加藤 一幾 2006~2010



11. Sumire Fujiwara, Mayu Nakagawa, Atsushi Oda, Kazuhisa Kato, Tsuyoshi Mizoguchi (2010) Photoperiod pathway regulates expression of MAF5 and FLC that encode MADS-box transcription factors of the FLC family in Arabidopsis Plant Biotechnology 27: 447-454.

10. Kazuhisa Kato, Riichiro Yoshida, Ayako Kikuzaki, Tadayoshi Hirai, Hirofumi Kuroda, Kyoko Hiwasa-Tanase, Kenichi Takane, Hiroshi Ezura, Tsuyoshi Mizoguchi (2010) Molecular breeding of tomato lines for mass production of miraculin in a plant factory. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58: 9505–9510.

9. You-Wang Kim, Tadayoshi Hirai, Kazuhisa Kato, Kyoko Hiwasa-Tanase, Hiroshi Ezura (2010) Gene dosage and genetic background affect miraculin accumulation in transgenic tomato fruits. Plant Biotechnology 27: 333-338.

8. Megumu Yano, Tadayoshi Hirai, Kazuhisa Kato, Kyoko Hiwasa-Tanase, Naoya Fukuda, Hiroshi Ezura (2010) Tomato is a suitable material for producing recombinant miraculin protein in genetically stable manner. Plant Science 178: 469-473.

7. You-Wang Kim, Kazuhisa Kato, Tadayoshi Hirai, Kyoko Hiwasa-Tanase and Hiroshi Ezura (2010) Spatial and developmental profiling of miraculin accumulation in transgenic tomato fruits expressing the miraculin gene constitutively. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58: 282-286.

6. Kazuhisa Kato, Koki Kanahama and Yoshinori Kanayama (2010) Involvement of nitric oxide in the inhibition of nitrogenase activity by nitrate in Lotus root nodules. Journal of plant physiology 167: 238-241. BioMedLib Top 10 Articles Published in the same domain


5. 植田稔宏・池羽智子・安 東赫・加藤一幾・河野 隆・松本英一 (2009) 葉菜類の露地栽培における点滴灌水施肥(養液土耕)栽培が収量・品質と施肥効率に及ぼす影響 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 80:477-486.


4. 加藤一幾・植田稔宏・松本英一 (2008) 黒ボク土地域の高温期コマツナ施設栽培における可食部 硝酸イオン濃度の低減化 園芸学研究 7 : 345-350.


3. Kazuhisa Kato, Yoshinori Kanayama, Wataru Ohkawa and Koki Kanahama (2007) Nitrogen Fixation in Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) Root Nodules and Effect of Nitrate on Nitrogenase Activity. Journal of The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 76 :185-190.


1.. Yoshinori Kanayama, Kunio Yamada, Kazuhisa Kato and Ryo Moriguchi (2008) Biochemical and molecular aspects of sorbitol metabolism in Rosaceae fruit trees and other plants. Phytochemistry Research Progress 75-86.



2. 加藤一幾,溝口剛 (2009) 長日植物シロイヌナズナと中性植物トマトにおける花成制御と花形態形成に関わる遺伝子群 植物の生長調節 44: 111-117.

1. Y. Kanayama, K. Kato, R. Moriguchi (2007) Genetic and Molecular Aspects of Gypsophila. Genes, Genomes and Genomics. 63-65.


2. Wataru Ohkawa, Yoshinori Kanayama, Kazuhisa Kato, Keiko Kohama, Emi Chiba and Koki Kanahama (2008) Characterization of the Nutritional Components of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) Fruits. ActaHorticulturae. Acta Horticulturae 769: 169-175.

1. Ryo Moriguchi, Kazuhisa Kato, Hideki Kikuchi, Koki Kanahama and Yoshinori Kanayama (2007) Analysis of telomere lengths in apple and cherry trees. Acta Horticulturae 738: 389-395.


1. 加藤一幾・植田稔宏・松本英一.(2008) 葉面散布によるキョウナ(ミズナ)の可食部硝酸イオン濃度の低減化.茨城県農業総合センター園芸研究所研究報告.16: 13-18.


2. 園芸学会国際交流基金による助成金(2006) 5万円

1. コスモ石油株式会社・株式会社誠和共同研究助成金(2006) 80万円


1. 加藤一幾 (2002) 窒素固定―混迷する硝酸阻害機構の研究.化学と生物 40: 673-674.



東北大学大学院農学研究科 博士(農学)


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