OSC 41: Minimogue

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Status: Finished

Results: Scoreboard


Memorymoon : 1 Memorymoon and 1 Messiah license

Sonic Academy : 1 ANA license

Wusik : Wusik Station Full + Wusik EVE Full

MaxSynths : Free choice of either Cryologic, Teutonic Tension or aPiano

Rob Lee Music : A soundset for either: Sylenth1, Predator, Largo, Blofeld, PPGV3 or Dune

Electric Himalaya : Free choice of one soundset as sold directly via the website

Luftrum : Free choice of one soundset for either Glass Viper, Roland Gaia SH-01, Animoog or Reason

Kreativ Sound : 1 RAW Bundle (RAW Bass, RAW Drums, RAW TranSID, RAW Textures)

Aiyn Zahev Sounds : 1 Soundset (uplifting trance presets)

Studio 13.37 : Pro audio studio on a USB stick

Pooya Payvar (Stonail) : 1 custom made Max for [Ableton] Live: controller, midi or audio effect

Sunsine Audio : 1 preset or sample pack

Synth info:

Minimogue by Voltkitchen is an emulation of the classic Minimoog but includes additional features such as dedicated Release knobs for the two Contour Generators (envelopes), Tuning of Osc 1, Fine Tuning sliders for Osc2 and Osc3, Aftertouch control, 3 Overdrive sliders: one per oscillator (sort of a chorus effect to help thicken the sound), Oscillator Sync, Oscillator Drift (to emulate a drifting analog VCO), and a fully programmable Digital Delay.

Like the original Minimoog, you can turn Osc3 into an LFO with dedicated modulation knobs for the Osc Pitch and the Filter. There is no dedicated Noise Generator as on the original Mini, but pink and white noise are selectable on Osc 3. All controls are mapped to MIDI CC#s, and you can override the default settings by using the MIDI Learn feature.