacthulhum-pentated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^(#{8}#)100


(15161) duhexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^(#{8}#)100

(15162) trihexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^(#{8}#)^^^(#{8}#)100

(15163) quadrahexated dekacthulhum

= E100(#{8}#)^^^(#{8}#)^^^(#{8}#)^^^(#{8}#)100

= E100(#{8}#)^^^^#4

(15164) quinquahexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^#5

(15165) sexahexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^#6

(15166) septahexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^#7

(15167) octahexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^#8

(15168) nonahexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^#9

(15169) decahexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^#10


(15170) horrendous dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^#100

(15171) horrendosquared dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^##100

(15172) horrendocubed dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^###100

(15173) horrendotesserated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^####100

(15174) horrendopenterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^(#^5)100

(15175) horrendohexerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^(#^6)100

(15176) horrendohepterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^(#^7)100

(15177) horrendo-octerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^(#^8)100

(15178) horrendo-ennerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^(#^9)100

(15179) horrendodekerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^(#^10)100


(15180) godgahlah-hexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^#^#100

(15181) tethrathoth-hexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^#^^#100

(15182) pentacthulhum-hexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^#^^^#100

(15183) hexacthulhum-hexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^#^^^^#100

(15184) heptacthulhum-hexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^(#{5}#)100

(15185) ogdacthulhum-hexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^(#{6}#)100

(15186) ennacthulhum-hexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^(#{7}#)100

(15187) dekacthulhum-hexated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^(#{8}#)100


(15188) duheptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^(#{8}#)100

(15189) triheptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#)^^^^(#{8}#)^^^^(#{8}#)100

(15190) quadraheptated dekacthulhum

= E100(#{8}#)^^^^(#{8}#)^^^^(#{8}#)^^^^(#{8}#)100

= E100(#{8}#){5}#4

(15191) quinquaheptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}#5

(15192) sexaheptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}#6

(15193) septaheptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}#7

(15194) octaheptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}#8

(15195) nonaheptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}#9

(15196) decaheptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}#10


(15197) heptorrendous dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}#100

(15198) heptorrendosquared dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}##100

(15199) heptorrendocubed dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}###100

(15200) heptorrendotesserated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}####100

(15201) heptorrendopenterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}(#^5)100

(15202) heptorrendohexerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}(#^6)100

(15203) heptorrendohepterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}(#^7)100

(15204) heptorrendo-octerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}(#^8)100

(15205) heptorrendo-ennerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}(#^9)100

(15206) heptorrendodekerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}(#^10)100


(15207) godgahlah-heptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}#^#100

(15208) tethrathoth-heptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}#^^#100

(15209) pentacthulhum-heptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}#^^^#100

(15210) hexacthulhum-heptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}#^^^^#100

(15211) heptacthulhum-heptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}(#{5}#)100

(15212) ogdacthulhum-heptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}(#{6}#)100

(15213) ennacthulhum-heptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}(#{7}#)100

(15214) dekacthulhum-heptated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}(#{8}#)100


(15215) du-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}(#{8}#)100

(15216) tri-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){5}(#{8}#){5}(#{8}#)100

(15217) quadra-octated dekacthulhum

= E100(#{8}#){5}(#{8}#){5}(#{8}#){5}(#{8}#)100

= E100(#{8}#){6}#4

(15218) quinqua-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}#5

(15219) sexa-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}#6

(15220) septa-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}#7

(15221) octa-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}#8

(15222) nona-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}#9

(15223) deca-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}#10


(15224) ogdorrendous dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}#100

(15225) ogdorrendosquared dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}##100

(15226) ogdorrendocubed dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}###100

(15227) ogdorrendotesserated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}####100

(15228) ogdorrendopenterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}(#^5)100

(15229) ogdorrendohexerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}(#^6)100

(15230) ogdorrendohepterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}(#^7)100

(15231) ogdorrendo-octerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}(#^8)100

(15232) ogdorrendo-ennerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}(#^9)100

(15233) ogdorrendodekerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}(#^10)100


(15234) godgahlah-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}#^#100

(15235) tethrathoth-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}#^^#100

(15236) pentacthulhum-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}#^^^#100

(15237) hexacthulhum-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}#^^^^#100

(15238) heptacthulhum-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}(#{5}#)100

(15239) ogdacthulhum-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}(#{6}#)100

(15240) ennacthulhum-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}(#{7}#)100

(15241) dekacthulhum-octated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}(#{8}#)100


(15242) du-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}(#{8}#)100

(15243) tri-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){6}(#{8}#){6}(#{8}#)100

(15244) quadra-ennated dekacthulhum

= E100(#{8}#){6}(#{8}#){6}(#{8}#){6}(#{8}#)100

= E100(#{8}#){7}#4

(15245) quinqua-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}#5

(15246) sexa-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}#6

(15247) septa-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}#7

(15248) octa-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}#8

(15249) nona-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}#9

(15250) deca-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}#10


(15251) ennorrendous dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}#100

(15252) ennorrendosquared dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}##100

(15253) ennorrendocubed dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}###100

(15254) ennorrendotesserated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}####100

(15255) ennorrendopenterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}(#^5)100

(15256) ennorrendohexerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}(#^6)100

(15257) ennorrendohepterated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}(#^7)100

(15258) ennorrendo-octerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}(#^8)100

(15259) ennorrendo-ennerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}(#^9)100

(15260) ennorrendodekerated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}(#^10)100


(15261) godgahlah-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}#^#100

(15262) tethrathoth-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}#^^#100

(15263) pentacthulhum-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}#^^^#100

(15264) hexacthulhum-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}#^^^^#100

(15265) heptacthulhum-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}(#{5}#)100

(15266) ogdacthulhum-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}(#{6}#)100

(15267) ennacthulhum-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}(#{7}#)100

(15268) dekacthulhum-ennated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}(#{8}#)100


(15269) du-dekated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}(#{8}#)100

(15270) tri-dekated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){7}(#{8}#){7}(#{8}#)100

(15271) quadra-dekated dekacthulhum

= E100(#{8}#){7}(#{8}#){7}(#{8}#){7}(#{8}#)100

= E100(#{8}#){8}#4

(15272) quinqua-dekated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){8}#5

(15273) sexa-dekated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){8}#6

(15274) septa-dekated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){8}#7

(15275) octa-dekated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){8}#8

(15276) nona-dekated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){8}#9

(15277) deca-dekated dekacthulhum = E100(#{8}#){8}#10


(15278) dekadeucthulhum = E100(#{8}#){8}#100

(15279) dekatritocthulhum = E100((#{8}#){8}#){8}#100

(15280) dekatetertocthulhum = E100(((#{8}#){8}#){8}#){8}#100

= E100#{8}#>#4

(15281) dekapeptocthulhum = E100#{8}#>#5

(15282) deka-extocthulhum = E100#{8}#>#6

(15283) deka-eptocthulhum = E100#{8}#>#7

(15284) deka-ogdocthulhum = E100#{8}#>#8

(15285) deka-entocthulhum = E100#{8}#>#9

(15286) deka-dekatocthulhum = E100#{8}#>#10


(15287) dekacthuliterator = E100#{8}#>#100

also (15288) dekacthulhum ba'al

(15289) grand dekacthuliterator = E100#{8}#>#100#2

also (15290) great and dekorrendous dekacthulhum


(15291) godgahlah-turreted-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#>#^#100

(15292) tethrathoth-turreted dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#>#^^#100

(15293) pentacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#>#^^^#100

(15294) hexacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#>#^^^^#100

(15295) heptacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#>#{5}#100

(15296) ogdacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#>#{6}#100

(15297) ennacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#>#{7}#100

(15298) dekacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#>#{8}#100


(15299) dustaculated dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#>#{8}#100

(15300) tristaculated dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#>#{8}#>#{8}#100

(15301) tetrastaculated dekacthulhum

= E100#{8}#>#{8}#>#{8}#>#{8}#100

= E100#{8}##4

(15302) pentastaculated dekacthulhum = E100#{8}##5

(15303) hexastaculated dekacthulhum = E100#{8}##6

(15304) heptastaculated dekacthulhum = E100#{8}##7

(15305) ogdastaculated dekacthulhum = E100#{8}##8

(15306) ennastaculated dekacthulhum = E100#{8}##9

(15307) dekastaculated dekacthulhum = E100#{8}##10


(15308) dekacthulcross = E100#{8}##100

(15309) dekacthulitercross = E100#{8}##>#100

(15310) godgahlah-turreted-dekacthulcross = E100#{8}##>#^#100

(15311) tethrathoth-turreted-dekacthulcross = E100#{8}##>#^^#100

(15312) pentacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulcross = E100#{8}##>#^^^#100

(15313) hexacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulcross = E100#{8}##>#^^^^#100

(15314) heptacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulcross = E100#{8}##>#{5}#100

(15315) ogdacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulcross = E100#{8}##>#{6}#100

(15316) ennacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulcross = E100#{8}##>#{7}#100

(15317) dekacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulcross= E100#{8}##>#{8}#100

(15318) dekacthulcross-turreted-dekacthulcross = E100#{8}##>#{8}##100


(15319) dustaculated dekacthulcross = E100#{8}##>#{8}##100

(15320) tristaculated dekacthulcross = E100#{8}##>#{8}##>#{8}##100

(15321) tetrastaculated dekacthulcross = E100#{8}##>#{8}##>#{8}##>#{8}##100

= E100#{8}###4

(15322) pentastaculated dekacthulcross = E100#{8}###5

(15323) hexastaculated dekacthulcross = E100#{8}###6

(15324) heptastaculated dekacthulcross = E100#{8}###7

(15325) ogdastaculated dekacthulcross = E100#{8}###8

(15326) ennastaculated dekacthulcross = E100#{8}###9

(15327) dekastaculated dekacthulcross = E100#{8}###10


(15328) dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}###100

(15329) dekacthulitercubor = E100#{8}###>#100

(15330) godgahlah-turreted-dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}###>#^#100

(15331) tethrathoth-turreted-dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}###>#^^#100

(15332) pentacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}###>#^^^#100

(15333) hexacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}###>#^^^^#100

(15334) heptacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}###>#{5}#100

(15335) ogdacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}###>#{6}#100

(15336) ennacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}###>#{7}#100

(15337) dekacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulcubor= E100#{8}###>#{8}#100

(15338) dekacthulcross-turreted-dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}###>#{8}##100

(15339) dekacthulcubor-turreted-dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}###>#{8}###100


(15340) dustaculated dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}###>#{8}###100

(15341) tristaculated dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}###>#{8}###>#{8}###100

(15342) tetrastaculated dekacthulcubor

= E100#{8}###>#{8}###>#{8}###>#{8}###100

= E100#{8}####4

(15343) pentastaculated dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}####5

(15344) hexastaculated dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}####6

(15345) heptastaculated dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}####7

(15346) ogdastaculated dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}####8

(15347) ennastaculated dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}####9

(15348) dekastaculated dekacthulcubor = E100#{8}####10


(15349) dekacthulteron = E100#{8}####100

(15350) dekacthuliterteron = E100#{8}####>#100

(15351) godgahlah-turreted-dekacthulteron = E100#{8}####>#^#100

(15352) tethrathoth-turreted-dekacthulteron = E100#{8}####>#^^#100

(15353) pentacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulteron = E100#{8}####>#^^^#100

(15354) hexacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulteron = E100#{8}####>#^^^^#100

(15355) heptacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulteron = E100#{8}####>#{5}#100

(15356) ogdacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulteron = E100#{8}####>#{6}#100

(15357) ennacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulteron = E100#{8}####>#{7}#100

(15358) dekacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulteron= E100#{8}####>#{8}#100

(15359) dekacthulcross-turreted-dekacthulteron = E100#{8}####>#{8}##100

(15360) dekacthulcubor-turreted-dekacthulteron = E100#{8}####>#{8}###100

(15361) dekacthulteron-turreted-dekacthulteron = E100#{8}####>#{8}####100


(15362) dustaculated dekacthulteron = E100#{8}####>#{8}####100

(15363) tristaculated dekacthulteron = E100#{8}####>#{8}####>#{8}####100

(15364) tetrastaculated dekacthulteron

= E100#{8}####>#{8}####>#{8}####>#{8}####100

= E100#{8}(#^5)4

(15365) pentastaculated dekacthulteron = E100#{8}(#^5)5

(15366) hexastaculated dekacthulteron = E100#{8}(#^5)6

(15367) heptastaculated dekacthulteron = E100#{8}(#^5)7

(15368) ogdastaculated dekacthulteron = E100#{8}(#^5)8

(15369) ennastaculated dekacthulteron = E100#{8}(#^5)9

(15370) dekastaculated dekacthulteron = E100#{8}(#^5)10


(15371) dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)100

(15372) dekacthuliterpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#100

(15373) godgahlah-turreted-dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#^#100

(15374) tethrathoth-turreted-dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#^^#100

(15375) pentacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#^^^#100

(15376) hexacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#^^^^#100

(15377) heptacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#{5}#100

(15378) ogdacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#{6}#100

(15379) ennacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#{7}#100

(15380) dekacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulpeton= E100#{8}(#^5)>#{8}#100

(15381) dekacthulcross-turreted-dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#{8}##100

(15382) dekacthulcubor-turreted-dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#{8}###100

(15383) dekacthulteron-turreted-dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#{8}####100

(15384) dekacthulpeton-turreted-dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#{8}(#^5)100


(15385) dustaculated dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#{8}(#^5)100

(15386) tristaculated dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^5)>#{8}(#^5)>#{8}(#^5)100

(15387) tetrastaculated dekacthulpeton

= E100#{8}(#^5)>#{8}(#^5)>#{8}(#^5)>#{8}(#^5)100

= E100#{8}(#^6)4

(15388) pentastaculated dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^6)5

(15389) hexastaculated dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^6)6

(15390) heptastaculated dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^6)7

(15391) ogdastaculated dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^6)8

(15392) ennastaculated dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^6)9

(15393) dekastaculated dekacthulpeton = E100#{8}(#^6)10


(15394) dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)100

(15395) dekacthuliterhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#100

(15396) godgahlah-turreted-dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#^#100

(15397) tethrathoth-turreted-dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#^^#100

(15398) pentacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#^^^#100

(15399) hexacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#^^^^#100

(15400) heptacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#{5}#100

(15401) ogdacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#{6}#100

(15402) ennacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#{7}#100

(15403) dekacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhexon= E100#{8}(#^6)>#{8}#100

(15404) dekacthulcross-turreted-dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#{8}##100

(15405) dekacthulcubor-turreted-dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#{8}###100

(15406) dekacthulteron-turreted-dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#{8}####100

(15407) dekacthulpeton-turreted-dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#{8}(#^5)100

(15408) dekacthulhexon-turreted-dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#{8}(#^6)100


(15409) dustaculated dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#{8}(#^6)100

(15410) tristaculated dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^6)>#{8}(#^6)>#{8}(#^6)100

(15411) tetrastaculated dekacthulhexon

= E100#{8}(#^6)>#{8}(#^6)>#{8}(#^6)>#{8}(#^6)100

= E100#{8}(#^7)4

(15412) pentastaculated dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^7)5

(15413) hexastaculated dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^7)6

(15414) heptastaculated dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^7)7

(15415) ogdastaculated dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^7)8

(15416) ennastaculated dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^7)9

(15417) dekastaculated dekacthulhexon = E100#{8}(#^7)10


(15418) dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)100

(15419) dekacthuliterhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#100

(15420) godgahlah-turreted-dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#^#100

(15421) tethrathoth-turreted-dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#^^#100

(15422) pentacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#^^^#100

(15423) hexacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#^^^^#100

(15424) heptacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#{5}#100

(15425) ogdacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#{6}#100

(15426) ennacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#{7}#100

(15427) dekacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulhepton= E100#{8}(#^7)>#{8}#100

(15428) dekacthulcross-turreted-dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#{8}##100

(15429) dekacthulcubor-turreted-dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#{8}###100

(15430) dekacthulteron-turreted-dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#{8}####100

(15431) dekacthulpeton-turreted-dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#{8}(#^5)100

(15432) dekacthulhexon-turreted-dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#{8}(#^6)100

(15433) dekacthulhepton-turreted-dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#{8}(#^7)100


(15434) dustaculated dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#{8}(#^7)100

(15435) tristaculated dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^7)>#{8}(#^7)>#{8}(#^7)100

(15436) tetrastaculated dekacthulhepton

= E100#{8}(#^7)>#{8}(#^7)>#{8}(#^7)>#{8}(#^7)100

= E100#{8}(#^8)4

(15437) pentastaculated dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^8)5

(15438) hexastaculated dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^8)6

(15439) heptastaculated dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^8)7

(15440) ogdastaculated dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^8)8

(15441) ennastaculated dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^8)9

(15442) dekastaculated dekacthulhepton = E100#{8}(#^8)10


(15443) dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)100

(15444) dekacthuliter-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#100

(15445) godgahlah-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#^#100

(15446) tethrathoth-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#^^#100

(15447) pentacthulhum-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#^^^#100

(15448) hexacthulhum-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#^^^^#100

(15449) heptacthulhum-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#{5}#100

(15450) ogdacthulhum-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#{6}#100

(15451) ennacthulhum-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#{7}#100

(15452) dekacthulhum-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon= E100#{8}(#^8)>#{8}#100

(15453) dekacthulcross-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#{8}##100

(15454) dekacthulcubor-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#{8}###100

(15455) dekacthulteron-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#{8}####100

(15456) dekacthulpeton-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#{8}(#^5)100

(15457) dekacthulhexon-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#{8}(#^6)100

(15458) dekacthulhepton-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#{8}(#^7)100

(15459) dekacthul-ogdon-turreted-dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#{8}(#^8)100


(15460) dustaculated dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#{8}(#^8)100

(15461) tristaculated dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^8)>#{8}(#^8)>#{8}(#^8)100

(15462) tetrastaculated dekacthul-ogdon

= E100#{8}(#^8)>#{8}(#^8)>#{8}(#^8)>#{8}(#^8)100

= E100#{8}(#^9)4

(15463) pentastaculated dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^9)5

(15464) hexastaculated dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^9)6

(15465) heptastaculated dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^9)7

(15466) ogdastaculated dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^9)8

(15467) ennastaculated dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^9)9

(15468) dekastaculated dekacthul-ogdon = E100#{8}(#^9)10


(15469) dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)100

(15470) dekacthuliter-ennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#100

(15471) godgahlah-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#^#100

(15472) tethrathoth-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#^^#100

(15473) pentacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#^^^#100

(15474) hexacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#^^^^#100

(15475) heptacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#{5}#100

(15476) ogdacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#{6}#100

(15477) ennacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#{7}#100

(15478) dekacthulhum-turreted-dekacthulennon= E100#{8}(#^9)>#{8}#100

(15479) dekacthulcross-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#{8}##100

(15480) dekacthulcubor-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#{8}###100

(15481) dekacthulteron-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#{8}####100

(15482) dekacthulpeton-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#{8}(#^5)100

(15483) dekacthulhexon-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#{8}(#^6)100

(15484) dekacthulhepton-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#{8}(#^7)100

(15485) dekacthul-ogdon-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#{8}(#^8)100

(15486) dekacthulennon-turreted-dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#{8}(#^9)100


(15487) dustaculated dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#{8}(#^9)100

(15488) tristaculated dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^9)>#{8}(#^9)>#{8}(#^9)100

(15489) tetrastaculated dekacthulennon

= E100#{8}(#^9)>#{8}(#^9)>#{8}(#^9)>#{8}(#^9)100

= E100#{8}(#^10)4

(15490) pentastaculated dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^10)5

(15491) hexastaculated dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^10)6

(15492) heptastaculated dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^10)7

(15493) ogdastaculated dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^10)8

(15494) ennastaculated dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^10)9

(15495) dekastaculated dekacthulennon = E100#{8}(#^10)10


(15496) dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)100

(15497) dekacthuliterdekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#100

(15498) godgahlah-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#^#100

(15499) tethrathoth-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#^^#100

(15500) pentacthulhum-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#^^^#100

(15501) hexacthulhum-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#^^^^#100

(15502) heptacthulhum-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{5}#100

(15503) ogdacthulhum-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{6}#100

(15504) ennacthulhum-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{7}#100

(15505) dekacthulhum-turreted-dekacthuldekon= E100#{8}(#^10)>#{8}#100

(15506) dekacthulcross-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{8}##100

(15507) dekacthulcubor-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{8}###100

(15508) dekacthulteron-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{8}####100

(15509) dekacthulpeton-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{8}(#^5)100

(15510) dekacthulhexon-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{8}(#^6)100

(15511) dekacthulhepton-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{8}(#^7)100

(15512) dekacthul-ogdon-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{8}(#^8)100

(15513) dekacthulennon-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{8}(#^9)100

(15514) dekacthuldekon-turreted-dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{8}(#^10)100


(15515) dustaculated dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{8}(#^10)100

(15516) tristaculated dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^10)>#{8}(#^10)>#{8}(#^10)100

(15517) tetrastaculated dekacthuldekon

= E100#{8}(#^10)>#{8}(#^10)>#{8}(#^10)>#{8}(#^10)100

= E100#{8}(#^11)4

(15518) pentastaculated dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^11)5

(15519) hexastaculated dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^11)6

(15520) heptastaculated dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^11)7

(15521) ogdastaculated dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^11)8

(15522) ennastaculated dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^11)9

(15523) dekastaculated dekacthuldekon = E100#{8}(#^11)10


(15524) dekacthulhendekon = E100(#{8}#^11)100

(15525) dekacthuldodekon = E100(#{8}#^12)100

(15526) dekacthultredekon = E100(#{8}#^13)100

(15527) dekacthulterdekon = E100(#{8}#^14)100

(15528) dekacthulpedekon = E100(#{8}#^15)100

(15529) dekacthul-exdekon = E100(#{8}#^16)100

(15530) dekacthul-epdekon = E100(#{8}#^17)100

(15531) dekacthul-ogdekon = E100(#{8}#^18)100

(15532) dekacthul-enndekon = E100(#{8}#^19)100

(15533) dekacthul-icoson = E100(#{8}#^20)100


(15534) dekacthul-trianton = E100(#{8}#^30)100

(15535) dekacthul-saranton = E100(#{8}#^40)100

(15536) dekacthul-peninton = E100(#{8}#^50)100

(15537) dekacthul-exinton = E100(#{8}#^60)100

(15538) dekacthul-ebdominton = E100(#{8}#^70)100

(15539) dekacthul-ogdonton = E100(#{8}#^80)100

(15540) dekacthul-eneninton = E100(#{8}#^90)100

(15541) dekacthul-enneneninton = E100(#{8}#^99)100


(15542) dekacthulhecton = E100(#{8}#^100)100

(15543) grand dekacthulhecton = E100(#{8}#^100)100#2

= E100(#{8}#^100)heptacthulhecton


(15544) dekacthultope = E100#{8}#^#100

= E100(#{8}#^100)100

(15545) grand dekacthultope = E100#{8}#^#100#2

= E100(#{8}#^dekacthultope)100


(15546) dekacthul-lattitope = E100#{8}#^##100

(15547) dekacthul-cubitope = E100#{8}#^###100

(15548) dekacthul-quarticutope = E100#{8}#^####100

(15549) dekacthul-quinticutope = E100#{8}(#^#^5)100

(15550) dekacthul-sexticutope = E100#{8}(#^#^6)100

(15551) dekacthul-septicutope = E100#{8}(#^#^7)100

(15552) dekacthul-octicutope = E100#{8}(#^#^8)100

(15553) dekacthul-nonicutope = E100#{8}(#^#^9)100

(15554) dekacthul-decicutope = E100#{8}(#^#^10)100


(15555) dekacthulto-godgathor = E100#{8}#^#^#100

(15556) dekacthulto-godtothol = E100#{8}#^#^#^#100


(15557) dekacthulto-tethrathoth = E100#{8}#^^#100

(15558) dekacthulto-pentacthulhum = E100#{8}#^^^#100

(15559) dekacthulto-hexacthulhum = E100#{8}#^^^^#100

(15560) dekacthulto-heptacthulhum = E100#{8}#{5}#100

(15561) dekacthulto-ogdacthulhum = E100#{8}#{6}#100

(15562) dekacthulto-ennacthulhum = E100#{8}#{7}#100


(15563) dekacthulto-ennacthulto-ogdacthulto-heptacthulto-hexacthulto-pentacthulto-


= E100#{8}#{7}#{6}#{5}#{4}#{3}#{2}#{1}#100


(15564) dekacthulto-dekacthulhum = E100#{8}#{8}#100


(15565) dekacthularxitri = E100#{8}#{8}#100

(15566) dekacthularxitet = E100#{8}#{8}#{8}#100

= E100#{9}#4

(15567) dekacthularxipent = E100#{9}#5

(15568) dekacthularxihex = E100#{9}#6

(15569) dekacthularxihept = E100#{9}#7

(15570) dekacthularxi-ogd = E100#{9}#8

(15571) dekacthularxi-enn = E100#{9}#9

(15572) dekacthularxideck = E100#{9}#10


(15573) dekacthularxicose = E100#{9}#20

(15574) dekacthularxitriane = E100#{9}#30

(15575) dekacthularxisarane = E100#{9}#40

(15576) dekacthularxipenine = E100#{9}#50

(15577) dekacthularxi-exine = E100#{9}#60

(15578) dekacthularxi-ebdomine = E100#{9}#70

(15579) dekacthularxi-ogdone = E100#{9}#80

(15580) dekacthularxi-enenine = E100#{9}#90



(15581) dekacthularxigole = E100#{9}#50



(15582) dekacthularxihect = E100#{9}#100

(15583) dekacthularxigigas = E100#{9}#500

(15584) dekacthularxichill = E100#{9}#1000

(15585) dekacthularximyr = E100#{9}#10,000

(15586) dekacthularxigong = E100#{9}#100,000

(15587) dekacthularxi-octad = E100#{9}#100,000,000

(15588) dekacthularxi-sedeniad = E100#{9}#10,000,000,000,000,000


further still...

(15589) dekacthularxi-googol = E100#{9}#(E100)

(15590) dekacthularxi-grangol = E100#{9}#(E100#100)

(15591) dekacthularxi-godgahlah = E100#{9}#(E100#^#100)

(15592) dekacthularxi-tethrathoth = E100#{9}#(E100#^^#100)

(15593) dekacthularxi-pentacthulhum = E100#{9}#(E100#^^^#100)

(15594) dekacthularxi-hexacthulhum = E100#{9}#(E100#^^^^#100)

(15595) dekacthularxi-heptacthulhum = E100#{9}#(E100#{5}#100)

(15596) dekacthularxi-ogdacthulhum = E100#{9}#(E100#{6}#100)

(15597) dekacthularxi-ennacthulhum = E100#{9}#(E100#{7}#100)

(15598) dekacthularxi-dekacthulhum = E100#{9}#(E100#{8}#100)

(15599) dekacthularxi-dekacthularxitri = E100#{9}#(E100#{8}#{8}#100)

(15600) dekacthularxi-dekacthularxitet = E100#{9}#(E100#{8}#{8}#{8}#100)

= E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#4)

(15601) dekacthularxi-dekacthularxipent = E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#5)

(15602) dekacthularxi-dekacthularxihex = E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#6)

(15603) dekacthularxi-dekacthularxihept = E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#7)

(15604) dekacthularxi-dekacthularxi-ogd = E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#8)

(15605) dekacthularxi-dekacthularxi-enn = E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#9)

(15606) dekacthularxi-dekacthularxideck = E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#10)


(15607) dekacthularxi-dekacthularxihect = E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#100)

(15608) dekacthularxi-dekacthularxi-dekacthularxihect

= E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#100))

(15609) dekacthularxi-dekacthularxi-dekacthularxi-dekacthularxihect

= E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#100)))

(15610) dekacthularxi-dekacthularxi-dekacthularxi-dekacthularxi-dekacthularxihect

= E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#(E100#{9}#100))))






We have come a very long way from a tethrathoth or even the great and terrible tethrathoth. We have even surpassed FGH_Γ0 and are fast approaching φ(ω,0,0) the limit ordinal of xE^. This group will conclude xE^ ...

(1) goliath = E100#^^^^^^^^^^#100 = E100#{10}#100

(2) golligog = E100#{50}#100

(3) godsgodgulus = E100#{100}#100

= E100#^^^^^^^^^^ ... ... ... ^^^^^^^^^^#100 w/100 ^s

(4) gigantorgog = E100#{500}#100

(5) colossigog = E100#{50,000,000,000,000,000}#100

(6) grand godsgodgulus = E100#{godsgodgulus}#100

(7) grand grand godsgodgulus = E100#{grand godsgodgulus}#100





way way way beyond



... where to go from here ... we've already exhausted xE^ ... so let's invent Hyper-Extended Cascading-E Notation (#xE^)! The next step should be clear ... allow the number of cascades (^) to itself be an ordinal! We can begin, as always, be choosing a new delimiter to diagonalize over all of xE^. An obvious choice seems to be #{#}#. This already makes it easier to express numbers in the godsgodgulus group:

(1) goliath = E100#{#}#10

(2) golligog = E100#{#}#50

(3) godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#100

(4) gigantorgog = E100#{#}#500

(5) colossigog = E100#{#}#50,000,000,000,000,000

(6) grand godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#100#2

(7) grand grand godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#100#3

(8) triple grand godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#100#4

(9) quadruple grand godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#100#5

... given this it is now possible to extend well beyond this using many already well established methods. Here are just a few examples ...

(10) grangol-carta-godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#100#100

(11) greagol-carta-godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#100#100#100

(12) gigangol-carta-godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#100#100#100#100

(13) godgahlah-carta-godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#100#^#100

(14) tethrathoth-carta-godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#100#^^#100

(15) tethriterator-carta-godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#100#^^#>#100

(16) pentacthulhum-carta-godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#100#^^^#100

(17) hexacthulhum-carta-godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#100#^^^^#100


(18) godsgodgulus-by-deuteron = E100#{#}#100#{#}#100

(19) godsgodgulus-by-triton = E100#{#}#100#{#}#100#{#}#100

(20) godsgodgulus-by-teterton = E100#{#}#100#{#}#100#{#}#100#{#}#100


(21) godsgodgulus-by-hyperion = E100#{#}#*#100

(22) godsgodgulus-by-deuterhyperion = E100#{#}#*##100


(23) godsgodgulus-by-godgahlah = E100#{#}#*#^#100

(24) godsgodgulus-by-tethrathoth = E100#{#}#*#^^#100

(25) godsgodgulus-by-tethriterator = E100#{#}#*#^^#>#100

(26) godsgodgulus-by-pentacthulhum = E100#{#}#*#^^^#100

(27) godsgodgulus-by-hexacthulhum = E100#{#}#*#^^^^#100


(28) deutero-godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#*#{#}#100

(29) trito-godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#*#{#}#*#{#}#100

(30) teterto-godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#*#{#}#*#{#}#*#{#}#100


(31) godsgodgulfact = E100(#{#}#)^#100

(32) grideutergodsgodgulus = E100(#{#}#)^##100

(33) kubicugodsgodgulus = E100(#{#}#)^###100

(34) quarticugodsgodgulus = E100(#{#}#)^####100


(35) dutetrated-godsgodgulus = E100(#{#}#)^(#{#}#)100


(36) terrible godsgodgulus = E100(#{#}#)^^#100

(37) terrisquared godsgodgulus = E100(#{#}#)^^##100


(38) horrible godsgodgulus = E100(#{#}#)^^^#100

(39) horrendous godsgodgulus = E100(#{#}#)^^^^#100

(40) heptorrendous godsgodgulus = E100(#{#}#){5}#100

(41) ogdorrendous godsgodgulus = E100(#{#}#){6}#100

(42) ennorrendous godsgodgulus = E100(#{#}#){7}#100

(43) dekorrendous godsgodgulus = E100(#{#}#){8}#100

... from this alone we can already see a clear path forward. Simply let (#{#}#){#}# diagonalize over (#{#}#){n}#. In this way we get ...

(44) godsgodeugulus = E100(#{#}#){#}#100 = E100(#{#}#){100}#100

(45) grand godsgodeugulus

= E100(#{#}#){#}#100#2 = E100(#{#}#){#}#godsgodeugulus

= E100(#{#}#){godsgodeugulus}#100

... ludicrous ... but it gets much much worse ...

(46) godsgotrigulus = E100((#{#}#){#}#){#}#100

(47) godsgoquargulus = E100(((#{#}#){#}#){#}#){#}#100

(48) godsgoquingulus = E100#{#}#>#5

(49) godsgosexgulus = E100#{#}#>#6

(50) godsgosepgulus = E100#{#}#>#7

(51) godsgodoctgulus = E100#{#}#>#8

(52) godsgonongulus = E100#{#}#>#9

(53) godsgotengulus = E100#{#}#>#10


(54) godsgodguliterator = E100#{#}#>#100

also (55) godsgodgulus ba'al

(56) grand godsgodguliterator = E100#{#}#>#100#2

also (57) great and blasphemous godsgodgulus

... where to go from here ... stacks of coarse ...

(58) dustaculated godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#>#{#}#100

(59) tristaculated godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#>#{#}#>#{#}#100

(60) tetrastaculated godsgodgulus = E100#{#}#>#{#}#>#{#}#>#{#}#100


... now what? Simple, just use #{#}## to diagonalize over the previous sequence ...

(58) dustaculated godsgodgulus = E100#{#}##2

(59) tristaculated godsgodgulus = E100#{#}##3

(60) tetrastaculated godsgodgulus = E100#{#}##4


(61) godsgodgulcross = E100#{#}##100

... hopefully that should be enough to make the following clear ...

(62) godsgodgulcubor = E100#{#}###100

(63) godsgodgulteron = E100#{#}####100


(64) godsgodgultope = E100#{#}#^#100


(65) E100#{#}#^^#100

(66) E100#{#}#^^^#100

(67) E100#{#}#^^^^#100


(68) godsgodarxitri = E100#{#}#{#}#100

(69) godsgodarxitet = E100#{#}#{#}#{#}#100

... now we diagonalize over this by allowing #+1 as a new ordinal within the braces ...

(70) godsgodarxipent = E100#{#+1}#5

(71) godsgodarxihex = E100#{#+1}#6

(72) godsgodarxihept = E100#{#+1}#7

(73) godsgodarxi-ogd = E100#{#+1}#8

(74) godsgodarxi-enn = E100#{#+1}#9

(75) godsgodarxideck = E100#{#+1}#10


... at this point we can already see a clear pattern for continuing. All the rules for #xE^ are identical to xE^ except in the cases when there is a limit ordinal in the braces that is to be resolved. In this case however we can simply use the previously established rules for limit ordinals. These can be summarized by the following 7 rules ...

Special Rules for Hyper-Extended Cascading-E Notation (#xE^)

I. When γ = # : &α{#}#[n] = &α^^...^^# w/n ^s (returns to xE^)

II. When γ=ρ+# : &α{ρ+#}#[n] = &α{ρ+n}# (reduces to a successor ordinal)

III. When γ ∈ x^_lim : &α{γ}#[n] = &α{γ[n]}#

IV. When γ = ρ+δ , ρ ∈ x^+ , δ ∈ x^_lim : &α{ρ+δ}[n] = &α{ρ+(δ[n])}#

V. When γ = δ*# where δ ∈ x^: &α{δ*#}#[1] = &α{δ}#

&α{δ*#}#[n] = &α{δ+δ*#}#[n-1]

VI. When γ = ρ+δ*# , ρ ∈ x^+ , δ ∈ x^: &α{ρ+δ*#}#[1] = &α{ρ+δ}#

&α{ρ+δ*#}[n] = &α{ρ+δ+δ*#}#[n-1]

VII. When γ is a successor ordinal consult the rules for xE^

... amazingly these rules are enough for us to go all the way from φ(ω,0,0) to φ(1,0,0,0), known as the Ackermann ordinal. Continuing onwards we have ...

(76) E100#{#+1}#100

(77) E100#{#+2}#100


(78) godsgodeus = E100#{#+#}#100

(79) godsgotreus = E100#{#+#+#}#100

(80) godsgoquadeus = E100#{#+#+#+#}#100


(81) E100#{##}#100

(82) E100#{###}#100

(83) E100#{####}#100


(84) the centurion = E100#{#^#}#100 =

E100#{#################### ... ####################}#100

w/100 #s between '{ } '

(85) super centurion = E100#{#^^#}#100 =

E100#{#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^ ... #^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#}#100

w/100 #s in the power tower

(86) pentacthulhu-centurion = E100#{#^^^#}#100

(87) hexacthulhu-centurion = E100#{#^^^^#}#100


(88) ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygooosh = E100#{#{#}#}#100 = E100#{#{100}#}#100

also (89) godsgodgul-centurion

(90) ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygooosh = E100#{#{#{#}#}#}#100

(91) ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygooosh

= E100#{#{#{#{#}#}#}#}#100


... we quickly exhaust #xE^ reaching the eponymous blasphemorgulus ...

(92) blasphemorgulus

= E100#{#{#{#{#{#{#{#{#{# ... #{#{#{#}#}#}# ... #}#}#}#}#}#}#}#}#}#100

w/ 199 #s total

also (93) ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygooosh

... this number would be somewhere in the vicinity of (100)[ε(0,0,0,1)] in the Fast Growing Hierarchy.

... have we reached the end?! You should know by now there is no such thing (there is no infinity waiting at the other end for us to get there. There is no other end ... there is no end at all!) ... but we have more or less run into the next major impasse. We can of coarse have ...

(94) grand blasphemorgulus

= E100#{#{#{#{#{#{#{#{#{# ... #{#{#{#}#}#}# ... #}#}#}#}#}#}#}#}#}#100

w/ 2*blasphemorgulus-1 #s total

and ...

(95) grand grand blasphemorgulus

= E100#{#{#{#{#{#{#{#{#{# ... #{#{#{#}#}#}# ... #}#}#}#}#}#}#}#}#}#100

w/ 2*(grand blasphemorgulus)-1 #s total


... but that isn't considered progress by googological standards. To really continue we need a new delimiter. Here Bowers' array notation comes in handy. We can use {#,#,1,2} and give it the following definition:

{#,#,1,2}[n] = {#,n,1,2}


{#,1,1,2} = #

{#,n,1,2} = #{{#,n-1,1,2}}# for n>1

This allows us to shorten the definitions to ...

(92) blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}100

(94) grand blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}100#2

(95) grand grand blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}100#3

This marks the beginning of Hyper-Hyper-Extended Cascading-E Notation (##xE^)! Now some of you may be wondering ... why didn't I just do that from the beginning. After all I mention using arrays on hyperions at the end of the Cascading-E article. So what's the problem ... why can't we just use way larger arrays to go much much further. The reason is because we haven't defined how they work yet! The true achievement here was not writing ' E100{#,#,1,2}100 ' but imbuing it with meaning through the rules of xE^ and #xE^. It's important to understand that although Bowers' already defined arrays of this size, it's only defined for positive integers ... not ordinals! Remember, Bowers' doesn't provide formal rules past dimensional arrays and doesn't provide a notation past tetrational arrays. This is why an impasse was met at E^ in the first place! Because there isn't a universally excepted way to apply hyper-operators to the ordinals. What xE^ and #xE^ does is invent a theory for how you can do this. It's not even necessarily the only way, but it provides a powerful and well defined approach, at least below the ordinal {#,#,1,2} (which is equivalent to the Ackermann ordinal). In fact it's more powerful than the two most popular approaches which is to let ε(1) go to either ω^^(ω*2) or ω^^(ω+1). My system opts instead to delay ω^^(ω+1) all the way until ε(ω) and ω^^(ω*2) until ε(ε(0)). Not only does this result in a significant boost of power but it also is much more consistent with the Veblen functions. We find that the sequence #^^#, #^^##, #^^###, etc. corresponds with the sequence φ(1,0) , φ(2,0) , φ(3,0) , etc.

Chris Bird advocates the use of ω^^(ω*2) for ε(1), where as Bowers implies the use of ω^^(ω+1) for ε(1) on his hypernomial page. It turns out however that it makes little difference as both systems reach φ(ω,0) at X{X}X-structures and Γ0 at {X,X,1,2}-structures. My system however reaches φ(ω,0,0) at xE^ and φ(1,0,0,0) at #xE^. It's quite a surprising difference, especially considering how similar Chris Bird's and Bowers' approach are despite initially appearing radically different. In the much longer run however this difference may become negligible.

In any case no one has of yet completely formalized arrays past tetrational arrays, and we are now well beyond that, so we are now in largely unexplored territory. xE^ and #xE^ shows a great deal of promise and suggests that Bowers' vision of legions can probably be concretely realized and measured against the fast growing hierarchy. But most of the work still lies ahead. #xE^ still does not suggest a general approach for the rest of array structures.

The following examples are experimental attempts to take a preliminary look at what is yet to come. Stuff beyond this point is not completely formalized. None the less i'll indulge in some speculation...

with our new delimiter we can now apply plenty of constructions to go much further than blasphemorgulus ...

(96) grangol-carta-blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}100#100

(97) greagol-carta-blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}100#100#100


(98) godgahlah-carta-blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}100#^#100

(99) tethrathoth-carta-blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}100#^^#100

(100) pentacthulhum-carta-blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}100#^^^#100

(101) hexacthulhum-carta-blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}100#^^^^#100


(102) godsgodgulus-carta-blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}100#{100}#100

(103) ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygooosh-carta-blasphemorgulus

= E100{#,#,1,2}100#{#{#}#}#100


(104) blasphemorgulus-by-deuteron = E100{#,#,1,2}100{#,#,1,2}100

(105) blasphemorgulus-by-triton = E100{#,#,1,2}100{#,#,1,2}100{#,#,1,2}100

(106) blasphemorgulus-by-teterton

= E100{#,#,1,2}100{#,#,1,2}100{#,#,1,2}100{#,#,1,2}100


(107) blasphemorgulus-by-hyperion = E100{#,#,1,2}*#100

(108) blasphemorgulus-by-deuterohyperion = E100{#,#,1,2}*##100

(109) blasphemorgulus-by-tritohyperion = E100{#,#,1,2}*###100

(110) blasphemorgulus-by-tetertohyperion = E100{#,#,1,2}*####100


(111) blasphemorgulus-by-godgahlah = E100{#,#,1,2}*#^#100

(112) blasphemorgulus-by-tethrathoth = E100{#,#,1,2}*#^^#100

(113) blasphemorgulus-by-pentacthulhum = E100{#,#,1,2}*#^^^#100

(114) blasphemorgulus-by-hexacthulhum = E100{#,#,1,2}*#^^^^#100


(115) blasphemorgulus-by-godsgodgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}*#{100}#100

(116) blasphemorgulus-by-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygooosh

= E100{#,#,1,2}*#{#{#}#}#100


(117) deutero-blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}*{#,#,1,2}100

(118) trito-blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}*{#,#,1,2}*{#,#,1,2}100

(119) teterto-blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}*{#,#,1,2}*{#,#,1,2}*{#,#,1,2}100


(120) blasphemorgulfact = E100{#,#,1,2}^#100

(121) grideuterblasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^##100

(122) kubicublasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^###100

(123) quarticublasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^####100


(124) blasphemorgulus-ipso-godgahlah = E100{#,#,1,2}^#^#100

(125) blasphemorgulus-ipso-godgathor = E100{#,#,1,2}^#^#^#100

(126) blasphemorgulus-ipso-godtothol = E100{#,#,1,2}^#^#^#^#100


(127) blasphemorgulipsotethrathoth = E100{#,#,1,2}^#^^#100

(128) blasphemorgulipsopentacthulhum = E100{#,#,1,2}^#^^^#100

(129) blasphemorgulipsohexacthulhum = E100{#,#,1,2}^#^^^^#100


(130) blasphemorgulipsogodsgodgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^#{100}#100

(131) blasphemorgulipso-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygooosh

= E100{#,#,1,2}^#{#{100}#}#100


(132) dutetrated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^{#,#,1,2}100

(133) tritetrated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^{#,#,1,2}^{#,#,1,2}100

(134) quadratetrated blasphemorgulus

= E100{#,#,1,2}^{#,#,1,2}^{#,#,1,2}^{#,#,1,2}100


(135) terrible blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^#100

(136) terrisquared blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^##100

(137) terricubed blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^###100

(138) territesserated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^####100


(139) godgahlah-tetrated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^#^#100

(140) godgathor-tetrated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^#^#^#100

(141) godtothol-tetrated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^#^#^#^#100


(142) tethrathoth-tetrated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^#^^#100

(143) tethrarxitri-tetrated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^#^^#^^#100

(144) tethrarxitet-tetrated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^#^^#^^#^^#100


(145) pentacthulhum-tetrated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^#^^^#100

(146) hexacthulhum-tetrated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^#^^^^#100


(147) godsgodgulus-tetrated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^#{100}#100


(148) ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygooosh-tetrated blasphemorgulus

= E100{#,#,1,2}^^#{#{100}#}#100


(149) dupentated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^{#,#,1,2}100

(150) tripentated blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^{#,#,1,2}^^{#,#,1,2}100

(151) quadrapentated blasphemorgulus

= E100{#,#,1,2}^^{#,#,1,2}^^{#,#,1,2}^^{#,#,1,2}100


(152) horrible blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^^#100

(153) horrendous blasphemorgulus = E100{#,#,1,2}^^^^#100

(154) heptorrendous blasphemorgulus = E100({#,#,1,2}){5}#100

(155) ogdorrendous blasphemorgulus = E100({#,#,1,2}){6}#100

(156) ennorrendous blasphemorgulus = E100({#,#,1,2}){7}#100

(157) dekorrendous blasphemorgulus = E100({#,#,1,2}){8}#100


(158) goliahblasphemorgulus = E100({#,#,1,2}){10}#100

(159) golliblasphemorgulus = E100({#,#,1,2}){50}#100

(160) godsgoblasphemorgulus = E100({#,#,1,2}){100}#100

(161) ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygoooblasphemorgulus

= E100({#,#,1,2}){#{100}#}#100

(162) blasphemorgublasphemorgulus = E100({#,#,1,2}){{#,99,1,2}}#100

... this last number suggests a way to continue but also presents something of a problem. In keeping with a certain consistency note that I have decremented the argument in {#,99,1,2} to 99 instead of 100. This is because we don't want to nest it an extra level. Imagine {#,100,1,2}. This is the delimiter for blasphemorgulus. It may also be written #{{#,99,1,2}}#. Now replace the first hyperion with ({#,#,1,2}) and we have blasphemorgublasphemorgulus. If I use {#,#,1,2} instead of {#,99,1,2} then we get an unfortunate offset. On the other-hand we are forced into something of a corner here as trying to continue with this offset will only lead to further confusion.

We have now more or less reached the limit of what follows naturally from #xE^. Although we can take many well defined paths, we have to define a main sequence. It's important to understand that this is a choice, and that as such that choice is not a simple consequence of the previously established principles. Rather it is the establishment of new principles. If we could continue by using already established principles then there would be no real choice in the matter. We would simply continue to apply the old principles, because what already works does not need to be revised. The existence of these break-points is something I have recognized in googology for a long time. They are the reason it is dangerous to extrapolate too far without making sure that the established principles really ensure well defined fundamental sequences. This is why we can't just jump to array-hyperions, dimensional-array-hyperions, tetrational-array-hyperions, etc. At first this may seem unnecessary. After all we can already define many fundamental sequences for some potential hyper-ordinals. Some examples ...

{#,#,#}[n] = {#,#,n}

{#,#,1,2}[n] = {#,n,1,2}

... therefore it follows fairly naturally that ...

{#,#,2,2}[n] = {#,n,2,2}

{#,#,3,2}[n] = {#,n,3,2}


{#,#,#,2}[n] = {#,#,n,2}

{#,#,#,3}[n] = {#,#,n,3}

{#,#,#,4}[n] = {#,#,n,4}


{#,#,#,#}[n] = {#,#,#,n}

{#,#,#,#,#}[n] = {#,#,#,#,n}

{#,#,#,#,#,#}[n] = {#,#,#,#,#,n}


{#,#(1)2}[n] = {#,n(1)2} = {#,#,#, ... ,#,#,#} w/n #s


... but these are only the milestone sequences. What about all the intermediate sequences? Also how does one get from one milestone sequence to the next? Remember that we had already established the milestone sequences for xE^ in the Cascading-E article, a year before it was actually formalized. It was already a fairly obvious choice that #^^^#[n] should expand as #^^#^^#^^ ... ^^#^^# w/n #s. If you recall that didn't mean that we had defined E100#^^^#100 (now known as pentacthulhum), as eventually we would reach a non-elementary case such as #^^##. At the time it wasn't known what #^^## was, or what it's fundamental sequence should be. Neither was it known what hyper-ordinal had the fundamental sequence #^^#, (#^^#)^^#, ((#^^#)^^#)^^#, etc. It might have seemed reasonably to give #^^## this sequence as it would tie up the loose ends. However googology isn't just about creating fundamental sequences. We also want to make sure those sequences are elegant and powerful. There was also the added issue in this case that I wanted the sequences to mimic the way ordinals should work with hyper-operators. One could support the use of #^^##[n] = {#^^#,(#^^#)^^#,((#^^#)^^#)^^#, ... } via the fact that (m^^n)^^n ~ m^^(n+n). In other words nested tetrates add. Therefore it was reasonable to say ( ...((#^^#)^^#)^^# ...^^#)^^# = #^^(#+#+#+...+#+#) = #^^##. However the problem with this is we are dealing with ordinals not numbers, so it's not entirely clear that it should work this way. As it turned out this only amounts to #^^(#+1) via my theory of the climbing method. Not only did this have a stronger basis in ordinal arithmetic, but it also lead to a major boost in power.

Now returning to our present problem ... a simple application of the principles established in Jonathan Bowers' array notation will not, I repeat, will not be sufficient to define an extension of #xE^ to arrays. So while we may be able to partially evaluate something like E100{#,#,2,2}100, it turns out that doesn't mean much. Eventually we reach an expression for which the next step is undefined. The result is that the initial expression is meaningless not that it's some number we don't quite understand. Granted, because numbers go on forever, there will be a variety of numbers which could be mapped to E100{#,#,2,2}100 using an appropriate set of rules, and granted we don't yet understand how any of those work, but that doesn't mean we get to say that E100{#,#,2,2}100 inherently has meaning on its own. How do we know which of the possible interpretations of E100{#,#,2,2}100 is the one which you mean? Without knowing this it becomes impossible to compare E100{#,#,2,2}100 to other values and the very practice of googology breaks down! Without the ability to determine which numbers are larger than others it becomes mostly an exercise in gibberish (something akin to pataphysics in which no idea, however ridiculous is ever really wrong. But an idea which can't even be wrong is next to being useless). What distinguishes googology from pseudo-numeric gibberish, such as saying a bazillion, infinitillion, and gothouzillionogol is that in contrast to these pseudo-numbers our names and expressions are given actual numeric value via the carefully established rules of evaluation. This lends them a mathematical reality. Without that we are just back to spouting gibberish and arguing a basically meaningless point of whose number is largest (hint: none of them are numbers so the argument is completely moot).

That being said we can continue, but with a great deal of uncertainty, on account of the fact that Bowers' array-structures of this level were never formally defined, only intuitively. None the less we could continue with the following constructions...

(163) E100({#,#,1,2}){#}({#,#,1,2})100

... this expression is certainly possible already within our previous expressions. However the purpose here is to develop a new diagonalization which will hopefully be more extensible...

(164) blasphemormygosh-blasphemormygosh

= E100({#,#,1,2}){{#,#,1,2}}({#,#,1,2})100

(165) blasphemormygosh-blasphemormygosh-blasphemormygosh

= E100({#,#,1,2}){({#,#,1,2}){{#,#,1,2}}({#,#,1,2})}({#,#,1,2})100


this sequence looks fairly messy ... but it has the advantage of having a simpler ordinal container ...

Let ...

{{#,#,1,2},#,1,2}[n] = { X , X{X}X , X{X{X}X}X, etc.} where X= {#,#,1,2}

So here we are beginning to nest a new-operator in the Bowers' sequence of extended operators. This can also be written as...


... at this point we have an extension we can apply ...

(166) tweilasphemorgue = E100{{#,#,1,2},100,1,2}100

(167) frielasphemorgue = E100{{{#,#,1,2},#,1,2},100,1,2}100

(168) fiorilasphemorgue = E100{{{{#,#,1,2},#,1,2},#,1,2},100,1,2}100

(169) finnasphemorgue = E100{{{{{#,#,1,2},#,1,2},#,1,2},#,1,2},100,1,2}100

(170) sexasphemorgue = E100{{{{{{#,#,1,2},#,1,2},#,1,2},#,1,2},#,1,2},100,1,2}100

(171) sjournalasphemorgue

= E100{{{{{{{#,#,1,2},#,1,2} ... },#,1,2},100,1,2}100 w/7 copies of ' 1,2 '

(172) attalasphemorgue

= E100{{{{{{{{#,#,1,2},#,1,2} ... },#,1,2},100,1,2}100 w/8 copies of ' 1,2 '

(173) neiulasphemorgue

= E100{{{{{{{{{#,#,1,2},#,1,2} ... },#,1,2},100,1,2}100 w/9 copies of ' 1,2 '

(174) tenasphemorgue

= E100{{{{{{{{{{#,#,1,2},#,1,2} ... },#,1,2},100,1,2}100 w/10 copies of ' 1,2 '

while we're at it we can go as far as...

(175) hundrelasphemorgue

= E100{{{ ... {{{#,#,1,2},#,1,2} ... },#,1,2},100,1,2}100 w/100 copies of ' 1,2 '


(176) grand hundrelasphemorgue

= E100{{{ ... {{{#,#,1,2},#,1,2} ... },#,1,2},100,1,2}100

w/hundrelasphemorgue copies of ' 1,2 '

This of coarse leads to the problem of what hyper-ordinal has this as it's fundamental sequence. In keeping with my theory of the climbing method, every time we apply {X,#,1,2} to X we are simply increasing the innermost nested braces by 1. Thus if we nest # times, we get an extra level of nesting. In other words the limit of the above sequence is {#,#+1,1,2}. Thus we have actually made some progress! We can further say...

(175) hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}100

(176) grand hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}100#2

= E100{#,#+1,1,2}hundrelasphemorgue

... and here we go again -_-; ...

(177) grangol-carta-hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}100#100

(178) greagol-carta-hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}100#100#100

(179) gigangol-carta-hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}100#100#100#100


(180) godgahlah-carta-hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}100#^#100

(181) tethrathoth-carta-hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}100#^^#100

(182) pentacthulhum-carta-hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}100#^^^#100

(183) hexacthulhum-carta-hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}100#^^^^#100


(184) godsgodgulus-carta-hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}100#{100}#100


(185) blasphemorgulus-carta-hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}100{#,#,1,2}100


(186) hundrelasphemorgue-by-deuteron = E100{#,#+1,1,2}100{#,#+1,1,2}100

(187) hundrelasphemorgue-by-triton

= E100{#,#+1,1,2}100{#,#+1,1,2}100{#,#+1,1,2}100

= E100{#,#+1,1,2}*#4

(188) hundrelasphemorgue-by-teterton

= E100{#,#+1,1,2}*#5


(189) hundrelasphemorgue-by-hyperion = E100{#,#+1,1,2}*#100


(190) deutero-hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}*{#,#+1,1,2}100


(191) terrible hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}^^#100

(192) horrible hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}^^^#100

(193) horrendous hundrelasphemorgue = E100{#,#+1,1,2}^^^^#100


(194) E100({#,#+1,1,2}){#}({#,#+1,1,2})100

(195) E100({#,#+1,1,2}){{#,#+1,1,2}}({#,#+1,1,2})100

(196) E100({#,#+1,1,2}){({#,#+1,1,2}){{#,#+1,1,2}}({#,#+1,1,2})}({#,#+1,1,2})100


(197) E100{{#,#+1,1,2},100,1,2}100

(198) E100{{{#,#+1,1,2},#,1,2},100,1,2}100


(199) E100{{#,#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2}100

(200) E100{{{#,#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2}100


(201) ludicriss =

E100{{{ ... {{{#,#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2} ... },#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2}100

w/100 applications of ' ,#+1,1,2} ' to #

(202) grand ludicriss =

E100{{{ ... {{{#,#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2} ... },#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2}100

w/ludicriss applications of ' ,#+1,1,2} ' to #

... at this point we run into a crucial snag ... it may seem that the next obvious choice is to let {#,#+2,1,2} have the above fundamental sequence. However, although not obvious this would break a symmetry with my theory of the climbing method. Unfortunately there is no good way using the already established notation to write the ordinal for the limit of this sequence ... but it is much much smaller than {#,#+2,1,2}. This is something for future development. I am currently developing the theory. For now however I'll give a few more experimental googolisms.

We can continue even without knowing the exact array structures. Let &(1) be the ordinal whose fundamental sequence is...

&(1)[1] = {#,#+1,1,2}

&(1)[n] = {&(1)[n-1],#+1,1,2} : n>1

... thus we can say ...

(201) ludicriss = E100&(1)100

(202) grand ludicriss = E100&(1)100#2 = E100&(1)ludicriss

... we skip the wealth of extensions we could easily make with a ludicriss, such as grangol-carta-ludicriss, and so forth. Just be aware that they exist and it's a very long way to the next plateau...

... eventually above a very complex sequence of delimiters we eventually reach ...

(203) E100{&(1),#+1,1,2}100

... note that this is not the same thing as E100&(1)101, even though it may seem we are merely adding one more nest of the ' ,#+1,1,2} ' operator. The reason is because we are not going to apply the fundamental sequence to &(1) immediately...

@m{&(1),#+1,1,2}n != @m{&(1)[n],#+1,1,2}m

if this were true than we would indeed have gotten no further than the delimiter &(1) and the above would merely be a rogue-type. Instead what we want to do is apply the decomposition to the ' ,#+1,1,2} ' operator first...

E100{&(1),#+1,1,2}100 =

E100{{{ ... {{{&(1),#,1,2},#,1,2},#,1,2} ... },#,1,2},#,1,2}100

w/100 applications of '#,1,2' to &(1)

... things get rapidly more complex after this point ... it will be a very long time before we actually get to isolate an &(1) and expand it, let alone actually reach &(1)[X]...

but we can make it much worse than this, we can now apply '#+1,1,2' as many times as we wish to &(1) ...

(204) E100{{{ ... {{{&(1),#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2} ... },#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2}100

w/100 applications of '#+1,1,2' to &(1)

Now let &(2) have the above as it's fundamental sequence ... oh hell ...

Now it is possible to go much much further. Just define...

&(&+1)[1] = &(&)

&(&+1)[n] = {&(&+1)[n-1],#+1,1,2}

if the argument of the &-function is a successor ordinal and...

&(&)[n] = &(&[n])

if it's a limit ordinal...

now imagine the mayhem ...

(205) E100&(2)100

(206) E100&(3)100


(207) E100&(#)100

(208) E100&(#+1)100


(209) E100&(#+#)100


(210) E100&(##)100


(211) E100&(#^#)100

(212) E100&(#^^#)100

(213) E100&(#^^^#)100

(214) E100&(#^^^^#)100


(215) E100&(#{#}#)100

(216) E100&(#{#{#}#}#)100


(217) E100&({#,#,1,2})100

(218) E100&({#,#+1,1,2})100


(219) E100&(&(1))100

(220) E100&(&({#,#,1,2}))100

(221) E100&(&(&(1)))100

(222) E100&(&(&({#,#,1,2})))100

(223) E100&(&(&(&(1))))100


... finally we reach ...

(224) agoraphobia

= E100&(&(&( ... &(&(&({#,#,1,2}))) ... )))100

w/100 &'s

... and ...

(225) grand agoraphobia

= E100&(&(&(& ... &(&(&(&({#,#,1,2})))) ... ))))100

w/agoraphobia &'s

(226) grand grand agoraphobia

= E100&(&(&(& ... &(&(&(&({#,#,1,2})))) ... ))))100

w/grand agoraphobia &'s

At this point we seem to hit another impasse ... if only we had a notation to extend an ordinal function ... oh wait, we already invented such a notation ... it's called xE^. To allow the rules of xE^ to extend our new ordinal function &(a), we need to relate it back to up-arrows. Let...

a*^#[n] = &(&(&( ... &(&(&(a+1))) ... ))) w/n &'s

The ' *^ ' is a new operator. Note the ' a+1 ' nested within the &'s. This is to avoid the fixed point problem which occurs with unary-ordinal functions. Already this gives us a lot of power. Consider the following ...

#*^#[n] = &(&(&( ... &(&(&(#+1))) ... ))) w/n &'s

This is already sufficient to keep up with an agoraphobia sequence. Simply use...

E100#*^#100 ~ agoraphobia

E100#*^#100#2 ~ grand agoraphobia

E100#*^#100#3 ~ grand grand agoraphobia


The new operator can be combined with all the pre-existing operators, so we can get things like ...

(227) E100(#*^#)^#100

(228) E100(#*^#)^##100


(229) E100(#*^#)^^#100

(230) E100(#*^#)^^#>#100


(231) E100(#*^#)^^##100


(232) E100(#*^#)^^^#100


(233) E100(#*^#){#}#100

(234) E100{#*^#,#,1,2}100


(235) E100{#*^#,#+1,1,2}100

(236) E100{{#*^#,#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2}100

(237) E100{{{#*^#,#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2},#+1,1,2}100


In this way we reach &(#*^#+1). The +1 is necessary to keep this from collapsing to a mere &(#*^#)[n] = #*^#[n+1]. Because of our definition of (a)*^#, we can now create multiple fixed points for the &-function. So we can have...

(#*^#)*^#[n] = &(&(&( ... &(&(&(#*^#+1))) ... ))) w/n &'s

Furthermore let...

#*^## = (#*^#)*^#

... o_0;

see where I'm going with this? Now we can create a second level of ordinal hyper-operators stacked on top of the original! We have already set things up so that we have a binary ordinal operator (a)*^(b) which is well defined as long as b is not a hyper-sum. So we can have...

(238) E100#*^##100 = E100(#*^#)*^#100

(239) E100#*^###100 = E100(#*^##)*^#100

(240) E100#*^####100 = E100(#*^###)*^#100


(241) E100#*^#^#100


(242) E100#*^#^^#100

(243) E100#*^#^^^#100


(244) E100#*^#{#}#100

(245) E100#*^{#,#,1,2}100

(246) E100#*^&(1)100


(247) E100#*^#*^#100

(248) E100#*^#*^#*^#100

(249) E100#*^#*^#*^#*^#100


Above all this we can use #*^^#. Now let...

#*^^#[n] = #*^#*^#*^#*^ ... *^#*^#*^# w/n #s

We can coin...

(250) astralthrathoth = E100#*^^#100

(251) grand astralthrathoth = E100#*^^#100#2

(252) grand grand astralthrathoth = E100#*^^#100#3

What's incredible is things are now set up that we can actually keep going without having to invent any new rules. Just watch ...

(#*^^#)*^#[n] = &(&(&( ... &(&(&(#*^^#+1))) ... ))) w/n &'s


(253) E100(#*^^#)*^#100

(254) E100(#*^^#)*^(#*^^#)100


(255) E100(#*^^#)*^^#100

(256) E100((#*^^#)*^^#)*^^#100


(257) E100#*^^#>#100

(258) E100#*^^#>#*^^#100

(259) E100#*^^#>#*^^#>#*^^#100


(260) E100#*^^##100

(261) E100#*^^###100


(262) E100#*^^#^#100

(263) E100#*^^#^^#100

(264) E100#*^^#^^#^^#100


(265) E100#*^^#^^^#100

(266) E100#*^^#{#}#100

(267) E100#*^^{#,#,1,2}100

(268) E100#*^^{#,#+1,1,2}100

(269) E100#*^^&(1)100


(270) E100#*^^#*^#100

(271) E100#*^^#*^#*^#100


(272) E100#*^^#*^^#100

(273) E100#*^^#*^^#*^^#100


(274) E100#*^^^#100

(275) E100#*^^^^#100



The upshot is the ability to extend the &-function very far without having to invent a bunch of new tricks ... we just recycle the old rules. As you can see we now have a set of ordinary hyper-operators and a new set of super-hyper-operators! And it gets more insane ...

#*{#}#[n] = #*^^^ ... ^^^# w/n ^s


(276) E100#*{#}#100

(277) E100#*{##}#100

(278) E100#*{#^#}#100

(279) E100#*{#^^#}#100

(280) E100#*{#^^^#}#100


(281) E100#*{#{#}#}#100

(282) E100#*{#{#{#}#}#}#100


(283) E100#*{{#,#,1,2}}#100


(284) E100#*{&(1)}#100

(285) E100#*{#*^#}#100


(286) E100#*{#*{#}#}#100


(287) E100*{#,#,1,2}100


E100#*{#*{#*{ ... #*{#*{#*{#}#}#}#... }#}#}#100 w/199 #s

(288) E100*{#,#+1,1,2}100

(289) E100*&(1)100

(290) E100*&(#)100

(291) E100*&(*&(#))100

(292) E100*&(*&(*&(#)))100

(293) E100*&(*&(*&(*&(#))))100


Now we just create...

(a)**^#[n] = *&(*&(*&( ... *&(*&(*&(a+1))) ... ))) w/n *&'s


That's right ... we are going to create multiple stacks of special hyper-operators. We can now have things like...

(294) E100#**^#100

(295) E100#**^^#100

(296) E100#**^^^#100


(297) E100**{#,#,1,2}100

(298) E100**&(#)100

(299) E100**&(**&(#))100


(300) E100#***^#100

(301) E100#***^^#100

(302) E100#***^^^#100


(303) E100***{#,#,1,2}100

(304) E100***&(#)100

(305) E100***&(***&(#))100


(306) E100#****^#100

(307) E100#*****^#100

(308) E100#******^#100


We use this notation to create the next whopper ... the gorgonghoulgog ...

(309) gorgonghoulgog = E100***** ... *****{#,#,1,2}100 w/100 *'s

Gorgonghoulgog is used to define ...

(310) grand gorgonghoulgog = E100***** ... *****{#,#,1,2}100 w/gorgongallgog *'s

The grand gorgonghoulgog is used to define the gathering. The gathering is a vast assembly of truly vast eldritch abominations, assembled to speak of incomprehensible things amongst themselves ( as Douglas Reay suggested they might). Imagine that each positive integer from a blasphemorgulus to a grand gorgonghoulgog were assembled in one place. The gathering is defined as the sum of all positive integers from a blasphemorgulus to grand gorgonghoulgog. In other words ...

(311) the gathering


[(grand gorgonghoulgog)2-(blasphemorgulus)2+(grand gorgonghoulgog)+(blasphemorgulus)]/2

The Gathering has been hosted by the grand gorgonghoulgog himself, a gorgonghoulgog-star general. He is the first guest to arrive. He is followed by and grand gorgonghoulgog minus one, then the grand gorgonghoulgog minus two. This continues for an inconceivably long time until the last guest arrives ... the blasphemorgulus ... the smallest of the guests!

There are some interesting observations to be made about the gathering. Firstly the number in attendance is virtually the same as size of the largest member in attendance (the grand gorgonghoulgog). Assuming the gathering is arranged in a grid pattern with the largest members in the center and smaller members distributed in a spiral pattern around the center, it turns out that all the numbers from a blasphemorgulus to E100***...***{#,#,1,2}100 w/(gorgonghoulgog-1) *'s would all be situated at an infinitesimal point on one of the sides of the grid! In other words the small members are vastly outnumbered by the large members to the point where they are forced to created their own isolated gathering at the outskirts of the larger gathering, or risk being lost amongst super-giants. Rather than form a simple line, which would isolate members of roughly the same size from each other it is better for them to gather and form their own grid containing their own peers. This 2nd gathering will in turn be too large for a yet smaller subset from blasphemorgulus to E100***...**{#,#,1,2}100 w/(gorgonghoulgog-2) *'s, thus forming a 3rd gathering, and so on, and so on for a gorgonghoulgog gatherings ....

The gathering as a whole dwarfs the grand gorgonghoulgog by a factor of himself, yet in the grander scheme of things the gathering is still in the googological neighborhood of a grand gorgonghoulgog (In otherwords the gathering and the grand gorgonghoulgog are googologically the same size).

In any case we can continue...

Let *(#)(a)[n] = ***...***(a) w/n *'s

and we get...

(309) gorgonghoulgog = E100*(#){#,#,1,2}100 = E100*(100){#,#,1,2}100

(310) grand gorgonghoulgog = E100*(#){#,#,1,2}100#2

= E100*(#){#,#,1,2}(E100*(#){#,#,1,2}100)

= E100*(#){#,#,1,2}(gorgonghoulgog) =


... and ...

(311) the gathering =


Insane ... yet we can now go further still. Let the argument of *(a) be any ordinal we can already construct, and nest this new function ...

We can begin by simplifying matters and letting...

*(a) = *(a){#,#,1,2}

or some other suitable default value for the argument. Then we can say ...

(312) E100*(#)100 = E100*(#){#,#,1,2}100

(313) E100*(*(#))100 = E100*(*(#){#,#,1,2}){#,#,1,2}100

(314) E100*(*(*(#)))100 = E100*(*(*(#){#,#,1,2}){#,#,1,2}){#,#,1,2}100


And now we reach the pinnacle of this mad ascent ...

(315) transmorgrifihgh

= E100*(*(*(*(*( ... *(*(*(*(*(#))))) ... )))))100

w/100 *'s

(316) grand transmorgrifihgh

= E100*(*(*(*(*( ... ... *(*(*(*(*(#))))) ... ... )))))100

w/transmorgrifihgh *'s

(317) grand grand transmorgrifihgh

= E100*(*(*(*(*( ... ... *(*(*(*(*(#))))) ... ... )))))100

w/grand transmorgrifihgh *'s

We can also have ...

(318) grand grand transmorgrifihgh with croutons


E(grand transmorgrifihgh)*(*(*( ... ... *(*(*(#))) ... ... )))(grand transmorgrifihgh)

w/grand transmorgrifihgh *'s

Just kidding! The above is just a salad number being used to illustrate a point. Increasing the arguments at this stage does little to improve the size of a grand grand transmorgrifihgh! To prove this let...

/ = *(*(*( ... ... *(*(*(#))) ... ... ))) w/transmorgrifihgh *'s

% = *(*(*( ... ... *(*(*(#))) ... ... ))) w/grand transmorgrifihgh *'s

By this we have...

(316) grand transmorgrifihgh = E100/100

(317) grand grand transmorgrifihgh = E100%100

(318) grand grand transmorgrifihgh with croutons = E(E100/100)%(E100/100)

Now just consider a mere E100%100#2 ...

(319) E100%100#2 = E100%(E100%100) = E100%(grand grand transmorgrifihgh)

This is already larger than grand grand transmorgrifihgh with croutons since the 2nd argument is so much larger. This completely overwhelms the benefit of having E100/100 in the first argument. Yet E100%100#2 is vanishingly small compare to ...

(320) grand grand grand transmorgrifihgh = E100*(*(*( ... *(*(*(#))) ... )))100

w/grand grand transmorgrifihgh *'s

which is vanishingly small compare to ...

(321) grand grand grand grand transmorgrifihgh = E100*(*(*( ... *(*(*(#))) ... )))100

w/grand grand grand transmorgrifihgh *'s

The above may already suggest to you some ways to continue ... we might for example create a series of such ordinal-functions, each indexed with a new symbol, which continue to nest into themselves to form the next level of the notation. However at this point things are quite ad hoc. Although we could continue it would be better to address the root of the problem before creating further generalizations. In the long run we will avoid difficulties down the road and we will also get to streamline the notation. The root of the problem is that we have at this point completely abandoned the approach of extending arrays ... an approach which promises to quickly make the above obsolete. The satisfactory continuation of Hyperion-arrays however will require a better understanding of array-structures at this level. That is an area of future research and development.

In the meantime however we will go one level more INsAnE! This will take us well beyond anything we've yet considered and yet ... it still will not even come close to legion-space. This new extension which extends on Hyper-Hyper-Extended-Cascading-E Notation (##xE^ which includes the arrays-of-hyperions, & and * ordinal-functions), already an extension on Hyper-Extended-Cascading-E Notation (#xE^ which covered everything below {#,#,1,2} and was the largest formally defined system), is called Solidus-Extended Cascading-E Notation (/xE^), and it introduces a new symbol, the solidus, "/".

We begin with a new definition as usual...

a/^#[n] = *(*(*(...*(*(a+1))...))) w/n *'s

the use of the "slash" or "solidus" , "/" , for the next symbol was suggested by Aarex Tiaokhiao. Recently he has used a polyadic extension of the *-operator.

Of coarse... we already have all the structure necessary to extend (*this) quites a ways...

transmorgrifihgh ~ E100#/^#100

grand transmorgrifihgh ~ E100#/^#100#2

grand grand transmorgrifihgh ~ E100#/^#100#3

grand grand grand transmorgrifihgh ~ E100#/^#100#4

grand grand grand grand transmorgrifihgh ~ E100#/^#100#5


(322) hundred-ex-grand transmorgrifihgh ~ E100#/^#100#101

This is vashingly tiny compare to...

(323) transmorgrifact = E100(#/^#)^#100

which is vanishingly tiny compare to ...

(324) terrible transmorgrifihgh = E100(#/^#)^^#100

(325) horrible transmorgrifihgh = E100(#/^#)^^^#100

(326) horrendous transmorgrifihgh = E100(#/^#)^^^^#100

(327) heptorrendous transmorgrifihgh = E100(#/^#){5}#100

(328) ogdorrendous transmorgrifihgh = E100(#/^#){6}#100

(329) ennorrendous transmorgrifihgh = E100(#/^#){7}#100

There is a limit to how far we can extend on the name "transmorgrifihgh" using already established constructs ... but this doesn't stop the notation from just going on and on and on ...

(330) E100(#/^#){8}#100

(331) E100(#/^#){9}#100

(332) E100(#/^#){10}#100

(333) E100(#/^#){100}#100

(334) E100{#/^#,#,#}100

(335) E100{#/^#,#,1,2}100

(336) E100{#/^#,#+1,1,2}100


(337) E100&(#/^#+1)100

(338) E100&(&(#/^#+1))100

(339) E100&(&(&(#/^#+1)))100


(340) E100(#/^#)*^#100


(341) astronomcally-terrible transmorgrifihgh = E100(#/^#)*^^#100

(342) astronomically-horrible transmorgrifihgh = E100(#/^#)*^^^#100

(heh heh ... astromical is such an understatement here!)

(343) E100(#/^#)*^^^^#100

(344) E100(#/^#)*{100}#100


(345) E100*{#/^#,#,#}100

(346) E100*{#/^#,#,1,2}100

(347) E100*{#/^#,#+1,1,2}100


(348) E100*&(#/^#+1)100

(349) E100*&(*&(#/^#+1))100

(350) E100*&(*&(*&(#/^#+1)))100


(351) E100(#/^#)**^#100

(352) double-astronomically-terrible transmorgrifihgh

= E100(#/^#)**^^#100

(353) E100(#/^#)**^^^#100

(354) E100(#/^#)**^^^^#100


(355) E100(#/^#)***^#100

(356) triple-astronomically-terrible transmorgrifihgh

= E100(#/^#)***^^#100


(357) E100(#/^#)****^#100

(358) quadruple-astronomically-terrible transmorgrifihgh

= E100(#/^#)****^^#100

... ... ...

(359) E100(#/^#)**********^#100

(360) E100(#/^#)*(100)^#100

(361) E100*(100){#/^#,#,1,2}100

(362) E100*(*(#)){#/^#,#,1,2}100

(363) E100*(*(*(#))){#/^#,#,1,2}100

(364) E100*(*(*(*(#)))){#/^#,#,1,2}100


(365) E100*(*(*(*( ... *(*(*(*(#)))) ... )))){#/^#,#,1,2}100 w/100 *s

... oh thank goodness looks like were finally getting somewh--

(366) E100*(#/^#){#/^#,#,1,2}100

-- oh hell no o_0;;;

(367) E100*((#/^#)^#){#/^#,#,1,2}100

... 1 , 2 , skip a few ... 99 ...


E100*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(... *(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(#/^#){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2} ...){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}){#/^#,#,1,2}100

w/100 *s

At this point a redefinition of the *function is in order...

*(a) = *(a){a,#,1,2}

This ends up becoming a nesting nightmare ...

*(#/^#) = *(#/^#){#/^#,#,1,2}

*(*(#/^#)) = *(*(#/^#){#/^#,#,1,2})

= *(*(#/^#){#/^#,#,1,2}){*(#/^#){#/^#,#,1,2},#,1,2}


= *(*(*(#/^#){#/^#,#,1,2}){*(#/^#){#/^#,#,1,2},#,1,2}){*(*(#/^#){#/^#,#,1,2}){*(#/^#){#/^#,#,1,2},#,1,2},#,1,2}


However this redefinition allows us to continue much further. Next we have //--

(369) E100(#/^#)/^#100

-- make it STOP!!! ...

(370) E100((#/^#)/^#)/^#)100

(371) E100(((#/^#)/^#)/^#)/^#100


(372) E100#/^#^#100


(373) E100#/^#/^#100

(374) E100#/^#/^#/^#100


(375) slaschelon-tethrathoth = E100#/^^#100

(376) E100#/^^^#100

(377) E100#/^^^^#100


(378) E100#/{100}#100

(379) E100/{#,#,#}100


(380) E100/{#,#,1,2}100

(381) E100/{#,#+1,1,2}100


(382) E100/&(1)100

... you've got to be kidding -_- ...

(383) E100/&(#)100

(384) E100/&(/&(#))100

(385) E100/&(/&(/&(.../&(/&(#)) ...)))100 w/100 "/&"s

... and thus we reach the amazing //--

(386) E100#/*^#100

F--K!!! ...

(387) E100#/**^#100

(388) E100#/***^#100

(389) E100#/****^#100


(390) E100/*(100){#,#,1,2}100

(391) E100/*(/*(100){#,#,1,2}){#,#,1,2}100


(392) slaschelon-transmorgrifihgh

= E100/*(/*(/*(/*( ... /*(/*(/*(#))) ... ))))100 w/100 /*s

which is of coarse just a member of some fundamental sequence of some larger ordinal...

(393) E100#//^#100

and of coarse this is just the beginning of the next insane level. We can now extend the // using up-arrows, a modified //& function and then //* //** //***, nesting this leads to ///...

(394) E100#///^#100

nesting ///*(a) leads to...

(395) E100#////^#100

nesting ////*(a) leads to...

(396) E100#/(5)^#100

... and now even the number of / is an ordinal and we can nest /(a)...

(397) hectalaceron = E100#/(100)^#100


(398) grand hectalaceron = E100#/(#)^#100#2


(399) super-hectalaceron = E100#/(#/(100)^#)^#100

(400) super-super-hectalaceron = E100#/(#/(#/(100)^#)^#)^#100


at this point we need a nifty short hand for /(a). Based on the star operator we just use...

/(a) = /(a){a,#,1,2}

This allows for the introduction of...

(401) iniquifihgh (/in-eh-qu-i-f-I-g/)

= E100/(/(/(/( ... /(/(/(/(#)))) ... ))))100 w/100 "/"s

(402) grand iniquifihgh =E100/(/(/(/( ... /(/(/(/(#)))) ... ))))100 w/iniquifihgh "/"s

To go further still with this now completely ad hoc system we need a new symbol after the * and /. Here a generalization is desired. I'll use...






for the continuation...


a/x^#[n] = /(/(/(/(.../(/(/(a+1)))...)))) w/n "/"s

a/xx^#[n] = /x(/x(/x(/x(.../x(/x(/x(a+1)))...)))) w/n "/x"s

a/xxx^#[n] = /xx(/xx(/xx(/xx(.../xx(/xx(/xx(a+1)))...)))) w/n "/x"s

a/xxxx^#[n] = /xxx(/xxx(/xxx(/xxx(.../xxx(/xxx(/xxx(a+1)))...)))) w/n "/x"s

Now all hell breaks loose! Now we can have any combination of these symbols, forming a multi-argument lattice of ordinal recursion (which leads to even more insane levels of primitive recursions and diagonalization)...

(401) iniquifihgh ~ E100#/x^#100

(402) grand iniquifihgh ~ E100#/x^#100#2


(403) E100#/x^^#100

(404) E100#/x^^^#100

(405) E100#/x^^^#100


(406) E100#/x*^#100

(407) E100#/x*^^#100


(408) E100#/x**^#100

... ... ...

(409) E100#/x****^^^^100


(410) E100#/x/^#100

(411) E100/x/(#)100

(412) E100/x/(/x/(#))100

(413) E100/x/(/x/(/x/(#)))100


(414) E100#/x/*^#100


(415) E100#/x/////////**********^^^^^^^^^^100


(416) E100#/x/x^#100


(417) E100#/x/x////****^^^^#100


(418) E100#/x/x/x^#100


(419) E100#/x/x/x/x////****^^^^#100


(420) oxoxyoxl


= E100#/x/x/x/x ... /x/x/x/x^#100 w/100 "/x"s

(421) grand oxoxyoxl

= E100#/x/x/x/x/x ... ... ... /x/x/x/x/x^#100 w/oxoxyoxl "/x"s

(422) E100/x(100){#,#,1,2}100

(423) E100/x(/x(#))100

(424) E100/x(/x(/x(#)))100


(425) conflagrifihgh

= E100/x(/x(/x(/x(...(/x(/x(/x(#)))...))))100 w/100 "/x"s

(426) grand conflagrifihgh

= E100/x(/x(/x(/x(...(/x(/x(/x(#)))...))))100 w/conflagrifihgh "/x"s


(425) conflagrifihgh ~ E100#/xx^#100

(426) grand conflagrifihgh ~ E100#/xx^#100#2


(427) E100#/xx/x/*^#100

(428) E100/xx/x/*&(1)100


(429) E100#/xx/x/**^#100


(430) E100#/xx/xx^#100

(431) E100#/xx/xx/xx^#100


(432) E100/xx(#)100

(433) E100/xx(/xx(#))100

(434) E100/xx(/xx(/xx(#)))100


(435) E100#/xxx^#100


(436) E100#/xxxx^#100


(437) E100#/xxxxx^#100


(438) E100#/xxxxxx^#100

(439) E100#/xxxxxxx^#100

(440) E100#/xxxxxxxx^#100


(441) meowmix

= E100#/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxx/xxxx/xxx/xx/x^#100

(442) meowmix with croutons

= E100#/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxx/xxxx/xxx/xx/x********^#100

(443) meowmix with croutons-and-a-fork

= E100#/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxx/xxxx/xxx/xx/x********^^^^#100

(444) hundreadrifihgh

= E100#/xxxxxxxxxx...xxxxxxxxxx^#100 w/100 x's

(445) grand hundreadrifihgh

= E100#/xxxxx ... ... ... xxxxx^#100 w/hundreadrifihgh x's

hundreadrifihgh already reaches the level of Aarex's transmorgrifihghundred.

Getting pretty loopy ... but we can keep going by nesting x's! This quickly takes us beyond what we can get using Veblen's methodology...

Here we have...

(x^n) = xxxx...xxxx w/n x's

Now we simplify matters slightly by reverse engineering our new super-powered x-function...

/x^0 --> /

/x^1 --> /x

/x^2 --> /xx

/x^3 --> /xxx

/x^4 --> /xxxx


Also let...

x^a = x^a(a) = /x^a(a)

Now madness ensues ... HA HA HA!!!

(444) hundreadrifihgh = E100#(x^#)^#100

(445) grand hundreadrifihgh = E100#(x^#)^#100#2


(446) E100x^#100 = E100/x^#(#)100 = E100/x^#(#){#,#,1,2}100

= E100/x^100(#){#,#,1,2}100

x^#+# exhibits the same growth rate as the hundreadrifihgh-sequence. But better yet, when the argument of x^a is a successor ordinal, we can treat it as a new symbol after all the previous symbols. Specifically each separator is able to extend itself using itself and all lower separators, including limit cases. For example...

(447) E100x^#/x^#100 = E100x^#/xxx ... 100xs ... xxx(100){#,#,1,2}100

Note that all of "xxx ... 100xs ... xxx(100){#,#,1,2}" is acting to extend x^#! Next we have...

(448) E100x^(#+1)100 = E100x^#(x^#(x^#(...(x^#(#))...)))100

with each increase in the argument of x^a , we are iterating the set of previous x^a. So now ordinals are serving to enumerate iterations of ordinal recursions ... x_x getting dizzy yet?!

(449) E100x^(#+2)100 = E100x^(#+1)(x^(#+1)( ... (x^(#+1)(#))...))100

... of coarse now it can be made inconceivably worse than anything we've seen so far because we can now use any of the ordinals we've yet constructed, up to and including ones which use our new x-function!

(450) E100x^(#+#)100 = E100x^(#+100)100


(451) E100x^(##)100


(452) E100x^(#^#)100


(453) E100x^(#^^#)100

(454) E100x^({#,#,1,2})100

(455) E100x^(&(1))100


(456) E100x^(#*^#)100


(457) E100x^(#/^#)100

(458) E100x^(#/x^#)100

(459) E100x^(#/xx^#)100

(460) E100x^(#/xxx^#)100

(461) E100x^(#/xxxx^#)100


(462) E100x^x^#100

(463) E100x^x^x^#100

(464) E100x^x^x^x^#100

(465) E100x^x^x^x^x^#100


(466) E100x^^#100

(467) E100(x^^#)^#100

(468) E100(x^^#)^^#100

(469) E100(x^^#)*^#100

(470) E100(x^^#)**^#100


(471) E100(x^^#)/^#100

(472) E100(x^^#)/x^#100

(473) E100(x^^#)/xx^#100

(474) E100(x^^#)/xxx^#100

(475) E100(x^^#)/xxxx^#100


(476) E100(x^^#)/(x^#)^#100

(477) E100(x^^#)/(x^x^#)^#100


(478) E100/(x^^#)/(x^^#)100

(479) E100/(x^^#)/(x^^#)/(x^^#)100

(480) E100/(x^^#)/(x^^#)/(x^^#)/(x^^#)100


(481) E100/(x^^#)(100)100

(482) E100/(x^^#)(/(x^^#)(/(x^^#)(...(/(x^^#)(#)...))100

w/100 "/(x^^#)"s


(483) E100/(x^^#*x)100

(484) E100/(x^^#*x^2)100


(485) E100/(x^^#*x^^#)100

(486) E100/({x^^#}^#)100

(487) E100/({x^^#}^{x^^#})100

(488) E100/(x^^#>2)100

(489) E100/(x^^#>2*x)100

(490) E100/(x^^#>3)100


(491) E100/(x^^#>x^^#)100


(492) E100/(x^^##)100


(493) E100/(x^^###)100


(494) E100/(x^^#^#)100


(495) E100/(x^^x^^#)100


(496) E100/(x^^^#)100

(497) E100/(x^^^^#)100


(498) E100/(x{100}#)100


(499) E100/({x,#,#})100

(500) E100/({x,#,1,2})100


(501) E100/(&(x+1))100


(502) E100/(x*^#)100

(503) E100/(x**^#)100

(504) E100/(x***^#)100

(505) E100/(x****^#)100


... heh heh ...heh...maakit STOP!... aaaaaaghhhh!!! x_x

(506) E100/(x*(#)^#)100

(507) E100/(x/^#)100

(508) E100/(x/x^#)100

(509) E100/(x/xx^#)100

(510) E100/(x/xxx^#)100

(511) E100/(x/xxxx^#)100


(512) E100/(x/(x^100)^#)100


(513) E100/(x/(x^#))100

(514) E100/(x/(x^x^#))100

(515) E100/(x/(x^x^x^#))100

(516) E100/(x/(x^x^x^x^#))100


(517) E100/(x/(x^^#))100


(518) E100/(x/(x^^^#))100


(519) E100/(x/(x/(x^#)))100

(520) E100/(x/(x/(x/(x^#))))100


(521) babbulbufihgh


= E100/(x/(x/(x/(...(x/(x/(x^#)))...)))100

(Aarex called this number golapuifihgh , but this number IS NOWHERE NEAR a golapulus! A golapulus is so much larger than a babbulbufihgh that such a comparison is laughable! )

... that's it right ... RiGht!?! We could keep going but the notation starts tripping over itself. We are already pushing it with some quite dicey notation and extremely informal sequences. Aarex goes for one further extension in which /2 diagonalizes over the entire system of /xE^. He then proceeds to nest /2 's in the same way we nested / 's to form /3 and so on. This can be continued until /# and then we can diagonalize over /a with // representing the first fixed-point of a-->/a. This of coarse can be taken further until we have ///.... Aarex ends with the "number" created by 100 layers of subscripting " / "s and calls this number bulbarepeatihgh. I'll suggest the alternative:

(522) solidifihgh = E100/_(/_(/_(/_(/_ ... (/_(/_#)) ... ))))100

Despite how far we've pushed past the now humble transmorgrifihgh or even iniquifihgh, we have still gotten virtually NOWHERE in array-space!!! Getting even to a golapulus will require radically new methods. These methods are not powerful enough and are already being pushed to the breaking-point. The above approach will need to be streamlined and related back to arrays-of-hyperions. All the work is still ahead of us!

Despite the lack of a formal, or even vague informal definition, I'm going to continue after this point but let me stress that what follows after this point is not fully defined yet, and are merely planned constructions. I also can't say with any certainly how far they are along the fast growing hierarchy or BEAF. These are questions that need to be worked out in future articles. Without further ado let's finish up the blasphemorgulus group ...

(523) E100{#,#+2,1,2}100

(524) E100{#,#+3,1,2}100

(525) E100{#,#+4,1,2}100


(526) blasphemorgudubbus = E100{#,#+#,1,2}100

(527) blasphemorgutrebbus = E100{#,#+#+#,1,2}100

(528) blasphemorguquabbus = E100{#,#+#+#+#,1,2}100


(529) E100{#,##,1,2}100

(530) E100{#,###,1,2}100

(531) E100{#,####,1,2}100


(532) E100{#,#^#,1,2}100

(533) E100{#,#^^#,1,2}100

(534) E100{#,#^^^#,1,2}100

(535) E100{#,#^^^^#,1,2}100


(536) E100{#,#{#}#,1,2}100

(537) E100{#,#{#{#}#}#,1,2}100


(538) E100{#,{#,#,1,2},1,2}100 = E100{#,3,2,2}100

(539) E100{#,{#,{#,#,1,2},1,2},1,2}100 = E100{#,4,2,2}100


(540) E100{#,#,2,2}100

(541) E100{#,#,3,2}100

(542) E100{#,#,4,2}100


(543) deusus-godsgodgogle = E100{#,#,#,2}100 = E100{#,#,100,2}100

(544) treusus-godsgodgogle = E100{#,#,#,3}100 = E100{#,#,100,3}100

(545) quadeusus-godsgodgogle = E100{#,#,#,4}100 = E100{#,#,100,4}100


(546) General Gogulus = E100{#,#,#,#}100


(547) ogdodgulus = E100{#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#}100

(548) demagogue = E100{#,10(1)2}100 = E100{#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#}100


(549) ominongulus = E100{#,100(1)2}100

= E100{#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#, ... ,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#}100

w/100 #s

(550) pseudomonarchia daemonum = E100{#,#(1)2}44,435,622

= E100{#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#, ... ,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,#}100

w/44,435,622 #s

(551) grand ominongulus = E100{#,#(1)2}100#2 = E100{#,#(1)2}ominongulus

(552) grand pseudomonarchia daemonum = E100{#,#(1)2}44,435,622#2

= E100{#,#(1)2}(pseudomonarchia daemonum)


(553) hecatonchirechelon = E100{#,#(1)#}100 = E100{#,#(1)100}100


(554) goxxogogulus = E100{100x100&#}100

(555) cloxxogogulus = E100{100x100x100&#}100

(556) teroxxogogulus = E100{100^4&#}100


(557) brobdingnagongule = E100{100^100&#}100

(558) lugubrigoth = E100{#^^#&#}100

(559) kekrakunge = E100{#^^^#&#}100

(560) giygas = 616^666{{#,#,#,#,#,#}&#}666

... you can not grasp the true form of this number ... if you could you could grasp the true form of giygas's attack ...

(561) perfect giygas = 616^666{#&#&#}666

(562) super perfect giygas = 616^666{{#,#,#,#,#,#}&#&#}666


(563) dio fa = E100{#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#}100


(564) Sprach Zarathustra


E100{#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#& ... &#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#}100

w/100 #s

(565) grand Sprach Zarathustra


E100{#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#& ... &#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#}100

w/Sprach Zarathustra #s

(566) grand grand Sprach Zarathustra


E100{#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#& ... &#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#}100

w/grand Sprach Zarathustra #s



(567) Thus Sprach Zarathustra


????(yet to be defined)????

(568) yog-sothoth


????(yet to be defined)????

...the end?!?!


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