J Walsh Engineering - Geometric pattern for window in LA sacred space

Post date: Jan 20, 2012 10:29:18 PM

Customer wanted to re-create a pattern from a photo found in his internet research.

Utilizing Solidworks CAD package and other geometric pattern examples provided by the customer I was able to quickly turn around a pattern contained within square which was a very close approximation of the pattern in the window.

I was then able to mirror and repeat this pattern for a proposal to fill a pair of windows at the entrance to a sacred space.

Update 2/1/2012 - The customer asked for a drawing for his presentation to the board. It gives a better visualization of what he wanted to accomplish

I will have another update when he gets the screens made and installed.

The project has gone full circle! My client just sent me a picture with an initial installation and a promise for a few more shots in the future. It is always exciting to see a project become reality.

If you are in Los Angeles and decide to swing by swing by Campbell Hall I challenge you to go for a little scavanger hunt for the entryway to their chapel. You can find them at http://www.campbellhall.org/