Minutes 2005, Boston

Fourth Annual Business Meeting of Japan-U.S. Communication Association

Meeting Minutes

Date & Time:Saturday, Nov. 19, 2005 8 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

Place:Beacon C, Sheraton Hotel

Chair:Tom Bruneau and Koji Fuse

Acting Secretary:Makoto Saito

Attendance:15 members in attendance

Tom Bruneau (Radford University) called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.

II. Approval of the last minutes:

    1. Minutes of the 2004 Chicago business meeting prepared by Kuniko Fuse (Private Consultant) ? approved as is with the except the constitutional revisions. (See below.).

III. 2005 Activity Report by Vice President, JUCA Koji Fuse (Drake University)

    1. The second JUCA newsletter, JUCA News, was published in September 2005.

    2. For this year’s conference, two JUCA competitive-papers sessions and one panel discussion were scheduled and being held with sizeable attendance. In total, there are fours sessions including the business meeting this year.

    3. The number of membership is increasing.

    4. Paper acceptance rate is 50% which is very good.

III. Treasurer’s Report by Tom Bruneau (Radford University), Acting Treasurer

    1. The JUCA has only one institutional member?Drake University. It would be desirable to seek other institutional members, such as Japan Foundation.

    2. There are $485.00 remaining from the last year, which includes $125 contributions from the members. Tom Bruneau expressed his appreciations for the donations and emphasized the needs of contributions for the next year’s Social.

    3. $400 to be allocated for 2005 JUCA Social this year.

    4. Both Tom Bruneau and Koji Fuse expressed their appreciations for all the contributions and preparations for the Social.

IV. Motions for Constitutional Revisions:

    1. Revisions based on the previous business meeting were approved.

    2. For #6, add a phrase “unless the President resigned” --- approved.

V. Top Student and Top Faculty Paper Awards

    1. Top Student Paper: “The Masking and Unmasking of Stigmatized Identity in the Contested Homeland: Dialectics in Identity Management of Japan-Residing Koreans.” Masaki Matsunaga (Penn State University)

    2. Top Faculty Paper: “Attitudes toward African-American Vernacular English: A U.S. Export to Japan?” Aaron C. Cargile (California State University), Jiro Takaki (Nagoya University), and Jose Rodriguez (California State University Long beach).

VI. Nominations and Election of New Officers

    1. Tom Bruneau resigned, and Koji Fuse accepted his duties as President of JUCA.

    2. Koji Fuse and the members expressed appreciations for Tom Bruneau’s devoted contributions for establishing and promoting JUCA.

    3. Vice President: Jiro Takai (Nagoya University) was nominated and elected by acclamation.

    4. Other officers continue their current positions.

VI. Plans for the 2006 NCA Conference

    1. NCA gave two sessions and one business meeting slots to JUCA.

    2. One session will be devoted for students and the other for faculty.

    3. There might be an additional session (Agora) available if JUCA could come up with a proposal for 2006 conference.

    4. All Academic requires JUCA to submit its call for papers by December 7th, 2005. A proposal for Agora session theme and topic need to be submitted by February.

    5. JUCA executive officers will continue the discussion regarding the plan and call via e-mail.

    6. Three Reviewers: Jose Rodriguez (California State University Long beach), Yuko Kawai (Tokai University), and Paul Westbrook (Northeastern State University) are nominated and elected by acclamation.

Koji Fuse adjourned the meeting at around 9:00 a.m.

Minutes prepared and submitted by Makoto Saito (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)