
October 17, 2016

Some call it Pack Opening, others say Booster Box Opening, or even The Booster Box Game. Whatever you call it, I'm doing one here, and now. Watch as I open packs, and explain what it is I as a retailer am looking for when I crack packs, all the while making a game out of it while doing it.

Will I get value? Will I profit or will I lose? Watch...and find out

Awesome Leisure Time Games- The Podcast graphic also coming soon

July 28, 2016


There's been a reddit post/youtube video going around saying the Eldritch Moon booster boxes are easily searchable. So, I tested it and posted my findings on YouTube.

You won't believe the results! (Yeah, that was spammy, but it humored me, so I couldn't resist):

Are Eldritch Moon booster boxes improperly sorted? Watch my results as I test the notion:

Just screams board gamer and brew fan, doesn't it?

July 19, 2016

Our latest video upload,

Magic the Gathering- Eldritch Moon Box Opening:

June 21, 2016


Please enjoy this trailer, customized at the end with permission from WotC.

More info, coming soon:

May 12, 2016

This is a video I made over a year ago and kinda forgot to upload. Better late than never I suppose?:

July 4, 2015


Coming Soon, Leisure Time Games, The Podcast

Podgoblin Cody and The Ken are teaming up to bring to you the varied goings on here at Leisure Time Games, as well as ramblings and conjecture on the world of Comics and Games as a whole. Episode 1 will be uploaded soon.

Yeah, this is just a teaser. Seriously though, episode 1, coming soon.

June 15, 2015


Friends of Leisure Time Games Talk About Their Two Favorite Things

Thank you Daniel for the following write up:

The Board Games and Brew Podcast was founded by Daniel George, Kate Blevins, Jeff Cornelius and Tom Lathos, who coincidentally enjoy board games and brew. Although we are not professional broadcasters or even all that charismatic according to our friends, this podcast is our way of contributing to the hobby we love while having a little fun. We want to share with our listeners the same experience we enjoy while talking about board games, game design, publication, and libations. Cheers!

You can listen to their podcast here (PG13. It is about board games AND brew after all):

Board Games and Brew Pod Cast

May 30, 2015


Leisure Time Games Continues Its Social Media And Internet Series

As the use of the internet continues to grow and become an integral part of people's lives, it becomes more important for businesses such as Leisure Time Games to maintain an active presence online. People are using the internet to connect with other people, find places, as well as get information on the varied interests that are pertinent to their lives on a regular basis now more than ever before.

Just as varied as individual tastes are the social media sites out there that connect everyone by their common threads. Each social media site has their own style and content which sets them apart from all the others. One such site is Google+. Leisure Time Games maintains a regular presence there, and is doing what it can to improve interaction between those who have put Leisure Time Games into their "Circles". We regularly update our +Leisure Time Games page, and have also started a couple of Hang Outs: MtG: Masterclass Forum, and Santa Maria Valley Comics and Manga.

If you have a Google+ account, add us to your Circles. You can find us here:

Leisure Time Games On Google+

May 23, 2015


Leisure Time Games Continues Its Social Media Site Series:

Leisure Time Games does what it can to promote events of interest for the local comic and game community. One such tool frequently used for this purpose. is social media. By constantly interacting with the fans in the local area, we can stay abreast to the goings on here at Leisure Time Games, as well as being able to promote other events happening here on the Central Coast.

One of the major social sites where people can get daily updates as well as stay in contact with other like minded individuals is Facebook. Leisure Time Games maintains a vigorous presence there. Regular updates are posted about leagues, tournaments and events, as well as articles from the web, memes, satire, and any other post of random interest.

Further, Leisure Time Games maintains several group pages of niche interest, as well as posting on several others where local comic and game enthusiasts frequent. MtG: Masterclass Forum, Santa Maria Valley Comics and Manga, and Duelists of Santa Maria are all examples of groups that we host for local fans. Other sites, such as Santa Maria Roleplayers <805>, Santa Maria/Orcutt Smash Bros Group, and Saturday Board Games in Santa Maria and many others are also groups that get regular updates.

Join in on the fun if you haven't already. "Like" us at Leisure Time Games.

May 16, 2015


Leisure Time Games Posts Various Videos On YouTube. Social Media Will Never Be The Same Again

It all started when someone said, "Hey, you should video a box opening." The next thing you know, I'm recording activities, interviewing various gamers, and learning how to edit.

Iv'e got a few posts on YouTube right now. I've got bunches more that are all waiting for me to decide exactly how I want to edit, dub, and put together so that they capture what it is about Leisure Time Games that makes it such a great place.

In the mean time, please watch the videos I've already made- They are posted below. That, or you can go to our YouTube Channel and check them out. Please don't forget to comment on them, like them, and of course please subscribe.

More to come soon

April 3, 2015

Dragons of Tarkir, Pack Opening, Box 1

March 12, 2015

Winter Games Day 2015 was a huge success,

Check out our latest video. I do a little walking around, talk to some Game Masters, and even buy some Girl Scout Cookies:

Oh look, we made another video:

Our first ever youtube video: