What the US is doing wrong regarding Islam

Most top US officials and most academicians who study such things are aware of the demographic trends in the world. They are aware that the birth rates in "first world" nations like the US, most of Europe, Japan, South Korea, and now China are declining to the replacement level or below. They are aware that the birth rates in Islamic nations is exploding - the rates are several times the rates of births in the west and much of eastern Asia. They are aware of the trends these rates portend for world populations and political power in the coming decades. They are aware of what they call the "radicalization" of Muslims in several areas around the globe and the danger this phenomenon poses to our national security. Based on this awareness, the answer of our elite in government and academia is to befriend Muslim nations - convince them of how truly good we are - shower them with hundreds of millions in aid, and above all do not offend their religion. We fail to acknowledge Islamic supremacism and terrorism because no one wants to offend a Muslim.

It is common knowledge that our government relies a great deal on academia to advise them on foreign and domestic policy. It is not so common knowledge that Saudi Arabia and other Islamic nations have for years showered hundreds of millions on academia in our country. They do it in the form of grants to Islamic studies programs in places like Georgetown University and Harvard - twenty milllion here, twenty million there. Why? They do it to "further shared cultural understanding between Christians and Muslims." The problem is, the Christian part is usually omitted. These Islamic Studies centers serve two major functions: Promote tolerance toward Islam at all levels of government and society and recruit and indoctrinate students in Islamic ideology. And our government, at present, sees nothing wrong with this. In fact, with "cultural diversity" being their god, they see this practice as good and helpful. And this Muslim strategy has been effective as evidenced by the path our government has taken.

Our national strategy is to lavish our diminishing wealth on Islamic nations, befriend those who vow to destroy Judaism and Christianity, and embark on "nation-building" of Islamic terror breeding grounds in Afghanistan and Yemen to transform them into "viable democracies" in our own image. And all the while the world is subject to dozens of terror attacks per week we are obliged not to insult Islam by calling attention to their psychotic ideology.

This is a strategy that will transform America, not Islamic nations. This is a strategy to relinquish our Judeo-Christian heritage in favor of Islamic ideology. It is a form of giving up gracefully. Our leaders believe that to avoid conflict, we need to give up our own values and embrace and respect the values of those who have vowed to destroy us. (see Stockholm Syndrome.)

The one thing our leaders are denying is the true historical nature of Islam itself - the 1,400 years of Islamic doctrine, intolerance, and warfare that is the model for more than 1.4 billion people across the globe. Our leaders are wishing Islam is something it is not. We are pouring our men and resources down a rat hole with our current refusal to understand the nature of Islam and those nations that breed it. We need to disingage from our attempts to "transform" that ideology in remote parts of the globe and focus on our defenses at home. We need first to understand that Islam itself, not just the "radicals," are the ones who practice, teach, support and promote the doctrine that mimics the psychotic behavior of Muhammad, and inspire the likes of al Qaeda, the Taliban and countless terror cells and "sudden Jihadists" to carry out their Allah-inspired acts. We need to understand that the problem is not merely Islamic radicals but there is a distinct likelihood that most if not all Muslims are sympathizers or radical wannabees.

Here is an excellent short history, beginning with 9-11, of how our government and our national security effort began going in the wrong direction regarding Islam right from the start.

Until we admit that Islam itself is the root cause of these behaviors, we will continue to fail.