Geraldine Carroll kidd

Geraldine Carroll Kidd

My early memories of Geraldine was that she helped mother take care of all of us when Dad was working out of town; which was most of the time. She was like an old mother hen to us. One time when Ralph was in the first grade, his teacher was trying to make him mind, and he pitched a fit. When he got home Geraldine told him

that if that teacher bothered him again, to jump out the window and come and get her and she would take care of it. That gives you an idea of how she loved all of us, and how we loved her.

She had four girls and one boy. The boy, Randy Is buried beside her. She loved her children dearly, and took care of them until she died while they were still in school. Geraldine was the oldest daughter of Jesse Carroll and Mana Carroll

By James