Minutes 2002, New Orleans

First Business Meeting of the Japan-U.S. Communication Association

Meeting Minutes

Date : November 23, 2002

23 members in attendance

    1. Tom Bruneau called the meeting to order at 3:30 and asked everyone to complete a membership form.

    1. Welcome and Purpose-Professor Bruneau welcomed everyone and identified the purpose of the meeting. The purpose is to establish JUCA and gain affiliation at NCA. Additionally, JUCA can work with the Communication Association of Japan (CAJ). Finally, JUCA will provide a place for Japanese at NCA; there is a 50% turnover in Japanese membership at NCA.

    2. Review of Constitution

    3. Corrections-Section 2.2 had “speech communication” twice. Deleted “sign on” and replaced with “become” from section 4.4

    4. Reviewed each section of the proposed constitution with the following conclusions.

    5. Section 1.0 -approved as is

    6. Section 2.0-added intercultural, organizational, and international to section 2.2

    7. Section 3.0-accepted as is

    8. Section 4.0-added “All dues and contributions are to be used for the stated objectives of the association (see section 3.0)” to section 4.3.

    9. Section 5.0-added “Vice president works with the executive committee” to section 5.2.

    10. Section 6.0-added “The executive committee meetings is separate from the membership” in section 6.1.

    11. Section 7.0-deleted “and signing on” from section 7.2

    12. Section 8.0-accepted as is

C. Voted to accept the revised constitution, which passed unanimously.

    1. Election of Officers

    2. Student Representative. 2 nominees (Kimiko Akita & Ako Inusaka). Kimiko Akita (Ohio University) was elected.

    3. Treasurer. Holly Kawakami (University of New Mexico) was elected by acclamation.

    4. Secretary/Information Officer. Jennifer McGee (Aichi Shukutoku University) was elected by acclamation.

    5. Vice President. Tom Bruneau (Radford University) was elected by acclamation.

    6. President. Ryo Kitade (Takushoku University) was elected by acclamation. Professor Kitade accepted upon condition of discussion with CAJ. He needs a release of time/duties of CAJ to concentrate on the duties of JUCA. If he does not receive the release, the executive committee will select a new president. The membership agreed that the first president should be Japanese.

    1. Adjournment. Professor Bruneau adjourned the meeting at 4:45.

Meeting submitted by John Oetzel (University of New Mexico)