
May 2, 2017

Con De Mayo 2017

Comic Book Day

May The Fourth

Revenge Of The Fifth

Cosplay Event

Free Comic Book Day

We host Con De Mayo 2017 on the first weekend of May in conjunction with Free Comic Book Day, an international event which is always held on the first Saturday of May.

On Free Comic Book Day, participating comic book retailers, such as Leisure Time Games, have specially marked comics to give away to anyone who comes into their shop that day. Restrictions vary per shop. We for instance limit the number of comics you can get to 3, no duplicates, in the early part of the day. Later in the day you can come back for more (same restrictions) once we make sure the largest of the crowds get their chance.

So as to add to the atmosphere created by Free Comic Book Day, if you bring a box of comics so you can trade with others, you also get free admission into Con De Mayo 2017.

Star Wars Cosplay

It just so happens, this event also conveniently falls sometime around the 4th and 5th of May. Yes, that would be Cinco De Mayo, but Star Wars fans also know these days as May the Fourth, and Revenge of the Fifth. These are a play on words that all Star Wars fans would recognize as “May the Force (be with you)”, and “Revenge of the Sith”. Because of this, while attending Con De Mayo 2017, we encourage participants to host events, and/or cosplay with a Star Wars theme. If you host a Star Wars themed event, or if you come dressed as a character from the Star Wars franchise, you’ll get free admission into Con De Mayo 2017.

Con De Mayo 2017, Featuring Free Comic Book Day, May The Fourth Revenge Of The Fifth Cosplay, This Saturday