業績 Publications


See Researchmap for recent publications:https://researchmap.jp/KawabataYuuki/published_papers?lang=en


32. Nanami A, Mitamura H, Sato T, Yamaguchi T, Yamamoto K, Kawabe R, Soyano K, Arai N, Kawabata Y. Diel variation in home range size and precise returning ability after spawning migration of a coral reef grouper Epinephelus ongus: implications for effective marine protected area design. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2018

31. Kimura H, Kawabata Y*. Effect of initial body orientation on escape probability in prey fish escaping from predators. Biology Open. 2018. 7(7). bio.023812 PDF

30. Nishiumi N, Matsuo A, Kawabe R, Payne N, Huveneers C, Watanabe YY, Kawabata Y*. A miniaturized threshold-triggered acceleration data-logger for recording burst movements of aquatic animals. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 2018. 221(6). jeb172346 日本語での説明

29. Hasegawa T, Takatsuki N (joint first author), Kawabata Y*, Kawabe R, Nishihara GN, Ishimatsu A, Soyano K, Okamura K, Furukawa S, Yamada M, Shimoda M, Kinoshita T, Yamawaki N, Morii Y, Sakakura Y. Continuous behavioral observation reveals the function of drifting seaweeds for Seriola spp. juveniles. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2017. 573, 101-115


28. Nanami A, Sato T, Kawabata Y, Okuyama J. Spawning aggregation of white-streaked grouper Epinephelus ongus: spatial distribution and annual variation in the fish density within a spawning ground. PeerJ. 2017. 5: e3000

27. Makiguchi, Y., Ichimura M, Kitayama T, Kawabata Y, Kitagawa T, Kojima T, Pitcher TE. Sperm allocation in relation to female size in a semelparous salmonid. Royal Society Open Science. 2016. 3: 160497

㉖ Hasegawa T, Manda A, Takatsuki N, Kawabata Y, Nishihara GN, Fujita S, Kawabe R, Yamada M, Kinoshita T, Yamawaki N, Morii Y, Sakakura Y. Feeding habit of juvenile fishes associated with drifting seaweeds in the East China Sea with reference to oceanographic parameters. Aquaculture Science. 2016. 64, 157-172

㉕ Nasuchon N, Yagi M, Kawabata Y, Gao K, Ishimatsu A. Escape responses of the Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus under elevated temperature and CO2 conditions. Fisheries Science. 2016. 82, 435-444

Kawabata Y, Yamada H, Sato T, Kobayashi M, Okuzawa K, Asami K. Pelvic fin removal modifies escape trajectory in a teleost fish. Fisheries Science. 2016. 82, 85-93 日本語での説明

㉓ Arakaki S, Kawabata Y, Tokeshi M. Assessing the feasibility of bio-logging research in adult temperate bass,

Lateolabrax latus,in subtropical-temperate coastal waters of southwestern Japan. Coastal Ecosystems. 2015. 2, 40-49 PDF

Kawabata Y, Nanami A, Yamamoto K, Sato T, Kuwahara K, Koga M, Kawaguchi K, Yamaguchi T, Ohta I, Kawabe R, Nishihara G, Yagi M, Soyano K. Duration of migration and reproduction in males is dependent on energy reserve in a fish forming spawning aggregations. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2015. 534, 149-161 日本語での説明 PDF

(Fig. 3が間違っていました, Erratumを参照 PDF)

㉑ 山根 晃・吉田 歩・山崎英樹・崎山一孝・河端雄毅・阪倉良孝. トラフグ人工種苗の成長に伴う行動と食性の変化. 水産増殖. 2015. 63, 141-149

⑳ Noda T, Okuyama J, Kawabata Y, Mitamura H, Arai N. Harvesting energy from the oscillation of aquatic animals: testing a vibration-powered generator for bio-logging data logger systems. Journal of Advanced Marine Science and Technology Society. 2014. 20, 37-43

Kawabata Y, Nishihara G, Yamaguchi T, Takebe T, Teruya K, Sato T, Soyano K. The effect of spine postures on the hydrodynamic drag in Epinephelus ongus larvae. Journal of Fish Biology. 2014. 85, 1757-1765 日本語での説明はこちら

Kawabata Y, Noda T, Nakashima Y, Nanami A, Sato T, Takebe T, Mitamura H, Arai N, Yamaguchi T, Soyano K. Use of a gyroscope/accelerometer data logger to identify alternative feeding behaviours in fish. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 2014. 217, 3204-3208 日本語での説明はこちら

⑰ Nanami A, Kawabata Y, Sato T, Yamaguchi T, Kawabe R, Soyano K. Spawning migration and returning behavior of white-streaked grouper Epinephelus ongus determined by acoustic telemetry. Marine Biology. 2014. 161, 669-680


⑯ Noda T, Kawabata Y, Arai N, Mitamura H, Watanabe S. Animal-mounted gyroscope/accelerometer/magnetometer: in situ measurement of the movement performance of fast-start behaviour in fish. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2014. 451, 55-68

⑮ Noda T, Kawabata Y, Arai N, Mitamura H, Watanabe S. Monitoring escape and feeding behaviours of cruiser fish by inertial and magnetic sensors. PLoS ONE. 2013. 8(11): e79392. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079392

⑭ 山田秀秋, 小林真人, 佐藤琢, 河端雄毅. コモンガニによるシロクラベラ稚魚の被食に及ぼす人工海藻と水深の影響. 日本水産学会誌. 2013. 79, 797-803

⑬ Okuyama J, Nakajima K, Noda T, Kimura S, Kamihata H, Kobayashi M, Arai N, Kagawa S, Kawabata Y, Yamada H. Ethogram of immature green turtles: behavioral strategy for somatic growth in large marine herbivores. PLoS ONE. 2013. 8(6): e65783. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065783

⑫ 佐藤琢, 河端雄毅, 奥澤公一, 浅見公雄, 小林真人, 山田秀秋, 福岡弘紀, 與世田兼三, 武部孝行, 平井慈恵, 秋田雄一, 名波敦, 太田格, 鈴木伸明, 千村昌之, 青沼佳方, 加藤雅也, 澁野拓郎, 照屋和久. 亜熱帯海域における資源造成:シロクラベラにおける種苗放流技術の開発. 水産総合研究センター研究報告. 2013. 37, 65-83

⑪ Yamada H, Nanami A, Ohta I, Fukuoka K, Sato T, Kobayashi M, Hirai N, Chimura M, Akita Y, Kawabata Y. Occurrence and distribution during the post-settlement stage of two Choerodon species in shallow waters around Ishigaki Island, southern Japan. Fisheries Science. 2012. 78, 809-818

⑩ Mitamura H, Uchida K, Miyamoto Y, Kakihara T, Miyagi A, Kawabata Y, Ichikawa K, Arai N. Short-range homing in a site-specific fish: search and directed movements. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 2012. 215, 2751-2759

河端雄毅, 山田秀秋, 佐藤琢, 小林真人, 平井慈恵, 照屋和久, 荒井修亮. シロクラベラ人工種苗の被食回避における捕食者学習効果. 日本水産学会誌. 2011. 77, 625-629

Kawabata Y, Asami K, Kobayashi M, Sato T, Okuzawa K, Yamada H, Yoseda K, Arai N. Effect of shelter acclimation on the post-release movement and putative predation mortality of hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii, determined by acoustic telemetry. Fisheries Science. 2011. 77, 345-355

Kawabata Y, Asami K, Kobayashi M, Sato T, Okuzawa K, Yamada H, Yoseda K, Arai N. Effect of shelter acclimation on the post-release survival of hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii: laboratory experiments using the reef-resident predator white-streaked grouper Epinephelus ongus. Fisheries Science. 2011. 77, 79–85

Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Asami K, Okuzawa K, Yoseda K, Arai N. Effects of a tropical cyclone on the distribution of hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii, determined by acoustic telemetry. Journal of Fish Biology. 2010. 77, 627–64

⑤ Okuyama J, Kawabata Y, Naito Y, Arai N, Kobayashi M. Monitoring beak movements with an acceleration datalogger: a useful technique for assessing the feeding and breathing behaviors of sea turtles. Endangered Species Research. 2009. 10, 39–45

④ Mitamura H, Uchida K, Miyamoto Y, Arai N, Kakihara T, Yokota T, Okuyama J, Kawabata Y, Yasuda T. Preliminary study on homing, site fidelity, and diel movement of black rockfish Sebastes inermis measured by acoustic telemetry. Fisheries Science. 2009. 75, 1133-1140

③ Mitamura H, Arai N, Yamagishi Y, Kawabata Y, Mitsunaga Y, Kachaphichat M, Viputhanumas T. Habitat use and movement of the hatchery-reared F2 Mekong giant catfish in the Mae peum reservoir, Thailand, studied by acoustic telemetry. Fisheries Science. 2009. 75, 175-182

Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Asami K, Yoseda K, Arai N. The post-release process of establishing stable home ranges and diel movement patterns of hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii. Journal of Fish Biology. 2008. 73, 1770-1782

Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Mitamura H, Asami K, Yoseda K, Arai N. Post-release movement and diel activity patterns of hatchery-reared and wild black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii determined by ultrasonic telemetry. Fisheries Science. 2007. 73, 1146-1153


河端. 大型捕食魚から稚魚を護りたい-隠れ家をつくれば食べられない, バイオロギング2「動物たちの知られざる世界を探る」(分担執筆), 日本バイオロギング研究会 編, 京都通信社, P.66-71

高月, 河端. 流れ藻を、バイオロギングで追いかける-漂流物に集まる生きものたち, バイオロギング2「動物たちの知られざる世界を探る」(分担執筆), 日本バイオロギング研究会 編, 京都通信社, P.74-75

河端雄毅, 阪倉良孝. 仔稚魚における行動と生態の科学, ハタ科魚類の水産研究最前線 (水産学シリーズ). 征矢野 清, 照屋和久, 中田 久 編, 恒星社厚生閣, p. 21-33

河端雄毅. 放流後のシロクラベラの行動は?, WAKUWAKUときめきサイエンス シリーズ1「バイオロギング-最新科学で解明する動物生態学」(分担執筆), 日本バイオロギング研究会 編, 京都通信社, P.138-141


⑦ Mitamura H, Uchida K, Miyamoto Y, Arai N, Kakihara T, Yokota T, Okuyama J, Yasuda T. Telemetry monitoring of fine scale movement: behaviour of black rockfish in a small home range. Proceedings of the 6th international Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science. 2011. 103-107

⑥ Mitamura H, Arai N, Yamagishi Y, Kawabata Y, Viputhanumas T, Khachaphichat M. Hatchery-reared F2 Mekong giant catfish spent their time above hypoxia in the Mae peum reservoir, Thailand. Proceedings of the 5th international Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science. 2010. 79-82

⑤ Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Naito Y, Arai N, Kobayashi M, Okuzawa K. Preliminary result of the relationship between the breathing frequency and dynamic body acceleration (DBA) of the hatchery-reared loggerhead turtle Carretta carretta. Proceedings of the 5th international Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science. 2010. 11-14

④ Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Asami K, Yoseda K, Arai N. Diel behavioral pattern of hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish determined by acoustic telemetry in natural environment and video observation in a fish tank. Proceedings of the 4th international Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science. 2009. 69-72

③ Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Asami K, Yoseda K, Ichikawa K, Arai N. Possibility of position estimates for bottom-dwelling aquatic animals in a small scale using ultrasonic coded transmitters and passive monitoring receivers. Proceedings of the 3rd international Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science. 2007. 83-87

② Yamagishi Y, Mitamura H, Arai N, Mitsunaga Y, Kawabata Y, Khachaphichat M, Viputhanumas T. Feeding habits of hatchery-reared young Mekong giant catfish in a fish pond and in Mae peum reservoir. Proceedings of the 2nd international Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science. 2006. 17-22

① Kawabata Y, Yamagishi Y, Mitamura H, Mitsunaga Y, Arai N, Khachaphichat M, Viputhanumas T. Study on the behavior of F2 Mekong giant catfish using acoustic telemetry. Proceedings of the 2nd international Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science. 2006. 13-16


河端雄毅. 孵化仔魚の変態・遊泳・行動~伸長した鰭棘の機能に着目して~, シンポジウム記録「ハタ科魚類の繁殖の生理生態と種苗生産」, 日本水産学会誌, 2014, 80, 993.

Kawabata Y. One attractive feature of fieldwork at Kyoto University is that we can study freely, taking our original approaches to make studies rewarded. Raku-Yu, Kyoto University Newsletter, 2010, 18, 11

河端雄毅. 第8回ヨーロッパ魚類テレメトリー会議の参加記, 日本水産学会誌, 2010, 76, 287


45. Hibiki Kimura, Yuuki Kawabata. Effect of initial body orientation on escape probability in prey fish escaping from predators. . The Annual meeting of society for integrative and comparative biology, SC, USA, Jan. 2018

44. Minoru Wada, Yu Umezawa, Satsuki Terakawa, Yuuki Kawabata, Ai Matsuda, Masao Amano, Takashi Aoshima. Occurrence of pelagic schooling fish and finless porpoise in a seasonally hypoxic water mass in Omura bay: What brought them there? ECS conference, Nagasaki, Japan, 10-12 NOV 2017

43. Kawabata, Hasegawa T, Takatsuki N, Kawabe R, Nishihara GN, Ishimatsu A, Soyano K, Okamura K, Furukawa S, Yamada M, Shimoda M, Kinoshita T, Yamawaki N, Morii Y, Sakakura Y. Continuous behavioral observation reveals the function of drifting seaweeds for Seriola spp. juveniles. ECS conference, Nagasaki, Japan, 10-12 NOV 2017

42. Hibiki Kimura, Yuuki Kawabata. Effect of initial body orientation on escape probability in prey fish escaping from predators. . The Annual meeting of society for integrative and comparative biology, ECS conference, Nagasaki, Japan, 10-12 Nov 2017

41. Wada M, Kondo R, Umezawa Y, Shimanaga M, Kim D, Suzuki T, Kawabata Y, Matsushita Y, Ishimatsu A, Aoshima T, Takasu H. Feel good in hypoxia?–From microbes to whales, diverse life forms subsist on the “dead zone” in an enclosed bay (Omura Bay, Nagasaki)–. The JSFS 85th Anniversary-Commemorative International Symposium “Fisheries Science for Future Generations” Symposium Proceedings, No. 04001 (2017).

40. Hibiki Kimura, Yuuki Kawabata. Behavioral and kinematic factors affecting the success of predator evasion in red sea bream (Pagrus major) juvenile: Importance of initial body orientation to predators. The 15th joint symposium between Nagasaki University and Pukyong National University on Marine and Fisheries Sciences, p. 5, Nagasaki, Japan, 27 Oct 2016

㊴ Takatsuki Naoki・Yuuki Kawabata・Takamasa Hasegawa・Yoshitaka Sakakura・Ryo Kawabe・Gregory N. Nishihara・Atsushi Ishimatsu・Kiyoshi Soyano・Misato Yamada・Tsukasa Kinoshita・Nobuhiro Yamawaki・Yasuhiro Morii. Effects of body size, school size and diel period on the degree of association with drifting seaweeds in juvenile Seriola spp., determined by video-logger and GPS satellite telemetry. PB-21. The 5th Bio-logging Science Symposium (BLS5), Strasbourg (France), 22-27 Sep 2014

㊳ Nopparat NASUCHON, Mitsuhara YAGI, Yuuki KAWABATA, Atsushi ISHIMATSU. The Combined Effect of Elevated Temperature and CO2 on C-start in Adult Japanese Anchovy. AOGS 11th Annual Meeting (AOGS2014). Sapporo, Japan BG14-A004. 28 July-01 August, 2014.

㊲ Yuya Makiguchi, Masaki Ichimura, Takenori Kitayama,Takeru Nemoto, Yuuki Kawabata, Takashi Kitagawa & Takahito Kojima. Sperm economy in relation to paired female size in semelparous salmonid species. The 2nd Design Symposium on Conservation of Ecosystem (SEASTAR2000). P009. Kyoto, Japan. March 18–19, 2014.

㊱ Yuuki Kawabata, Takuji Noda, Yuuki Nakashima, Atsushi Nanami, Taku Sato, Hiromichi Mitamura, Nobuaki Arai, Tomofumi Yamaguchi, Kiyoshi Soyano. Benthic crab or elusive fish: a technique for monitoring feeding behaviors on multiple prey types in fish using a gyroscope/acceleration data-logger. 9th Symposium by Japanese Society of Bio-Logging Science. 17. Tokyo, Japan. Nov 7-8, 2013.

㉟ Naoki Takatsuki・Yuuki Kawabata・Takamasa Hasegawa・Yoshitaka Sakakura・Seishiro Furukawa・Ryo Kawabe・Gregory N. Nishihara・Atsushi Ishimatsu・Kiyoshi Soyano・Misato Yamada・Tsukasa Kinoshita・Nobuhiro Yamawaki・Yasuhiro Morii. Bio-logging of moving habitats: patterns of occurrence and foraging behaviors of common dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus around the drifting seaweed rafts. 9th Symposium by Japanese Society of Bio-Logging Science. 16. Tokyo, Japan. Nov 7-8, 2013.

㉞ Yamaguchi T, Kawabata Y, Takebe T, Nanami A, Sato T, Teruya K, Soyano K. Gonadal development and spawning migration of white-streaked grouper. 9th International Conference on the Marine Biodiversity and Environmental Fisheries Science of the East China Sea. 30. p. 102. Keelung, Taiwan. Sep 29-Oct 1, 2013.

㉝ Naoki Takatsuki・Yuuki Kawabata・Takamasa Hasegawa・Yoshitaka Sakakura・Ryo Kawabe・Gregory N. Nishihara・Atsushi Ishimatsu・Kiyoshi Soyano・Misato Yamada・Tsukasa Kinoshita・Nobuhiro Yamawaki・Yasuhiro Morii. Patterns of Occurrence and Variable Hunting Strategies of Dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus around the Drifting Objects: Direct Evidence from the Interval Video Recordings. 9th International Conference on the Marine Biodiversity and Environmental Fisheries Science of the East China Sea. 27. p. 99. Keelung, Taiwan. Sep 29-Oct 1, 2013.

㉜ Takamasa Hasegawa, Yuuki Kawabata, Gregory N. Nishihara, Shinji Fujita, Ryo Kawabe, Misato Yamada, Tsukasa Kinoshita, Nobuhiro Yamawaki, Yasuhiro Morii, Yoshitaka Sakakura. Seasonal variations in composition and abundance of zooplankton and composition and gastric contents of fish juveniles associated with drifting seaweeds in current-rips formed around the edge of continental shelf in the southern sea of Goto island. 9th International Conference on the Marine Biodiversity and Environmental Fisheries Science of the East China Sea. 22. p. 94. Keelung, Taiwan. Sep 29-Oct 1, 2013.

㉛ Kotoe Okamura, Gregory N. Nishihara, Yuuki Kawabata, Ryo Kawabe, Ryutaro Kimura. Do Marine Organisms Enhance Mixing and Alleviate Concentration Gradients? 9th International Conference on the Marine Biodiversity and Environmental Fisheries Science of the East China Sea. 16. p. 88. Keelung, Taiwan. Sep 29-Oct 1, 2013.

㉚ Yuuki Kawabata, Takuji Noda, Yuuki Nakashima, Atsushi Nanami, Taku Sato, Hiromichi Mitamura, Nobuaki Arai, Tomofumi Yamaguchi and Kiyoshi Soyano. Toward the Development of the Feeding Event Recorder: Classification of the Fast-start Behaviors of White-streaked Grouper Epinephelus ongus Using Gyroscope/Accelerometer. 9th International Conference on the Marine Biodiversity and Environmental Fisheries Science of the East China Sea. C1. Keelung, Taiwan. Sep 29-Oct 1, 2013.

㉙ Kawabata Y, Yamada H, Sato T, Kobayashi M, Okuzawa K, Asami K. Functions of pelvic fins during the fast escape response in a tropical wrasse, black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii. P-15. Young Scientists Symposium: Exchanging knowledge on novel approaches to studying marine organisms and ecosystems. July 23-24, 2013.

㉘ Kawabata Y, Noda T, Nakashima Y, Nanami A, Sato T, Mitamura H, Arai N, Yamaguchi T, Soyano K. A biomechanics approach to feeding ecology of fish in the wild: an animal-attached gyroscope/accelerometer for detecting the different feeding behaviors of white-streaked grouper Epinephelus ongus. P-14. Young Scientists Symposium: Exchanging knowledge on novel approaches to studying marine organisms and ecosystems. July 23-24, 2013.

㉗ Yamaguchi T, Kawabata Y, Takebe T, Nanami A, Sato T, Teruya K, Soyano K. Gonadal development and spawning migration of white-streaked grouper. P-11. Young Scientists Symposium: Exchanging knowledge on novel approaches to studying marine organisms and ecosystems. July 23-24, 2013.

㉖ Takamasa Hasegawa, Yuuki Kawabata, Gregory N. Nishihara, Shinji Fujita, Ryo Kawabe, Misato Yamada, Tsukasa Kinoshita, Nobuhiro Yamawaki, Yasuhiro Morii, Yoshitaka Sakakura. Seasonal variations in composition and abundance of zooplankton and composition and gastric contents of fish juveniles associated with drifting seaweeds in current-rips formed around the edge of continental shelf in the southern sea of Goto island. P-8. Young Scientists Symposium: Exchanging knowledge on novel approaches to studying marine organisms and ecosystems. July 23-24, 2013.

㉕ Kawabata Y, Yamada H, Sato T, Kobayashi M, Okuzawa K, Asami K. Functions of pelvic fins during the fast escape response in a tropical wrasse, black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii. 26-04 (p. 194). 9th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference. Okinawa, Japan. June 24-28, 2013.

㉔ Kawabata Y, Noda T, Nakashima Y, Nanami A, Sato T, Mitamura H, Arai N, Yamaguchi T, Soyano K. A biomechanics approach to feeding ecology of fish in the wild: an animal-attached gyroscope/accelerometer for detecting the different feeding behaviors of white-streaked grouper Epinephelus ongus. P. 127. 9th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference. Okinawa, Japan. June 24-28, 2013.

㉓ Nanami A, Kawabata Y, Sato T, Yamaguchi T, Soyano K. Reproductive movement to the spawning ground and homing ability of white-streaked grouper Epinephelus ongus determined by acoustic telemetry. P. 126. 9th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference. Okinawa, Japan. June 24-28, 2013.

㉒ Yamaguchi T, Kawabata Y, Takebe T, Nanami A, Sato T, Teruya K, Soyano K. Maturation and spawning of white-streaked grouper. The 9th International Meeting on Reproductive Biology of Aquatic Animals of the East China Sea. p. 1, Tokyo, Japan. December 19-21, 2012.

㉑ Yamaguchi T, Kawabata Y, Takebe T, Nanami A, Sato T, Teruya K, Soyano K. Characteristics of oocyte development and maturation in white-streaked grouper. 10th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Aquaculture. P23 (p.37). Nagasaki, Japan. December 8-9, 2012.

⑳ Kawabata Y. Possible effects of the solar radiation on the fish association with the drifting seaweed rafts. Ling-Feng Forum: Understanding responses of marine organisms and ecosystem resilience to ocean changes. 3. Xiamen, China. November 20, 2012.

⑲ Noda T, Kawabata Y, Arai N, Mitamura H, Watanabe S. Utilization of animal-attached inertial sensors for monitoring fast-start performance of fish in the field. The fifth international Symposium on Aero Aqua Bio-mechanisms. S31. Taipei, Taiwan. August 25-28, 2012.

⑱ Kawabata Y, Yamada H, Sato T, Kobayashi M, Okuzawa K, Asami K. Functions of pelvic fins during the fast escape response in a teleost fish. The fifth international Symposium on Aero Aqua Bio-mechanisms. S29. Taipei, Taiwan. August 25-28, 2012.

⑰ Kawabata Y. Development of the new method to monitor the drifting seaweed rafts and associated fish fauna. The Kickoff Meeting for the Strategic Japanese-Chinese Cooperative Program on Climate Change "Marine Ecosystem Response to Climate Change and Mediated Mechanisms: Linking Micro- to Meso-Scale Response". 4. Nagasaki, Japan. July 23, 2012

⑯ Kawabata Y, Yamada H, Sato T, Kobayashi M. Functions of the pelvic fin during the fast startle response of black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii: implications for the negative effect of the pelvic fin amputation on the predator evasion. The 8th International Workshop on the Oceanography and Fisheries Science of the East China Sea, Naha, Japan. November 23-26, 2011.

⑮ Kawabata Y, Asami K, Kobayashi M, Sato T, Okuzawa K, Yamada H, Yoseda K, Arai N. Estimation of predation mortality from telemetry data and effect of shelter acclimation on the predation mortality of hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish. 1th International Conference on Fish Telemetry. Hokkaido, Japan. June 13-18, 2011.

⑭ Kawabata Y, Asami K, Kobayashi M, Sato T, Okuzawa K, Yamada H, Yoseda K, Arai N. Shelter acclimation decreases the post-release predation mortality of hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii. 4th International Symposium on Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching. Shanghai, China. April 20-25, 2011.

⑬ Kawabata Y, Asami K, Kobayashi M, Sato T, Okuzawa K, Yamada H, Yoseda K, Arai N. Effect of in situ acclimation to shelters on the post-release survival of hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish. The 6th international Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science. Phuket, Thailand. March 23-25, 2010.

⑫ Mitamura H, Doi A, Miyagi A, Uchida K, Miyamoto Y, Kakihara T, Kawabata Y, Ichikawa K, Arai N. Monitoring of fine scale movement: New information on homing behavior of black rockfish. The 6th international Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science. Phuket, Thailand. March 23-25, 2010.

⑪ Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Kimio A, Okuzawa K, Yoseda K, Arai N. The effect of release size, season and rearing history on the post-release retention time of hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii. 8th Conference on Fish Telemetry held in Europe. 36. Umea, Sweden. September 14-18, 2009.

⑩ Mitamura H, Doi A, Miyagi A, Uchida K, Miyamoto Y, Kakihara T, Kawabata Y, Ichikawa K, Arai N.. Homing behavior and sensory mechanisms of the black rockfish Sebastes inermis determined by individual movement path analyses. 8th Conference on Fish Telemetry held in Europe. 36. Umea, Sweden. September 14-18, 2009.

⑨ Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Arai N, Asami K, Okuzawa K, Yoseda K, Sato T, Yamada H. Shelter utilization patterns and potential vulnerability to predators of released hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii. 8th Conference on Fish Telemetry held in Europe. 73. Umea, Sweden. September 14-18, 2009.

⑧ Watanabe H, Kawabata Y, Yokota T, Nanami A, Asami K, Okuzawa K, Arai N. Diel activity rhythm of Lethrinus nebulosus determined using acceleration data logger. 5th Symposium by Japanese Society of Bio-Logging Science. 18. Kyoto, Japan. July 27, 2009.

⑦ Hashiguchi T, Okuyama J, Kawabata Y, Naito Y, Arai N, Kobayashi M. The response of post-dive respiratory behavior to the dive activity of sea turtles. 5th Symposium by Japanese Society of Bio-Logging Science. 18. Kyoto, Japan. July 27, 2009.

⑥ Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Naito Y, Arai N, Kobayashi M, Okuzawa K. Relationships of the breathing frequency with dive duration and overall dynamic body acceleration (ODBA) of the hatchery-reared Loggerhead turtle Carretta carretta. The 5th international Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science. Bangkok, Thailand. March 2009.

⑤ Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Asami K, Yoseda K, Arai N. Post-release horizontal movement patterns of hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii in relation to physical environmental conditions determined by acoustic telemetry. 5th World Fisheries Congress. Yokohama, Japan. October 2008.

④ Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Asami K, Yoseda K, Arai N. Post-release behavioral adaptation process of hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii determined by ultrasonic telemetry. The 4th international Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science. Phuket, Thailand. December 2007.

③ Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Asami K, Yoseda K, Arai N. Post-release behavior of hatchery-reared black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii determined by ultrasonic transmitters and automated monitoring receivers. Second international symposium on Tagging and Tracking Marine Fish with Electronic Devices. Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain. October 2007.

② Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Ichikawa K, Asami K, Chimura M, Yoseda K, Arai N. Estimation of animal positions in a small scale using ultrasonic coded transmitters and passive monitoring receivers. The 3rd international Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science. Bangkok, Thailand. December 2006.

① Kawabata Y, Yamagishi Y, Mitamura H, Mitsunaga Y, Arai N, Khachaphichat M, Viputhanumas T. Studies on the behavior of F2 Mekong giant catfish using acoustic telemetry. The 2nd international Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science. Bangkok, Thailand. December 2005.



松田愛衣・天野雅男・和田 実・河端雄毅・ 青島 隆・赤松友成. 大村湾に生息するスナメリの分布パターンとその要因 . 1135 . 平成28年度日本水産学会春季大会



木村 響, 河端雄毅. 捕食者に対する体の向きがマダイ稚魚の逃避成功に及ぼす影響. 第35回日本動物行動学会. 新潟. 2016年11月11~13日

中村 育, 西海 望, 新垣誠司, 河端雄毅. スズキとヒラスズキにおける形態と捕食様式の種間比較. 第35回日本動物行動学会. 新潟. 2016年11月11~13日

米山和良,河端雄毅,森田竜作,鳥澤眞介, 髙木力. 画像計測による重量推定を目的としたクロマグロの重量推定モデル. 平成28年度日本水産工学会. 214. 藤沢. 2016年4月29~30日.

和田 実・河端雄毅・梅澤 有、 閉鎖性内湾の貧酸素水塊に来遊する浮き魚類の観察記録. 平成28年3月26日(土)〜3月30日(水) 場所 東京海洋大学(品川キャンパス)

河端雄毅. 最適逃避方向理論:動物種・実験条件によって異なる逃避方向パターンを統一的に説明できるか?, 第36回長崎最西端進化生態学セミナー. 長崎大学. 2016年2月29日

西海望・松尾彩音・新垣誠司・河邊玲・河端雄毅. 高次捕食魚の採餌生態解明に向けて:捕食魚の運動と体温の同時長期計測技術. P041. 第34回日本動物行動学会. 品川. 2015年11月20~22日.

浦田 千尋・イングランド マット・ダンダデール ギャリー・穂積 篤・河端 雄毅. 分泌機能を有するオルガノゲルの付着抑制効果. 第64回高分子討論会. 2M06. 仙台. 2015年9月15~17日.

西野公規・栗田 豊・佐久間 徹・島村信也・ 中塚直征・河端雄毅・G. N. Nishihara・河邊 玲. 常磐海域におけるヒラメの移動生態に関する研究-2 野外の経験水温記録を指標とした年間標準代 謝量の推定. 平成27年度日本水産学会春季大会. 271. 東京. 2015年3月27-31日.

名波 敦、太田 格、佐藤 琢、河端雄毅、秋田雄一. 繁殖集団をつくる生物の保全生態学的研究 −サンゴ礁魚類のナミハタを例にして−. 第62回日本生態学会大会. 鹿児島. 2015年3月19~22日.

野田琢嗣、奥山隼一、河端雄毅、三田村啓理、荒井修亮. 生物振動発電ロガー:バイオロギングにおける長期計測を目指して. 平成26年度海洋理工学会秋季大会. 清水. 2014年11月15日.

河端雄毅. 最適逃避方向理論:動物はどの方向に逃げるのが最適か? 第33回日本動物行動学会, 長崎, 2014年11月1-3日. 【優秀ポスター賞受賞】

河端雄毅. 行動特性に基づいたシロクラベラ人工放流魚の被食軽減策の開発. ラウンドテーブル②「生物の行動を応用する」. 第33回日本動物行動学会, 長崎, 2014年11月1-3日

髙月直樹・河端雄毅・長谷川隆真・阪倉良孝・ 河邊 玲・Gregory N. Nishihara・石松 惇・征矢野 清・山田弥知・木下 宰・山脇信博・森井康宏. 体サイズ、群れサイズ、日周期で異なるブリ属稚魚の流れ藻への寄り付き行動. 第33回日本動物行動学会, 長崎大学, 2014年11月1~3日

野田琢嗣・河端雄毅・奥山隼一・三田村啓理・小泉拓也・荒井修亮. バイオロギングによる水圏生物の行動情報の取得5. ジャイロセンサ搭載データロガーの開発と水圏動物の行動モニタリングへの応用. 平成26年度日本水産学会春季大会. 740. 函館. 2014年3月27-31.

長谷川隆真・高月直樹・河端雄毅・万田敦昌・Gregory N. Nishihara・藤田伸二・河邊 玲・山田弥知・木下 宰・山脇信博・森井康宏・阪倉良孝. 長崎県五島灘南方の大陸棚縁辺部の潮目形成要因と潮目に出現する動物プランクトンおよび稚魚の周年変化. 平成26年度日本水産学会春季大会. 604. 函館. 2014年3月27-31.

髙月直樹・河端雄毅・長谷川隆真・阪倉良孝・ 河邊 玲・Gregory N. Nishihara・石松 惇・征矢野 清・山田弥知・木下 宰・山脇信博・森井康宏. 流れ藻に蝟集するブリ属稚魚の行動観察:日周期・群れサイズが行動に及ぼす影響. 平成26年度日本水産学会春季大会. 410. 函館. 2014年3月27-31.

河端雄毅. 孵化仔魚の変態・遊泳・行動. ハタ科魚類の繁殖の生理生態と種苗生産. 平成26年度日本水産学会春季大会. 函館. 2014年3月27-31.

高月直樹, 河端雄毅・長谷川隆真・阪倉良孝・河邊玲・Gregory N. Nishihara ・石松惇・征矢野清・山田弥知・木下宰・山脇信博・森井康宏. 流れ藻周囲でのブリ属稚魚の行動. 第25回魚類生態研究会. 5. 福岡. 2014年2月15-16日

河端雄毅(長大海セ)・野田琢嗣(京大院情報). データロガーを用いた魚類における突進遊泳(Burst swimming)の定量化. 第25回魚類生態研究会. 18. 福岡. 2014年2月15-16日

Yuuki Kawabata, Takuji Noda, Yuuki Nakashima, Atsushi Nanami, Taku Sato, Hiromichi Mitamura, Nobuaki Arai, Tomofumi Yamaguchi, Kiyoshi Soyano. Benthic crab or elusive fish: a technique for monitoring feeding behaviors on multiple prey types in fish using a gyroscope/acceleration data-logger. 9th Symposium by Japanese Society of Bio-Logging Science. 17. Tokyo, Japan. Nov 7-8, 2013.

Naoki Takatsuki・Yuuki Kawabata・Takamasa Hasegawa・Yoshitaka Sakakura・Seishiro Furukawa・Ryo Kawabe・Gregory N. Nishihara・Atsushi Ishimatsu・Kiyoshi Soyano・Misato Yamada・Tsukasa Kinoshita・Nobuhiro Yamawaki・Yasuhiro Morii. Bio-logging of moving habitats: patterns of occurrence and foraging behaviors of common dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus around the drifting seaweed rafts. 9th Symposium by Japanese Society of Bio-Logging Science. 16. Tokyo, Japan. Nov 7-8, 2013.

山口智史・河端雄毅・武部孝行・名波 敦・佐藤 琢・照屋和久・征矢野 清. ナミハタの卵巣発達および産卵の月周性. 平成26年度日本水産学会秋季大会. 216. 三重. 2013年9月18-22日

Nopparat Nasuchon・Mitsuharu Yagi・Yuuki Kawabata・ Atsushi Ishimatsu. How do ocean warming and acidification affect escape response of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus? 平成26年度日本水産学会秋季大会. 228. 三重. 2013年9月18-22日

長谷川隆真, 河端雄毅, Gregory N. Nishihara, 藤田伸二, 河邊 玲, 阪倉良孝, 山田弥知, 木下 宰, 山脇信博, 森井康宏. 長崎五島灘南方の大陸棚縁辺部に形成される潮目の動物プランクトンの種組成・生物量と流れ藻付随稚魚の種組成・胃内容物の季節変化. 平成25年度日本水産学会春季大会. 1278. 東京. 2013年3月

河端雄毅, 山田秀秋, 佐藤琢, 小林真人, 浅見公雄, 奥澤公一. シロクラベラ人工種苗の突発逃避遊泳に及ぼす腹鰭除去の影響. 平成24年度日本水産学会春季大会. 1407 (P188). 東京. 2012年3月

河端雄毅, 山田秀秋, 佐藤琢, 小林真人, 浅見公雄, 奥澤公一, 與世田兼三, 平井慈恵, 照屋和久, 荒井修亮. シロクラベラ人工種苗の被食回避における基質馴致・捕食者学習効果の検証. 平成23年度日本水産学会秋季大会. 886. 長崎. 2011年9月

河端雄毅, 浅見公雄, 小林真人, 佐藤琢, 奥澤公一, 山田秀秋, 與世田兼三, 荒井修亮. 超音波テレメトリーによるシロクラベラ人工種苗の被食率の推定と被食回避における基質馴致効果の検証. 平成23年度日本水産学会春季大会. 1426. 東京. 2011年3月

河端雄毅, 山田秀秋, 佐藤琢, 小林真人, 平井慈恵, 照屋和久, 荒井修亮. シロクラベラ人工種苗の被食回避における捕食者学習効果. 平成23年度日本水産学会春季大会. 1428. 東京. 2011年3月

河端雄毅, 浅見公雄, 小林真人, 佐藤琢, 奥澤公一, 山田秀秋, 與世田兼三, 荒井修亮. 基質への馴致がシロクラベラ人工種苗の生残に及ぼす影響. 平成22年度日本水産学会大会. 434. 藤沢. 2010年3月26-30日.

橋口岳史, 奥山隼一, 河端雄毅, 内藤靖彦, 荒井修亮, 小林真人, 奥澤公一. ウミガメ類の潜水直後の呼吸時間の変化について. 平成21年度日本水産学会大会. 1522. 東京. 2009年3月.

渡邊春隆, 河端雄毅, 横田高士, 名波敦, 浅見公雄, 奥澤公一, 荒井修亮. 加速度データロガーを用いたハマフエフキ成魚の日周活動リズムの理解. 平成21年度日本水産学会大会. 1530. 東京. 2009年3月.

三田村啓理, 土井鮎美, 宮城亜紀, 内田圭一, 宮本佳則, 柿原利治, 河端雄毅, 市川光太郎, 荒井修亮. メバルはどのように回帰するか. 平成21年度日本水産学会大会. 455. 東京. 2009年3月.

河端雄毅, 奥山隼一, 荒井修亮, 浅見公雄, 奥澤公一, 與世田兼三. 生存時間分析を用いたシロクラベラ人工種苗の逸散パターンの解明. 平成21年度日本水産学会大会. 1533. 東京. 2009年3月.

河端雄毅, 奥山隼一, 浅見公雄, 與世田兼三, 荒井修亮. シロクラベラ人工種苗はどのように天然海域に順応するか?. 平成20年度日本水産学会大会. 静岡. 2008年3月.

三田村啓理, 山岸祐希子, 河端雄毅, 荒井修亮, Metha Khachaphichat, Thavee Viputhanumas. バイオテレメトリーによるタイ国メプン湖におけるメコンオオナマズの生息場所と行動パターン. 平成20年度日本水産学会大会. 静岡. 2008年3月.

河端雄毅, 奥山隼一, 浅見公雄, 與世田兼三, 荒井修亮. 石垣島浦底湾におけるシロクラベラ人工種苗の日周行動. 平成19年度日本水産学会大会. 東京. 2007年3月.

河端雄毅, 奥山隼一, 三田村啓理, 浅見公雄, 千村昌之, 與世田兼三, 荒井修亮. バイオテレメトリーによる魚類生態情報の取得3 ~石垣島浦底湾における天然および飼育シロクラベラの行動追跡~. 平成18年度日本水産学会大会. 高知. 2006年4月.



第33回日本動物行動学会, 長崎大学, 2014年11月1日~3日

河端雄毅. 「最適逃避方向理論:動物はどの方向に逃げるのが最適か?」


The 8th Conference on Fish Telemetry held in Europe. 73. Umea, Sweden. September 14-18, 2009

Kawabata Y, Okuyama J, Arai N, Asami K, Okuzawa K, Yoseda K, Sato T, Yamada H. Shelter utilization patterns and potential vulnerability to predators of released hachery-reared black-spot tuskfish Choerodon schoenleinii.