Sudden Jihad Syndrome

A term coined by Daniel Pipes to refer to the sudden transformation of a moderate Muslim into one who commits acts of violence or terror. This may result from one of two situations:

1) When a "moderate" Muslim becomes more immersed in his religion, becoming more devout and more knowledgable about the historical teaching and mandates of his religion. As a Muslim becomes more devout, he lowers his resistence to committing violent acts, motivated by the call to violent Jihad. The tipping point is "sudden Jihad syndrome."

2) When a Muslim who appears to be a "moderate" Muslim to others hides his true beliefs and intent through effective practice of "taqiyya" (Islamic sanctioned deceit) and later decides to come out of the closet and let people know what he really thinks through the practice of violent Jihad usually in the form of a terrorist act.

It is instructive to note that as Muslims become more devout, they tend toward greater violence. As Christians become more devout, they tend toward greater piety and greater tendency to promote non-violence and prayer. If you disagree, see "moral equivalency."