Minutes 2012 Orland

JUCA Minutes (Orlando, Florida)

JUCA 2012 Business Meeting Minutes: Tenth Annual Business Meeting of Japan-U.S. Communication Association

Date & Time: 8:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m., Friday, November 16th, 2012

Place: Swan, Macaw 1

Chair: Dr. Akira Mihara

Attendance: 16 Members in attendance

Old Business

I: Dr. Miyahara called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.

II: Dr. Miyahara introduced the agenda for the meeting.

New Business

II: Granting Top Student Paper Award and Top Paper Award

The top student paper award:

Ms. Emi Kanemoto, Texas State University

Paper Title: Happ’y’ness in the American Dream: Examining How Japanese Audiences Interpret an American Film

The Top Paper Award:

Dr. Koji Fuse, University of North Texas

Ms. Nicole Pearce, University of North Texas

Ms. Hui Wang, University of North Texas

Dr. James E. Mueller, University of North Texas

Paper Title: Humanization of Reel Japanese Soldiers: A Cross-Cultural Fantasy Theme Analysis of Three War Movies from Japan, China, and the United States

III: Election of New Officer:

a. Graduate Student Representative: Josh Nelson (San Diego State University) was approved unanimously.

IV: Continuation of Executive Committee

a. President: Dr. Akira Miyahara, Seinan Gakuin University

b. Vice President: Dr. Rose G. Campbell, Butler University

c. Treasurer: Ms. Chikako McLean, Oakton Community College

d. Secretary: Dr. Makoto Max Saito, Westfield State University

e. Web Page Director: Mr. Tatsuya Imai, University of Texas at Austin

f. Members-at-large: Dr. Edwin R. McDaniel, California State University, San Marcos

Dr. Donald J. Jung, Southeast Missouri State University

Ms. Shoko Hayashi Barnes, University of Southern California

Note: Dr. Miyahara discussed the need for a volunteer if Ms. Shoko Hayashi Barnes is unable to serve as a Members-at-large due to her circumstances.

V: Budget Report:

a. Treasurer, Chikako McLean, reported on the JUCA treasure, and the report was approved unanimously.

VI: Report from All Academic (Dr. Rose Campbell)

Report from 2012 Conference

Number of submissions: 14

Number of accepted: 12

Number of rejected: 2

Number of sessions: 3 (4 submitted, 3 accepted)

Number of joint sessions: 1 (Rhetoric, Interpersonal, Organizational, Mass Communication, & Political Communication Divisions)

The following officers were confirmed:

2013 Conference Panel/Paper Reviewers (alphabetical order): Dr. Koji Fuse, Dr. Hiroko Okuda, Dr. Don Jung, Dr. Jim Muller, Dr. Max Saito, & Dr. Yunying Zhang.

2013 Conference Planner: Dr. Rose Campbell

2013 Conference Planner Consultant: Dr. Koji Fuse

2013 Conference Planner Assistant: Dr. Max Saito

VII: Contractual Status of JUCA, as an affiliate, with the NCA.

NCA will review the contract and be in touch with Dr. Miyahara regarding the contract after the 98th NCA Annual Convention (2012)

VIII: Plan for the 2013 NCA Convention:, 11/14-11/17, 2010: Washington, D.C.

a. Deadline for the paper submission will be March 27th, 2013

b. Following suggestions were discussed for paper/panel submission

c. Completed papers will be preferred.

d. Extended abstracts (Ready for analysis and developing discussions) will be considered.

e. Panel Proposals should include: Aims, rationales, participants, signed commitment letters, discussion points, and references.

f. Following suggestions were made, and Executive Committee members will take them into considerations for planning JUCA 2013 sessions:

Connections to the community

Connections within communication field.

DC connections (good opportunities for cross-discipline panel proposals)

IX: Membership Promotion Suggestions

The following suggestions were made, and Executive Committee members will take them into considerations for promoting JUCA:

a. Promotion of JUCA as an inclusive affiliate where other cultures, countries, issues can be addressed (beyond the Japan-U.S. related matters). Anyone interested in communication can join JUCA. (Dr. Fuse, et al.)

b. Publication of a journal (Dr. Matsunaga)

c. Publishing conference papers on line (Dr. Campbell)

d. Publishing proceedings of the conference (Dr. McDaniel)

e. Using the JUCA HP as “a marketing tool”(Ms. McLean)

Making HP more attractive

Making HP more user-friendly: Easier to navigate and find information.

Making HP “the source of information” where it is possible to find everything.

f. Checking with NCA if JUCA can be listed in a list of affiliations (with beck boxes) where NCA members can easily claim their JUCA membership. (Dr. Campbell)

g. Attending other divisions and their business meetings to spread the words about JUCA (Dr. Campbell).

h. Looking into a possibility of becoming a division (Dr. Campbell)

i. Attending CAJ (Communication Association of Japan) conventions/meetings and spread the words about JUCA (Dr. Miyahara).

Emailing the Executive Committee if you have any good ideas (Dr. Miyahara)

Executive Committee members will take them into considerations (Dr. Miyahara).

X: Confirmation of the Constitutional Changes made at the 2011 JUCA Business meeting in New Orleans, LA.

a. Dr. Fuse explained the constitutional changes and their rationales.

The changes were confirmed unanimously.

XI: Dr. Mihara adjourned the meeting at 9:15 a.m.

Minutes prepared and submitted by Max Saito (Westfield State University)