2021 Minutes

Japan-U.S. Communication Association (JUCA)

Annual Business Meeting 2021 (VIRTUAL Converted due to COVID-19)





Chair: Akira Miyahara, President

Records: Rebecca K. Britt, Secretary

Place: Virtual (Zoom)

Date: 11/20 (Sat) 6 pm (PST)/8pm (CST)/9pm (EST)

11/21 (Sun) 11am (Japan Time)


Call to Order (Miyahara) 

1.     Welcome by Miyahara


OLD BUSINESS (all in favor, no nay or abstain)

1.     Approval of the 2020 Business Meeting Minutes

2.     Activity Report on the 2020 Conference

a.     Number of submissions : 10 papers & 1 panel

b.     Accepted: 9 papers ( 1 paper: Scholar to Scholar) & 1 panels

c.     Rejected: 1 paper

d.     Number of sessions: 3 JUCA sessions (2 paper sessions & 1 panel session)



1.     Top Papers: 

a.     Lina Wang, Xiaoyan Wu,  Peter S. Lee, Jiro Takai, “Do intercultural sensitivity and global awareness reduce intercultural communication anxiety?”

b.     Norihito Taniguchi, “Acculturation and Communication Competence of Japanese Returnees in Western Countries”

2.     Thank you to reviewers: Katharina Barkley, Rose G. Campbell, Kim Marie Omachinski, Takeshi Suzuki,  Joshua C. Nelson-Ichido, Keisuke Kimura, Derek Moscato, Jiro Takai, Hiroko Okuda, Norihito Taniguchi, Yusaku Yagjima  

3.     Continuation and Replacement of Executive Committee

a.     President: Akira Miyahara (Seinan Gakuin University)

b.     Vice President: Kikuko Omori (California State University, Sacramento)

c.     Secretary: Rebecca K. Britt (University of Alabama)

d.     Treasurer: Joshua Nelson-Ichido (Central Washington University)

4.     Continuation of Executive Committee and New Members-at-Large:

a.     Web Page Director: Tatsuya Imai (Nanzan University)

b.     Members at large: Rose Campbell (Butler University), Hiroko Okuda (Kanto Gakuin University)

                                               i.     Nomination of new member-at-large: Katharina Barkley (Seinan Gakuin University)

c.     Outgoing Graduate Student Representative: Mizuki Wyant (University of Oklahoma) 

d.     Conference Co-Planner: Koji Fuse (University of North Texas) 

5.     Budget Report by Joshua Nelson-Ichido:

a.     2019 Social

b.     2019 Budget 

c.     2020 Budget  

6.     Plan for 2022

a.     November 17-20, 2022, New Orleans, Theme of “Honoring Place”

b.     No. of sessions: 2 slots

c.     Call for papers: January through March 

7.     Reviewers for 2022

a.     Any volunteers for reviewers would be greatly appreciated! 

8.     Plan for membership promotion

a.     Individual memberships

b.     Institutional memberships

c.     Affiliation with NCA