From the Office

Smart tips for using our mailing list (December 1, 2007)

JUCA operates its own mailing list (henceforth “ML”) since 2006 to enhance inter-colleague communication. Please read the following simple tips to ensure the most beneficial usage of our ML.

Basically, please avoid posting a message exceeding 1.5 pages in length(letter size).In order to provide better security, messages exceeding the above limitation, or a message containing links to other websites might be held at the server for mannual inspection.

In order to keep smooth and easy communication, please follow these tips.

1) Although some mails might exceed the approximate limitation of one page (e.g., call for papers or information from the E/C), please try to keep your message short and sweet.

2) Please, please, avoid posting your message by pressing the “reply” command. For your own benefit, please type in the address when you have some valuable information to post. (This is because most of the messages posted as a “reply” to an earlier mail contains the original message, which makes a message heavier.) Please note that some of our members were not able to receive messages exchanged in the past, due to “overweighting”.

3) Please consider our ML as a tool to inform others. Should you request, or if you have a thrilling topic to share with others (like the ones we experienced last week), please contact the webpage director. Your requests/thoughts will be shared on our website. We are looking foward to make the most usage of our website.

Thank you for your understandings and cooperation in this matter.

If you were a member of JUCA, and have not recieved a message from us within the last two weeks, your contact information might not be listed in our mailing list. Please contact the web page director (Tatsuya Imai)for information.