Lester 'Hamp" Carroll

Once when Uncle "Hamp" operated the Live and Let Live Grocery Store, he told me a story about some Carrolls coming down from Ohio. They were looking for all Carrolls in the county, to document for genealogical purposes.

It was on Sunday when they contacted him, so he invited them out to have Sunday Dinner with his family. The main course that day was Southern Fried Chicken, and most any kind of vegetable you care to mention. After dinner, the Ohio Carrolls wrote down everyone's names and left on their way to another city.

After they were gone, Uncle Hamp summed it up like this: "They aren't related to any Carrolls from around here, because they didn't like chicken".

Uncle Hamp was married to Dora Denham Carroll, and had two children, Judy and Ann. Aunt Dora worked in the store that she and uncle Hamp owned, and was right out in the back of their house.

When I was little, we used to ride the bus to town on Saturday to see the movies. The bus went right by Hamp and Dora's house. When she got on the bus, she would look like she was worth a million dollars, and may have been. She would have on rouge and red lipstick and good smelling perfume. She would be dressed to the nines, and would sit straight up.

By: James