Defending against mosques in your community

Mosques in the United States have increasingly proven to be dens of sedition against our form of government, our Judeo-Christian heritage, and culture of freedom and free speech. The rapid growth of the Islamic population in the US is creating the damand for more mosques in our communities. Is your community one of these targeted for a new mosque? People and communities are catching on to the goals of Islam and are open to ways to guard against Islamic incursions.

Here is a series of short videos demonstrating how Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer confront and challenge the construction of a new mosque in a residential neighborhood.

Be sure to explore this new book released for e-readers including Kindle, I-pad, and personal computers titled "Mosque! House of Prayer or Site of Sedition: An Action Guide for Communities." This e-book is available at HERE.

The following is the Introduction to this guide designed to assist communities threatened with the incursion of the Islamic ideology through a local mosque:

You are reading this book either because…

· You have some concerns about Islam and the spread of mosques and want to find out more;

· You want to prepare for an Islamic mosque being proposed in your community;

· An Islamic mosque is already in the process of seeking approval in your community and you need to see if you can do anything about it.

This book is designed to help those in the above situations learn why they need to be concerned and, if they agree with reasons for concern, to take effective action.

Islam is defended by many as a “religion of peace.” The expression “religion of peace” has two problems. First, is Islam simply a “religion” or is it something more? Second, what is meant by “peace?” How peaceful is it, really, because many notorious activities in the name of Islam are carried out daily. The web site Religion of Peace[i] tracks the dozens of terrorist acts carried out weekly by Muslims in the name of Islam. Islam has been defended by those who assert that it is a peaceful religion “hijacked by a small number of radicals.” How small a number? Are the great majority of Muslims “moderates?” Or is it the other way around? What is a “moderate Muslim”, anyway? What do they believe? Just because they don’t at this moment wear an explosives-laced vest, are they moderate? Where do they meet? How often? What do they teach? What do they learn? Are they being taught a personal religion, or being indoctrinated in a subversive ideology? Are they being motivated to carry out violent acts or “merely” ways to impose Sharia law? What will be the impact on your community from their presence and influence?

What is taught in mosques, generally, may not be the same as what is taught in a specific mosque. The sponsor, or Imam associated with the mosque proposed in your community is probably the key to what is likely to be taught. Diligent research is required to determine the degree of devoutness, orthodoxy, or radicalness of those associated with the proposed mosque to determine what specifically is likely to be taught and become a threat. What are the sponsors associations; who are his associates? What connections do they have with known radicals, subversives, or terrorists?

A potential obstacle to challenging the establishment of a mosque is the constitutionally protected status of religion. However, if an organization can be identified as a radical ideology that is a subversive threat to the law, order, and security of your community or to the nation, the religious connotation may not shield their activities. Their non-profit or religious tax status might also be challenged. Research skills and time are essential for thoroughly vetting the players associated with a proposed mosque.

Next, you need to know how to identify and assemble allies, your “team”, your resources and strategies to effectively campaign to achieve your goals. Government officials and media are potential allies. But getting their support will be an uphill battle for a variety of reasons. Knowledge of real estate, planning, zoning, historic preservation, and eminent domain are all helpful tools to enhance your chances of victory.

One thing is certain. Hundreds, maybe thousands of additional mosques will be proposed and approved in the United States over the next decade. How many will be in your community? The number of Minarets that loom over your homes and offices may not be a legitimate concern. You may agree with President Obama that the Islamic call to prayer is “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”[ii] But five times a day may be a problem.

The real problem is the potential for what is taught, what is learned, what is promoted and what is ultimately practiced and the consequences to your freedom and security that may result from what goes on in your neighborhood mosque. The following chapters will help you discover for yourself what kind of threat your local mosque may pose and what to do about it.

The term “mosque”, while having a unique meaning, is also used in this book to refer to “Islamic Training Centers” and “Islamic Schools.” They all have a similar potential for teaching hatred, promoting Sharia law, and funding terror. It is presumed that not all mosques or Islamic training centers do this. But we don’t know for sure which ones don’t.

The term “radical” is used throughout this narrative in connection with the terms “Muslim” and “Islam.” By definition of Islam, a Muslim who practices Islam is a radical from the perspective of western Judeo-Christian culture. Using the term “radical” is not to imply that there is a large body of Muslims who are not radical from the western perspective. Those who claim to be “Muslim”, who sincerely share western values, by definition of orthodox Islam, are not Muslim. They may be Muslim by tradition or culture in the same way a nominal or non-practicing Christian is a “Christian.” But by definition, Islam is an anathema to western values and is thus “radical.” There may indeed be a small, relatively non-influential, body of Muslims who espouse western values. But these would be “radicals” by orthodox Islamic standards. And in fact, it cannot be known with any assurance that such supposed “moderates” (by western standards) are not being orthodox Muslims, laying low, being good neighbors, while practicing their radical Islamic ideology in private.

Prepare for name-calling. The one thing you need to prepare for when you embark on an effort to discourage a mosque in your community is name-calling. You will be subject to being called an “Islamophobe”, intolerant, racist, and bigot. You will be called “culturally insensitive” and a “fear-monger.” The media is likely to parrot whatever epithet Muslim defenders choose to characterize you. Please know that such name-calling is itself a bigoted act. It is done out of deception on the part of many Muslims, and out of ignorance on the part of those who blindly repeat their message. You are the one who is knowledgeable of the threat. Others may not be. Expressing the truth, expressing real concerns is not intolerant or racist. In fact, Lt. Col. Allan West expressed it best when he said “We must realize that when tolerance becomes a one way street it leads to cultural suicide.” Political correctness is not helpful. Islam uses our culture’s innate belief in and practice of tolerance to further its own culture of intolerance. We cannot be bullied or manipulated into “submission”, which is the meaning of “Islam.”

Once you are confident of your local City Council or County Commission's understanding of the reasons for concern about a mosque in your community, you might propose a resolution be considered by your local governing authority. A resolution like the example provided below would demonstrate the commitment of local governmental leaders to pracitce due diligence by thoroughly vetting the mosque sponsors for terrorist or subversive ties or intent to teach or promote Sharia law in your community.

A Resolution of the [City][County] of ________________________ Concerning

the Establishment of Mosques or Islamic Training Centers within This Jurisdiction

WHEREAS, Islam was founded upon the writings, life, and admonitions of Muhammad as depicted in the Qur'an, the Sunnah, and the Hadith;

WHEREAS, the Qur'an, the Sunnah, and the Hadith serve as the basis for the practice of Islam today;

WHEREAS, most common interpretations of said writings among adherents to Islam result in Islam being practiced as a political ideology as much as a religion;

WHEREAS, the political ideology inherent in Islam teaches and promotes actions that are in opposition to the constitutional form of governance in the United States;

WHEREAS, the practice of said political ideology is likely to be seditious, subversive, or treasonous, and may become an endangerment to the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of this community;

WHEREAS, the facilities in which such ideology is taught are known as mosques and Islamic training centers, and

WHEREAS, said facilities may from time to time be proposed to be established in this community.


The background and affiliations of any sponsor, agent, representative, leader, or any associate thereof who proposes or applies for any licnese, approval, permit or development order for a mosque or Islamic training center shall be fully investigated and vetted to determine the existence of any association or affiliation of said person or persons with terrorist or subversive organizations in any part of the world.

The source of financing, funding or other resources used for the establishment of a mosque or Islmaic training center shall be fully disclosed and confirmed.

The curriculum and reading lists of the proposed mosque or Islamic training center will be reviewed.

This governmental entity will do all in its power to prohibit the establishment of any facility or organization which, based on the above information, teaches, promotes, or engages in seditious, subversive or treasonous activities.

Nothing in this Resolution shall infer or imply any regulation or abridgment of any practice of religion as is understood and traditionally practiced in the United States of America.


[ii] New York Times, March 6, 2007