






A quick note:

We're going to be trying something new for our prize structure for the event. Along with free admission to Summer Comics And Games Day, the prize support for this event has been increased dramatically from our previous events.

For starters, First place will receive store credit equivalent to at least a full box of boosters, as well as the invite to the Regional Pro Tour Qualifier.

Second place will receive store credit

equivalent to 1/2 of first place's prize support.

The remainder will be divided on a per bracket progressive scale to the other prize earning players (see below for details).

For example:

8 Players

36 boosters to first

18 boosters to second

9 - 12 Players

36 boosters to first

18 boosters to second

9 boosters to third and fourth

13 - 16 Players

48 boosters to first

24 boosters to second

9 boosters to third and fourth

17 - 20 Players

48 boosters to first

24 boosters to second

10 boosters to third and fourth

4 boosters to fifth through eighth

21 - 24 Players

52 boosters to first

26 boosters to second

12 boosters to third and fourth

6 boosters to fifth through eighth

25 - 28 Players

56 boosters to first

28 boosters to second

14 boosters to third and fourth

8 booster to fifth through eighth

29 - 32 players

64 boosters to first

32 boosters to second

17 boosters to third and fourth

8 booster to fifth through eighth

And so forth

Prizes will only be given out to those that make the cut to the single elimination brackets.


The number of Swiss rounds that will be played will be determined by the number of participants.

For Example:

8 players

Single Elimination only

9 - 16 players

4 rounds Swiss- Limited Format

5 rounds Swiss- Constructed Format

Top 8 single elimination-

Limited Format

top 4 single elimination-

Constructed Format

17 - 32 players

5 rounds Swiss

top 8 single elimination

33 - 64 players

6 rounds Swiss

top 8 single elimination


All times, locations, and so forth are subject to change without notice. Contact Leisure Time Games for any last minute changes

*Special prices, special offers, discounts, and sale prices are not valid when redeeming your credit.

We’ll see you Saturday at

PPTQ Rivals Of Ixalan

Leisure Time Games Hosts PPTQ Rivals Of Ixalan At Summer Comics And Games Day 2017 And Features A New Prize Structure

Leisure Time Games welcomes Back Brian D. L2 to Judge our latest PPTQ during Summer Comics And Games Day 2017


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Here in the Mall at Summer Comics And Games Day 2017

Located in unit B09 (4 doors down from Leisure Time Games in the Macy's Wing)

$25.00 Entry, includes free entry into Summer Comics And Games Day

Modern Format

Deck Listing begins at 11:00 PM**

Player meeting begins at 12:00 PM**

Round 1 to immediately follow

This is a Competitive REL Tournament, with a Planeswalker Points Multiplier of


This is a Modified Swiss tournament-

A Swiss Rounds Tournament that will be followed by a top 4/8-players Single Elimination Playoff Tournament. Cut Off TBD

Deck lists WILL be used

The winner will receive in part an invitation to the Regional Pro Tour Qualifier associated with this event.

The Swiss Tournament matches will be 50 minutes in length.

The Single-Elimination Playoff matches will have no time limit.

All players registered to play in the PPTQ may participate in all of the Swiss rounds.