Geometric Patterns

Post date: Nov 21, 2015 6:16:35 PM

I have been working with Daniel Wheeler of wheeler made for a few years, puzzling through the visions that he has for different shapes, and creating CAD models for future use. This resulted in the window pattern below and another ongoing project, which I will share when we have finalized the design. This led to the realization that keeping my creative energy going and CAD skills in Autodesk Inventor are important. I have been working on producing more geometric patterns in CAD from google image searches of mosque windows. I have enjoyed the brainteasers during creation and am currently sharing them on

You will note that the 3rd image is actually 1/4 of the repeated pattern in the 2nd image, but it still looks good repeated by itself.

Future plans are to buy a 3D printer and attempt to produce more of these patterns in plastic, maybe a possible kickstarter project!