Next ACϟJC: 14 April, 2014 11am, Irène Balmès

Post date: Apr 9, 2014 6:11:51 PM

Title: CLASHing Dark Matter halos


The CLASH (Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble) is a survey aimed at putting constraints on the nature of dark matter and dark energy through the study of 25 massive galaxy clusters (associated with a SN search which I will not talk about here). One of its goal is the measure of the mass-concentration relationship.

On April 4th they released on arXiv three papers about this subject: arXiv:1404.1375 and arXiv:1404.1376 describing the reconstruction of the surface-density profiles and the obtained M-c relationship, and comparing this observational relation with results from simulations. arXiv:1404.1384 presents the simulations and how they obtained the M-c relationship there, taking into account observational bias and the heterogeneity of their observational sample of clusters. I will summarize these three papers and present their results.

Discussion Leader: Irène Balmès