
July 10, 2017

Paint and Play League

Leisure Time Games To Start Its First Ever Paint And Play League

On July 20, Leisure Time Games will be hosting it's first ever Paint and Play League. The response for this event has already gathered dozens of interested players. There's always room for more, and we'd be happy if would join us.

Anytime during this 4 week league, come in to Leisure Time Games and order a basic troop choice box. Then come join us on one of our league nights, Thursday from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM and Friday from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. On your first week, assemble and paint your figures. I'll have some of my paints and tools here for you to borrow, and you can of course bring your own if you so desire. After that, it's all about playing games and having a good time.

This will be a 4 week league designed to help encourage new participants, as well as to get our more experienced players to try out smaller contingents of armies that pique their interest, or to help fill holes in their existing armies at the more basic levels. Since everyone's first purchase will be a box of basic troops, anyone who enters the league, either experienced or a new player, will be right on track with everyone else.

League Structure

The main focus of this league is about welcoming and encouraging new players. We want to make sure that at any time someone joins us, they can jump in with little to no problems. So with perhaps the only exception being the final week of the league, we'll always have a painting area set up. The rest of the gaming area will be for playing games. Since we are using single units of troops, games will be based on Power Level.

As far as the structure of the league, it will go something like this:

Week 1- Paint

Purchase a box of basic troops, then assemble and paint them

Week 2- Paint And Play

Same as week 1 for any new players that join in, the rest of you, play games. Play whoever's free to play

Week 3- See week 2

Week 4- Wrap up with some final games, and pass out participation awards.

League Rewards

Once the league is over, we'll be handing out rewards to the participants for various reasons, such as:

Brought a new friend

Are a new player

Most fun to play against

Most improved player

Any other reason we can think of that spreads the love around

We'll be handing out gift certificates redeemable for anything at Leisure Time Games, as well as other rewards, such as:

Wargear bonuses*

An extra command die for your army*

Force your opponent to re-roll once a game*

A bonus objective*

*To be used at the next league

As We Go Forward

40K Tournament

Once the league is over, we will be hosting a tournament. We'll go over the details on that later, but it will take place at our next Games Day Event; Summer Games Day, August 12 2017. You do not have to participate in the league to play in the tournament. They will be separate events.

The Next League

As time marches on, we'll scale the league, adding other troops, characters, elites and other choices to fit the theme of your league army. This way you can customize your army to play whoever you are facing. New player? Great, you have basic troops to play against them. Has the new-ish player been playing in our leagues but not all of them? Cool, you can adjust your army as necessary to make the game fun for that player too.

So that's all about the league. If you have any questions or input, please feel free message us.

August 25, 2017





The latest Codex to be Released is also for a brand new army

Alex H. and Cody S. seal of approval

October 28, 2016

Following Successful 40K League, Cody S. Hosts 2000 Point Tournament At Summer Games And Comics Day 2017


Warhammer 40,000 Matched Play (see pages 212-215 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook)

Army Size:

2,000 points


Eternal War

Number of games:

3 (depending on players)

Army Selection:

Battle-forged with a maximum of three Detachments

Publications in use:

All current and in-print Warhammer 40,000 Index books and Codexes from Games Workshop, NO Forge World, no books that release falls on the weekend of the event.

We expect you to use the most current datasheets for your models – e.g. those found in a Codex rather than an Index if a Codex is available for your army. This means that you may use Faction-appropriate Index datasheets that

might not appear in your Codex (such as Chaplain on Bike).

Model requirement: models may be converted and built in any fashion but must be at least 80% GW (alternative heads or backpacks, etc… is ok) and please try to stay WISIWYG. (e.g. no

using “this guy with the melta has a flamer”) we do not want arguments based on load outs if something gets confused.


I pay for a flamer on my marine, but he is modeled with a melta.. during the game i forget he has a flamer and use the melta rules. That would be

cheating. unless all your guys have meltas, and you are using all of them as flamers. consistency for clarity please.

There is not a painting minimum requirement. However you will gain points towards your total score based on hobby points given by your opponent as well as mission points and


You will field an army of no more than 2,000 points to play at this event.

Follow the matched play (pg 214) and Battle-forged (pg 240) rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook when

choosing your army. You may take a maximum of three Detachments in your army. Once you are happy with your army, you must record it on a typed and printed army roster – a PDF

download of a blank army roster is available from

All text must be clearly readable for us and your opponent to check. Please have at least one other copy to give to your opponents before each game. You must use the same army roster for

each game, and all choices available to you must be noted down on your army roster.

Remember that your roster must include things like reinforcement points, Command Points, army Faction, who is your Warlord and what Detachments you are using. Any kind of ability or trait you can choose before the game must be decided on before the event and recorded on your army roster. This includes things like psychic powers, Warlord Traits, relics and specific Faction keywords, e.g.

<Chapter>or <Clan>. This also includes any Stratagems that state they are used ‘before the battle’ (such as the Chapter Master or Relics of the Chapter Stratagems in Codex: Space

Marines – but not, for example, Strike From the Shadows, as this is used

‘during deployment’).

After ensuring you have the required Command Points, you must record

these on your army roster – we suggest using the ‘Notes’ section.

Each Games day tournament will consist of 3 matched play games using the Eternal War missions, and you will have two hours and thirty minutes to play each game. Your opponent for your first game will be randomly determined, then from game two onward we will use a ‘Swiss’ system to match you against players of a similar rank. By playing an opponent of a

similar rank, you are more likely to be matched up evenly, creating

enjoyable games for all.

Each mission will be randomly determined by the events team before

the round starts. Once a mission has been played, it will not be played

again, so you will play 3 of the six Eternal War missions. Once a game starts, play through the

mission exactly as laid out in the Warhammer 40,000 rule book (these can be found on pages 216-223, including rules for determining which standard deployment map is used).

At the end of each round, record your points on your event sheet. Then let your opponent fill out their part on your event sheet and have them sign it.

schedule is as follows

10am sign in

11am-130pm round one

2pm-430pm round two

530pm-8pm round three (final round)

830pm awards

Any drops from the tournament are not awarded and get 0 points

please be respectful to all players and event goers (even those not playing 40K)

Please see Cody for any other rules and/or clarifications.

Have a good time and enjoy your Games day

August 25, 2017





Open Play Event For Warhammer 40,000 To Be Held At Summer Games And Comics Day 2017

Cody S. will be hosting Kill Team events during the Warhammer 40,000 Tournament at Summer Games And Comics Day 2017.

Designed especially for new players of 40K, these games are one off challenges using squads instead of armies. These smaller events lend themselves to quicker games.

Bring what you have, find an opponent, agree on Power or Points, and have a great time.

May 2, 2017





Cody S. To Host Warhammer 40,000

And Brady R. To Host X-Wing At Con De Mayo 2017

EVENT: Warhammer 40000

Start/End Time:10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Event Host: Cody S.

Description: 1850 pts, basic Eternal War missions, rolled at random. 2.25 hours per round, 15 minutes between rounds (30 between 1 and 2 for lunch), 3 rounds max. Round 1 begins at 10:30 AM. Specially made Imperial Seals to be given out to players for various fun reasons-Best Xenos, who had most fun, etc


Start/End Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Event Host: Brady R

Description: X-wing tutorial for beginners or free play for those already playing! Ships provided or bring your own fleet to try out this fun and affordable miniatures game from Fantasy Flight Games

See you at Con De Mayo 2017

March 31, 2017

GW And LTG, We've Come A Long Way

Since Leisure Time Games opened it’s doors way back in 1999, Games Workshop has been an integral part of our gaming community.

To support the Games Workshop fan base, we’ve always providing tables, terrain, and a robust event schedule.

The group has varied in size, from just a handful of players to dozens of fans.

These days, Warhammer 40,000 has the lion’s share of the Games Workshop players in our area.

The current group started out with a few avid fans, but has seen a resurgence of popularity again lately.

They currently meet every Thursday evening to paint, play, and share strategies with one another.

If you happen to be in the area stop on by, they’d be happy to meet you.

One final note, we’re putting together a battle report video and hope to be posting it real soon.

February 16, 2017


Tyson K. and Cody S. Will Be On Hand To Host Minis Tournaments At Winter Games Day 2017

EVENT: Warmachine Tournament: 75 point Steamroller

Start/End Time: 10:30 AM - ?

Event Host: Tyson K.

Description: 1 list required, 2nd list optional.

Color prints, widgets, badges for prizes available, along with prize support from Leisure Time Games. $10.00 entry, includes entry to Winter Games Day 2017.

EVENT: Warhammer 40,000

Start/End Time:10:30 AM - ?

Event Host: Cody S.

Description: 1500 pts, basic Eternal War missions, rolled at random. 2.25 hours per round, 15 minutes between rounds (30 between 1 and 2 for lunch), 3 rounds max. Round 1 begins at 10:30 AM. Trophies to be given out to players for various fun reasons-Best Xenos, who had most fun, etc


Matthew T. will be hosting this event's WH40K Tournament.

Sign ups start at 10:00 AM, round 1 at 11:00 AM. 3 2.5 hour matches. 7th ed rules. Combined arms detachments, with up to one allied detachment or standard formations in the codex. Maelstrom Of War missions, 1500 points. Please have your codex, tactical cards, updated FAQs, and any supplements that you are using. Battleforge armies only, no Forge world, no unbound, no super heavies or gargantuan monstrous creatures. Prizes to the top players, depending on attendance.

October 19, 2015


First, WH40K,

Matthew T. will be hosting this event's WH40K Tournament.

Sign ups start at 10:00 AM, round 1 at 11:00 AM. 3 2.5 hour matches. 7th ed rules. Combined arms detachments, with up to one allied detachment or standard formations in the codex. Maelstrom Of War missions, 1500 points. Please have your codex, tactical cards, updated FAQs, and any supplements that you are using. Battleforge armies only, no Forge world, no unbound, no super heavies or gargantuan monstrous creatures. Prizes to the top players, depending on attendance.

Next, Tyson K. A staple here at our Games Day Events will be hosting an Open Play Devastation Release Event.

This event will have a $10.00 entry fee, which will also get you free admission into any other event at Halloween Horror Games Day that does not have an associated fee.

Open play Devastation release event. 35 point min armies. Warmachine welcome too. See PP website for event rules. There is also going to be a release kit with prize support, along with the usual prize support, depending on attendance.

See you this Saturday

July 4, 2015


Same Armies, Same Troops, A Whole New Way To Play

Warhammer, Age of Sigmar, will officially release on July 11, 2015. The original game, Warhammer Fantasy Battles is no more. Gone is the gigantic volume of rules, having been replaced with a four page rule book. Gone are the Armies Books, having been replaced by what the company is calling War Scrolls; Single sheets of rules for the specific miniature or miniatures you are fielding. Also Gone is the need to field scores and scores of troops to be able to play a game. It has been revamped into a system that can scale to be as many or as few miniatures as you and your opponent wish to play. On top of all that, and this is big-

The rule book as well as the War Scrolls are all available on the Games Workshop site as free downloads.

This is all good news for both old and new players alike. First of all, both old and new players will not have to scour through a gigantic rule book to figure out how to play. It's essentially two sheets of paper with printing on the front and back. Players who have been playing for awhile that already have the minis won't need to change their armies. All existing armies are still represented. New players on the other hand won't need to heavily invest in the game just to get their foot in the door trying to build up a massive army because of the ease of scale the game has now.

Interesting in finding out more? Come on in on Thursday, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM and see what's going on.

June 10, 2015


It's The End Of The World...Of Warhammer

Fans of the GW Universe know by now that Warhammer Fantasy Battles is getting a make over. Chaos won. Armies are going away, changing, or combining. Bedlam I say, BEDLAM!

As compelling as that story is, it's not what I'm talking about here today. That'll be a future opinion piece.

No, I'm talking about the doom and gloom that is the end of Games Workshop. I'm sure you've all heard the mantra; The game is expensive. There are other games out there that do it better. They're out of touch with their customers. Stock prices are falling. Major players within the company have jumped ship. All are factors pointing to just how numbered their days are.

All of which I've been hearing for the past 15+ years.

That's the thing about being the top dog. The view never changes for those that are chasing you. Combine that with the speed of technology that is the internet, and what you have is a fine little brew of trolls and haters that percolate into a hot mess of speculation and hearsay with a soap box that spans the globe.

It's all out there right now. The demise of GW floats across my social media feeds on a weekly basis. Now, I'd like to chime in. My opinion on this subject is based entirely upon my personal experience. I'm not going to say I have some sort of relevant insider info. Nope, it's all based off of what I've seen since becoming a vendor of the Games Workshop lines, way back when:

Utter hogwash.

Hey, the naysayers and doom and gloomers could finally be right after all these years. Games Workshop may shutter their doors tomorrow for all I know. That's business for you. After all, eventually they will close for whatever reason or another. Then, whoever it is at that time that manages to post their opinion piece at that critical moment of history can then sit back and bask in the glow that is their market prediction genius. Between now and then however, it's all just blowing smoke.

Enjoy the game folks. Don't let the trolls get you down


June 4, 2015


Games Workshop Approves Images To Help Improve Retail Support

I think I may have had something to do with this. You see, whenever you use words or images from other places on the internet, if you don't have the original author or artist's approval, you skate on a thin line.

With this in mind, I asked my GW Rep on a near weekly basis for a couple of months about being able to use their images on my site to help promote the Games Workshop hobby. Persistence paid off. About a month ago, I was given the A-Okay to begin using images on their newly created Retailer Support Image Gallery.

You're welcome world.

I'll be using these images and updating regularly with them, so I can improve how I support you, the local fan base. Check back regularly, and see what's new for Games Workshop here at Leisure Time Games.

May 16, 2015


GW Continues To See Growth At Leisure Time Games

Since we opened our doors back in 1999, Games Workshop's product line has always been a part of our shop. Players have come and gone, armies popularity have risen and fallen, and through it all, LTG has been there, supporting the Games Workshop hobbyists of the area.

Cody S., has been hosting GW events at our Games Day Events, as well as putting together our weekly GW open play event. His enthusiasm shows. He's always willing to explain rules, give painting tips, and set up a game for people.

You can get in on the fun every Thursday, from 4:30 until close. Bring your armies- 40K or Fantasy. Bring your minis that need painting. Bring your terrain you're working on. Come on in, share some moments with other like minded gamers, and most importanly, have a great time.



Usually, the rules that follow this update are how we run our league here, so we are going to leave those rules posted for future reference. However, starting January 2014, we are gonna do things a bit differently to see how it transpires:

Come in every Thursday, anytime between 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Bring your figures, bring your terrain; painted, unpainted, assembled, un-assembled, in need of repair, and let's do something with them. Let's paint, let's build, let's repair. Heck, we can even play, it's all good-

Let's do stuff!

This league is going to be about getting together with other GW fans, meeting each other, playing games, showing off figures, helping other gamers out, and all the stuff that is what GW is all about. This time around, it's all about attendance. Come in, get your league point, at the end of the 6 week league, I'll have prizes for the most attended, maybe a random something for someone.

We'll follow up the league with a tournament at Winter Games Day on February 22.

See you Thursday


Waaaagh! Blood for the Blood God! For the Emperor! Not the Face! ::Insert other appropriate army specific war cry here::

Every Thursday, we hold Games Workshop League Night. Each month, we switch which game we are playing, and end the month with a tournament appropriate to the game played. Essentially, we play:

Warhammer 40,000

  • January

  • March

  • May

  • July

  • September

  • November

Warhammer Fantasy Battles

  • February

  • April

  • June

  • August

  • October

December we get kinda busy, so we hold off then- but the tables will be open for any GW game you wish to play.

If you'd like to participate, here is what you need to bring with you:

  • A legal copy of the most updated Army Codex/Armies Book for the Army you are fielding and its errata

  • A legal copy of the rule book plus errata

  • Your own dice, templates, measuring devices and anything else you need to run your army

  • At least 1 copy of your army list - 1 open for perusal at any time

  • No non-GW figure proxies allowed

  • Custom models must consist of at least 50% of an original GW model

  • Models must represent as close as possible what they are being fielded as-WYSIWYG as long as there is a GW model currently in existence

  • You must field an army as close as possible in total points to the weekly point value without going over

  • Compulsory Army set up from the 40K rule book/basic army list from the Army Selection Summary Table from the WHFB rule book

  • Only 1 special character allowed

Victory conditions will be based on whatever scenario you and your opponent agree upon before the start of the game by the scenarios given in your appropriate rule book (fantasy in the Fighting a Warhammer Battle section, and Organising a Battle section in the 40K rule book). Points will be awarded and accumulated throughout the league as follows:

  • If you play a game, 1 point

  • If you win the game based on the victory conditions as previously stated, 1 point

Prizes will be awarded at the end of the league based on total score. Other prizes may be given out as well, either at the end of the league, or some random time for whatever reason I deem fit.

All of our Games Workshop Leagues, unless stated otherwise, are escalation leagues. Each week, the number of points that you can field goes up, depending on which game you play:

Warhammer Fantasy Battles/Warhammer 40,000

Week 1: 800/600

Week 2: 1200/900

Week 3: 1600/1200

Week 4: 2000/1500

Week 5(if there is one): 2250/1850 (also the point value for the tournament that will follow that Saturday)

Once the league ends, the final Saturday of the month (with occasional exceptions) will be held the tournament for the respective league of the month. More info on this can be found by clicking here

Thanks for playing!


Here is a summary of how GW Tournaments are structured here at LTG-

What you need to bring:

  • Must have a legal copy of the most updated Army Codex/Armies Book for the Army you are fielding and its errata

  • A legal copy of the rule book plus errata

  • Your own dice, templates, measuring devices and anything else you need to run your army

  • At least 3 copies of your army list - 1 for the judge, 1 for yourself, 1 for each of your opponents

  • No non-GW figure proxies allowed

  • Custom models must consist of at least 50% of an original GW model

  • Models must represent as close as possible what they are being fielded as-WYSIWYG

  • Up to 1850 Points 40K/2250 WHFB worth of models

  • Compulsory Army set up from the 40K rule book/basic army list from the Army Selection Summary Table from the WHFB rule book

  • Only 1 special character allowed


Tournament Structure:

  • The tournament will have no more than 3 rounds

  • All battles, unless otherwise noted, will use the rules Fighting A Warhammer Battle, from the WHFB Rule Book, with the following exceptions:

  • Rounds will be 2.5 hours in length- Play ends when time is called

  • At 2 hours, If both players have played an equal amount of rounds, the game ends

  • At 2 hours, if 1 player has one more round completed than the other, or is currently playing and will have 1 more round than the other player, the other player may play an additional round so both players have played an equal amount of turns

  • At 2 hours, If a player is one turn behind, but is currently playing, the game ends at the end of their turn

Tournament Point Awards per Round:

  • If a player was Massacred (defeated by 1200 or more points) - 0 points

  • If a player suffered a Major Loss (defeated by 600 - 1199 points) - 3 points

  • If a player suffered a Minor Loss (defeated by 150 - 599 points) - 7 points

  • Game was a draw (defeated your opponent by 149 points or less) - 10 points to each player

  • Minor Victory (defeated your opponent by 150 - 599 points) - 13 points

  • Major Victory (defeated your opponent by 600 - 1199 points) - 17 points

  • Massacre - (defeated your opponent by 1200 or more points) - 20 points

  • If the scenario's Victory Conditions do not use the basic victory conditions (like Blood and Glory, or Watchtower), and the scenarios victory conditions say a player wins, but Victory Points say the same player loses, then the game is a draw -10 points to each player

  • Once tournament points are awarded, other points may be awarded as defined by the scenario


  • The tournament will have no more than 3 rounds

  • All battles, unless otherwise noted, will use the rules Organising a Battle, from the WH40K Rule Book, with the following exceptions:

  • Rounds will be 2.5 hours in length-Play ends when time is called

  • At 2 hours, If both players have played an equal amount of rounds, the game ends

  • At 2 hours, if 1 player has one more round completed than the other, or is currently playing and will have 1 more round than the other player, the other player may play an additional round so both players have played an equal amount of turns, then the game ends

  • At 2 hours, If a player is one turn behind, but is currently playing, the game ends at the end of their turn

Tournament Point Awards per round

  • If a player was Massacred (defeated by 925 or more points) - 0 points

  • If a player suffered a Major Loss (defeated by 300 - 924 points) - 3 points

  • If a player suffered a Minor Loss (defeated by 100 - 299 points) - 7 points

  • Game was a draw (defeated your opponent by 99 points or less) - 10 points to each player

  • Minor Victory (defeated your opponent by 100 - 299 points) - 13 points

  • Major Victory (defeated your opponent by 300 - 924 points) - 17 points

  • Massacre - (defeated your opponent by 925 or more points) - 20 points

  • Objectives and kill points (depending on the scenario) are added to your tournament score, up to a maximum of 4 points per scenario