Identifying Candidates who understand Islamic ideology and threat...

Voters and vetters need to understand where candidates stand with regard to their understanding of the Islamic ideology. Do they believe Islam is just another "religion" to be protected and defended? Or do they correctly understand that Islam is an intolerant fascist ideology that has little in common with western culture and is a challenge and threat to our way of life?

Find out!

Here is a list of questions to ask and the response to expect from candidates who understand Islam enough to defend against its insidious intent to impose itself on the "infidel" which is us...

    1. Question: Do you understand Islam to be primarily a religion to be defended, or a broader ideology to be concerned about? (Answer: Ideology)

    2. Question: Describe what you understand about Islam and if there is a need to be concerned about its spread in the United States. (Answer: I am concerned. Islam is an ideology that is inconsistent with the freedoms and liberties that we have fought to protect.)

    3. Question: Do you know how many Muslims threre are in the world? Do you know what percent are "radical"? (Answer: There are over 1.2 billion Muslims. It is very likely that over 10% are radical and support terror against the west. That translates to over 120 million (120,000,000) terrorists or supporters of terror in the world.

    4. Question: What do you know about Sharia law and the desire to impose it among concentrations of Muslim populations in the US? (Answer: Sharia law is the Islamic legal system based on the teachings of Muhammad and promoted in the US by Saudi Wahabbis. It imposes a strict, intolerant legal system, eliminating women's rights and imposing barbaric justice contrary to Judeo-Christian morality. Muslims will attempt to impose Sharia law wherever there are concentrations of Muslim populations in the US, such as Detroit, Columbus, and even the Space Coast of Florida.)

    5. Question: Have you heard of the Islamic doctrine of Taqiyya? (Answer: Yes. It is the Islamic practice of deceit to promote or defend Islam or to hide a Muslims true beliefs. Taqiyya is the reason why so-called "moderate" Muslims surprisingly become Jihadists.)

    6. Question: Is there any reason to be concerned about the great majority of Muslims who are "moderate"? (Answer: Yes. Because due to the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya, there is a great likelihood the moderate Muslim is hiding his true feelings and devoutness to the root teachings and commands of the Islamic ideology.)

    7. Question: Do you believe Islamic "honor killings" occur in various parts of the world? In the US? (Answer: Yes, I know they occur quite frequently in various parts of the Islamic world. It is part of their justice system. There have also been several reports of honor killings in the US.)

    8. Question: Do you believe the Christian religion has been just as guilty of terror as the Islamic religion? (Answer: No. There is no equivalency between violence carried out in the name of Islam compared to violence carried out in the name of Christianity. Even the Crusades didn't occur untill after 400 years of Islamic slaughter and conquest of Christian lands. The two religions have diametrically opposite teachings concerning terror and violence.)

Beware of candidate answers that are Red Flags denoting ignorance of Islam. Here are answers that should be considered Red Flags of ignorance about Islam...

    1. Islam is truly a religion of peace. (It is not. It is a religion of mandatory "submission", the meaning of the word "Islam")

    2. I have known several Muslims. They were great neighbors and were just like us. (The "good neighbor" criteria has proven to be a fatally-flawed basis for understanding Islam.)

    3. Only a small percentage of Muslims are terrorists. (A "small percentage" of 1.2 billion is 120 million. Not a small number. And an unknown "many" of the majority are likely supporters of the Islamic ideology that motivates terrorists.)

    4. Islam has been hijacked by radicals. It is basically a fine (or peaceful) religion. (Islam itself is an intolerant, radical, fascist ideology. Its teachings are diametrically opposed to Judeo-Christian morality and culture. The radicals are the more "devout" among Muslims.)

    5. People who are overly concerned about Islam are Islamophobes. (People who are not concerned about Islam are ignorant of the teachings of that religion and the hate and intolerance that ideology promulagates among its adherents. Revealing the truth about something does not make the truth teller "phobic." Look at the record of violence in the name of Islam that occurs on a weekly basis.)

    6. Islam can be "reformed" to once again be a peace-loving religion. (Reforming Islam to become "peace-loving" would cause Islam to become something other than Islam. From its inception, Islam has always been a violent, intolerant, warring religion. From the western perspective Islam has gone through cycles of obscurity and resurgence of violence as it identifies opportunities resulting from weakness in the culture or resolve of other nations. It is undergoing its latest resurgence in our generation.)

President Obama is a prominent example of how a Muslim sympathizer can be elected. There is no question that Obama is a protector, defender, and promoter of Islam. The signs of his Muslim sympathies were not hidden even well before his election. One example of many that can be provided: Despite Islamic terror being a major national security challenge, in his book "Audacity of Hope", the words "Islam" or "Muslim" did not appear once in the otherwise comprehensive and lengthy index of that book. The standout reference to Islam was this: “…and I will stand with them [Islamic immigrants] should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” Refer to analysis of this statement HERE. Oddly, he was elected anyway. The electorate had an ineffective vetting process and was tragically ignorant of the Islamic threat.