
January 21, 2017


The First Of 5 Annual Games Day Events To Feature Video Games, A Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier For Magic The Gathering And Much More

Winter Games Day is fast approaching and we are currently looking for Event Hosts. All Event Hosts get free entry* into our CENCON Comic and Game Day Events.If there is a game, event, master class, or anything else you'd like to run, send us your info today.

We'll need

Your Name

The Event You'd Like To Run

Time You'd Like To Host***

Back Up Time Just In Case***

A Brief Description Of The Event****

You can send me the info via phone, e-mail, Facebook message, or in person. You can find that info here:

Contact Us

In The Beginning, Part II

Games Day Events

During our first year in the summer of 2000, our first ever Games Day Event, Summer Games Day was held. The idea behind the event was similar in a fashion to the shop, in that they were designed to encourage game play, but on a much grander scale. In conjunction with and a considerable amount of help from The Polycon Committee, a game club out of Cal Poly SLO, we managed to wrangle all the extra tables, chairs, volunteers to run games and of course people to play them we needed to make that first ever Games Day Event a huge success. So much so, we added another event at the end of that year, Holicon; a play on words to show how it was being held during the holiday season, and was being co-hosted by the Polycon Committee, who ran several game events themselves, including a summer game convention, POLYCON.

Time Marches On

As time marched on, our Games Day Events have grown to be more than just a day to play some games. More events, including painting clinics have been added. Comic events that have included Comic artists and writers have been on the schedule. Con de Mayo is now run in conjunction with Free Comic Book Day. Halloween Horror Games Day in October is being held on the same day as Halloween Comicfest. Tournaments that feed into larger events such as the Magic the Gathering Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifiers are now hosted at our Games Day Events on a regular basis. Even an Industry leader, Peter Adkison, has made an appearance.

They Continue To Grow

Thanks to all of our continued efforts, our Games Day Events continue to grow. What was once an event that attracted dozens of people, break the hundreds mark regularly. Considering the size of our community, that’s an achievement to be sure. We’ve cross promoted with other groups in the area, helping grow their numbers as well as our own. Saturday Board Games Meetup Group and Santa Maria/Orcutt Smash Bros are examples of game clubs in the area that take advantage of our events to get some gaming on, as well as promote themselves to people that normally wouldn't know of them. It's amazing just how much our events have managed to grow over the years, and are not showing any signs of slowing down.

Before I go into what our Games Day Events are, the history, what happens and so forth, I need to first ask for your help.

It’s getting time to start getting our ducks in line for the latest Games Day Event, Con De Mayo. We need Event Hosts. We cannot host any of our Games Day Events without you, the Event Host Volunteers.We are currently looking for people to host an event or two. If you'd like to host an event, contact us here at Leisure Time Games and let us know. We'll need to know:

1. Your Name

2. The Name of the game

3. The Time you'd like to run it***

4. A back up time just in case***

5. A brief 3 - 5 sentence description****

You can get in touch with us in a myriad of ways by going here:

Contact Us To Run A Game Or Event

As a thank you for your efforts, all Event Hosts will have their admission fee to Con De Mayo waived* ($5.00 savings).

Thanks for your time folks. Now, I’ve got a little something I’d like to share with you all. It is of course about Con De Mayo, but it’s also a bit about our Games Day Events in general. I hope you enjoy it.

Our Games Day Events

In The Beginning, Part I

Our Shop

Game play has been an integral part of what we do here at Leisure Time Games ever since we opened our doors way back in September of 1999 (KJG Games Group anyone?). Our game play space wasn't some spot in the back of the room, like some afterthought. It was the feature of our shop, extending from the front of the room to the back. We’ve always been happy to host events on a regular basis here in our humble little shop (For a current list of scheduled events, see our Weekly Event Schedule here).

April 8, 2017


MAY 6, 2017

Con De Mayo 2017

This Saturday

This Year's Con De Mayo To Feature Free Comic Book Day, May the Fourth/Revenge Of The Fifth Cosplay, And 20+ Other Events Throughout The Day

It's time once again For Con De Mayo, our second of five Games Day Events hosted by Leisure Time Games here at the mall in Santa Maria.

The event will be upstairs, in the theater wing, on the left hand side. Those of you who came to Winter Games Day will recognize this as where we hosted that event. If you need help finding it, come to the shop, and we'll point you in the right direction.

Entry into Con De Mayo 2017 will be $5.00*. Some events have their own fees, but usually (not always) will waive the door fee. See individual entries for more details.


Even though we have 25 different events going on, we can always use more. We cannot host any of our Games Day Events without you, the Event Host Volunteers.We have some spots left that can be filled later on toward the evening, and we are currently looking for people to host an event or two at that time. If you'd like to host an event, contact us here at Leisure Time Games and let us know. We'll need to know:

1. Your Name

2. The Name of the game

3. The Time you'd like to run it***

4. A back up time just in case***

5. A brief 3 - 5 sentence description****

You can get in touch with us in a myriad of ways by going here:

Contact Us To Run A Game Or Event

As a thank you for your efforts, all Event Hosts will have their admission fee to Con De Mayo waived* ($5.00 savings).

Video Game Events

The local video game community most certainly has earned a major spot in this list. The Santa Maria/Orcutt Smash Bros Group (see their Facebook page of the same name for details) has become a big part of our Games Day Events as well. Many times they’ve come in force, making up as much as half of the attendance of our Games Day Events at times. They bring just about everything you would need to play, focusing mainly on the Smash Bros line of games.

Games Day Events Now

These days, Leisure Time Games hosts 5 major events throughout the year; Winter Games Day toward the end of February, Con De Mayo at the beginning of May, Summer Games Day mid August, Halloween Horror Games Day at the end of October, and our 3 day end of year event, CENCON around mid December. We host these major events about every 2 months, excepting June when we take part in The Polycon Committee’s big 3 day game convention at Cal Poly SLO, POLYCON.

Why We Do It

All in all, our Games Day Events have been a positive influence on our community as a whole. They have been a powerful tool to bring people together from miles around. They have encouraged people to meet, participate in common interests, as well as be exposed to other hobbies that fall into our common spectrum of games, comics, and the other pursuits of like minded interests in a positive and creative way. It’s a good feeling, knowing that thanks to all of our efforts, the community that has been brought together by Leisure Time Games is alive and thriving, and will hopefully be doing so for many years to come.

What Happens At

Con De Mayo

Con De Mayo is an excellent example of what I am talking about. Con De Mayo is an affectionate play on words due to its proximity to Cinco De Mayo, a Mexican celebration of the defeat of the French Army in 1862. Con De Mayo started out as a Games Day event, that is to say focused on gameplay. Over the years, more has been added to the schedule, to encourage participation from a broader spectrum that is the various patrons of Leisure Time Games and their similar hobbies and interests. Events such as Free Comic Book Day and May the Fourth/Revenge of the Fifth are now just as much a part of Con De Mayo as Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer 40,000 and Settlers of Catan et al.

Game Play

Of course as with all of our Games Day Events, the lion’s share of the events are tabletop games. A variety of board games, card games, trading card games, and miniature games are played throughout the day. Some events are tournaments, some are open play. We also host local game designers who playtest their games before they send them in for publication, as well as demo them once they get printed. We mentioned it earlier, but it bears repeating, if you host a game at any Games Day Event, your door admission is waived.

Comic Events

We host Con De Mayo on the first weekend of May in conjunction with Free Comic Book Day, an international event which is always held on the first Saturday of May. On Free Comic Book Day, participating comic book retailers, such as Leisure Time Games, have specially marked comics to give away to anyone who comes into their shop that day. Restrictions vary per shop. We for instance limit the number of comics you can get to 3, no duplicates, in the early part of the day. Later in the day you can come back for more (same restrictions) once we make sure the largest of the crowds get their chance- we’ll be posting more info on Free Comic Book Day soon. So as to add to the atmosphere created by Free Comic Book Day, if you bring a box of comics so you can trade with others, you also get free admission into Con De Mayo.

Star Wars Cosplay

It just so happens, this event also conveniently falls sometime around the 4th and 5th of May. Yes, that would be Cinco De Mayo, but Star Wars fans also know these days as May the Fourth, and Revenge of the Fifth. These are a play on words that all Star Wars fans would recognize as “May the Force (be with you)”, and “Revenge of the Sith”. Because of this, we encourage participants to host events, and/or cosplay with a Star Wars theme. If you host a Star Wars themed event, or if you come dressed as a character from the Star Wars franchise, you’ll get free admission into Con De Mayo.

To Wrap It All Up

Thank you everyone. Thanks to my family. Their ability to put up with me is remarkable to say the least. Thank you to everyone who runs events. This cannot be done without you. Thank you to everyone who participates. You're the reason I do this in the first place. Thank you to the Santa Maria Town Center Mall. Their efforts are also a big reason I can put these events together to begin with. Thank you to the Polycon Committee. If not for their efforts early on, I’m not sure these Games Day Events would have even got off the ground.

See you soon folks, and remember


A look back at our previous Games Day Event, CENCON V

The Fine Print

*All Event Hosts who sign up to host an event will get free entry into the Games Day event with a few caveats-

First, this free entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

Second, all Event Hosts are eligible for the free entry provided their game is assigned a time slot (i.e., posted in the con book). Slots will be locked in on October 28, 2016. After this date, i.e. at the door, you will be charged the usual $5.00 entry fee. However, it will be refunded to you provided find a slot for your event, whether it goes off or not. So long as you are there to run it, and are able (not playing in another game that would interfere with you being able to host for instance) your entry will be free.

Any at the door sign up to host must be run at a time that does not compete with other similar game types (ie card game, board game, miniature game, etc). We can't just give you a table at any time; We need to put you into a slot so that your game does not draw away from a game that was assigned a time slot.

Finally, The sooner you sign up to run a game, the more likely it will happen when you want it to. Otherwise you'll be at the mercy of the schedule. Early slots fill up first, so keep that in mind as you decide when you'd like to host your game.

**Some events have additional entry fees that will have the door fee included. Any event that has a fee of this nature gets you into that event, and any other event that does not have an entry fee of it's own. If you wish to enter multiple events with fees, you will have to pay for them separately.

***Time slots will be given out on a first come first served basis. There may need to be some fiddling with the schedule, but we will do the best we can to accommodate. If you sign up to run an event after the May 2, 2017 deadline (for example, at the door), your event will be at the mercy of whatever time slots we have available, so sign up before then to get your slot.

****For use in the con book. If you need to provide extra detail, we encourage you to bring handouts and/or fliers to help facilitate your event.

Thanks again everyone. This can’t happen without you all.


We have in the past held other events at our games day events as well. We’ve held painting clinics. Comic artists and writers have visited. We’ve had an industry dignitary or two visit. It’s all about whatever it is you would like to do. Just let us know you’re interested in hosting an event, and we’ll see what we can do for you.

To Wrap It All Up

Thank you everyone. Thanks to my family. Their ability to put up with me is remarkable to say the least. Thank you to everyone who runs events. This cannot be done without you. Thank you to everyone who participates. You're the reason I do this in the first place. Thank you to the Santa Maria Town Center Mall. Their efforts are also a big reason I can put these events together to begin with. Thank you to the Polycon Committee. If not for their efforts early on, I’m not sure these Games Day Events would have even got off the ground.

See you soon folks, and remember


The Fine Print

*All Event Hosts who sign up to host an event will get free entry into the Games Day event with a few caveats-

First, this free entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

Second, all Event Hosts are eligible for the free entry provided their game is assigned a time slot (i.e., posted in the con book). Slots will be locked in on October 28, 2016. After this date, i.e. at the door, you will be charged the usual $5.00 entry fee. However, it will be refunded to you provided find a slot for your event, whether it goes off or not. So long as you are there to run it, and are able (not playing in another game that would interfere with you being able to host for instance) your entry will be free.

Any at the door sign up to host must be run at a time that does not compete with other similar game types (ie card game, board game, miniature game, etc). We can't just give you a table at any time; We need to put you into a slot so that your game does not draw away from a game that was assigned a time slot.

Finally, The sooner you sign up to run a game, the more likely it will happen when you want it to. Otherwise you'll be at the mercy of the schedule. Early slots fill up first, so keep that in mind as you decide when you'd like to host your game.

**Some events have additional entry fees that will have the door fee included. Any event that has a fee of this nature gets you into that event, and any other event that does not have an entry fee of it's own. If you wish to enter multiple events with fees, you will have to pay for them separately.

***Time slots will be given out on a first come first served basis. There may need to be some fiddling with the schedule, but we will do the best we can to accommodate. If you sign up to run an event after the October 28, 2016 deadline (for example, at the door), your event will be at the mercy of whatever time slots we have available, so sign up before then to get your slot.

****For use in the con book. If you need to provide extra detail, we encourage you to bring handouts and/or fliers to help facilitate your event.

Thanks again everyone. This can’t happen without you all.

Matthew T. Hosting a

Warhammer 40,000 Tournament

November 15, 2016

Leisure Time Games



December 9 - 11, 2016

When: Friday December 9 through Sunday December 11

Friday, 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Saturday, 10:00 AM To 10:00 PM

Sunday, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Where: The Mall At The Santa Maria Town Center, Location TBD

Entry*: $5.00 per day, $10.00 for the whole weekend






Our Cencon events over the years have risen in attendance and popularity, and we'd like to encourage this to continue.

If you sign up to host an event, bring comics for general trade, or come dressed in your favorite cosplay attire, your entry into this Cencon Event will be FREE*

My smilin' mug and all the other folks hanging out on a Saturday at CENCON V

Sean G., a regular at our Games Day Events with his usual mass of board and card games

6:00 PM


Pathfinder RPG

7:00 PM

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game

8:00 PM

Castles of Mad King Ludwig

Some Fine Print

*All Event Hosts who sign up to host an event will get free entry into the Games Day event with a few caveats-

First, this free entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

Second, all Event Hosts are eligible for the free entry provided their game is assigned a time slot (i.e., posted in the con book). Slots will be locked in on October 28, 2016. After this date, i.e. at the door, you will be charged the usual $5.00 entry fee. However, it will be refunded to you provided find a slot for your event, whether it goes off or not. So long as you are there to run it, and are able (not playing in another game that would interfere with you being able to host for instance) your entry will be free.

Any at the door sign up to host must be run at a time that does not compete with other similar game types (ie card game, board game, miniature game, etc). We can't just give you a table at any time; We need to put you into a slot so that your game does not draw away from a game that was assigned a time slot.

Finally, The sooner you sign up to run a game, the more likely it will happen when you want it to. Otherwise you'll be at the mercy of the schedule. Early slots fill up first, so keep that in mind as you decide when you'd like to host your game.

**These events have additional entry fees that will have the door fee included. Any event that has a fee of this nature gets you into that event, and any other event that does not have an entry fee of it's own. If you wish to enter multiple events with fees, you will have to pay for them separately.

***Time slots will be given out on a first come first served basis. There may need to be some fiddling with the schedule, but we will do the best we can to accommodate. If you sign up to run an event after the October 28, 2016 deadline (for example, at the door), your event will be at the mercy of whatever time slots we have available, so sign up before then to get your slot.

****For use in the con book. If you need to provide extra detail, we encourage you to bring handouts and/or fliers to help facilitate your event.

See you soon folks

Here's a list of what we have going on and when so far:


Halloween Comicfest

Yu-Gi-Oh! Sneak Peek**

Magic The Gathering Open Play

10:00 AM

Smash Bros Set Up And Sign Ups Begin

Warhammer 40,000 Sign Ups Begin

11:00 AM

MTG PPTQ Deck Registration Begins**

Warhammer 40,000 Tournament

Smash Bros Friendlies

12:00 PM

MTG PPTQ Player Meeting, R1 Begins**

Comic Spotlight, Jandro Gamboa

Comic Spotlight, Raymond Mullikin

1:00 PM

Smash Bros Melees

3:00 PM

Dungeons and Dragons

4:00 PM

Smash 4 Singles

5:00 PM

MTG Kaladesh Draft**

6:00 PM

Cardfight!! Vanguard Sneak Preview**






Cencon is poised to grow. Our events over the years have risen in attendance and popularity, and we'd like to encourage this to continue.

If you sign up to host an event, bring comics for general trade, or come dressed in your Halloween Costume, your entry into this Cencon Event will be FREE*


We've got some events signed up, but we can use more. That's where you come in

Steve H. Hosting a variety of Smash Events

Just a small sampling of the local Smash scene


We've got some events signed up already, but we can always use more. That's where you come in

We'll See You At

Our Next Big Event

Con De Mayo 2017

Comic, Game and

Cosplay Event


Free Comic Book Day

May The 4th Be With You

May 6th, 2017

Location TBD

Event Hosting Sign Ups

Thanks to Matt T. for hosting Warhammer 40,000

We are currently looking for people to host an event- or two or five. If you'd like to host an event, contact us here at Leisure Time Games and let us know. We'll need to know:

1. Your Name

2. The Name of the game

3. The Time you'd like to run it***

4. A back up time just in case***

5. A brief 3 - 5 sentence description****

You can get in touch with us in a myriad of ways by going here:

Contact Us To Run A Game Or Event

All Game Masters who host an event will get into Halloween Horror Games Day for free*.

To Begin Soon

See you this Saturday, folks

We'll See You At

Our Next Big Event



December 9 - 11


Location TBD

Event Hosting Sign Ups

To Begin Soon

*All Event Hosts who sign up to host an event will get free entry into the Games Day event with a few caveats-

First, this free entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

Second, all Event Hosts are eligible for the free entry provided their game is assigned a time slot (i.e., posted in the con book). Slots will be locked in on October 28, 2016. After this date, i.e. at the door, you will be charged the usual $5.00 entry fee. However, it will be refunded to you provided find a slot for your event, whether it goes off or not. So long as you are there to run it, and are able (not playing in another game that would interfere with you being able to host for instance) your entry will be free.

Any at the door sign up to host must be run at a time that does not compete with other similar game types (ie card game, board game, miniature game, etc). We can't just give you a table at any time; We need to put you into a slot so that your game does not draw away from a game that was assigned a time slot.

Finally, The sooner you sign up to run a game, the more likely it will happen when you want it to. Otherwise you'll be at the mercy of the schedule. Early slots fill up first, so keep that in mind as you decide when you'd like to host your game.

**These events have additional entry fees that will have the door fee included. Any event that has a fee of this nature gets you into that event, and any other event that does not have an entry fee of it's own. If you wish to enter multiple events with fees, you will have to pay for them separately.

***Time slots will be given out on a first come first served basis. There may need to be some fiddling with the schedule, but we will do the best we can to accommodate. If you sign up to run an event after the October 28, 2016 deadline (for example, at the door), your event will be at the mercy of whatever time slots we have available, so sign up before then to get your slot.

****For use in the con book. If you need to provide extra detail, we encourage you to bring handouts and/or fliers to help facilitate your event.

Thanks again everyone. This couldn't have happened without you all.

Local MIB Volunteer and all around nice guy Sean G. demoing various Steve Jackson Games products



Leisure Time Games Weekend Sale

Yu-Gi-Oh! Open Play

Magic The Gathering Open Play

Pokemon Open Play

Table Top Open Play


2:00 PM

Doors Open

Open Gaming Begins

3:30 PM

Smash Bros Friendlies

4:30 PM

Smash Bros Project M Doubles

5:00 PM

Friday Night Magic Drafts

Kaladesh or Eternal Masters

5:30 PM

Smash Bros Project M Singles

6:00 PM

Cardfight!! Vanguard Sneak Preview

7:30 PM

Friday Night Magic Standard

Pack a Win Tournament

8:00 PM

Golden Buddy Rumble For Future Card Buddyfight

We are currently looking for people to host a game or event- or two or five. If you'd like to host a game or an event, contact us here at Leisure Time Games and let us know. We'll need to know:

1. Your Name

2. The Name of the game

3. The Time you'd like to run it***

4. A back up time just in case***

5. A brief 3 - 5 sentence description****

You can get in touch with us in a myriad of ways by going here:

Contact Us To Run A Game Or Event

All Game Masters who host an event will get into Halloween Horror Games Day for free*.

Of course we had our usual gang of gamers gaming through Games Day

Like Tabletop Gamers

Steve H. once again hosts the

Santa Maria Orcutt Smash Bros Tournament


10:00 AM

Doors Open

Game of Thrones-The Iron Throne

11:00 AM

Smash 4 Friendlies

12:00 PM

Tiny Epic Western

Yu-Gi-Oh! Dual Day

Pokemon Pack A Win Tournament

1:00 PM

Dungeons and Dragons

2:00 PM

Smash Bros Smash 4 Doubles

Energy Empire

3:00 PM

Magic the Gathering Standard Showdown

4:00 PM

Dragonball Z TCG Pack A Win Tournament

5:00 PM

Smash Bros Smash 4 Singles

6:00 PM

Dead of Winter

Magic the Gathering Eternal Masters Draft

7:00 PM

Smash Bros Draft Crew Battles

Immediately following Singles


10:00 AM

Doors Open

11:00 AM

Smash Bros Melee Friendlies

12:30 PM

Smash Bros 5 Character Iron Man Tourney

1:30 PM

Smash Bros Melee Doubles

2:00 PM

Dead of Winter

Pokemon Sun and Moon

Magic the Gathering Eternal Masters Draft

3:00 PM

Smash Bros Melee Singles

Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament

6:00 PM

CENCON V Ends-Thanks For Coming

*All Event Hosts who sign up to host an event will get free entry into the Games Day event with a few caveats-

First, this free entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

Second, all Event Hosts are eligible for the free entry provided their game is assigned a time slot (i.e., posted in the con book). Slots will be locked in on October 28, 2016. After this date, i.e. at the door, you will be charged the usual $5.00 entry fee. However, it will be refunded to you provided find a slot for your event, whether it goes off or not. So long as you are there to run it, and are able (not playing in another game that would interfere with you being able to host for instance) your entry will be free.

Any at the door sign up to host must be run at a time that does not compete with other similar game types (ie card game, board game, miniature game, etc). We can't just give you a table at any time; We need to put you into a slot so that your game does not draw away from a game that was assigned a time slot.

Finally, The sooner you sign up to run a game, the more likely it will happen when you want it to. Otherwise you'll be at the mercy of the schedule. Early slots fill up first, so keep that in mind as you decide when you'd like to host your game.

**These events have additional entry fees that will have the door fee included. Any event that has a fee of this nature gets you into that event, and any other event that does not have an entry fee of it's own. If you wish to enter multiple events with fees, you will have to pay for them separately.

***Time slots will be given out on a first come first served basis. There may need to be some fiddling with the schedule, but we will do the best we can to accommodate. If you sign up to run an event after the October 28, 2016 deadline (for example, at the door), your event will be at the mercy of whatever time slots we have available, so sign up before then to get your slot.

****For use in the con book. If you need to provide extra detail, we encourage you to bring handouts and/or fliers to help facilitate your event.

See you soon folks

The Leisure Time Games Gamer's Seal Of Approval

We'll See You At

Our Next Big Event

Halloween Horror Games Day and Halloween Comicfest

October 29, 2016

Location TBD

Event Hosting Sign Ups

To Begin Soon



December 9 - 11


Tabletop Gamers Tabletop Gaming

And Trading Card Games

Suddenly, a Wild Joe appears






Cencon is poised to grow. Our events over the years have risen in attendance and popularity, and we'd like to encourage this to continue.

If you sign up to host an event, bring comics for general trade, or come dressed as one of you favorite Manga, Anime, Movie, Television, or favorite book characters, your entry into this Cencon Event will be FREE*

Dragonball Z TCG Players Dragonball Z-ing

We had Role Playing Gamers

DnDers DnDing

Of course what Game and Comic Day Event would be complete without a Magic the Gathering Tournament?

Grand Prix Trial Los Angeles for

Magic the Gathering

Some of the participants of the

Magic the Gathering Grand Prix Trial

The surprise hit of the day? Shut The Box

Con De Mayo/Free Comic Book Day 2016

Our Games Day Events usually have anywhere between 50 and 100+ participants. We usually host anywhere between 12 and 20 different events throughout the day.

Whoda thought?


Special Guest Announcement

Jandro Gamboa will be here from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, talking about his first ever comic book, Monty Gomez Is The Luchiador. He will be answering your questions, signing your comics, and whatever else it is he will be doing to promote his new comic. Stop by his booth and say hi.


Open Tables Magic the Gathering

Host: Leisure Time Games

Open Duels Yu-Gi-Oh!

Host: Leisure Time Games

10:00 AM

Dungeons and Dragons RPG

Host: Jim R.

Istanbul Board Game

Host: Sean G.

11:00 AM

Monty Gomez is The Luchiador

Host: Jandro Gamboa

Various Bushiroad Trading Card Game Demos

Host: Will T and Roman

12:00 PM

Tiny Epic Galaxies Board Game

Host: Alex L.

Dragonball Z TCG Demos

Dustin C.

Magic the Gathering Eldritch Moon Game Day Standard Tournament

Host: Leisure Time Games

1:00 PM

Video Game Tournament, MELEE!

Host: Steve H., Ysidro R., and Javi R.

2:00 PM

Dungeons and Dragons RPG

Host: Alan S.

Merchants of Amsterdam Board Game

Host: Thomas B.

Dragonball Z TCG Tournament

Host: Dustin C.

3:00 PM

Mare Nostrum Board Game

Host: Thomas B.

4:00 PM

Kaijudo Trading Card Game Memorial Tournament

Host: Ryan H.

Video Game Tournament- SMASH 4

Host: Steve H., Ysidro R., and Javi R.

5:00 PM

Container Board Game

Host: Thomas B.

7:00 PM

Concept Board Game

Host. EJ L.

Cardfight!! Vanguard TCG Tournament

Host: Chris R.

8:00 PM

Kros Master Board Game

Host: EJ L.

Santa Maria/Orcutt Smash Bros

*To get free entry as an Event Host or Game Master, your event information must be provided to me by August 10, 2016. After this date, you will be charged the usual $5.00 entry fee, but it will be refunded to you provided your event happens in the slot we provide you.

**Time slots will be given out on a first come first served basis typically. There may need to be some fiddling with the schedule, but we will do the best we can to accommodate. If you sign up to run an event after the August 10 deadline (for example, at the door), your event will be at the mercy of whatever time slots we have available, so sign up before then to get your slot.

***For use in the con book. If you need to provide extra detail, we encourage you to bring handouts and/or fliers to help facilitate your event.

Pictures from last year's Con de Mayo/Free Comic Book Day 2015 Game and Comic Event

Santa Maria Orcutt Smash Bros striking their most smashing posses


On October 29, 2016 we held Halloween Horror Games Day Featuring Halloween Comicfest. It was a great success. Attendance was high, as was the energy in the room. Thank you to everyone who attended. Without you these events could not be possible.

We had over a dozen different events going on through the day, including not just 1, but 2 local folks in our Comic Spotlight area this year;

Jandro Gamboa came back to promote his work, Monty Gomez is the Luchador

This folks, is a packed house. Our largest event ever

Jacob F. DCI Level 2 judge (the gentleman standing there with paperwork in hand), hosting our Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier

And a new artist to our Games Day Events, Raymond Mullikin, was on hand to talk about his projects, including The Adventures of Jonathin Quackup.

Jandro Gamboa and his premier issue of Monty Gomez is The Luchador

Saturday Board Games in Santa Maria havin' a blast

Ray Mullikin, a new addition to our Comic Spotlight

You can find out more about him and his projects here:

Then, on top of our usual open events, we will also had 4 major events going on that day, including:

Pre Pro Tour Qualifier Nashville**

Steve H., host for the Santa Maria/Orcutt Smash Bros Group, with Maria A., showing off these fantastic trophies he got for the event

Intense tournament with L2 John M looking on

Smash Bros Tournament

Warhammer 40,000

Matt T. and Nick C. having a go at the Warhammer 40,000 tournament

Winter Games Day 2015

All day event, with over 40 participants in and of itself

Yu-Gi-Oh! Sneak Peek Event**

Tom L. Showing off his home brew game, True Pirates

Dozens of participant for this open play event visited us throughout the day

And of course, Halloween Comicfest

Sean G., is a local rep for a number of different game manufacturers. Here he is showing a demo of Planes, from AEG

Free comics, what's not to like?

We'll See You At

Our Next Big Event

Winter Games Day

February 20, 2017

Location TBD

Event Hosting Sign Ups

To Begin Soon

October 19, 2016

Leisure Time Games Presents

Cencon's Halloween Horror Games Day Featuring Halloween Comicfest

October 29, 2016

When: Saturday, October 29, 10:00 AM To 10:00 PM

Where: The Mall At The Santa Maria Town Center, Unit B09

Entry: $5.00*

Halloween Horror Games Day Featuring Halloween Comicfest is going be BIG this year. We've got 11 different events going on through the day, including not just 1, but 2 local folks in our Comic Spotlight area this year;

Jandro Gamboa is coming back to promote his work, Monty Gomez is the Luchador

Button Mashers, UNITE! Some of the players that came for Smash Bros from the Santa Maria/Orcutt Smash Bros Group

Pictures from

Halloween Horror Games Day 2014

Another home brew game, Dragon Brew by local game designer Daniel G.

And a new artist to our Games Day Events, Raymond Mullikin, will be on hand to talk about his projects, including The Adventures of Jonathin Quackup. You can find out more about him and his projects here:

Then, on top of our usual open events, we will also have at least 4 major events going on that day, including:

Pre Pro Tour Qualifier Nashville**

Smash Bros Tournament

Yu-Gi-Oh! Sneak Peek Event**

Halloween Comicfest








Thank you to everyone who came out to participate in this year's Summer Games and Comics Day. Attendance nearly hit 100 participants, which is actually becoming a regular thing. We sure have come a long way from our first ever event 17 years ago, and I appreciate everyone for your support.

We had a great turn out for the Smash 4 Event

Santa Maria Orcutt Smash Bros showing off their

epic superhero poses

All vying for the coveted Championship Trophies

Doesn't get more awesome than that

Dozens of people came for our first ever comic signing- Monty Gomez Is "The Luchador"

Jandro Gamboa, the man of the hour

He even brought props

1 epic Luchador mask, 1 epic Luchador Comic

August 12, 2016

UPDATE: Summer Games And Comics Day location has moved from B09 (the old H and R Block unit) to G59 (the old Steve And Barry's). It is located upstairs, in the Edwards Cinema wing, next to the Kay's Gymnastics observation area.

See you there








What: Summer Games And Comics Day

Date: August 13, 2016

Time: 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Where: Unit B09, here in the Mall

Cost: $5.00*

Board Games

The Details:

Coming August 13, our next game and comic event, Summer Games And Comics Day will be happening here in the Mall in our usual large event location, B09 (the big yellow room), just down the Macy's corridor from Leisure Time Games.

Pokemon Event

We will be charging our usual entry fee of $5.00*. However, we are doing what we can to make these events about more than just game play. We encourage all of you to come participate in whatever fandom you enjoy. To help facilitate this, we've expanded the list of ways you can get into our event for FREE*.

Various games, played with various intensity

A fun time had by all

If you would like to host an event, please provide the following information so we can get it into the con book and schedule your event (or events) appropriately:

We'll need:

Your name

Best contact info

The event you'd like to host

Time slot**

A short description of your event***

More Board Games

May 14, 2016

Another Successful Games Day

Con De Mayo/Free Comic Book Day 2016 is in the books,

Thank you everyone that came.Considering that the window to promote the event was only about a week long due to circumstances a bit beyond my control, we ended up having a real great event. Thanks to everyone who took time off their schedule to come on down and play some games. I would also like to especially give a thank you to all the folks who took the time to host events. Without you this event could not have happened regardless of how long I had to get the word out.

The next big event here on the Central Coast with be Polycon, being held at CalPoly, June 17 - 19. We take a break in our Games Day Event schedule to go this big event, and I hope to see you folks there.

Once again, thanks everyone for coming to this year's Con De Mayo/Free Comic Book Day.

See you soon

May 5, 2016

May 7, Con De Mayo/Free Comic Book Day

Sorry it took so long to get this posted. I was waiting to get some sort of "We should be able to put you in a unit" or other positive remark from the Mall Management as to if there will be room to hold our event here in the mall. I don't have a location locked down as of yet, but as far as I know, it'll all work out closer to time. In the mean time, let's get this ball rolling, shall we?

Con De Mayo/Free Comic Book Day is also a celebration of May the Fourth/Revenge of the Fifth, because why not? Entry to the event is $5.00**, but if you show up in Star Wars Cosplay attire, bring a box of comics you'd like to trade other comic book enthusiasts, and/or would like to host a game, your entry fee is waived*. Speaking of hosting a game:


We are currently looking for people to host a game or event- or two or five. If you'd like to host a game or an event, contact us here at Leisure Time Games and let us know. We'll need to know:

1. Your Name

2. The Name of the game

3. The Time you'd like to run it

4. A back up time just in case

5. A brief 3 - 5 sentence description

You can get in touch with us in a myriad of ways by going here:

Contact Us To Run A Game Or Event

All Game Masters who host an event will get into Halloween Horror Games Day for free*.

Now the rest of it-

Saturday May 7, kicks off at 10:00 AM with games, games, and more games all day long. We've got some big events going on, as well as the other games and events you've come to expect at our Games Day Events.

As of today, this is what we have signed up to run so far:

All Day

1. Free Comic Book Day Event

2. Pick Up Game Table

3. MtG Open Play Event

Board Game Table Hosted By Bradford F. Including:

4. Arcadia Quest

5. Carcassone

6. Dominion

7. Princes of Florence

8. Puerto Rico

9. Transamerica

11:00 AM

10. Warhammer 40,000 Tournament

1850 points

11. Magic the Gathering Modern Format Tournament- Grand Prix Trial Los Angeles

12:00 PM

12. LTG Presents: Con De Mayo Melee Tournament

13. Pokemon TCG Event

14. Dragonball Z TCG Event

4:00 PM

15. Yu-Gi-Oh! Astral Pack Tournament

Don't see the game you want to play? Sign up to run it:


We are currently looking for people to host a game or event- or two or five. If you'd like to host a game or an event, contact us here at Leisure Time Games and let us know. We'll need to know:

1. Your Name

2. The Name of the game

3. The Time you'd like to run it

4. A back up time just in case

5. A brief 3 - 5 sentence description

You can get in touch with us in a myriad of ways by going here:

Contact Us To Run A Game Or Event

All Game Masters who host an event will get into Con De Mayo/Free Comic Book Day Game Day Event for free*.

See you then

*All Game Masters who sign up to host a game will get free entry into the Games Day event with a few caveats-

First, this free entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

Second, all Game Masters are eligible for the free entry provided their game is assigned a time slot (i.e., posted in the con book). If a game is being run that was not given a slot, in order to be eligible for free entry, the game must be run at a time that does not compete with other similar game types (ie card game, board game, miniature game, etc). We can't just give you a table at any time; We need to put you into a slot so that your game does not draw away from a game that was assigned a time slot. If we do find a slot for your game, whether it goes off or not so long as you are there to run it, your entry will be free.

Finally, The sooner you sign up to run a game, the more likely it will happen when you want it to. Otherwise you'll be at the mercy of the schedule. Early slots fill up first, so keep that in mind as you decide when you'd like to host your game.

**The $5.00 entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee unless otherwise noted. If your event has a cost, your entry into Games Day will be waived for all non-paid entry events. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

***While supplies last and limited to stock on hand. I think we'll have enough, know.

February 25, 2015


Take the survey here:

Off Site Venue

Due to a lack of available space for our event, we are going to have to cancel this year's Winter Games Day Event.

It's beginning to look more and more like if we want to be able to host our large Game Day Events on a regularly scheduled time frame, we may need to look to outside venues. Especially as time goes on and The Mall at the Santa Maria Town Center rents out its larger spaces, this will become more and more of an issue.

The problem is, in order to host these larger events outside the Mall, it means a higher costs. So, in order to be able to accommodate this, I'd have to increase the door fees. This is an issue with me. I like the minimal investment on your behalf to be able to play games you normally wouldn't, meet players you haven't met yet from the local community, and to have a venue that gets a lot of public attention by being here at the Mall.

Still, it is what it is. As much as I don't want to charge more, I also don't want to keep cancelling events because of a lack of space. We've been running these Games Day Events since we opened our doors back in 1999. Our first event was Summer Games Day, then Holicon (later to become the Cencon 3 Day Game Event), and so on. Games Day Events are an integral part of what we do here at Leisure Time Games, and I want to continue hosting these events with little or preferably no need to postpone or cancel them.

I would like your input on this folks. I've created a simple survey, and I would like to see what you think. Please click on the link below and give me your opinion on this matter. It would be appreciated.

Take the survey here:

Off Site Venue

I don't foresee this being an issue by the time Con De Mayo/Free Comic Book Day/May the Forth Games Day Event rolls around this year; Or Summer Games Day, or even Halloween Horror Games Day for that matter. The question mainly comes up for Cencon and Winter Games Day. This is the time frame when the temporary vendors come in, which is why we are experiencing the difficulties we are right now.

Please folks, let me know what you think. Take a minute or two to give me some much needed input on this.

Thanks for your time

Take the survey here:

Off Site Venue



Good news, bad news,

First, the bad news. Due to circumstances WAY beyond my control, CENCON V will have to be cancelled this year. I was hoping to be able to pull off a last minute fix like some cheesy television Christmas special (Oh no, we're gonna have to cancel Christmas...Wait!), but it just didn't pan out. I'm very sorry about this folks. I always look forward to the Games Day Events, and Cencon is essentially the culmination of a full year of what we work toward every day here at Leisure Time Games; the bringing together of gamers to share in their hobby with one another.

We'll still be hosting future Games Day Events, and hopefully won't encounter issues like the ones I've had for this one. I've got contingency plans in the works if something like this happens again, but for now the next Games Day Event will be Winter Games Day in February.

Okay, now the good news,

Even though we won't be able to put together Cencon V, we will still be hosting our usual events for this Saturday. There will be tables available for the Board Games on the Central Coast game club (all comers welcome), Ryan will be hosting Pokemon, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Star Pack Tournament will be held at the usual time as well as the Dragonball Z League, and there will be a Smash Bros video game tournament as well. On top of all that, we'll be hosting a Grand Prix Trial for Grand Prix Oakland for all you Magic the Gathering players out there.

Sorry about this folks, and thanks for your understanding.

Updated October 19, 2015

October 24, 2015

Halloween Horror Games Day

This Saturday, Halloween Horror Games Day kicks off at 10:00 AM with games, games, and more games all day long. We've got some big events going on, as well as the other games and events you've come to expect at our Games Day Events.

As of today, this is what we have signed up to run so far:

1. Magic the Gathering Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier

2. Smash Bros/Melee Tournament event

3. Open Tables for random pick up games

4. Warhammer 40,000 1500 Pt


5. Devastation 35 Point Open Play Event

6. Titan Board Game

7. Battle For Zendikar Game Day Weekend Tournament

8. Betrayal at House on the Hill Board Game

9. Fiasco Role Playing Game

10. Chez Geek

11. Munchkin Bites!

Don't see the game you want to play? Sign up to run it:


We are currently looking for people to host a game or event- or two or five. If you'd like to host a game or an event, contact us here at Leisure Time Games and let us know. We'll need to know:

1. Your Name

2. The Name of the game

3. The Time you'd like to run it

4. A back up time just in case

5. A brief 3 - 5 sentence description

You can get in touch with us in a myriad of ways by going here:

Contact Us To Run A Game Or Event

All Game Masters who host an event will get into Halloween Horror Games Day for free*.

See you this Saturday, folks

*All Game Masters who sign up to host a game will get free entry into the Games Day event with a few caveats-

First, this free entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

Second, all Game Masters are eligible for the free entry provided their game is assigned a time slot (i.e., posted in the con book). If a game is being run that was not given a slot, in order to be eligible for free entry, the game must be run at a time that does not compete with other similar game types (ie card game, board game, miniature game, etc). We can't just give you a table at any time; We need to put you into a slot so that your game does not draw away from a game that was assigned a time slot. If we do find a slot for your game, whether it goes off or not so long as you are there to run it, your entry will be free.

Finally, The sooner you sign up to run a game, the more likely it will happen when you want it to. Otherwise you'll be at the mercy of the schedule. Early slots fill up first, so keep that in mind as you decide when you'd like to host your game.

**The $5.00 entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee unless otherwise noted. If your event has a cost, your entry into Games Day will be waived for all non-paid entry events. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

***While supplies last and limited to stock on hand. I think we'll have enough, know.

August 15, 2015


The Third Of Five Annual Events Is Right Around The Corner


A quick note everyone,

I don't know, is this good news/bad news?

Good news, I'm going with good news.

Due to size constraints, our event will not be able to be run in a large unit as it has in the past. We seem to be outgrowing available space in the mall. However, the mall has made SPACES available for us. For the first time ever, a Games Day Event will be held in multiple rooms throughout the mall.

Essentially, Summer Games Day will be held in 3 rooms. We'll have our RPGs, Board Games and Miniature Games in the old Sisk's Martial Arts Studio (upstairs across from the Cookie Cookery), our video games and trading card games in the Leisure Time Games overflow room (the old Personally Yours location, across from Leisure Time Games), and we'll be hosting the Magic the Gathering Pre Pro Tour Qualifier in the shop. The con book will have the information needed to find the game you'd like to attend.

We are currently looking for people to host a game or event- or two or five. If you'd like to host a game or an event, contact us here at Leisure Time Games and let us know. You can get in touch with us in a myriad of ways by going here:

Contact Us To Run A Game Or Event

Remember, if you host a game, you get in free!*

We now take you to our regularly scheduled post:



Saturday, August 15, 2015 is the date. 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM is the time. Games, games, games all day long is the event. $5.00 is the price. That leaves you.

Come on in and have a great time at our next Games Day Event, the Sixteenth Annual Summer Games Day. Our Games Days Events have been growing, each of the past few breaking attendance records, and this one is going to be a big one as well.

Here is a list of events and their locations:


All Day

1. Free MtG Sample Pack Open Event***

2. Open Tables (room and schedule conflicts permitting)


All Day:

3. Magic the Gathering PPTQ**

IN THE FORMER SISK'S MARTIAL ARTS STUDIO (upstairs across from the Cookie Cookery):

10:00 AM

4. Warmachine 50 pt Steamroller

5. WH40K 1500 pt Tournament

6. Board Games by Board Games in Santa Maria-Munchkin OZ

12:00 PM

7. Board Games by the Board Games and Brew Podcast-Various Games

8. Board Games by Board Games in Santa Maria-Istanbul

2:00 PM

9. Board Games by the Board Games and Brew Podcast-Treasure Mountain

4:00 PM

10. Betrayal at House on the Hill Board Game

11. Board Games by the Board Games and Brew Podcast-Various Games

6:00 PM

12. Fiasco Role Playing Game


(across from Leisure Time Games)

All Day

13. Smash Bros/Melee Tournament

12:00 PM

14. Pokemon Trading Card Game

2:00 PM

15. Weis Scharz Trading Card Game

16. My Little Pony Trading Card Game

4:00 PM

17. Futurecard Buddyfight Trading Card Game

18. Dragon Ball Z

6:00 PM

19. Carfight!! Vanguard Trading Card Game

8:00 PM

20. Force of Will Trading Card Game

If you don't see the game you want to play on this list, contact us and sign up as a Game Master by going here:

Contact Us To Run A Game Or Event

Remember, if you host a game, you get in free!*

If we don't see you before then, we'll see you at Summer Games Day

*All Game Masters who sign up to host a game will get free entry into the Games Day event with a few caveats-

First, this free entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

Second, all Game Masters are eligible for the free entry provided their game is assigned a time slot (i.e., posted in the con book). If a game is being run that was not given a slot, in order to be eligable for free entry, the game must be run at a time that does not compete with other similar game types (ie card game, board game, miniature game, etc). We can't just give you a table at any time; We need to put you into a slot so that your game does not draw away from a game that was assigned a time slot. If we do find a slot for your game, whether it goes off or not so long as you are there to run it, your entry will be free.

Finally, The sooner you sign up to run a game, the more likely it will happen when you want it to. Otherwise you'll be at the mercy of the schedule. Early slots fill up first, so keep that in mind as you decide when you'd like to host your game.

**The $5.00 entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee. If your event has a cost, your entry into Games Day will be waived for all non-paid entry events. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

***While supplies last and limited to stock on hand. I think we'll have enough, know.

May 28, 2015


Roberto H. Shares His 100+ Photos On Imgur Of This Record Breaking Event:

Leisure Time Games would like to thank Roberto H. for taking and sharing the experiences of Con de Mayo!!/Free Comic Book Day with the world. He spent the better part of the day capturing the event and the people having a great time.

Feel free to peruse the library here: Con de Mayo!!/Free Comic Book Day

May 7, 2015


Ever since we opened our doors way back in September of 1999 (KJG Games Group anyone?), hosting game events has always been an integral part of what we do. Our game play space wasn't some spot in the back of the room, like an afterthought. It was the feature of our shop, extending from the front to the back of the room.

During our first year in the summer of 2000, in conjunction with the Polycon Committee, our first ever Games Day Event, Summer Games Day was held. We wrangled tables, chairs, volunteers to run games and of course people to play them. It was such a success, we added another event at the end of that year, Holicon; a play on words to show how it was being held during the holiday season, and was being co-hosted by the Polycon Committee.

Since those humble beginnings, more Games Days Events have been added-

Winter Games Day

Con de Mayo!!

Summer Games Day

Halloween Horror Games Day

Cencon- our big end of year 3 day event

Then, we started hosting larger more far reaching events during our Games Day Events. For instance, for the past couple of years, Con de Mayo!! has been held on the same weekend as Free Comic Book Day. Halloween Horror Games Day in October is being held on the same day as Halloween Comicfest. Large events that feed into larger events for Magic the Gathering, such as Grand Prix Trials and the new Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifiers have been added to the mix as well.

Thanks to social media, our Games Day Events have been able to cross promote with other gaming groups in the area. Saturday Board Games Meet Up Group and Santa Maria/Orcutt Smash Bros are examples of game clubs in the area that take advantage of our event to get some gaming on, as well as promote themselves to people that normally wouldn't run in their circles. It's a win/win for everyone involved to be sure.

Over the past few Games Day Events, all of this has been snowballing. Con de Mayo!!/Free Comic Book Day 2015 saw the most attendance ever for any of our Games Day Events, and this includes our 3 day event in December, Cencon. All said and done, there were 117 attendees. Video games, board games, card games, trading card games, and miniature war gaming were all well represented. It's amazing just how much our events have managed to grow over the years, and are not showing any signs of slowing down.

To wrap this up, I'd like to thank all of you. Every person who runs games, it cannot be done without you. Those of you who play games, you're the reason I do this thing. Finally, I'd like to thank The Santa Maria Town Center Mall for all they do to help put this event on.

What's next for our Games Day Events? I'm glad you asked, non-existent person who happened to ask the very question I am ready to answer; We've got Summer Games Day coming up in August-tentatively August 15. If you want to host an event, just let us know, and we'll get you hooked up.

Have a good day everyone, we'll see you soon

April 14, 2015

Our next

Games Day Event






Saturday, May 2

Sign ups to host games have opened. If you want to run a game, let us know. You can contact us here:

Contact Info

This is our second of five Games Day events that we will be holding through the year-

Saturday May 2, 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM

$5.00 to enter* or free if you host a game**

Games include

(With the exception of the PPTQ Event, this list is currently based on our last Games Day Event list. Actual events hosted during Con de Mayo!! may vary):



Stop in to Leisure Time Games and pick up free copies of specially marked Free Comic Book Day comics. Limited to 3 copies per person until after 4:00 PM, then you can pick up a few more (gotta make sure there's enough to go around)


Pick up games and overflow area


Free demo decks and promo cards

to all who attend***


Free demo decks to all who attend***



Project M

Smash 4

10:00 AM


More info here: PPTQ Milwaukee


Various board and card games


Various board and card games


1,850 Points


Trading Card Game

11:00 AM


Role Playing Game


35 point Open Play Event

12:00 PM


Trading Card Game

2:00 PM


Trading Card Game


Trading Card Game

4:00 PM


Trading Card Game

6:00 PM


Role Playing Game


Trading Card Game

8:00 PM


Trading Card Game

Other events may sign up day of event

Remember folks, sign up to run a game, get in free**

*All Game Masters who sign up to host a game will get free entry into the Games Day event with a few caveats-

First, this free entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

Second, all Game Masters are eligible for the free entry provided their game is assigned a time slot that doesn't compete with other games in such a way that it takes away from other games being able to run because of a lack of players. Therefore, we can't just give you a table at any time; We need to put you into a slot. If we do find a slot for your game, whether it goes off or not so long as you are there to run it, your entry will be free.

Finally, The sooner you sign up to run a game, the more likely it will happen when you want it to. Otherwise you'll be at the mercy of the schedule. Early slots fill up first, so keep that in mind as you decide when you'd like to host your game.

**The $5.00 entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

***While supplies last and limited to stock on hand. I think we'll have enough, know.

If we don't see you before then, we'll see you at


March 2, 2015

Winter Games Day 2015, A HUGE Success

Our first of 5 annual Games Day Events, Winter Games Day, has concluded. We had 100 participants on the button, which makes this the largest Winter Games Day Event ever, as well as one of the largest Games Day Event's we've run in our 16 year history of hosting these events. Thank you to all of you who came, especially those of you who hosted games and events. Without you, these Games Day Events just couldn't be possible. Also, I'd like the thank the Santa Maria Town Center Mall. They've always been supportive of our venture on many, many levels. They supply us with much of what we need to make this event work, and their efforts are truly appreciated.

Thank You All.

Having said that, there are 3 points of interest that I'd like to share that I think made this event go over the top like it did:

First was the Trading Card Game attendance. Usually, the Trading Card Game area is filled with Magic players, but this time it was the "Anything but Magic" players that dominated the Trading Card Game section. This group of players are the avid fans of games such as Cardfight!! Vanguard, Futurecard Buddyfight and Wiess Schwarz. Add to this mix Dragonball Z, Force of Will, Yu-Gi-Oh!, My Little Pony, and of course Magic the Gathering, and that made this game genre a good chunk of the overall attendance. Thanks for coming and having a good time folks.

Second, we have the Board Game Group of Santa Maria. This crowd keeps getting bigger and bigger, and are quite enthusiastic about coming to our Games Day Events. They bring a huge selection of board and card games, teach people how to play them, show off their home brew games, and on top of it all are a bunch of great people. It's fantastic to have you all back.

Third, a group of video game enthusiasts called the Santa Maria/Orcutt Smash Bros Group was here. We've had video games at our Games Day Events in the past, but this was the largest attendance for video games we've had in recent history. They came with about 30 players, and any response I got from them about the event was positive. I'm hoping we can get them to come to future Games Day Events, so we can get some cross-pollination to help their group grow, as well as getting some of them to try out table top games as well. We'll see you again soon.

There we have it. Another Games Day Event is in the books, so now it's time to start gearing up for the next one; Con de Mayo!!, on May 2, 2015. This Games Day Event is a fund raiser for The Polycon Committee. They're a game club out of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and they usually come in force. Between the players they will bring, and the way our attendance for Games Day Events has swelled over the past few years, I wouldn't doubt this year's Con de Mayo!! Games Day Event will be a record breaker too.

Thanks again everyone. See you all again soon

Our next

Games Day Event



Last minute change:

Winter Games Day will be held in unit D44 here in the mall, In the old Sandbox Kids location, down the Edwards 14 wing.


This one's gonna be BIG

This is our first of five Games Day events that we will be holding through the year-

Saturday February 28, 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM

$5.00 to enter* or free if you host a game**

Games for the day so far include:

All Day-

Santa Maria/Orcutt Smash Bros Group Presents: Super Smash Bros Melee

Project M

Smash 4

Open Gaming Tables

Pick up games and overflow area

MTG Special Open Gaming Event

Free demo decks and promo cards

to all who attend***

Yu-Gi-Oh! Open Gaming Event

Free demo decks to all who attend***

10:00 AM

Carfight!! Vanguard

Trading Card Game


Card Game


Card Game

True Pirates

Home Brew Board Game

Warhammer 40,000

1,750 Points

Various Board Games

Brought to you by Cosmic Wombat Games

11:00 AM

Dragon Brew

Card Game

12:00 PM


Card Game


Trading Card Game

2:00 PM

Betrayal at House on the Hill

Board Game

Futurecard Buddyfight

Trading Card Game



Role Playing Game

My Little Pony

Trading Card Game

Dragonball Z

Trading Card Game

6:00 PM

Force of Will

Trading Card Game


35 point Open Play Event

8:00 PM

Weiss Schwarz

Trading Card Game

Remember folks, sign up to run a game, get in free**

*All Game Masters who sign up to host a game will get free entry into the Games Day event with a few caveats-

First, this free entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

Second, all Game Masters are eligible for the free entry provided their game is assigned a time slot that doesn't compete with other games in such a way that it takes away from other games being able to run because of a lack of players. Therefore, we can't just give you a table at any time; We need to put you into a slot. If we do find a slot for your game, whether it goes off or not so long as you are there to run it, your entry will be free.

Finally, The sooner you sign up to run a game, the more likely it will happen when you want it to. Otherwise you'll be at the mercy of the schedule. Early slots fill up first, so keep that in mind as you decide when you'd like to host your game.

**The $5.00 entry does not apply to an event that has an additional fee. Please see the individual game entries for additional information.

***While supplies last and limited to stock on hand. I think we'll have enough, know.


December 12 - 14

It's a Wrap

There we go folks. It was another great Leisure Time Games Day Event. Once again we were somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 attendees through the Con.

There are so many of you I need to thank for all you do to make this event possible. Those of you who volunteered to run games, we can't do it without you. Those of you who came to play, you're the reason I do this event. Thanks for coming. Thanks to my family for your support, and thanks to The Mall at the Santa Maria Town Center for giving us the space to run it.

Now that we've round out this years list of Leisure Time Games Day Events, it's time to start looking forward to 2015. We'll start it all over again with Winter Games Day, on February 21. You'll all be hearing from me about that soon.

Until then, Happy Holidays everyone. I hope we'll see you soon.


December 12 - 14

Here's what happened if you're so interested

Updated pictures to follow soon:

Friday 12- 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Saturday 13- 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM

Sunday 14- 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Entrance Fee*:

$5.00 per day

$10.00 for the weekend

Run a game, get in free*


We are currently looking for people to host a game or event- or two or five, especially for Friday and Sunday. If you'd like to host a game or an event, contact us here at Leisure Time Games and let us know by shooting an e-mail to:

Remember, if you host a game, you get in free!*

And now, the info:

This is our large, end of year, 3 day, Comic and Games Day and event. This is already shaping up to be a big, big event, as we have not 1 but 2 major Magic the Gathering events scheduled*:


1. Open Tables

2. MtG Open Gaming Event

3. Yu-Gi-Oh! Open Gaming Event


2:00 PM

1. Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament

2. Scion RPG

6:00 PM

3. Buddyfight TCG

4. MtG Friday Night Magic Standard Tournament

5. MtG Friday Night Magic Booster Draft $12.00 entry*

8:00 PM

6. Cardfight!! Vanguard TCG Sneak Preview Tournament $20.00 entry

7. Betrayal at House on the Hill Board Game

8. Magic the Gathering, EDH free play


All Day

1. Epic Board Game Prototype Play Testing!

2. MtG Pre-Pro Tour Qualifier, Vancouver $15.00 entry*

10:00 AM

3. Warmachine

12:00 PM

4. Fiasco RPG

1:00 PM

5. Campaign Trail Board Game

2:00 PM

6. Dominion Deck Building Game

5:00 PM

7. Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle Pack 3 Draft Tournament $18.00 entry*

6:00 PM

8. Betrayal at House on the Hill Board Game

9. Mystery Express Board Game

10. Cardfight!!Vanguard Sneak Preview Tournament $20.00 entry*


All Day:

1. MtG Grand Prix Trial, Vancouver $10.00 entry*

2. Warhammer 40,000 Tournament 1750 points

10:00 AM

3. Campaign Trail Board Game

4. Betrayal at House on the Hill Board Game

5. My Little Pony Trading Card Game

6. Doomtown Reloaded Card Game

12:00 PM

7. Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

8. Scion RPG

2:00 PM

9. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Constructed Tournament

10. Masterclass Painting for

Warhammer 40K and Fantasy

More coming soon

Remember, if you don't see a game you'd like to play, you can host it. If you do, you get in free*. Just let us know and we'll get you started.

See you soon

The usual fine print:

*Additional Fee Events

Some games and events have a cost listed in their description. If a game or event you are interested in is labeled as such, the cost listed is to get into that particular game or event, as well as any other game or event for that day which does not carry an additional listed cost. If you wish to enter more than one game or event that has an additional fee, those costs are cumulative. However, entering into more than one game or event with an additional fee will get you into all 3 days of the CENCON weekend and any games or events that don’t have additional costs associated. If you wish to enter into the other days of CENCON, but are only entering 1 game or event that has an additional fee, then add $5.00 to the entry fee, and you’ll get in for all 3 days. If you are hosting a game, this additional $5.00 is waived. Hosting a game will not discount or waive a fee of an event has an additional cost unless you hosting in an official capacity, and are not eligible for prize support.

Other conditions may apply, see store for further details, and so forth.

**While supplies last and limited to stock on hand. I think we'll have enough, know.

Times, events and pretty much anything else for that matter are subject to change without notice.