Scott and Tammy Butterworth

This is a picture of Steven ( son of Scott and Tammy Butterworth ) Steven is a very good piano player and author of many video games, some of which I hope to put on this page.On the Right is Scott Butterworth at his birthday party in 2006. Scott is manager of a Furniture Store.

Tammy is next! This picture was taken at what looks like the tower at Cheaha State Park. Tammy went her first year of kindergarten at Albany, Ga. where we lived for about 3 years until November 1975. After that she attended Coldwater Elementery School until 1978 then she went to Walter Wellborn and graduated from that school. Then it was Jax State, then marriage and children. when Scott was younger he worked at a super market. The owner ask him to manage a store in Fort Payne. After a couple of years in Fort Payne Scott went to work for Farmers Furniture. Good move Scott! More Later!

Below is Mana Butterworth, daughter of Scott and Tammy.

Mana enjoys her hobby, collecting American girl dolls.

She also likes going with her mother when she is working close to home. Don't be surprised if you see Mana passing out hot dogs at Troy State's football games.