Evie Carroll Hallman

Evie Carroll Hallman

By James CarrollI apologize for being so long in posting aunt Evie name on this site. I found her tombstone this morning covered with a bush. I cleaned it enough that I could read the lettering, but will need to take some tools back to eradicate the over-growth. Aunt Evie was the daughter of John T. Carroll.

I remember aunt Evie mostly for her wet kisses. When we were little she would come to our house to visit and when she started to leave she would

kiss all us children. She would go to the door and stand there for the longest saying goodbye to mother. She would watch us to see if we wiped off the kiss and threaten to come back and give us another if we did.(We were raised to call our cousins aunt and uncle if they were adults.)

Aunt Evie had one son named Clyde.

Carroll, Roy Clyde b. 12/1/1928- d. 1/26/1982.

If you have information that would be helpful, please contact me, and I will post it. ( James )