立澤 文見 1996~2000

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6.Tatsuzawa, F., Saito, N., Yokoi, M., Shigihara, A. and Honda, T. 1996 (平成8年) Acylated cyanidin 3,7,3'-triglucosides in flowers of xLaeliocattleya cv. Mini Purple and its relatives. Phytochemistry 41 : 635-642.

7. Saito, N., Tatsuzawa, F., Kasahara, K., Yokoi, M., Iida, S., Shigihara, A. and Honda, T. 1996 (平成8年) Acylated peonidin glycosides in the slate flowers of Pharbitis nil. Phytochemistry 41 : 1607-1611.

8. Saito, N., Tatsuzawa, F., Hongo, A., Win, K. W., Yokoi, M., Shigihara, A. and Honda, T. 1996 (平成8年)Acylated pelargonidin 3-sambubioside-5-glucosides in Matthiola incana. Phytochemistry 41 : 1613- 1620

9. Saito, N., Tatsuzawa, F., Yokoi, M., Kasahara, K., Iida, S., Shigihara, A. and Honda, T. 1996 (平成8年) Acylated pelargonidin glycosides in red-purple flowers of Ipomoea purpurea. Phytochemistry 43 : 1365-1370.

10. Tatsuzawa, F., Saito, N. and Yokoi, M. 1996 (平成8年) Anthocyanins in the flowers of Cymbidium. Lindleyana 11 : 214-219.

11. Tatsuzawa, F., Saito, N., Seki, H., Hara, R., Yokoi, M. and Honda, T. 1997 (平成9年) Acylated cyanidin glycosides in the red-purple flowers of Phalaenopsis. Phytochemistry 45 : 173-177.

12. Tatsuzawa, F., Koshiishi, M., Ohtani, E., Ando, T., Watanabe, H., Kokubun, H., Yokoi, M., Hashimoto, G., Seki, H., Saito, N. and Honda, T. 1997 (平成9年) Diacylated malvidin 3-rutinoside-5-glucosides from the flowers of Petunia guarapuavensis. Heterocycles 45 : 1197-1202.

13. Tatsuzawa, F., Saito, N., Yokoi, M., Shigaihara, A. and Honda, T. 1998 (平成10年) Acylated cyanidin glycosides in the orange-red flowers of Sophronitis coccinea. Phytochemistry 49 : 869-874.

14. Saito, N., Tatsuzawa, F., Kasahara, K., Iida, S. and Honda, T. 1998 (平成10年) Acylated cyanidin 3-sophorosides in the brownish-red flowers of Ipomoea purpurea. Phytochemistry 49 : 875-880.

15. Figueiredo, P., George, F., Tatsuzawa, F., Toki, K., Saito, N. and Brouillard, R. 1999 (平成11年) New features of intramolecular copigmentation by acylated anthocyanins. Phytochemistry 51 : 125-132.

16. Ando, T., Saito, N., Tatsuzawa, F., Kakefuda, T., Yamakage, K., Ohtani, E., Koshi-ishi, M., Matsusake, Y., Kokubun, H., Watanabe, H., Tsukamoto, T., Ueda, Y., Hashimoto, G., Marchesi, E., Asakura, K., Hara, R. and Seki, H. 1999 (平成11年) Floral anthocyanins in wild taxa of Petunia (Solanaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 27 : 623-650.

17. Tatsuzawa, F., Ando, T., Saito, N., Yoda, K., Kokubun, H., Watanabe, H., Hashimoto, G., Asakura, K., Hara, R. and Seki, H. 1999 (平成11年) Acylated malvidin 3-rutinosides in dusky violet flowers of Petunia integrifolia subsp. inflata. Phytochemistry 52 : 351-355.

18. Ando, T., Tatsuzawa, F., Saito, N., Takahashi, M., Tsunashima, Y., Numajiri, H., Watanabe, H., Kokubun, H., Hara, R., Seki, H. and Hashimoto, G. 2000 (平成12年) Differences in the floral anthocyanin content of red petunias and Petunia exserta. Phytochemistry 54 : 495-501.

19. Tatsuzawa, F., Ando, T., Saito, N., Kanaya, T., Kokubun, H., Tsunashima, Y., Watanabe, H., Hashimoto, G., Hara, R. and Seki, H. 2000 (平成12年) Acylated delphinidin 3-rutinoside-5-glucosides in the flowers of Petunia reitzii. Phytochemistry 54 : 913-917.

20. Mikanagi, Y., Saito, N., Yokoi, M. and Tatsuzawa, F. 2000 (平成12年) Anthocyanins in flowers of genus Rosa, sections Cinnamomeae (=Rosa), Chinenses, Gallicanae and some modern garden roses. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 28 : 887-902.


1.T. Ando, N. Saito, F. Tatsuzawa, T. Kakefuda, K. Yamakage, E. Ohtani, M. Koshi-ishi, Y. Matsusake, H. Kokubun, H. Watanabe, T. Tsukamoto, G. Hashimoto and E. Marchesi.(1999). HPLC profiles of floral anthocyanins in the native taxa of Petunia (Solanaceae). Tech. Bull. Fac. Hort., Chiba Univ. 53: 135-144


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