Engineering style documentation for maintaining hot water radiator

Post date: May 13, 2016 3:18:14 PM

I have a confession to make, I love hot water radiators. The affect on the humidity in my apartment during the winter is much less than if my apartment was heated by forced air. Unfortunately there are also a few downsides: there is no way to air-condition my apartment without window mounted units, they creak as they expand when the heat kicks on, and my apartment is the highest in the building so when air gets into the system it means I don't get any heat.

To be fair, I knew about the first two issues and was warned about the last one. A few vague directions from the owner of my apartment and father who is a do it yourself kind of guy meant that I could figure it out.

This just leaves the next tenant and how they figure out how to get the heat back on when the system has issues again, which led me to use my powers of engineering documentation to work up the step by step instructions that you can see in the attached pdf (cue the 37 8x10 colored glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one)