This site is dedicated to my wife, Shirley A. Carroll, by James L. Carroll

HEB: 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

Apple Watch

By James Carroll

If you want to know what I think about Apple Watch, well here it is. I think Apple watch is great, and today I found out something that I really had not thought about before. While working in my garden I steped on a landscape timber and took a pretty hard fall. It was in a grassy area so my fall was cushioned by the grass. Before I could get up my watch started to ring so when I kept looking at my watch that was in direct sunlight I could barely see the word Ok so I punched that word. After I punched OK the watch stopped ringing. I am sure if I did not answer they would have sent out an Emergency Crew. 

Thank You Apple Watch.

Poolroom chili

By James Carroll

The best Chili in Anniston Al. back in my youth was found at the Smokehouse Poolroom on Noble Street; it was served in a 20 ounce bowl and a 20 ounce bowl of Oyster crackers. They also served a bowl of butterbeans with a slice of cornbread and a wagon wheel. A wagon wheel was a big thick center cut onion slice. We didn't want anything better than that.

Color coordanation

By James Carroll

I was just remembering the days of color coordanation. My company was giving out titles to otherwise hourly paid workers to save on overtime wages. My company was Southern Food Services from Birmingham, Al. We operated Foodservice for government and other industry. My job was Mechanic,. so I was called Maintaince Manager. I was the only maintaince employee With this Nationwide company. When I needed extra help, such as a new opening, I used the Manpower People. 

One day our client ask One of our Exectives If we could color coordanate the vending machines in the main break area to match the area's decor and he passed the question on to me. When he ask me what I thought about it I just replyed that we could do it. Then I went to the break room an there I found a guy who looked like a boss. they were in the process of decorating the room, so I ask him if I could Get enough of the Wall covering to cover about six vending machines. After asking me a few questions about my experence with wall covering he Just shook his head as if to say "boy you are in trouble". Then he rescued me by saying" you take the trim off the machines and I'll cover them for you", to which I quickly replied "You got a deal". That was a new Building and most people who toured the building wanted to see the color coordanated break area.

Iphone Lights

Recently when my daughter and her family were visiting for a holiday, I ask them while we were all gathered around the dining room table; why does all the lights on my Iphone come on when I put it in my pocket? They all knew and answered that I have to turn the screen away from my body, that worked.


It is past 10 pm on Feb 2nd 2022 and I haven't heard the word groundhog all day.

Windsor Knot

If you are over six feet tall and your tie is still too long, consider the knot in your necktie . if it is a half Windsor, make it a full  Windsor. It not only looks better but will shorten the tie  considerably.

One Red  Eye

By James Carroll

Back during my younger years I had one red eye most of the  time. I kept wondering why just one eye was red but not the other. One day when I was shaving with my Rotary Shaver I felt wind blowing into my red eye when I was shaving on that side of my face. So I would shave the other side and it did not blow into my eye because it blows in the other direction. That must be the answer to my problem.

I went to walmart and bought myself another kind of shaver that didn't blow wind at all. In a few days my eye cleared up. The rotary shaver was blowing the ground-up hair particles into my eye.


Romans 12:16

Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. (Romans 12:16)

Thanks to My Enemy

Merry Christmas to my enemy! Thanks for spending so much of your time with me. That is time you won’t be spending with someone that may not be strong enough to withstand your Fiery Darts.

James Carroll


By James Carroll

After many decades as a target I still pray for you guys with folded arms or your heads resting on your fist. Not because I am a super nice guy but because it is a requisition from Jesus.


By James Carroll

When the Devil  trys to intimidate you And you accept his challenge in the name of Jesus, the Devil must flee. He will get away so fast you may wonder where did he go? However he will be back with reduced power. Your power will be greater than before. 

Toot Your Own Horn

By James Carroll

If you don't toot your own horn, the undertaker will be glad to do it for you.

It's better to tell your version while you can, the undertaker's version is not so friendly.

Overheared Two Friends

1-I called you last week and didn't get an answer...

2-What day wuz at? 

1-I thank it wuz last Thursday.

2-That is when me and her went to James and Shirley's for Thanksgiving dinner.

1-Oh yeah! He is a pretty good 'ol boy when he is asleep and aint a dreaming.

2- I heared that! I thank he got into it with them congressmen about a letter he wrote about one of them  way back yonder.

1- yeah I heard something about that.

1-I''ll bet Shirley had a lot of good food.

2- Yeah she did but I left there feeling like I needed to stop at a cafe and get me some food cause she didn't have no giblet gravy and no Cranberry sauce.

1- Okay, hey look I've got to run, i'll see you later.

2- See you at the half.

Ezekiel 36:23 


23 And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, saith the Lord GOD, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes.

Everyone has odd or funny things happen to them as they journey through this life. When I think of someone I know, the funny things are the first things that come to mind. With that in mind, I will attempt to tell some of those stories on my pages. Hope I don't offend anyone!

by James Carroll

The reason I don't fold my arms across my chest is that growing up I never saw my dad do that. As a matter of fact I never saw any man fold his arms across his chest. I saw women do that. Am I missing something? When I was little I thought women folded their arms to hold up their sagging boobs.

James Carroll

Size Doesn’t Matter

By James Carroll

There are times when I have insomnia and get up at night and turn on my computer to watch a Trump Rally and may not be dressed properly. I have the uncanny feeling that people can see me when they are looking at their IPods. I know that is just a figment, it is not real…Right? But just in case, I hope you are one of those beautiful women who insist that size doesn’t matter.

This is a recent picture of my wife Shirley. The first time I saw her she was walking past my house with her grandmother, Mary Pruett. I recognized her 

grandmother as being the mother of one of my friends, Carlos. I went out to talk to them, and couldn't keep my eyes off Shirley, who I learned from her grandmother was only fourteen years old at the time. She had long dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was about 5 feet tall and was pretty as a picture. I had recently been discharged from the US Army (10,1956) and didn't have a regular girlfriend yet.After seeing her that day I made every excuse I could to go visit my old friend Carlos, because he lived near Shirley's family.

We never had a real date but used to meet at Carlos and Charlene's house where we would dance The Twist. That went on for about a year until she was barely fifteen. I knew I had to make my move soon or she would marry another young man who was in hot pursuit of her.

I asked her to marry me and she said that she would if I would get permission from her dad; we already had her mother's approval. (Her mother on right) The next day I ask her dad if I could marry her and he agreed on one condition, that if I ever had thoughts of being mean to her I would bring her home instead. Her mother and dad took us to Trenton, Georgia where we had a very quick wedding.I take full responsibility that our first marriage didn't work. In 1968 Shirley came home from Chicago on vacation and I met her at a filling station where we talked for a while. The next day we met and talked some more and before she knew what was happening we were on our way to Talladega, Alabama to be married again. This time we both were determined to make it work; and work it did! Ten months later we had our first child, a beautiful baby girl who we named Tammy. Then in another fourteen months, along came Randy.

At that point, life seemed to go into fast forward, my first decent job, Then a while later Shirley got a good job, then our first house then grandchildren.

The picture below was taken at our old place on Hillman St. I am on the left and next to me is Tammy , then Shirley and Randy is on the right.

When Devil Persecutes You

By James Carroll

When the Devil persecutes you, he and his disciples are having extreme fun. You see him everywhere you go because he is there waiting for you. Go for a drive and you see him a hundred times. Go to the doctor and he will meet you there smiling so that you might think he is a man of God. Go to the supermarket he will be at every item, sometimes you will have to wait for him to move out of the way. The Devil wants to spread the fun around to all his disciples in other parts of town that you don’t normally go. He will whisper to you that you need to change the route you take to the store or to change your pharmacy but that won’t do any good because he will be there also.If you try to avoid the Devil and his crew you will lose the battle every time. How can the Lord prepare a table for you in the presence of your enemy if you are not there? Put on the whole armour of the Lord and trust him. Let the Devil play his games and just keep on praising the Lord. Just keep on remembering that Satan can’t put more on you than you can bear.

If the Lord left us to our own devices the Devil would win every time because he is smarter than us so we must trust in the Lord. The Lord said for us not to rehearse what to say when they haul us in before the judge that he would put the right words into our mouth. It works the same in everyday test they devise for us, when we ourselves are sometimes amazed  that we faired so well before our enemy. That is proof that the Lord is hanging in there with us. Praise His holy name!


By James Carroll

Before I retired in the mid-nineties, my company was awarded the contract for foodservice at four Nuclear Power Plants in the Carolinas. We all had to meet at one of the plants to take test for evaluation for working there. Then we were asked to go to a psychologist who gave us the results of our test. After asking the usual questions about childhood, he informed me that I was good to go to work. He also said that I was not overly prejudice against other races and that I was naive. I acknowledged  that I understood but didn't offer any input, as I knew I was naive. I instantly thought of my mother, whom I always thought that her simplicity was the Lord's way to protect her from the world. To me it is a badge of honor to be classified as naive and it is my desire to become even more childlike before I pass on to be in the presence of the Lord. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.


1 Peter:Chapter 5

1 The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:

2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;

3 Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.

4 And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.

5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:9 Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

The picture above is of a dogwood tree that I cut down because of shading of my garden space. I have heard it said that Jesus was crucified on a cross made from a dogwood tree. If you will notice the sprouts coming out around the tree, they form a perfect reef. Jesus is showing me my crown of glory; can't be no better than that.

11 To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

12 By Silvanus, a faithful brother unto you, as I suppose, I have written briefly, exhorting, and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein ye stand.

13 The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; and so doth Marcus my son.

14 Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Amen.



By James Carroll

I have known Jabo all my life; he used to live just down the street from me when I was only six years old. His dad was named Jim and most people called him old man Jim. I remember him being a good man who had a kind of mini farm, as did most people in those days. When World War II came along, Jabo went off to war. When he came back, he didn't have much to say...Just kept to himself. Some people thought Jabo was Shell Shocked, as he displayed some of the symptoms. A few years ago Jabo lived on the same street as I. When he would pass my house, I would wave at him as he drove by. I didn't know what kind of work he did, but he always kept a fairly new car. After waving at him for a year or two, I began to notice that he never waved back; he just looked straight ahead. One day when I was cutting grass I decided that when he passed I would not wave at him, so I just ignored him.  One day I picked up the bible and just randomly opened it and began to read.

Matt 5:47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more [than others]? do not even the publicans so? 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

I knew then that the Lord had led me to that verse and I knew that the next time I saw Jabo  I would wave at him like I used to but I never saw him after that. It wasn't long after that I picked up the paper to learn that Jabo had died. Now imagine that feeling! I'll never be able to right that wrong. If you have occasion to go past my house and you see me wave at you, please don't be offended, just say "that one is for Jabo".

Confounded Ants

by James Carroll

In my garden I drive a stake ever few feet for birds to perch. Each time they perch they poop. That is the best fertilizer you could get and it is free and sent straight from God. As we were gathering the mustard one day my wife ask me what the white stuff was on the leaves of one of the plants. I explained it to her as best as I could.

Next day as I was watering the garden I saw the ants on the greens. They were cleaning up the poop and taking it down deep into the soil where it could feed the roots.

Now you know why The Lord put the ants on the earth

Lash La Rue

By James Carroll

Slightly Exaggerated

A few years ago when we lived at our old place on Hillman St., I was sitting out in the front yard under the shade tree. I was looking down toward Paul Schneider’s house and saw a black car come to a stop at the end of our driveway. The driver got out and started walking up the driveway; he was wearing a black hat, black shirt, black pants and black shoes. He had on dark glasses and a black belt with a big silver cow head buckle and was wearing a string tie with fire hose ends. He had a pair of silver handcuffs on his belt next to his cell phone. In his back pocket was a very long billfold with an 18 inch silver chain attached to his belt. On his black shirt he had a patch that said ‘enforcement’ and a badge that must have come from a pawn shop. 

I thought, “umm umh! Look who’s coming up to see me, I believe it is Lash La Rue”. He said, “I’m looking for a 'feller' named James Carroll”. I replied that he was at the right place as that is my name. He said that I was too old, and asked if I had a son with that name and I told him that I didn’t. After a while he said he had seen my name on the mailbox and thought that he had got lucky. 

Now I tell you the truth, if I had known the young man he was looking for I would not have told him unless, of course, the man had done something really bad. I just don’t have too much to tell Bounty Hunters. If I report someone it will be to proper law enforcement.


By James Carroll

When I was sixteen there were not very many jobs around Anniston, Alabama for a young person. One day I picked up the newspaper and saw an ad by The Jefferson Davis Hotel for a bellboy. I ask someone what a bellboy was and was told it was a boy who carried hotel guest’s suitcases to their rooms when they checked in. Ok, I thought, I could do that! 

When I went to the hotel to apply for the position, there were two men at the Front Desk who laughed at me and informed me that I was the wrong color for that job. Later I learned that the bellboys were in charge of illegal whiskey sales for the hotel. They were the ones you went to when you wanted to buy whiskey. Although I didn’t get the job I did learn an important lesson about job discrimination. 

Just across Noble St. from The Jefferson Davis Hotel was the Ritz Theater where we went on Saturdays to see a western movie. You would purchase your ticket on the outside of the theater, then you would go inside and there was a lady to take your ticket. She would tear the ticket in half and give you back half for proof of payment. To the right of the ticket lady there was a stairway going up to the balcony. Now that balcony was a complete mystery to us boys; we just had to figure a way to get up there. One day when the ticket lady was busy at the candy counter, a friend and I slipped up those stairs. What a place that was! We were sitting there away from the hustle and bustle of people going to the popcorn counter. It was like we had our own private treehouse. We were sitting there watching the movie when the usher came looking for us. He ask “didn’t you boys know the balcony is for colored people only”. We said “no”, but had to go downstairs anyway. 

The bus that carried us home was always crowded on Saturdays, so if we had seats we would always get up to let women and older people have our seats, then we would stand in the isle way. Sometimes there would be an empty seat in the rear of the bus that was designated for colored people. We knew the driver and he knew us, so we knew it was alright with him if we sat in back as long as we surrendered our seat to colored people if they needed it.

School Shooters

By James Carroll

There are things we could do to prevent mass murder of our school children. We could teach our children to take charge of the situation themselves by keeping a thick book on their desktops at all times to be a shield when they rush a shooter. Have a fire hose in all rooms, they are already equipted with the plumbing for the sprinkler system. They could have a gun sniffing dog in every classroom along with a metal detector at the entrance to each building. They could have bullet proof doors on all classroom entrance ways. Teach the children when they hear rumors that a thing is about to happen to tell a teacher, it may save their life. Talk to each other about things to do, kick it around and do anything but don't just sit there and wait your turn to get shot. Thank Ben Carson for his leadership.

Think wasp and hornet spray... it will reach across almost any classroom. A shooter will not shoot anyone with that in his face. How about simple sand in the face...thirty kids throwing sand in a shooter's face, some of it is bound to get in the eyes.

John 15:13

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13)

6/1/2022 Update

In view of recent events I believe that we should not only should protect our children while they are at school but on the buses that transport them to school.


By James Carroll

Ben Carson said that the pyrimids were built by Joseph to store all of Egypt's grain during the seven years of plenty, in preparation for the seven years drought. Most intelligent people laugh at him for saying such a thing. Wait a minute, slow down... where are the grain storage buildings if not the pyrimids?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Global Warming

By James Carroll

This is all we need to know about Climate change or any other peril.

 Genesis: 8:20And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. 8:21And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. 8:22While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

I believe that creationism and evolution are one and the same. As a matter of fact, creation is still in progress. When the Lord created Adam and Eve, that was creation. When they had children, that was evolution. 

I believe the Lord God made The Universe and all things in it! I believe the Lord provided for fresh water to be released from the ice caps when the earth needed it badly. It stands to reason there would have to be a period of warming for that release to happen. I believe the Lord knows what he is doing so I don't sweat the small stuff. We nevertheless have the responsibility to curb the destruction of our planet. We know that burning fossil fuel is not good for us, so we have to find other means. It is time for scientist and people of responsibility to quit denying that God exist so that we may believe what they tell us.

Time Machine

By James Carroll

There never has been a Time Machine nor will there ever be. Simple logic is that if a machine had been invented in the past we would know all about it. If a time Machine were to ever be invented in the future, the people would travel back to the past and tell us all about it. But just in case I miscalculated and someone does invent a machine to travel back in time. Would you mind very much if you picked me and my family up in Albany, Ga. 1974? You should bring an extra large capsule as we have an abundance of squash and pecans.That was by far the most perfect time in our lives. It was before eye-glasses, before High Blood Pressure, before weight gain. We could whale, man could we ever whale! (party)

That year we had the best Thanksgiving ever; We had Shirley's mother for an extended period of time and she helped Shirley with the preparation of the food. Shirley could already cook but Lorene just put the motherly love into the mix.

If Brother is offended

By James Carroll

Romans 14:21

It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.

There it is Friends, it's in the Bible, like it or not it is there. Christians must take down offensive flags.

Out of Body Experience

By James Carroll

Once when I lived on Hillman St., there was a big bush growing just outside our privacy fence which was six feet tall. The bush had become so tall that it was shedding its leaves into the swimming pool. One day I was tired of skimming leaves so I got my chain saw and proceeded to cut the bush down. I had to lie on the ground and reach under the bush as far as I could. The oily exhaust was spraying right into my face. Soon I began to feel nauseated so I quit and went into the house and rested for a while. 

Shirley and the children went to the store and left me lying on the sofa. I don’t know how long it was but I heard a noise outside and went into the kitchen to investigate. I looked out the window but couldn’t see through the glass, it was wavy like a shower door so I thought I would just go outside to see what the noise was. When I turned around and started out I saw myself lying on the sofa but it didn’t mean anything to me, I just wasn’t concerned about it. 

I turned and went through the den toward the outside door. When I reached for the door I just popped outside, I went right through the door. Then when I started to open the gate the same thing happened, I just walked right through the closed wooden gate. Then I was walking down the driveway, I recognized the neighbor’s house and everything looked in order. I looked upon my house and saw two men cutting logs that were on the house. 

Then I heard my wife calling me from far away “James come and help get the groceries in”. I got up off the sofa and went to help her get the groceries in. When I was in the spirit, walking down the driveway, I didn’t see Shirley or the children, nor did I see her car which would have been sitting right where I was walking. This time when I got up from the sofa, my body got up with my spirit. No more walking through closed doors.

2/17/21  Note: Once in a while I have to pause and re-think why the Lord let me come back. It is not to make wise cracks or be dis-respectful to my wife; it is to help her get the groceries in. I hope to be around as long as she needs me for that reason. James.

Breast Cancer

By James Carroll

In my opinion, the reason women get more breast cancer than men is because they are more likely to forego onions.


6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. 2 Therefore when thou doest [thine] alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: 4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly. 5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites [are]: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. 7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen [do]: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. 8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses , your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses , neither will your Father forgive your trespasses .

Plotting Revenge

By James Carroll

If you spend your life plotting revenge for something that may or may not have happened a long time ago; you need to get a life. Ask the Lord to forgive you and move on! Plotting revenge only allows you to forget about all the rotten things you did in your own life. Get forgiveness for all your faults and then you will feel like praising the Lord for your salvation.

Keep Mouth Shut

By James Carroll

Never say, I can't go to that store the day after Thanksgiving because it is too crowded. 

Never say, I can't visit someone in the hospital because the rooms are so tiny.

Never say, I don't like that store because people crowd in behind me at checkout.

Never say, that place is too noisy.

Never say, that person is looking at me or he is taking pictures of me.

 The Image on the right is of me and Shirley as our son Randy looks on.We ask Jack, the owner of this house to sell us the place but he would never give us a definite answer. We were always out looking for a nice home to buy but would quickly become discouraged when we found one we liked but could not afford. In the meantime my mother wanted us to take a small place next door to her. She would give us the house and property to move there where we would keep her form being afraid at night. She would take care of the children after school. That was the final selling point, so we took her offer and remodeled the house . We lived there until well after retirement. We knew every one who lived around there and loved them all.Shirley's dad was a truck driver and a Crimson Tide Football fan. He always wished for a truck painted with the Tide's colors but he never got it. I made this truck for my wife in the memory of her dad.The top of this truck opens and you can see the bed, refrigerator, bath tub and lavatory. It even has a TV and card table. More here!

Casting out Devils

By: James Carroll


When you decide to turn away from sin, and start living for Jesus the devil will come at you from every direction. You had better pray because you are going to need help, big time.

Suppose you have a drinking devil, and it is Friday and an old drinking buddy shows up. In the pit of your stomach a craving for alcohol develops; it is so intense that it makes you sweat. (It is ok to pray silently) Remember when the Lord said to go into your closet and pray in secret, for the Lord who hears in secret will bless you openly. Just ask Jesus to help you through, and he will.

If the devil sends his noise demon after you, don’t even think about from what direction it came; don’t even acknowledge the noise exists. The person you think made the noise is 100 % innocent. Under no circumstance make similar noises to get back at them.

Especially, never bark at your neighbor’s dog for barking at you, you wouldn’t want that one played back to you. Just keep saying "God bless you, thank you Jesus" and love your neighbor. It is hard to love people you think are doing things to you, but keep on anyway. You are defeating Satan when you love people who would rather not have you around.

If you are overweight the devil likes you that way. When you decide to lose a little weight and go on a diet. The Devil will make you so hungry you cant stand it. Try to play a trick on the Devil by not saying out loud that you are on a diet. Wait until you lose about twenty pounds then go shopping at Walmart's; Satan will get so mad at you for losing that much without telling him that he will send everything he has in his war chest against you. Now that you know what is happening to you it will be easier to defeat him. Just keep on praising the Lord and thanking him because you know that Satan can't do anything to you.

Remember Luke chapter 6:22, 23…22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.

Some people say those two verses don’t pertain to us, but to the prophets only, but I say all the bible pertains to all of us equally.

God bless our neighbors, God bless our Government, God bless our fighting men and women, and God bless us all. God bless the lady at the doctor's office.

Good Biscuits

By James Carroll

When we lived on Hillman St. we needed some work done on the house and Glenn Maddox was recommended by Randy. Shirley made biscuits for breakfast one morning while Glenn was working on the house. She invited Glenn to have breakfast with us and he accepted. Over the years since she has made biscuits many times for him. When Glenn is working in our neighborhood he stops in to say "hello." He stopped by yesterday and Shirley told him about her brother Charles.

Charles was living in Arkansas and had a blood clot in his leg which had to be amputated. His son and his wife were trying to keep him at home but soon became overwhelmed with the constant care and their work and school. They had no choice but put him in a nursing home. 

When Mike called Shirley, and told her his plan she volunteered to keep Charles. Shirley, Ruth and Barbara who drove Ruth's car, took off to Arkansas and brought Charles back to Alabama.

Glenn Related to us how he had fallen off a house and had to use a wheel chair for a while until he could walk on his own and that Charles was welcome to use it for the duration. 

That my friend is how the Lord works!