

The SI Prefixes

" If the BIPM decides to adopt further prefixes for 10^27 and 10^30 and their reciprocals 10^-27 and 10^-30, they will probably adopt something vaguely resembling names for nine and ten ... "

-- Robert P. Munafo

4.1 Jonathan Bowers

4.2 Fast Growing

4.3 Extensible-E



1.3 Arithmetic

1.4 Properties

1.5 Catalog of Numbers

2.1 Cosmic Horizons

2.2 SI Prefixes

2.3 Imagining Numbers

2.4 The -illion Series

3.1 Intro to Recursion

3.2 Common Notations

3.3 Large No. Arithmetic



1.1 Nature of Number

1.2 Sys. of Numeration

In this Chapter we'll learn about the SI prefixes. What they are, how they work, and what they are used for. We will then look at several proposals and hoaxes which attempt to extend the standard set of prefixes, including a few suggestions of my own.


In this series of articles I discuss the SI prefixes. I go over everything from the origins and history of the prefixes, the system as it is used today, and at the end I go over the many attempts that have been made to extend the system, including my own recent attempts. Enjoy :)

2.2.1 - Origins & Development of the SI Prefixes

This article introduces the SI prefixes giving a brief explanation of their use, and then gives a nice summary of the history and development of the SI prefixes

2.2.2 - Modern Standard SI

This article provides a complete table of the SI official canon, and then goes into a deeper explanation of their use and usefulness.

2.2.3 - Non-Canonical SI Prefixes

This article takes up the difficult task of researching into the existence of non-canonical prefixes which have proliferated either through hoaxes or legitimate proposals over the web.

2.2.4 - Sbiis Saibian's Extended Prefixes (2009)

Here I introduce proposals of my own on how to extend the SI prefixes.

Scientists are not likely to adopt anything proposed here because these systems are inherently impractical. In the next chapter we consider numbers not as tools, but as objects of the human imagination ... there to inspire awe, strike fear, perplex, confuse, bewilder, and even instill religious awe. Stay tuned for Chapter 3 - "Giants of Antiquity & the Mind" ...

Other links of interest :

http://s13.invisionfree.com/DozensOnline/ar/t207.htm : This very unique forum discusses some rather unconventional extensions to the SI system proposed by user uaxuctum.