The CoDE is located next door to ASDL’s unique “Collaborative Visualization Environment for Complex Systems Design” (CoVE).
The CoVE features a high-resolution display wall of approximately 9.4 Megapixels. It includes IP-based video conferencing capabilities to connect with off-site participants.
The CoVE provides designers of complex systems with the capability to explore design spaces with hundreds of design parameters and incorporating multiple analyses. This collaborative environment allows the decision-makers to interact with the multiple domain experts and analysts, who may be located at different sites.
Past research and experience at ASDL have shown the importance of incorporating the use of physics-based analyses, probabilistic methods and simulation early into the design process. In order to fully utilize such tools in the CoVE, extensive computational resources (see below) as well as a facility supporting design and modeling activities are needed.
The CoDE therefore significantly enhances the utility of the CoVE by providing the necessary resources to do near real-time collaborative design, and the CoVE adds significant design space exploration and visualization capabilities to the CoDE.
CoDE users are also able to draw upon ASDL’s high-performance computational infrastructure for real-time physics-based collaborative design and strategic decision-making. This massive-parallel “Computational Resource” (CoRe), as of 2005, consisted of three major subsystems:
A computational cluster with 128 processors
A 7 Terabyte storage subsystem
An Infiniband high-speed network
This collocation makes the CoDE/CoVE/CoRe complex the only facility where a conceptual design “war room” is located right next door to a review center equipped with a high-resolution megascreen, and supported by a massive-parallel computing cluster, resulting in a unique national asset. This combination provides design teams with the ultimate in efficiency and support for every step of the conceptual design process, from the generation of initial ideas to high-fidelity modeling and simulation to critical review of capability-based designs by decision-makers.