OSC 138: Surge

Entries Playlist

(note Soundcloud cookie policy)

Track order does not represent ranking

(Would you like to sponsor the OSC? Post in the submission thread above, contact the OP, or use the Contact page here!)

        • Special: (Anonymous Donation) Paypal Prize : $100 USD

        • *Secondary Prizes: JRR Sounds, or FXB Project Sounds may be chosen by the winner on top of the regular prize*

        • Additional Bonus Prize: For the first Single Instance entry to make the top 5 a small cash bonus of $30. (note: this prize may be carried forward to selected OSC challenges until it is won)

Software / Tools / Education:

Services, Themes / Skins:

          • Pooya Payvar (Stonail) : 1 custom made Max for [Ableton] Live: controller, midi or audio effect

          • satYatunes : One of any commercial product (Synth Custom GUI skins)

Soundbanks, Sample Packs, Soundsets, Patches:

Download: Here