Free Plugins

Listed below are some useful free effects & utilities, found across the web, many used by OSC participants over the years.
Links to the sites for further information and downloads are underlined on the left.

(disclaimer: we do not vouch for the safety of any external sites or software and you use them at your own risk)


BaxterEQ Variety Of Sound (PC) [32bit ]

ColourEQ ddmf (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

EasyQ RS-MET Freebies (PC) [32bit ]

IIEQ ddmf (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Luftikus lkjb (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Marvel GEQ Voxengo (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

MEqualizer MeldaProduction (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Overtone GEQ Voxengo (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

PTEq-X Ignite Amps (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

QRange lkjb (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

ReaEQ reaper (PC) [32bit 64bit]

SN04G Chanel EQ Sender Spike (PC) [32bit 64bit]

SonEQ sonimus (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

TDR VOS SlickEQ Tokyo Dawn Labs (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]


bx_cleansweep brainworx (via Plugin-Alliance) (PC MAC) [32bit ]

FilterJam AUDIOTHING (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Filtr Guda Audio (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

GBand, GHi, GLow GVST (PC MAC LINUX) [32bit 64bit]

HY-Filter3_free HY-Plugins (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

MBandPass MeldaProduction (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Niveau filter elysia (PC MAC) [ 64bit]

TAL-Filter TAL-Togu Audio Line (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]


Broadcast jeroenbreebaart (PC) [32bit ]

DC1A klanghelm (PC MAC) [ 64bit]

DCAM fxpansion (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Density Variety Of Sound (PC) [32bit ]

MCompressor MeldaProduction (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Molot vladg/sound (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

OTT Xfer Records (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

ReaComp reaper (PC) [32bit 64bit]

ReaXcomp reaper (PC) [32bit 64bit]

Red Phat Pro jeroenbreebaart (PC) [32bit ]

Roughrider Audio Damage, Inc. (PC MAC LINUX IOS) [32bit 64bit]

Sixtyfive delamancha (PC) [32bit ]

SN01G VCA Comp Sender Spike (PC) [32bit 64bit]

TDR Kotelnikov Tokyo Dawn Labs (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

TDR Nova Tokyo Dawn Labs (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

ThrillseekerLA Variety Of Sound (PC) [32bit ]


Barricade Pro jeroenbreebaart (PC) [32bit ]

FR-LIMIT 87 eareckon (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Limiter6 vladg/sound (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

LoudMax Thomas Mundt (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

SN05G Limiter Sender Spike (PC) [32bit 64bit]

Unlimited Sonic Anomaly (PC) [32bit 64bit]

W1 Limiter George Yohng (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]


BootEQmkII Variety Of Sound (PC) [32bit ]

Delta Force expdigital (PC MAC) [32bit ]

Drive Knob AbleTunes (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Ferox jeroenbreebaart (PC) [32bit ]

FerricTDS Variety Of Sound (PC) [32bit ]

IVGI klanghelm (PC MAC) [ 64bit]

MSaturator MeldaProduction (PC) [32bit 64bit]

TAL-Tube TAL-Togu Audio Line (PC MAC) [32bit ]

TesslaSE Variety Of Sound (PC) [32bit ]

ThrillseekerXTC - Exciter Variety Of Sound (PC) [32bit ]

TLs Saturated Driver tbt (PC) [32bit ]

Tube Amp Voxengo (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]


Ambience magnus.Smartelectronix (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

DragonflyReverb-vst Michael Willis (PC MAC LINUX) [32bit 64bit]

Epicverb Variety Of Sound (PC) [32bit ]

Glaceverb dasample (PC) [32bit ]

MCharmVerb MeldaProduction (PC) [32bit 64bit]

OldSkoolVerb Voxengo (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Omniverb jeroenbreebaart (PC) [32bit ]

OrilRiver Denis Tihanov (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Protoverb u-he (PC MAC LINUX) [32bit 64bit]

Reverberate LE liquidsonics (PC) [32bit ]

Space Knob AbleTunes (PC) [32bit 64bit]

Sphere Sonicbits (PC MAC) [ 64bit]

TAL-Reverb 2 and 3 TAL-Togu Audio Line (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

TAL-Reverb 4 TAL-Togu Audio Line (PC MAC LINUX) [32bit 64bit]

ValhallaSupermassive Valhalla (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]


Bionic Delay interruptor (PC) [32bit ]

Delta Ping expdigital (PC MAC) [32bit ]

Ixox Delay ixox (PC) [32bit ]

MgTempoDelay mgaudio (PC) [32bit ]

NastyDLA Variety Of Sound (PC) [32bit ]

ReaDelay reaper (PC) [32bit 64bit]

Spaceship Delay Musical Entropy (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

TAL-DUB TAL-Togu Audio Line (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Tempo Delay Voxengo (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Twin Delay Rhythm Lab (PC) [32bit ]


AnSpec Voxengo (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Blue Cat Freq Analyst Blue Cat Audio (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

HOFA 4U Meter, Fader & MS-Pan hofa-plugins (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

MAnalyzer MeldaProduction (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

MOscilloscope MeldaProduction (PC) [32bit 64bit]

s(M)exoscope Bram.Smartelectronix (PC MAC) [32bit ]

SPAN Voxengo (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

TT Dynamic Range Meter pleasurizemusic (PC MAC) [ N/A]

Youlean Loudness Meter Youlean (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]


A1StereoControl Alex Hilton (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Basslane - Low Freq Stereo to Mono toneprojects (PC) [32bit ]

MSED Voxengo (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

MStereoExpander MeldaProduction (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Rescue - Stereo enhancer Variety Of Sound (PC) [32bit ]

Stereo Tool Flux:: sound and picture development (PC MAC) [32bit ]

Stereo Touch - Stereo widening Voxengo (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]


ChordSpace - Chord generator chordspace (PC) [32bit ]

Hypercyclic - LFO arpeggiator mucoder (PC MAC LINUX) [32bit 64bit]

Hyperion - Note generator xoxos (PC) [32bit ]

MidiMod! - CC automation sonic assault (PC) [32bit ]

MidiSeq! - CC automation sonic assault (PC) [32bit ]

sequencair Full Bucket Music (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Arp!0 - Arpeggiator script for Reaper cockos (PC) [ N/A]


BC Gain 3 Blue Cat Audio (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

Element (Host and chainer) Kushview (PC MAC LINUX) [32bit 64bit]

Isone Pro - Binaural simulator jeroenbreebaart (PC) [32bit ]

MNotepad MeldaProduction (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

ProjectTime - Project time measurement hofa-plugins (PC MAC) [32bit 64bit]

SCal - Musical calculator expdigital (PC MAC) [ N/A]

WG Doffset Wire Grind (PC) [32bit 64bit]


Dead Duck Free Effects Suite Dead Duck Software (PC) [32bit 64bit]

SurgeEffectsBank vember|audio (PC MAC LINUX) [ 64bit]

LFX-1310 Sonic Cat (PC MAC) [32bit ]

Last checked 03-09-2021