Action Plans to Counter Islamic Threat in the United States

I haven't seen many "action plans" to help counter Islam in the US. As I find them, I will post them here.

Here are two basic steps...

Priority One: Do not continue to be a deceived wishful thinker. Understand the true nature of Islam for yourself. You cannot appropriately interact with or confront what you don't understand.

Priority Two: Elect candidates who understand the Islamic ideology and the Islamic threat. Click HERE for a list of vetting questions and criteria that could be used to distinguish the Islamic apologists from those who understand the true nature and intent of Islam and most Muslims.

Here is an action plan from Geert Wilders:

    1. Stop cultural relativism, the idea that all cultures are compatible with liberty and American values. Some have clearly shown themselves to be at diametrical and diabloical opposition with the values of America.

    2. Stop pretending Islam is a "religion." It is a totalitarian ideology on parr with seditious ideologies like Nazism during WWII that must be legally treated as such.

    3. Recognize that the rights granted to religions should not extend to any ideology that is intolerant of human rights as is the ideology of Islam.

    4. Stop immigration from Muslim countries. Restrict immigration from avowed Muslims.

    5. Expel anyone advocating the practice of Jihad.

    6. Require new immigrants to sign a legally binding pledge of allegience to integration and assimilation into their new home country.

    7. Prohibit the construction of new Mosques.

    8. For the above prohibition to be lifted, provide for reciprocity of construction of new Christian Churches and Synagogues in Saudi Arabia with the construction of new Mosques in the US.

    9. Close down Islamic schools that teach Islamic ideology. Allowing these Islamic schools is like allowing Nazi schools during WWII that are teaching subversion and sabotage.

    10. Remove weak leadership - those who refuse to acknowledge Islam's fascist, supremacist ideolgy and danger to America's freedoms.

Here is an action plan from SANE (Society of Americans for National Existence):

This action plan is essentially a draft law outlawing Sharia Law, or anyone promoting Sharia Law, in the United States. It could be adopted either in Ordinance form by any city or county government or in Statute form by any state. See the entire draft law HERE.

Go to the SANE webiste by clicking HERE.

Here is an action plan from Joel Richardson from a Christian perspective - one that sounds a bit intimidating:

    1. Pray constantly - for strength, for wisdom, for Muslims, for our nation, for God's intervention

    2. Outreach to Muslims

    3. Prepare for martyrdom

Here is an action plan from The Religion of Peace. com

From "Islam-Watch" web site, here is a list of the "Way to stop Islam" from a variety of Islamic experts.

And one from this site:

    1. Decide if you prefer this culture, this nation, this way of life over others.

    2. Decide if there is a moral "right and wrong", "good and evil."

    3. If the answers to the above are yes, educate yourself about the views of Islam.

    4. Your own "action plan" will fall into place after that.

    5. If your answer to 1 or 2 is "no", you are part of our problem.

From William Kirkpatrick on Front Page Magazine:

Stop treating Islam as a legitimate religion. Muhammad was a self-serving deceiver; Islam was built on a house of cards. Many Muslims might have a more deeply rooted fear of leaving Islam than deeply rooted faith to promote it. Read "Losing Their Religion" HERE.


Below is a petition prepared by Civilus Defendus that can be signed and submitted HERE.

We citizens of the United States of America, in order to preserve for posterity the foundation of liberty bestowed upon us by our founding fathers through our Constitution, do recognize the United States to be under grave threat of invasion, domestic violence and insurrection from elements within Islam. We respectfully declare the causes which lead to this belief and register our plea for relief.

We Declare:

Islam is both theological and political in nature, as revealed in generally accepted renditions of the Quran, Sira, Hadith and Islamic law known as Sharia, whose expressed ambition is to bring the world into a state of submission to Allah and divine (Sharia) law;

Core tenets of Islam are irreconcilably in conflict with the United States Constitution, identified in part as infringements upon freedom of religion and expression, lack of equality among people and between the sexes, and sanctioned deception in dealing with non-Muslims; these precepts constitute a breach of inalienable human rights;

Political Islam's supremacism represents a duality of existence, placing Muslims superior to non-Muslims, and endorses behaviors that can debase, harm or kill non-Muslims;

History is replete with examples of the aggressive and violent expansion of Islam across Africa into Europe and across the Middle East into Europe and Asia, offering an invitation to Islam, subjugation under Islam with inferior class status, or jihad war;

Current events are filled with examples of the Islamic expansion and imperialism through violent and covert jihad, including Kosovo, India, Kashmir, Malaysia, Philippines, Sudan, Kenya, Israel, United Kingdom, France, Algeria, Morocco and others;

The attacks of September 11, 2001 upon the United States, its financial institutions, its people and traditions were claimed by people as jihad in defense of Islam, to spread Islam and to subjugate, obliterate, or otherwise defeat the United States;

Sharia finance has been shown to fund jihad against the United States and the West;

Many followers of Islam through words and deeds encourage insurrection and incite violence toward United States to subjugate it and replace the Constitution with Islamic rule; and

Many more silently endorse or use intimidation to support armed or covert jihad, thereby providing aid and comfort to our avowed enemies during these times of domestic and international strife.

Now Therefore We the People...

...appeal to the President, Congress, and Supreme Court for relief from these dangers and to defend the people of the United States, our traditions and legal underpinnings from threats posed by political Islam, its leaders, its followers, or any other aligned force. We state that any nation so threatened from within or without has the responsibility, obligation and right to defend itself and its people from aggressors. This declaration and plea are deemed legitimate demands upon our government; Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution requires the United States to protect each state against threat of Invasion and domestic Violence. Continued accommodation, appeasement and hopeful assimilation constitute surrender to a totalitarian ideology. The duty rests upon this generation to defend this nation for ourselves and posterity. We cannot allow liberty borne of more than 2,000 years of civil development to be vanquished.

Plea for Relief:

1. That political Islam and Sharia law be officially recognized by the federal government as threats to the United States, the Constitution, and American culture and institutions.

2. That Title 18 USC CChapter 115: Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activities, including incarceration, deportation or execution, be fully utilized as duly appropriate for advancing Sharia law, advocating or acting to implement jihad or other acts detrimental to security.

3. That Department of State programs, policies, training and relationships be evaluated for their compatibility with national security, and amended accordingly.

4. That foreign aid to Islamic nations cease and aid to nations influenced by Islam be severely curtailed, except to resist jihad.

5. That participation in the United Nations be reassessed based on human rights, security and relevancy.

6. That the courts and law enforcement be trained to recognize Sharia law, Muslim Brotherhood activities and the manifestations of jihad; and that jihad crime statistics made available.

7. That immigration reforms immediately be implemented to include a suspension of immigration by Muslims for not less than 20 years, exclusive of apostates seeking asylum.

8. That all prospective immigrants be characterized for their compatibility with the United States Constitution and be required to pledge an oath of allegiance, with violators deported.

9. That visa applicants be rejected for seditious history, or intent or association with jihad and that any foreign visitors exhibiting seditious behavior be arrested and/or deported.

10. That no Sharia-compliant finance be adopted for any government financing; that any private financial institutions must fully disclose any Sharia-compliant activities.

11. That our borders be secured by means of physical barriers, patrols and military actions as necessary to repulse illegal entrants.

12. That the legacy of jihad be subject to critical analysis in civil and military education.

13. That no foreign influence or advocacy be tolerated in public school textbooks or materials.

14. That no foreign ownership be allowed of any media that purports to provide news services.

15. That no public monies or services shall be dispensed to encourage social separation in courts, schools, hospitals or other public or private places.

16. That any mosque violating its religious standing be reclassified as political in nature and subject to tax laws and if deemed appropriate other civil and criminal laws.

17. That any mosque found to engage in political organizing, allow or encourage incitement to violence, subversion or jihad be closed for not less than 2 years, and permanently for a second such finding.

18. That no additional mosques be allowed until Islamic countries reciprocate in international relations, freedom of religion and houses of worship, and social equality.


Many of the measures outlined above are not (yet) politically correct, may make us feel uncomfortable, and may seem excessively harsh to many. But we need to consider at what point will the threat to our form of government and our freedoms become so great that such actions must be taken before it is too late and we lose our ability to take action.

And, we need more in Congress like Lt. Col Allen West who correctly observes: "We must realize that when tolerance becomes a one way street it leads to cultural suicide." Read more of what this S. Florida Congressional candidate understands about Islam here.

What effect will any of the above Action Plans have on the current threat? What is the future of the Islamic threat? What if we do nothing? Go HERE for several scenarios proposed by Islamic experts and wishful thinkers.

America: Break Your Silence on Islam.

Action Plan for Christian Churches.