Minutes 2008, San Diego

JUCA Minutes (San Diego, Ca)

JUCA 2008 Business Meeting Minutes: Seventh Annual Business Meeting of Japan-U.S. Communication Association

Date & Time: 8:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m., Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

Place: Parlor Room 606, Manchester Grant Hyatt, Sixth Level, Harbor Tower

Co-Chairs: Jiro Takai and Paul Westbrook

Minutes: Max Saito

Attendance: 20 Members in attendance

Old Business

I: Dr. Takai called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.

II: Approval of the Chicago 2007 Minutes & Agenda

a. Both the 2007 minutes of Chicago business meeting and agenda for the 2008 business meeting were approved.

III: Activity Report

a. 11 paper submissions for this year, and 9 papers were accepted: 83% acceptance rate.

b. So far there are 132 JUCA members, and at the JUCA Social, there will be membership application forms available.

c. NCA may require 200 members to be qualified as a division.

d. A publishing company is considering a JUCA proposal regarding Anime in Japan at this time.

e. Mitsubishi Foundation did not accept a JUCA grant proposal for (300,000 yen), but we will try it again.

f. Treasurer, Rose G. Campbell, reported on the JUCA treasure, and the report was approved.

g. For the Section 1.0 of JUCA Constitution, add “guided by the mission statement.” at the end of the mission statement.

New Business

IV: Granting Top Student Paper Award and Top Faculty Award

a. The top student paper award recipients were: Mr. Tomoaki Unagami (with Peter Lee).

b. The top faculty award recipients were: Dr. Satoshi Moriizumi, Ms. Satomi Nakatsugawa, and Dr. Jiro Takai.

V: Election of New Officers:

a. Student Representative: Mr. Adam Rusch was nominated and approved unanimously.

b. Membership-at-large: Dr. Masaki Matsunaga was nominated and approved unanimously.

c. Other officers will continue to hold their current positions.

VI: Plan for the 2009 NCA Convention

a. Deadline for the paper submission will be February 11th, 2009

b. At least one panel should be related to “The Discourse of Stability and Change.”

c. A theme of honoring Dr. Okabe was suggested and approved for 2008 JUCA sessions.

d. The following two reviewers were approved:

Dr. Rose Campbell

Dr. Mariko Izumi

e. President Dr. Takai will find other four reviewers.

VII: Others

I. Mr. Tomoaki Unagami will maintain the mailing list and the web server will be based in Nagoya University.

Dr. Jiro Takai adjourned the meeting at 9:11 a.m.

Minutes prepared and submitted by Max Saito (Westfield State College)