KVR One-Synth-Challenge
Audible Planets

Welcome to OSC183 - Audible Planets

One-Synth-Challenge #183 Details:

Prizes: (winners may choose from the following list)
(Would you like to sponsor the OSC? Post in the submission thread above, contact the OP, or use the Contact page here!)
Special Prize 

Software / Tools / Education:

Services, Themes / Skins:

Soundbanks, Sample Packs, Soundsets, Patches:

Audible Planets by gregrecco67

An expressive, quasi-Ptolemaic semi-modular synthesizer - for Windows, Mac OS and Linux .
Has 4 oscillators, lots of modulation and a randomise button.  With an unusual system of sound generation closely resembling frequency modulation (FM) synthesis this should prove an interesting challenge!