Islam "Quick Facts"

Islam "Quick Facts"

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Religion Based on Founder: Islam, like Christianity, is based on the teachings and actions of its founder. Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus and his disciples; Islam is based on the life and teachings of Muhammad and his disciples

Muhammad is Central: To understand Islam, one must understand the life, character, and teachings of Muhammad

Basis of Muslim Belief and Actions: The life and teachings of Muhammad are represented in the several writings (“trilogy”): Qur’an, Haddith, and Sunna. The Haddith reflects Islamic traditions – brief stories of what Muhammad did or said. The Sunna reflects the words and actions of Muhammad. The teachings of the most prominent Islamic leaders today are based on this “trilogy."

Good Muslims Exemplify Muhammad: Muhammad is considered by faithful Muslims as the most perfect human. As such, his life and actions are to be followed as much as humanly possible.

Religion or Political Ideology?: The majority of the “trilogy” is focused on the unbeliever, the infidel, the non-Muslim. This focus addresses how the non-believer should be treated under various circumstances. Such treatment of the unbeliever is mandatory of the Muslim. Such a predominant emphasis makes Islam more of a political ideology than a religion because it mandates the treatment of unbelievers, their culture and institutions.

Root of Islamic Supremacism and Violence: The predominant interpretations of the Qur'an and historic, orthodox teachings of Muhammad by Muslim leaders today underpin today's Islamic supremacism, intolerance, and terrorism. These violent interpretations accurately reflect orthodox Islam.

Two faces of Islam: Islam is not equivalent to any religion on earth. It is dualistic. It has 2 faces: Tolerant/peaceful and intolerant/supremacist. The face that is portrayed depends on the culture and circumstances Muslims find themselves.

Peaceful Qur’an - Violent Qur’an: The earlier, Mecca writings of Muhammad are the peaceful, conciliatory portion of the Qur’an. The later Medina writings contain the intolerant, aggressive, and warring portion of the Qur’an. The later portions of the Qur’an supersede the earlier portion due to the widely held interpretive concept of “abrogation” – later writings are declared “better truth.”

“Radical Islam” is not the entire problem. The basic Islamic ideology itself breeds, promotes, and rewards terror. Ask why there isn’t any other “religion” that creates as many radicals and terrorists as Islam. Why are there no other religions that kill in the name of their “god."

Can Islam Become “Moderate?”: No. Islam cannot be reformed without making it “un-Islamic.” There may be “moderate” (aka ignorant, non-practicing, cultural, or “taqiyya”) Muslims. But to reform Islam into anything compatible with western Judeo Christian morality and forms of governance would require ripping out major portion of the Islamic writings (trilogy).

What is “Jihad?”: Jihad takes two forms. Greater Jihad is an “inner struggle” (i.e. personal purification) taught principally in the earlier portion of the Qur’an. Lesser Jihad is an “outer struggle”, a political, supremacist, or violent doctrine taught in the later portions of the Qur’an. Lesser Jihad takes precedence by many. Greater Jihad is abrogated by or superceded by Lesser (violent) Jihad.

Islamic Deception: Muslims who are thought to be "moderate" or "peace loving" are either "nominal" (less devout) Muslims, OR are practicing “Taqiyya” which is Islamic sanctioned deception to defend or further Islam. Most Muslims who appear "moderate” practice Jihad either through funding, legal measures, or political influence to further Islamic interests and impose Sharia law. A goal of Islamic activists (Jihadis) is to destabilize, bankrupt, and transform western nations, especially the US. Many moderates are “aiders and abettors” of terrorist causes.

A Different Morality: Islam promotes a morality that is contrary to Judeo-Christian morality in numerous ways, including:

      • Lying to defend or promote their beliefs.

      • Intimidating or killing those who insult Allah, Muhammad or Islam.

      • Killing (honor killing) those who shame their family, for example, if they leave Islam for another religion.

      • Body mutilation as justice for certain unacceptable behaviors.

Islam and Other Religions: The god of Islam, Allah, is radically different than the Judeo-Christian God in a number of ways. It is impersonal, not personal; coercive, not invitational; requires submission, not merely invites submission. It lacks the ability to personally know, love, and forgive. Allah requires and condones acts that would be thought to be grave sin in the Judeo-Christian culture. Many scholars understand Allah to represent the satanic equivalent of the Christian anti-Christ.

Many main line denominations/pastors are shamefully silent about the critical differences between Islam and Christianity – especially the danger Islam poses to religious freedoms.

Islam is rabidly anti-Semitic and vehemently opposed to the right of Israel, as a nation, to exist. Islam influenced Hitler’s efforts to eradicate Jews during World War II.

Different Legal System: Islam strives to replace western common law with the Islamic legal system (Sharia law). Sharia is contrary to western common law in numerous ways, including:

o Codifying the Islamic moral code and justice system as given in the above examples.

o Prohibition of charging interest in financial matters.

o Eliminating many human rights we now take for granted including women's rights, religious preference, and others.

Islamic Jujitsu: Islam uses our freedoms and tolerance against us to impose their supremacism and intolerance upon us.

Muslim Growth Rate: There are over 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. Muslims are one of the fastest growing population groups in the world. A combination of high birth rate and high immigration rate, especially in Europe, are overwhelming native cultures. There will be a majority Muslim population in several western European countries within 25 years.

Islamic Influence: The larger the concentration of Muslims in a given area, the more they will exert their influence and impose their legal and moral system on the non-Muslim population in the area. This has been demonstrated in several US cities such as Dearborn, Detroit and other areas with significant Muslim populations.

Suicidal Ignorance of the Threat: There is prevailing ignorance of the true nature of Islam among the media and leaders in the US. There is a great and urgent need to educate leaders and media who ignorantly defend Islam as "just another religion" or "a religion of peace hijacked by a small group of radicals" that needs to be protected from 'Islamophobes.'" Even if only 10% of Muslims are devout, that is over 120,000,000 hell bent on destroying Western civilization! Millions more than that are sympathizers – aiders and abettors – many out of ignorance.

Telling the truth based on facts and experience is not to be confused with a phobia or bigotry. Tolerance of intolerance is cultural suicide. Knowing and acting on truth is necessary for our freedom and survival.


Recommended books:

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America – Andrew McCarthy

Religion of Peace? Islam’s War Against the West – Gregory M. Davis

A God Who Hates - Wafa Sultan

Recommended web sites:

Islamic Threat Simplified:

Jihad Watch:

The Religion of Peace:

For more information or to discuss, contact:

Non-Muslims need to know the facts about Islam before they can understand or intelligently address Muslims. This flyer is an outreach to inform non-Muslims about the nature of resurgent historic, orthodox Islam as it is promoted by most influential Islamic leaders today. It is not an outreach to Muslims nor is it intended to disparage individual Muslims who remain free to distance themselves from orthodox Islam or otherwise practice whatever ideology or religion they desire.