Phillip Mudd - defender of "see no evil..."

Phillip Mudd, a purported terrorism expert has given up on our ability to know when Islamic Jihadists will commit acts of terror in this nation.

Here he is in his own words during an interview with Mike Wallace on FOX News on Sunday, April 21, 2013:

WALLACE: Mr. Mudd, we interviewed you seven years ago, it turns out, as a power player when you were the number two men in the FBI's national security branch. Was there -- and I'm not just talking about the FBI. Was there any kind of a breakdown here in our national security operation, and specifically with regard to the FBI?

Are you troubled by the fact that they were alerted by the Russians to the older brother, they interviewed him, decided he was not a threat, he goes to Russia, he comes back, and they don't seem to have him on a watch list?

PHILIP MUDD, TERRORISM EXPERT: No, I'm not troubled by this for several reasons. First, people fail to consider the implications of false positives. You look at one guy we could have gotten, but you forget the other 10,000 that would have come into the net if we look at a person like this every day. So, I look at this and say, you know, these kinds of things happen, but I suspect it wasn't a dropped ball here.

WALLACE: And, overall, do you see any way you could have prevented these two guys?

MUDD: Well, I mean, we're going to have to see what kind of foreign connections they have, whether the travel to Russia last year actually meant something. But what I see so far says we've got two kids who are in a closed radical circle. Breaking that circle in a state like ours that is an open society is virtually impossible.

Of course Mudd is correct as long as we maintain our policy of "see know evil, hear no evil and speak no evil" as it pertains to all things Islam.