Next ACϟJC: 19 March, 2018, Monday 11:00am

Post date: Mar 18, 2018 8:26:02 PM

our next ACJC will be on March 19 at the usual place and time: IFT-UNESP 11 am.

We are going to start with the papers discussion. Please, upload your favourite papers on the CosmoCoffee page

Then Vinícius Santos Terra will present a short talk :

Title: Angular High-Order Correlation Functions in Cosmology

Abstract: In this seminar I'll show the principal results about High-Order Correlation Functions and their harmonic counterpart (the polyspectra) in Large Scale Structure of the Universe. First I'll give the mathematical definition of polyspectra and their meaning. Then I'll talk about non-Gaussianities, what seeded them and their evolution. Finally, I'll discuss about the estimation of polyspectra using real data.