Next ACϟJC: 23 April, 2015 11:00am, Tania Regimbau

Post date: Apr 16, 2015 6:09:26 PM

Title: The Gravitational-Wave Stochastic Background: Sources and Detection with LIGO/Virgo

Abstract: According to various cosmological scenarios, we are bathed in a stochastic background of gravitational waves generated in the first instants after the Big Bang. Detection of this background would have a profound impact on our understanding of the evolution of the Universe, as it represents a unique window on the very early Universe. In this talk, I will discuss the accessibility of the different models with the future generation of GW detectors such as LIGO or Virgo, and the constrains we expect to put on their parameters. I will also discuss the implication of the latest BICEP2 and Planck results.

Discussion Leader: Tania Regimbau (Nice Observatory, France)