Download all Tracks (High Quality):

Individually, all in a single zip file, torrent, or streaming

Here's how it works:

  1. You download our synth of the month: See bottom of this page for download link and info

  2. You make an awesome track before the end of the month
    But using only the synth above and some effects - *Rules Apply*

  3. Announce, and share your soundcloud song on the submission thread here, formatted title, download enables, and proper post description (# instances used, list all effects, etc)

  4. Your entry may be edited / changed / updated as frequently as needed up to the deadline.

  5. Once submissions are over, the voting starts - you *MUST* vote to get a ranking or prize

  6. Maybe you win? You meet new friends? Learn something new?

  7. Most importantly... have fun!

More Info:

Prizes: (Would you like the sponsor the OSC? Post in the submission thread above, or contact the OP):

        • *Note: Any Ridan soundbank may be chosen by the winner on top of the regular prize*



Soundbanks, Sample Packs, Themes/Skins:

Results: Scoreboard

OBXD by discoDSP

Download: Here